LOST ARK - Breaker 'Asura's Path' In-depth Guide (Read Pinned)

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so you want to be a Sher breaker of course you do that's why you clicked on this video this isn't like other overview videos I did in the past this is an actual guide there's going to be a lot of yapping so I did you the favor of chaptering the video so you can skip to the info you need let's start your journey into becoming a punch God shur is a transliteration of the more commonly known as shur and was often used in religious and literary Works to describe the violent Natures of war and conflict more modern gaming Works sh is more famously known from from software's Masterpiece game Securo to describe someone who would succumb to Eternal blood lust in martial arts terms it refers to one who follows a path of Carnage and destruction in pursuit of power immortality fame or fortune and was also a common way to refer to the Japanese demigod of war in Lost Arc sh is the frontal attack engraving build for the breaker fighter class also known as the male gender unlocked version of the existing Scrapper it's a fastpaced Non-Stop action Bild that leverages an extremely powerful identity skill that transforms its basic attack into a whirlwind of of devastating Jabs and hooks it's often compared to the famous Dempsey role popularized in the boxing anime hajim minoo as well as one punch man sit's famous consecutive normal punches scene players who enjoy thrilling high octane moments with very high highs and low lows will naturally be attracted to this play style provided you can acclimate the front positional play style of class it's big as deterrent I would describe the class difficulty is low as far as mechanics go but requires a great deal of content knowledge to know how and when to commit to your burst relying on the boss to do patterns that can't Pierce through your defenses as well as keeps it from turning for more than 4 seconds since 40 to 60% of your damage output comes from this burst it's a very All or Nothing play style that rewards players who take risks the engraving description for wave the sure is a novel in it and of itself so I'll just summarize the gist of it when way the sure engraving effect is at least level one a few passive effects occur and two new abilities become available to you your overall damage output and movement speed are passively increased while you're in combat and the maximum amount of of stamina and shock resource you can hold at any given time is reduced by 30% this does not mean that you're going to get 30% less shock and stamina when attacking the enemies this just means that the maximum amount that you could hold at any given time is 30% lower than without the engraving your identity is replaced with the shur gauge disabling the benefit of specialization set altogether which is purely meant for the other engraving in order to build shur energy for his identity gauge a special system is put in place every time you alternate between a stamina skill and a shock skill you'll gain 4% of your gauge this 4% is on cast and isn't influenced by any stat so you can't make it go any faster besides for casting faster Blue skills in the breaker's kit are considered shock skills for the record yellow skills are stamina and green skills are also shock this means that a total of 26 skills are initially needed to fill the gauge one to start the cycle and then 25 more skills that each fill 4% in total it should always take around 25 to 30 seconds to fill the gauge with varying time depending on skill Loadout selection there are a few classes that share this trait of being able to build identity by attacking the air with Scrapper and wind Fury aeromancer being the only other ones you also gain access to two new skills self-defense fighting default bound to the X identity skill button and it serves as your main defensive ability ensure a finisher which is the name of your basic attack when you enter the sh State self-defense fighting is the most powerful defensive skill in the game while active you gain a 40% HP Shield 20% damage reduction and push immunity for 2 seconds if you are struck at any time during these two seconds it will extend the effect's duration by another 3 seconds this effect can only occur once each time you cast The Shield the coold down of the skill is 10 seconds starting immediately after activation and can be easily tracked by a vibrant red bar that appears next to your character after use as well as on your debuff bar what makes this skill so powerful is that there is no activation animation for it it can be used at any time during any other skill to provide you protection while you use that skill this effectively means that you can give a powerful shield and push immunity to any ability in Your Arsenal when played correctly your skill and your strength as a shur is ultimately decided by how creatively and smartly you utilize this Shield breer's normal basic attack sequence is a right hook into two Jabs into a heavier left hook when you enter the sh State his basic attack converts into sherff finisher which leads with two Jabs a pause followed by 27 more Jabs with each hand ending with a powerful hook and totaling for 57 strikes in the