Neural Network For Handwritten Digits Classification | Deep Learning Tutorial 7 (Tensorflow2.0)

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now that you have tensorflow installed on your computer in this video we are going to write code in tensorflow and python to recognize a hand returned digits uh using uh deep learning in the same series there was a video called what is neuron where we use insurance data set and i showed you a simple neural network with one neuron we'll discuss that insurance data set and i will show you how our deep uh neural network will look like or how a neural network with hidden layers will look like for the insurance data set then we will cover some theory on the hand return digits data set and then we'll jump into coding i will quickly refresh the concept that we went over in what is neuron video here i have an insurance data set where the person age and whether the person has an insurance based on the age is given and we are doing binary classification basically based on the age we are trying to decide whether person will buy an insurance or not and for this case we saw that we can have a single neuron or a logistic regression where the first part is the weighted sum and the second part is the sigmoid function and here point zero forty two is a constant that i came up with from my machine learning logistic regression video and once you have this neuron you can give the age and it will tell you whether person will buy the insurance if the value is more than 0.5 person will buy otherwise he will not buy and you can supply different rages and you can know the answer this was a simple form of a neural network now this had only one feature which was aged but you can have multiple features such as age income and education in which case your linear equation would some look something like this and your uh neural network might look something like this where you're feeding the input features using the input neurons and your output neuron is doing two-step mathematical calculation number one is weighted sum and the second one is sigmoid and it is telling you if the person will buy the insurance or not your data set in real life will be even more complicated it will have even more features so let's say you have age education income and savings in this case you can have a hidden layer in the neural network where what you can do is use age and education to determine the awareness factor of a person awareness meaning how much aware a person is to buy the insurance usually if the person's age is uh young people think that they will not fall ill and they don't buy the insurance as the person age increases uh he or she will buy the insurance similarly if the person is let's say laborer or and his he or her education is not much the awareness tend to be low income and saving factor can define affordability because sometimes person has awareness but let's say person doesn't have income or he or she doesn't have enough saving to buy the insurance then the person will not be able to buy the insurance so there is affordability factor as well and awareness and affordability can ultimately decide if person will buy the insurance or not so this is an example of a neural network with a hidden layer and these are the weights that i have shown here actual neural network will look something like this where every neuron is connected with every other neuron in the hidden layer this is the reason it is called a dense layer of network dense meaning every neuron is connected with every other neuron in the other layer now let's move on to our digits recognization our data set so i went over this theory for insurance data so just to give you an idea on the hidden layer now hand written digits are something like this this is the problem that we have solved in our logistic regression machine learning video if you have not seen that video i would suggest that you watch it so you get some context we can define a very simple neural network for this where we can feed an image into the input layer like this and the output layer will have 10 neurons because we are classifying an image into 10 different into 10 different classes basically we have 0 to 9 which is total 10 and we want to classify an image as one of these classes so if you feed let's say eat this image into your neural network the output will have this kind of score now since we are using sigmoid function the output will be in between 0 to 1 okay so this 4 looks like 82 percent it looks like 4 this is what is saying it's something like similarity score 0.08 percent it looks like or maybe eight percent it looks like three okay so these are the score but the highest score is with four that's why we'll say okay this image is the digit four similarly when you have number 2 you will see that out of this 10 neurons number 2 neuron will fire the fire means it will have more score now the question is how do you convert this image into input neurons because you have x1 x2 xn neurons so you have to feed this image into neurons so the question is how do you actually supply this image to neuron because when you have insurance data set you have uh clearly defined values such as age income education etc and you can directly feed it into your neural network but image is little tricky so for image what we do is it is ultimately a two dimensional metric where each pixel is represented with a number between 0 to 255 255 is white 0 is black and in between you will have numbers so you can actually have those pixel as a two dimensional array something like this where you know the darker region will have zero this region is very bright so it has 240 the maximum value will be 255 and you get a two dimensional array for representing this image and then you can supply that two-dimensional array and you can basically convert that into one dimensional array so you can flatten the array so flattening means you are converting it from two dimensional array to one dimensional array here in the first row we have seven zeros and then eight zero and a ninth element is 87 so you will count here you have 9 0 and then 87 then 240 and so on so you're just very simple friends two dimensional to one dimensional array conversion and this is seven by seven grid so