Lost Ark Guide: Earn 15K Gold Per Platinum Field Ticket

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Okay, welcome to the Platinum fields guide with  Wingkin. So, first thing we're going to do is   we're going to select a swiftness character which  is the Paladin in my case I have a specific build   with actual Spirit absorption embedded in so  I get more movement speed I also have a build   that includes uh two movement skills which is  Dash slash and charge which has move distance,  move speed, and this one is a crazy  Dash you will see soon. The other   thing you want to prepare is a good tool  so I also have a master foraging tool.  I am worried about the durability decreasing  so I have another tool which is expert foraging   tool until that happens I'll explain why and the  other thing I want to show you is that I have no   foraging mats to sell right now for foraging and  for mining as well so it's not enough to actually   sell any Stacks here so we can calculate the end  how much per ticket we're getting okay let's jump   straight into it so I got the farm build on and  we're going to just enter solo into nahun's domain hmm now the first thing you want  to do when zoning in is see which   of these are the closest ones that you want  that will drop the special material so this   is a pure white herb we're looking for Pure  White herbs Atlites and Cypress trees so there's  there's a cypress tree there at right  there okay let's go to the right first   and the first thing is as you can see I'm going  to equip my expert tool.. so expert tools equipped   and this is the dash it's crazy right okay  so cypress tree is a potential one to drop a   bird's nest which is one of these things bird's  nest tiny cypresses so you just cut this down   and I'll tell you when I  swap to the master tool soon   okay we've got a bird's nest we're gonna drop  pick this up and then we're gonna head over   and the reason we're going to do this is because  the bird's nest the first hand in will give you   movement speed which you want throughout and  it will scale throughout the Platinum field   so this is definitely something you want early  on. So, the strategy is you'll you'll get one and you'll get a second one and the  second one decreases the chance for   your tool to break so I believe this  one was Atlite so let's go down here and let's hope this gives us Black  Crystal.. and it does so let's go now the next turn-in doesn't do anything at all   because the Milestone is four turn-ins. So you're  free to do another turn in but be careful with   the fourth because that will regenerate all  the materials and we are going to use that   to our advantage so we've got three (two*) I'm  gonna go ahead and start going to the left now As you can see it's insanely fast. and  since I've got two the durability decrease   or chance of durability decrease decreases  so okay so that didn't drop any soil of life okay we're good and now we're just going to clear  the whole map of origin and hopefully, we'll find   that's what happens sometimes   we'll find another special material on the way  and then we can decide how to go from there we've got the green thumb and we're just gonna  blast the whole map. Now, I like having the   overlay map open at this time... just so I know  where the leaves are and the pathing can be   optimized but that's completely your preference.  I skip everything else because we want to clear   two full Maps. Okay, there's a soil of Life  there but it's a bit far so we'll leave it there this goes into a corner so I'm not going to  go to that dead end I'm going to keep going another soil of life but it's way too  far so I'll leave it there for now I could have taken the cypress tree actually And it's just scattered... if that's an  appropriate place to grab it but it's okay and these monsters are really squishy so  you don't even have to worry about them   you can kill them if you want like this  but you know it doesn't make a difference so if you only focus on mushrooms  and flowers you're not going to run   out of your buff you're just going  to keep going so just keep going This is relatively close to the T  intersection here so I'm just gonna   grab these two and then go down. You can  blow this up as well if there's a purple   up here but there's rarely a purple up there  oh I grabbed the Soil of Life by accident I have to scout for another turn in soon ah missed one here if you see a big tree like this I like to have  the kick ready so I just kick it on the way   oh no kick there we go ah doesn't  give you much but it's there so the strategy next is to bring the raft  all the way home however there are some   cases where you won't have material to bring back  so we're going to look out for another material mushroom there so hopefully there's a pure white herb there I'm  gambling that that's going to be please don't take   me off let's let's hope this is the soil of Life  there we go, beautiful so we're gonna get the next   raft which will be coming soon so we can just  take our time and cut things and do things here we can even grow trees if you want for fun  the raft is still on its way cypress tree okay I really did I was just wasting time  there until this raft came so we get on   this raft with the material