whole string entering the sh State also deals a small amount of damage to surrounding enemies which will put you into the combat state if you aren't already and it also applies 6% damage Synergy to Targets near you for 10 seconds and it counts as a skill for the sake of adrenaline stacking Sher finisher also has push immunity while you're attacking with it the sh state does not once you engage the punching it does self-defense fighting and Sh finisher are the bread and butter that largely Define the way of the shur these Jabs are already several times stronger than the normal basic attack however they gain an additional damage depending on your current crit chance at engraving level three 200% of your current crit rate is also converted into raw damage for sure finishers Jabs an ending hook so if you have 50% crit chance that would be a 100% increase of damage note that the only crit chance that influences this bonus damage to sh a finisher must be reflected in the advanced tab of your character stats that means debuffs to bosses that increase your crit against them do not count and bracelet lines and increase crit but don't appear on the stat sheet also do not count ruling out the precise line as a choice this is a rough damage profile of how much each skill in Your Arsenal deals as you can see flash of light and Sh a finisher make up the line share of your damage composition however it's very important to understand that depending on the pace of the fight Sheriff finisher can contribute more or less damage when a fight features a mechanic or a gimmick that the boss is not available on the field or is untargetable or under Dr for more than 20 seconds a Sher breaker will use this time to shadow box the air to build the gauge having shur mode prepared for when the boss is ready to attack again when fights feature several of these kinds of mechanics Sheriff finisher makes up a far larger contribution however in fights where the boss is largely targetable for most of the fight duration such as in the later Gates normal skills will often make up more than 50% of your damage profile there are two ways to build shur and so you're either going to use five damage Gems or six five damage gems are used for the fast gauge build that takes eradicate as a skill to speed up cycling six damage gems take Jung Wall Dance which will deal some damage and has a noticeably higher coold down and cast time in a vacuum inrix in the six damage gem build is slightly stronger however in real raid scenarios especially one with many mechanics many find the five damage gem set up to be a lot more comfortable and smooth to play myself included if you're playing sh as an ALT or budget character and can only manage one highle gem for sure a finisher then it's strongly recommended to play the five damage gem build since the damage profile is largely made up by two skills only two of them actually need to be high level for your damage gems the others can be a lower level since they only comprise 20 to 40% of the damage of the cooldown jams only one is very important to be high which is the King's Advance this skill is a low damage Dash punch which is shared with Scrapper and existing Scrapper players are already aware that the reason why it needs to be high is because a skill has a tripod at level 10 which reduces its own cooldown by 50% when it connects with a Target since breaker's build uses more shock skills than stamina skills it's important to bring this skills cool down as low as possible since it's the main driver for cycling stamina skills to build sure energy energ the cool down reduction from the gem is applied to the initial cool down in the skill before the 50% from the tripod sure is a crit focused class build which is relatively uncommon compared to spec and swiftness builds the engraving is designed where you can't deviate from crit as a focus stat due to the additional damage from the punches spec doesn't affect shur at all and swiftness doesn't have as many benefits outside of raate Captain Effectiveness since the stats from it don't really benefit sh finisher much at all because Shir gets so much damage from crit and cannot rely on crit synergies from teammates to make up any of the Lost crit chance you have to get as close to 100% crit chance as possible without overcapping since crit chance over 100% does not benefit shur finisher some breaker players will cut a crit domination bracelet to reduce the overall cost and swiftness has relatively poor scaling you're still going to want it on your necklace but you know on your bracelet that's a place where you can make a compromise overall swiftness is still better for the bracelet but it is an option to bring the price down domination noticeably increases damage against foes that are staggered countered after a weak point check and after certain major gimmicks there's always a very distinct sound cue when any of these occur the Engravings are set in stone and there aren't really any deviations in a completed build as mentioned before there are some small complications with breaker because you can't use Synergy to increase your crit chance for him he needs to get his crit chance on his own but the max build a breaker has 98% crit chance meaning without adrenaline