Loss or Cost Function | Deep Learning Tutorial 11 (Tensorflow Tutorial, Keras & Python)

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in order to understand how neural network training works it's important to have a good understanding of loss or a cost function and that's what we're going to cover in this video as usual we'll go through some theory first and then we'll implement different cost functions in python and at the end we'll have an interesting exercise for you to work on so let's get started in this deep learning uh tutorial series we already built a neural network to recognize handwritten digits and if you have followed that tutorial you will realize one of the parameters that we use while doing model compile was this loss function here and that's what we are going to talk about in this video so moving on to our presentation you can specify different values for this loss function when you are building a keras or a tensorflow model we use past categorical cross entropy but there are other possible values such as binary cross entropy categorical cross entropy mean absolute error mean squared error now in our machine learning tutorial playlist earlier we have talked about mean squared error so we are going to look at these two mean absolute error and mean squared error really quickly by using the example of play card let's say you and your friend is playing uh play club the play cards okay and your friend has three play cards that you are not aware about and he asks you to make a guess on what those cards are you will make a random guess and say the first card is eight the second is queen and the third one is six then you will ask your friend how accurate your prediction was what he will do is he will tell you the error that you made in each of the guesses one way of finding that error could be the absolute distance between those two cards for example the distance between eight and a king is five because after it comes nine ten then jack then queen and then king so total five similarly distance between six and seven is obviously one and queen and nine is three so the total error that you made was nine and the average error would be three because three cards nine divided by three you know simple math three is the mean error this is called mean absolute error the other way of finding the error would be the squared error where you take the error and you do a square of it and then you take an average of that square so here the mean squared error would be 35 by 3. one might ask why do you need to do square well in a neural network training or in general in machine learning having squared error has some utility it allows your gradient design to converge in a better way now what is gradient descent what is uh convergence we'll look into all those parameters uh later on but for now just assume that having squared error is useful in many occasions when you're talking about machine learning so what does loss has to do with respect to neural network that's the question that this grumpy cat is asking and the wise dog is saying that it is used in neural network training so loss is heavily used during neural network training and we'll look into exactly how it is used so we'll go back to our standard insurance data set example if you are not following this tutorial series and you're stumbling across this video randomly i would suggest you watch all the previous tutorials in this deep learning tutorial series we have talked about this insurance data set multiple times here you have age and affordability and based on that you're trying to predict the person will buy insurance or not you see sometimes person with 47 years of age and the he has affordability so he will probably buy it affordability simply means if the person can buy the insurance or not if you are running 10 000 rupees a month and if i ask you to buy insurance of 9 000 rupees a month your affordability will be zero because that's too expensive but if you're earning 10 000 and if i ask you to buy insurance or 500 rupees a month you'll probably buy it okay so that's what that is now here age and affordability is x and having insurance is y these are also called independent parameters and y is a dependent parameter and in machine learn learning all you're trying to do is come up with a prediction function which is y is equal to f of x it's uh it's as simple as that and we have seen this picture before this is logistic regression where based on age and affordability you calculate the weighted sum and then you applied sigmoid function again we have covered all of this in our previous videos so guys if you have not watched it i would suggest you pause this video and watch those awesome tutorials so you are not afraid of all this mathematics this is all very easy math trust me if you've seen previous videos so here the game the name of the game is to figure out w1 and w2 so what happens is you go through your training set this is supervised learning so you go through your training sample one by one so you take 22 and one then initially you try uh to start w1 and w2 with some random weight so right now i'm initializing w1 w2 to be one it can be zero it could be random values you are just making a random case so we initialize w one w two to be one and then we feed the first sample into our neural network we are now talking about training and then we find the outcome so y hat is used for predicted output and y is used for the actual output your actual value is zero here see having insurance is 0 but your y hat is telling you 0.99 so it is obviously making an error so you try to find the error one of the way of finding this error is mean absolute error which is just a absolute difference between these two values similarly you take the second sample you feed it to your network it's called a forward pass this is a very simple single neuron neural network again you calculate the error this is error number two we have total 13 samples so eventually you will get at the 13th sample you will have error number 13 and then you will accumulate all those errors so this is the formula it is like sigma i is equal to 1 to n absolute y minus y hat all it is doing is summing up all the 13 errors