this this array will have total 49 elements and then you can have 49 neurons in your input layer so this 0 goes to x1 this 0 go to x2 and so on the 9 87 will go to x9 and so on and these values now can be propagated into this neural network which has 10 output neurons so this neural network doesn't have any hidden layer it has just input and the output layer into it now the problem that we are going to solve we will actually have 28 by 28 grid okay and we will flatten it so it will become 784 neurons in our first layer and then you have the output layer when we are writing code in python and tensorflow we'll first try to solve it using a simple neural network like this and then we will add a hidden layer and we'll see how the accuracy improves i ran a jupyter notebook command and that will launch a notebook like this where i have imported some necessary modules we already installed tensorflow so tensorflow i already imported and from tensorflow i also imported kira which will give me some convenient api to use we are going to use handwritten digits data set from keras library and that is something you can load using this particular line here and what this will do is it will load the train and test digits data set into these variables so let's see how many samples we have so we have in x train 60 000 digits images similarly in x test we have 10 000 images so this is a pretty good like a big data set now if you look at each individual sample that sample is a 28 by 28 pixel image and the weights represented in numbers is a simple two dimensional array like this so just a two dimensional array zero means those black points and you know 253 means 255 is white so these are between 0 and 255 values if you want to see how it looks really you can use matplotlib library so matplotlib we have already imported as plt the pi plot and we can in that library there is a function called let me just remove this these lines and if you press b it will create a new cell and here i am plotting the first training image so this is obviously five you can look at couple of other images see the second one is zero third one is four but you can see these are like clearly handwritten uh digits and if you look at y train so y train let's say y train in let's say see this is four in in at position two so now i can see at position 2 there is a number 4. so if you look at y train overall it is containing a number between 0 to 9. see i put print the first 5 symbol and this is how it looks so this is straightforward our data set is loaded now now what we are going to do is we are going to flatten our training data set because we saw in the presentation that we want to convert this 28 by 28 image into the single dimensional array that will have 748 84 elements so how do you flatten it in pandas there is a function called a reshape so when you have x train you can call a reshape function on it and in the reshape you can say okay length of x strain that is your first dimension so it has two dimensional if you if you just do this x train dot shape you will see the first dimension is number of samples you have which is 60 000 second and third dimension is each individual image so when you when you reshape you still want see in the reshape what you want to eventually get is this 60 000 and the second dimension should be 784 that's why i am saying length of x strain which is 60 000 and then 28 by 28 so it does something like this let me store that in a variable and i will call is flatten and when you put in the shape of it see this is what i wanted sixty thousand and 784 you can similarly flatten x taste as well and x taste looks something like this and both are flattened now so if you look at the shape of okay let's guess what will be the shape of x uh x stays flattened exactly 10 000 number of images and 784 is the second dimension pretty good and if you are looking at let's say first l individual element you see that we converted from this presentation which was two dimensional array to single dimensional array until now all the code that we wrote is extremely simple now what we are going to do is we are going to create a simple neural network okay so that simple neural network will look something like this it has just two layers input layer with 784 elements output layer with 10 elements and the way you create this in tensorflow and keras is you use keras dot okay so you use keras dot sequential so sequential means i am having a stack of layers in my neural network and since it is a stack it will accept every layer as one element so the first element here is input but keras has this uh api where you can say clay keras dot layers dot dense dense means all the neurons here in one layer are connected with every other neuron in the second layer that is why it is called dense okay so i'm creating a dense layer here and see the input shape input shape is what 784 say input is x1 x2 x3 to 784 so that's what i have 784 here and the output shape is 10 so this way you are defining both input and output layer basically this is the output which has 10 neurons so 10 neurons are this 0 to 9 and the input is 784 neurons so that's what you're saying input shape is 784 you need to specify the activation function which is sigmoid okay that's it we defined our neural network very simple neural network and we are going to store that into a variable called model and once we do that we need to compile it so in tensorflow and kera this is something you have to do all the time where you kind of compile that neural network and you pass bunch of arguments so first one is optimizer so i'm using adam optimizer uh you will have now a lot of question what is adam why we are using it hold those questions till later point in the later videos we'll cover uh these optimizers but optimizers allow you to allow you to train efficiently basically when the backward propagation and the training is going on optimizer will allow you to reach to global optima in efficient way and the second parameter is loss so loss function if you uh follow my machine learning tutorials especially let me just show you so if you go to youtube by the way and if you just search for core basics machine learning tutorial you see this playlist where in the linear regression tutorial