level two you'll only have 93% crit chance the main reason this is a problem is because of the 200% damage scaling on sh finisher from your crit chance if you're losing 5% crit chance and 1.6% attack power you're also losing 5.4% damage on your sherff finisher relative to 93% crit chance uh this would be 196% bonus damage versus 186 93 * 2 versus 98 * 2 Share breaker requires some form of stronghold feast in order to reach Max raate Captain efficiency at best you'll get 11% movement speed from your swiftness stat 15% from the class engraving and 12% from yearning this means you'll need at least 2% from another source breaker doesn't need a specific food to maintain Mana so wine from the cruise liner providing 3% will also work for this breaker provides the weakest Synergy type which is target takes 6% more damage for his party his Synergy is applied from lightning Flash and sweep to low coold down skills that are frequently cycled for shur energy as well as when he activates the shur State as mentioned previously he cannot be paired with crit Synergy since they will not increase shur finisher's damage there are mainly two popular skill builds for shur breaker most of the skills are set in stone but where you can make a choice is between the last shock skill between eradicate and Chiang W dance selecting the former will put push your damage SK towards St a finisher while selecting the ladder will push the damage SK towards regular skills slightly in a trian scenario the variation using jungal dance comes out slightly ahead in damage but in real raid scenarios with boss mechanics many people have found eradicate to work better for them to cycle shur finisher quicker in my testing I found that conviction and judgment did help in reducing the total time to build shur energy by 1 to two seconds bringing it down from 23 to 24 seconds to 21 to 22 seconds in trian there weren't really many disadvantage ages to putting it in the kit Lightning Strike hits three times so it triggers conviction somewhat consistently but you'll have to remember to follow it up with emergency in order to activate judgment if you don't like conviction and judgment I found it perfectly fine to use Epic galin on emergency put the legendary bleed on lightning strike and put a rare quick recharge on sweep it didn't seem to affect the cycle that much breaker doesn't run into Mana issues so conviction and judgment is purely for the cooldown reduction component if it's used at all personally I just use Quick recharges sh only has a few crucial level five tripods namely any tripod that's related to the shock gauge as well as damage tripods on flash of light must be prioritized he has a few tripods that are leveled just because you have excess so it's pretty easy to raise his tripods these are mainly on utility skills that happen to have a damage tripod on them like the Kings advance or sweep there's a few flavor picks for tripods and a couple of the skills for these there's no right or wrong answer it comes down to player preference and how the skill operates for the Emergency skill on the second row you have a choice between position occupancy or spiral bullet both add movement to the skill that allow it to function as a mini Dash position occupancy gives slightly more damage to the skill however has a slightly longer animation time position occupancy backloads the damage so if you use it as an engage you won't lose as much of the damage versus spiral bullet which deals its damage along the dash if you you think you'll often use this as a gap closer you can select position occupancy but if you feel like the slightly increased animation time will cause issues it's better to stick with spiral bullet the other skill that allows you to make a choice is the second highest contributing skill flash of light on the second row of the skill there are two good choices for shur Ultra close strike reduces the range of the attack but also reduces the casting animation by half a second prepared attack is a bit more unique it provides slightly more damage but the main draw of this tripod is is you assume a defensive stance when you cast flash of light when you're in this stance you have Push immunity and take 50% less incoming damage for the next hit if you are hit during this you'll immediately launch the punch in a split second if you're not hit during this you'll launch the punch anyways after 1 second if you time this well you can actually launch flash of light much faster than if you use ultra close strike but that's depending on the boss's patterns which is unreliable especially during times where the boss is staggered or countered still it can be useful as training wheels for being much safer during Prague as well as a few other clever scenarios like surviving the mine's domain expansion without needing time stop or having to dodge out of the way the optimal Elixir set for sure is critical however if you can't get a 97 Stone then Master is a fine Choice as well and will actually in Theory actually provide more damage than critical in the case that you are running adrenaline level one as your plus one you can't recover Master Stacks while punching those so be mindful of that since Master is a linear damage bonus not backloaded like