and the sum that comes up you take a mean or an average of it it's called mean absolute error or mae here the mean absolute error is called cost function and the individual errors that we are getting error 1 2 etc it's called loss now sometimes people use loss and cost as synonyms but as per andrew ang you know individual errors are called loss and the cumulative error or the mean absolute error is called cost function so here my mean absolute error is 10.02 and once i go through all the training samples once i finish the single round of uh forward passing all the training sample it is called one epoch so one epoch is going through all the training samples once and if you remember from our model.fit fit one of the parameters that it had was epoch so epoch was five so let's look at that you see here we did phi epoch which means we went through all the samples five times in total so mean absolute error is something we already looked at it there are other type of errors as well such as mean squared error and if you want to specify that you will use this particular parameter mean underscore square underscore error and this error is same as mean absolute error the only difference is that instead of taking the absolute difference you take a square of that difference and again this has a value it allows your gradient descent to converge in a better way we will look into the details later but this has a utility the third type of error that you have is log loss or a binary cross entropy so you might have seen that in model.compile sometimes people use binary cross entropy and binary cross entropy is a synonym of log loss and this is the formula for log loss now you can just uh accept that this is the formula i'm not gonna go into details of how i came up with that formula because then it will make this tutorial very very long uh but if you're trying to learn machine learning sometimes you have to just accept the mathematical facts it's like why pi is 22 by 7 well it's a mathematical fact so similarly this is the log logs function do not worry too much about these mathematical equations this is for your understanding uh you don't have to go too much into detail i mean of course if you're interested you can go and figure out why this equation is like this but this is what binary cross entropy means now for logistic regression we use log loss we do not use mean squared error or mean absolute error in our presentation i used a mean absolute error just to keep it simple but in reality practically for logistic regression we will be using mean uh not mean squared error of course but the log loss or binary cross entropy and for that i'm gonna link a nice site article on towards data science the link of this article is in video description below where mr rajes has explained why we choose to use log loss for logistic regression okay so just go through this awesome article you will get an idea but overall uh what we're going to do now is we will implement all this different or loss functions like these three in python and then we'll have an exercise and uh the reason we are going to to go through all of this is because the loss function is used in our neural network training so in future videos we will implement neural network from scratch so it will be important for you to understand uh log loss because ours is a logistic regression and we will be using log loss or binary cross entropy so let's get started with coding now i have launched jupyter notebook and i have y predicted and why true values i have two numpy arrays where i have total five samples where the first one is the predicted value and the second one is the true value and i'm going to first implement the mean absolute error function so i will say def mean absolute error and there will be true param two or two parameters which is y true and y predicted now as we saw in our equation before that mean absolute error is nothing but the absolute difference between your true values and predicted values and then you take a average of that so it is very simple so what we can do is we can go through both these arrays so first i will define this total error variable and then i will run a for loop on two arrays now how do you run for loop parallely in two arrays well you can use zip function so you can say for y through y predicted in zip so zip is y true and y predicted so it will give you one value from both of these array in each iteration i mean you can just print if you want to just be sure we can just print these values initially to see how it looks so m a will be y true y predicted and you can see that it just iterates through the true value so it took point three and then one point seven and one and so on so pretty simple now the absolute difference between these two will be in python there is a function called abs so y true minus y predicted this will give you the absolute difference and then you can add it to total error in each iteration this is how you add it and then once it is done you can say total error is total error and then uh if you want to get a mean you can just say okay mae is equal to total error divided by the length of an array now both the arrays have same length ideally so you will say lan of y true or y predict doesn't matter and then you return that so when you calculate this you get total error to be 2.5 so here what i will do is i will also print the mean absolute error so mean absolute error is amae i mean we have printed it but just to make it more fancy all right now here we use python's for loop but actually the reason numpy is very popular is it allows you to do vector operations very very easily so now we will define the same function using numpy and numpy makes it extremely easy so if you want to take absolute difference between the two see when you do y predicted minus y true if you're a numpy array you can do something like this okay and this is giving you the real difference but if you want to have absolute difference you can do this okay and mean absolute error is the absolute difference and then you just take a mean of it so you can just do np dot mean see 0.5 this was so easy if you want to get total error you can do np dot sum it will give you 2.5 which is a