that's gonna  give us three out of four so we still need   one more I'm gonna gamble that the next  best one would be this cypress tree here   so I'm gonna run from the base  area to the cypress tree afterwards so this rough will take us all  the way down to here and then   that's pretty close to the base  that's why we're doing this okay generally you won't actually break your your  special material unless you stand still so   don't worry too much about getting hit by mobs  okay we're gonna check out the cypress tree so   let's just go use all your movement skills  it's brilliant glow please go find some more   I'll pay you platinum and coins for the  worst situation we go to this left soil   of life here on the top left but I'm hoping  that this is also going to drop a bird's nest right as planned so when this is turned in we're  going to regenerate all the materials as well as   open up the secret cave area so we've got  seven minutes left I think we're on track   for a pretty tight clear I guess but it's  still going to be a full clear I believe so   let's see how we go and we're going to run to  the left straight after we get this down okay   make sure you skip let's go now I'm going  to be skipping all the corner ones dead   ends like the one that we started on so  I'm just going to strip go straight up   oh actually maybe not because the  purples I'm gonna go because it's purple let's go thank you now the thing you have to watch out for if it's  a pure white herb they might drop us all of Life   by accident and also if you dropped a solo like  before you have to be really careful when you're   not when you're foraging so you might have  to pick it up and just put it aside if you're   lucky you can ignated amount of gathering you  can kind of make sure it's as forage before   you press the G button but I think we have  time to do that kind of stuff otherwise if   you're really short on time and you're not on  track I would just skip it and just keep going this is an example... so I would hover. It  says forage, so I'm just going to press G. it says Forage again.. Okay,  I lost my buff... unlucky oh my gosh, where's my buff! Okay, there we go. yeah... four minutes might be a little bit tight  so I'm just gonna just really speed through foreign actually it's only going to be one so pure white   herbs you can only Harvest once  so sometimes it's not worth it okay we've got three minutes left thank you is that kick up it is but we've already kicked  this straight so it doesn't work it's all good no that's business that's a mistake no okay unlucky let's cut the tree while we wait we're gonna lose the buff we've got two minutes   left which gives us a bit of  a bit of time but not a lot towards you look at the time we have to  leave very soon you should hurry up and   finish what you were doing okay  so we have to get the buff again unlucky there got a minute still unlucky that's this isn't going to be tight going  to be tight mostly because of the raft and   the special so we're gonna skip all the gold  here and we might be able to just scrape it please give me a buff yep good ticket thank you foreign I think we made it but very very tight so there  are some RNG aspects to it that might delay you   like that cypress tree mostly and then yeah  we got that's the whole map we missed one   here but that's okay I think if we tried  to get that one we would miss everything so   yeah we're done I hope you enjoyed that but  before we close off the video I have a special   I think I'm gonna include which is the  calculation of how much God we're earnings so I'm gonna open these boxes these box these bags  are due to what you turn in so we only turned in   one flower two cypress trees and yeah that is the  run so we're gonna leave and calculate the mats great okay so we're back to Nia Village  we're going to use the auction house and register stronghold materials not the auction house sorry  market register stronghold materials so that was   one run we were empty before and now we are at  142. I'm just going to list market price and I   have an Excel shade right here that will help  me with it so wildflowers 142 quantity is 30. 96 so slightly above 96 11. and then the next one is 17 okay okay 17 is fine 3 000 17 186 okay, that one means that no one's selling it   right now so I can actually go a bit  higher so I'm gonna do a bit higher   ah I'll relist it soon actually I'll put it  at a decent price so the video is okay 20 58. okay so that's all the flowers  as you can see if we sum this up after tax still doesn't make sense oh that's why the formula's wrong guys fifteen thousand gold just from  flowers guys that's how much it is.   Any questions, let me know in the comments!
Channel: Ken Yuen
Views: 71,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lost Ark, NAW, Valtan, Platinum Field, Guide, Paladin, Pally, Speed Clear, Speed Run, Lost Ark Guides, Plat Fields, How to Clear Plat Fields, Effective Platinum Fields, MinMax Plat Fields, Lost Ark Make Money, Earn Gold Lost Ark, Auction House Lost Ark, Mark Gold Losk Ark, Lost Ark Gold, Lost Ark Gold Farm, lost ark gold making, lost ark gold making guide
Id: LVWFi4QN3wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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