[Lost Ark] Destroyer profound engraving guide

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hello guys it's memorizer92 on last video about destroyer guide i thought i need profound version of engraving session so today we're gonna go in deeper into the engravings for destroyer if you haven't seen my last video i will recommend you to watch that one in advance the destroyer guide because you might not understand going through this there are lots of sets you can make for engraving but i'm gonna go over four of popular ones three for hammer abrasion and one for gravity training that are already gone for studies in kr then let's get started now this is the most popular engraving set currently for hammer of rage destroyer gross increases damage by 20 percent supercharged increases the casting speed of chargeable skills by 40 percent and damage by 20 hammer of rage increases discharge skills crit rate by 5 and crit damage by 15 for each core which means 15 percent and 45 each on triple core cursed doll increases attack by 16 and barricade increases damage by 16 whenever you have showed on notice that not even one of these engravings need conditions they don't require something like head attack or back attack they just purely increases your output which is the stabilized build with decent damage the stat you want for this set can be crit main with swiftness as sub or the proportion of crit specialization and swiftness as two to one to one first one stabilizes your damage since you will have super high crit rate along with decent amount of swiftness which will let you land skills easier second one has the potential of specialization which is the step that increases the damage of discharge skills and this one also has swiftness but has lower crit rate now i'm going to show you guys a short experiment regarding these engravings and stats but before that i have one important thing that i would like you guys to know if someone asks me after watching this video like so which one is better or which one is the strongest then my answer is it doesn't work like that you know there's so many rng that's contributed here like crit rate and accuracy if you raise your specialization of course it will raise your damage more compared to meaning crit if it crits though which means it's weaker if it doesn't crit back in the days i had my destroyers crit rate at 75 now most of you guys might think whoa 75 percent that's a lot but it wasn't for me believe me i have so many times watching white collar damage so i got sick of it and transferred to maine crit the thing is that that's my thing right someone might create a lot with 75 unlike me my point is that comparing sets is meaningless so please do the one that suits you now the experiment [Music] yes this set has spirit absorption instead of crystal which increases your attack and movement speed by 15 so things you want from swiftness stat is compensated which means you don't need to raise swiftness so mostly you want to work on your stats like either crit main and the specialization sub or 50 to 50 or somewhere between them this set has master brawler instead of cursed dog which increases the damage of head attack by 25 this is crazy because it does more damage than the grudge but you get the risk of not getting the bonus if you hit the other side you want to go for specialization for this set to maximize the damage when head attacks so this set has the highest risk but also highest return as well it's like gambling when you hit head attack and crits you get the strongest damage ever but if not even one of the conditions are met you get the lowest damage ever notice in lost ark if you head attack with head attack skills you get bonus of 20 damage and 10 stagger back attack gives you bonus over 5 damage and 10 crit rate and perfect swing which is the strongest skill destroyer has can hit both as head and back attack ah [Music] oh i know that having five or three level engraving is unreal for nan eu so let me tell you how you should build for each count of engravings for double three super charge and hammer of rage these two are mandatory engravings that increases casting speed and crit here's the experiment what happens without the supercharge and swiftness that's pretty slow right mobs are not just gonna stay and give you a shot for that for triple three supercharge hammer of rage and grudge for a quadruple three supercharge hammer of rage grudge and barricade barricade is the mandatory engraving when it comes to fourth engravings since destroyers discharge skills give you a shield barricade is a free dps increase without any condition and for the fifth one you go either cursed doll or spirit absorption or master brawler based on the guide what i said keen blunt weapon is not good as fifth engraving this engraving increases crit damage by 50 percent which is insane and there is already a study in kr that if your crit rate is over 60 percent king brown weapon gives you more dps than cursed doll but the reason it's not good for destroyer is because destroyer already has crit damage buff from its class engraving the hammer of rage which increases 45 percent of crit damage at max core so it becomes inefficient to go for double quick damage buff here's a comparison experiment video between barricade curse doll and king blunt weapon that experiment is done with over ninety percent crit rate by the way which is the best condition for keen blunt weapon but surprisingly they all did the same or similar damage and if you consider the fact that king blunt weapon has 10 chance of damage decrease by 20 percent it's worse than rest of the two engravings adrenaline increases crit rate by 15 if you keep up with your stocks but most of you guys who are already running this engraving in na or eu will notice that it suits for fast characters that has high swiftness which means it's hard for destroyer to sustain 15 crit buff in the actual race now if you practice on the sandbag mobs like the turtle any class can sustain adrenaline but you're not just gonna sit there and do the turtle all day right and other mobs that have tricky patterns doesn't allow destroyer to keep up adrenaline now we're into the gravity training this engraving gives you 30 crit rate along with 20 damage buff on z mode which you can activate when you are max in identity gauge also it naturally fills your gauge by two percent for every second the set for gravity training is kind of fixed which means this is the best set for it spirit absorption increases stability allowing you to hit as much as you can in z mode grudge no doubt barricade since you get a lot of shield in z mode and it also increases the damage of discharge skills master brawler pairs up well with spirit absorption because speed buff lets you easier to make position and head attack now i'm going to show you the video notice that i have four discharge skills to fill up the gauge faster and their tripods are different this set doesn't need the casting tripod or edge bonuses since the purpose is to fill up the gauge faster than just dpsing ah yes for gravity training if you are running double three grudge and gravity training is recommended for triple three grudge gravity training and barricade for quadruple 3 grudge gravity training barricade and master brawler well guys that's all for today please hit the subscribe because that will really help me out and thanks for your support and kind reply for the previous videos thank you so much then until the next video stay giga chat boys
Channel: Memorizer 92
Views: 29,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N1qvUcMrBOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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