adrenaline even having four Stacks is potentially more powerful than critical for shur in that setup Master should not be used if you're planning on running adrenaline level three this is especially the case in early gearing Vanguard could be used but is not recommended since it actually Alters your play style and forces you to use the space bar during times where you might not want to still at the end of the day I highly recommend taking the critical set as it requires the light the least amount of thinking and alterations to your play style breaker uses the standard card set everyone else uses loss win Cliff or deep dive for early progression light of salvation for late game progression for Guardian raids including the trial ones you have access to a very powerful combination of cards combining a voice calls and platinus people will grant you 23.2% additional damage against Guardians as well as 15% decreased incoming damage Sher has a very hyperactive play style if your identity gauge is not currently full you must be casting something to work towards filling it no matter what the boss is currently doing certain skills have a priority to use over others due to cooldowns the king's Advance namely has the highest priority to use among all stamina skills since it only has a 3 second cool down when you factor the tripod and the gems it's your main skill for cycling the stamina side of things for your shock skills flash of light has the highest priority followed by emergency if you're at or near Two Stacks then jinpa gwan and then sweep then eradicate if you're not near two stacks of emergency then it has the lowest priority since it won't cause any cooldown jams while recovering the second stack you can also hold on to sweep if needed as a counter skill when shate is ready it should take the highest priority at the First Convenient opportunity to use Sher finisher however if flash of light is available use that first to put it on cool down while you're using your identity skill sure State Beyond being your biggest damage contributor also allows all of your cooldowns to recover around 6 seconds while you are punching your Awakening completely refills your identity gauge be careful because the identity is recharged momentarily after the last attack so if you are grabbed by a boss during it you will lose the identity refill if for whatever reason you launch your Awakening while you're in the shur State you won't lose the identity gauge refill after your current shur State depletes the refill will occur immediately afterwards your Awakening is best used during damage windows that are 8 to 10 seconds long if the fight doesn't feature a damage window that long then just use it at your earliest convenience to refill the gauge after using shur a finisher using it earlier in the fight is ideal if you think you can get more uses of it so if you're doing a boss Kate that will only take 4 minutes then it doesn't really matter when you use it as long as you do use it at some point but if the fight takes for example 6 minutes you want to use it within the first minute so you can get another refill towards the end of the fight the main component of your play style is self-defense fighting your Parry skill it has a multitude of uses to engage on patterns that are otherwise lethal especially when combined with a supporter Shield you can sit in attacks that would otherwise kill anyone else and continue punching the activation of self-defense fighting also counts as a skill usage so in scenarios where you need another adrenaline sack it can be useful to begin in your punches one skill sooner and use the shield activation as an adrenaline stack it's very important that you never commit to punching without being able to reach six stacks of adrenaline since it accounts for a large amount of your Shure finisher's damage entering the shur State counts as an identity skill and so does self-defense fighting so you have to use at least four skills before activating your identity if you're in a rush this might be something that some people might not like about the class but the speed in which you input the basic attack key does influence the rate at which you can punch during sh finisher this means that people who can click faster or click while also hitting their basic attack key on their keyboard or for the more nefarious sort utilizing some sort of Click macro will finish their 57 hit punch cycle sooner than those who just hold the button down and it's actually by a very noticeable amount of time this matters a lot because you can bring down the total time of sh finisher to nearly 4 and a half seconds at the maximum speed as opposed to 6 seconds if you just hold it down normally the ladder is especially a big problem because your adrenaline might fall off during the punches without using self-defense fighting if it takes that long whereas if you can do it fast enough you can easily maintain adrenaline by casting a skill as soon as your punches end more importantly with enough speed you can actually activate a second punch cycle within the same identity allowing you to fit in nearly 70 to 75 punches two of which are finishing hooks you'll mainly notice this if other characters in your party provide you an attack speed