total error but the same function this whole function we did it in just one line so you can realize how powerful numpy is all right now let's implement uh the log loss or binary cross entropy mean square error will be an exercise for you so you guys will implement it but i'm gonna go ahead and implement binary cross entropy here we are using log function now you need to know certain things about log function for example when you do log of 0 for example it is not defined so whenever you have log 0 what you need to do is you need to take a value which is very close to 0 but not 0. so for example if i do let's say this that is fine and that is very close to log 0 so in our function when we define this binary cross entropy function we have to replace 0 with a value which is very close to 0 also look at this formula 1 minus y y hat so first of all we are taking log of only predicted y value not the absolute value and we are taking a log of predicted y value plus 1 minus y value which means if you have 1 for example if you have 1 in a predicted value that will also create a problem because 1 minus 1 will be log 0 which is undefined so the first thing that you need to do is come up with epsilon and by the way friends we are implementing all these loss functions just for your understanding when you are using keras or tensorflow these things are done for you but if you have in-depth understanding of how these loss functions work it could be very useful during interviews if you are applying for machine learning position or data scientist position having this understanding of inner workings will be extremely useful you know in the interview they might ask you to implement log loss function so that's why it's very important to uh go through this code so let's say my epsilon is 1e raised to minus 15. this is like you know like so many 15 zeros and then after one so i will first define epsilon like this and then the y predictor that i have see what i'm trying to do is if i have value 1 i want to replace it with a value which is close to 1 but not 1. so what is the value which is very close to one well point nine nine nine nine nine nine nine similarly i want to replace zero with a value that is close to zero but not zero and what is that a value like this so let's do that so first so i will say y predicted new okay and i'm i will go over all the values in y predicted how do you do that so for i and y predicted we are using something called a list comprehension in python and i have separate python tutorial series if you want to know more about list comprehension so here each i will be the value of each value in y predicted and what we want to do is we want to take a maximum between i and epsilon epsilon okay so what did it do so it replaced the value one with a value which is very close to one so this value is nothing but like maybe 15 0 and then one okay and the second thing i want to do is i want to replace 1 with a value which is very close to value 1. so here you will do min between i and one minus epsilon so epsilon is value which is very close to zero like a very minute value and when you do one minus that you know you get a value which is very close to 1 but not 1. so you see now we got this value and again we are doing all of this because log of 0 is undefined okay and i converted this y predictor new to an numpy array it was a python list because we use a list comprehension and when you do the log of this see you get some good values if you do just the log of the original y predicted y predicted see you got like this infinity value which was not good so that's a reason we created why predicted a new numpy array now here we are going to type the formula for log loss which was this so log loss is nothing but y i into log y hat i plus 1 minus pi into log 1 minus y hat i and you sum them together so this is how it is so np dot mean is the minus np dot mean is this guy minus 1 divided by n and sigma and then remaining thing is very obvious y true into this plus whatever you can verify the formula and then you get this log loss so here i have put everything in one single function and this will be your log loss function these are the instruction that we looked at it above and i have just put them into a nice function and when you call this log loss function for y true and y predicted you will get okay epsilon is not defined so epsilon i will just say 1 e raised to minus 15. see you got the same value 17.26 all right now comes the most interesting part of this tutorial which is an exercise so you guys are all pro in loss function now and you are going to implement a mean square error function for me you will use it in two ways first you will implement it without using numpy and after that you will use numpy and you will realize how easier it is to implement loss function using numpy library there is a solution link here but you're not going to click on it until you solve the problem on your own because i have a corona virus embedded in this link if you look at this link directly without trying on your own that virus will come to your computer and it will delete all the files okay so i have that magic so be very careful so i hope you like this tutorial if you are enjoying this series so far please give it a thumbs up i'm gonna put this notebook along with exercise and solution everything on my github the link will be in the video description below so always check the video description i provide ton of useful information in that video description all right thank you very much for watching goodbye
Channel: codebasics
Views: 36,649
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Keywords: cost function machine learning, neural network cost function, neural network cost function python code, log loss python implementation, mean absolute error python, mean squared error python, cost function, cost function tensorflow, tensorflow 2.0 tutorial, tensorflow tutorial, tensorflow tutorial for beginners, deep learning cost function, loss function, loss function machine learning, loss function neural network, loss function in deep learning
Id: E1yyaLRUnLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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