synergy during your sherff finisher another tech with sherff finisher that greatly increases its damage is called sequence breaking this is stopping the current string of punes early to begin a new sequence in the middle of the same identity doing this increases the overall number of punches and adds an additional finishing hook to the overall amount of punches having more attack speed will help with this though with enough attack speed you can actually just finish the full sequence and begin a new one without having to do the cancel if you aren't getting attack speed from additional sources though and just have the default amount which is around 123% with yearning plus 3.5% or more from stronghold fees letting go of the basic attack key when the gauge is between 80 and 40% remaining and beginning a new sequence will almost always net you 12% more damage on sherff finisher in some cases though you can gain 25% more damage though the timing on this is still being researched especially on Lower attack speed thresholds Sher has excellent team utility across the board as a front attacker he shares the trait of other front attackers having fast counters solid stagger and high amounts of weak point for your counters you have two low cooldown short range punches with a small built-in Dash that both counter lightning strike and sweep one is a stamina skill and one is a shock skill but as they're both core to building sh energy there can be times where neither is available for weak point your rotation has seven still remember to cycle your stamina and shock skills though even while doing the weak point check unless your sh energy is all already full then it doesn't matter if you alternate or not for stagger you have a lot of fast casting skills that deal moderate stagger values unfortunately a lot of the Stagger checks in Lost dark also include damage reduction which makes people withhold their stronger skills never use shur finisher for stagger unless it's towards the end of a stagger check and there is no Dr involved one for the amount of time it takes to do all the punches the Stagger is terrible two supporter Buffs come well typically after the Stagger check and and not during and obviously you don't want to be see you don't want to send your strongest skill into D if it's present uh flash of light should also be withheld for stagger checks for its damage but everything else is fair game to send into the Stagger check if your sure energy is empty it's also okay to burn your Awakening for stagger to refill the gauge before the check is complete but be aware that the Stagger that it deals is also kind of low for the animation time so there can be concerns of stagger check fail if you do that breaker chaos dungeon isn't really very good or exciting he has a skill that resets itself but the damage on it is really really low because the tripod that lowers its cool down doesn't increase its damage jangal Dance's second tripod on the last row reduces cool down based off of Target's hit but if you're doing the five damage gem build you might not actually have a damag gem for this in which case it's really highly advised to at least keep one of the event gems for this purpose should you graduate to level 9 and 10 gems later on you also still have to build shock gauge to use it each time so you're going to be taking stamina skills to alternate with it like always you'll ideally want to not have Grudge since it doesn't do anything in chaos dungeon Contender is decent and preemptive strike actually isn't very useful since your main mob clearing skill is a multi-hit skill the way of the shur engraving is still useful for its passive damage and movement speed even if you won't really be using the shur finisher in there having a high swiftness build is also a plus if you want to be able to use changal dance with absolutely no cool down as as always feel free to ask questions in the comments I've been a bit more proactive to answering questions in videos these days so I'll try to get to it when I see it either during a stream or when I have time on the side uh this is a little bit different than my usual overview type videos I normally don't do guides because guides tend to eventually become outdated especially after balance changes so I hope that this one stays relevant for a good while uh I hope that you guys enjoy breaker breaker is my main these days I love the class um I was a big fan of the infighter or Monk class from dungeon Fighter online so when they announced breaker uh a long long time ago I made a promise that if this class was anything remotely close to that class fantasy from DFO that I would make the commitment to main swap to it you know this arbitrary main swap or Main designator and uh here we are and I don't regret the decision this class is basically everything that I hoped it would be uh so I really hope that you enjoy it too and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Saintone
Views: 100,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark, saintone, saint one, loa, legion raid lost ark, loa university, lost, ark, raid, pve, breaker, shura, asura, guide
Id: -VEJ5TnFyu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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