i have talked about the loss function i use mean square error or msc loss function okay here we are going to use sparse categorical cross entropy so what this means is uh our output class are categorical because we have categories basically 0 to 9 we have like 10 classes in our output and sparse means our output variable which is y train is actually an integer number if it is 1 hot encoded array you would probably use categorical cross entropy and you can look at the documentation and find different type of loss see in tensorflow there are different types of laws the one that we are using here is this sparse categorical cross entropy if you click it see this is the string that we're using one can use mean square error as well so mean absolute error mean square error and if you want to use mean square error you will supply this and if you want to know more about mean square error and the loss you can follow this linear regression tutorial also you can follow this gradient descent tutorial where i have talked about gradient descent and cost function i would highly suggest watching this because this will clear some understanding on how actually these algorithms optimize and how they reach the global optimum value for the equation i'm also going to maybe cover some math later but for now just to i want to build a working neural network in this video that is my goal that's why i don't want to go too much deeper into these parameters so hold your curiosity for some later time and we will look into these parameters in detail in future videos and in the metrics you are saying accuracy so accuracy is my metric when neural network is compiling my goal is to make it more accurate basically okay and then you can call so fit is where the training actually happens so you are supplying here the training set basically okay so x train is flattened y train we did not flatten it because simple array and epoge is like number of iteration for which your neural network is going to run the training again all these parameters optimizer loss metric epoch we will cover these in future in detail so do not worry too much right now we just want to execute uh this neural network so keras is actually small okay input shape is not defined so input shape is this when you run it now it is performing the training in each epoch you can see that it is going through these samples 1875 and then at the end of this run it is measuring the loss and the accuracy and you will notice that as the time goes the accuracy uh will increase now here in our case actually the accuracy came out to be really very low so one reason that i'm suspecting that the accuracy here is very low like 0.99 would be uh high accuracy basically 1.0 will be like perfect but we got 47 percent so one thing i'm suspecting here is that our values are not scaled often in machine learning you need to scale the values okay so what i will do is i will try to scale them now how do you scale them the value each individual value is in range 0 to 255. so if if i divide this uh whole array by 255 it will be scaled from 0 to 1. so let me do that here so after i load my data set or just before doing this i'm going to now divide it by 255 okay so if you can see in my x train i see two dimensional array values are between 0 and 255 okay fine i'm now dividing it by 255 so it will divide each and end individual value with 255 and when you do this now you can see that see 0.99.98 so now the values are between 0 and 1. so i will just control enter and execute this code again and see what happens because scaling is a technique that improves on the accuracy of machine learning model we saw in in our in this particular machine learning tutorial as well that when you do scaling it tends to improve the accuracy and we are already seeing that here see in third or fourth and fourth iteration we got 92 percent accuracy so now we have 92 percent accuracy which means our model is trained in a way that 92 percent of time it will make accurate prediction okay let's try to evaluate the accuracy on a test data set because when it is running training it is actually evaluating accuracy on a training data set before deploying model to a production we always evaluate the accuracy on a test data set and this is how you evaluate accuracy on a test data set and that is also coming to be same 92.68 so this model looks pretty good it's a simple neural network it takes less time for training so what i'm going to do now is i will just do sample prediction you know just for fun so i have x test flattened and i want to predict it okay so this predicted probably all my sample images so let me do this first so i will do only prediction for only first image so let me see what is my first image my first image okay the x test is flattened actually so let me just print this okay my first image is seven i want to predict my first image x tastes flattened okay we are getting some error here okay looks like i need to predict it for all the values and i'll just store it in y predicted which will be an array and the first image should be seven okay so let's print seven okay so the prediction is coming out to be this and it has ten values because what it is now doing is it is c printing those 10 scores like this 0.29.07 and so on so this 10 scores are printed in this array and we need to look at the score which is the maximum okay and to look at the maximum score in numpy so you see we imported a numpy module here numpy as npe right so in that there is a function called np.argmx it will find the maximum value basically and it will print the index of that value so now it's coming to be 7 so this is your prediction actually so see it is predicting it to be really okay you can try maybe some other sample let's try the first image so first image is 2 here okay the first one perfect good job guys first see this is this is predicting really nice now if you want to get a feel of how your prediction look like we looked at confusion metrics in the same machine learning tutorial playlist so we will just build a confusion matrix and the way you build confusion matrix is we imported tensorflow as tf in tf there is a module called math which has confusion matrix function and i will show you exactly what confusion matrix is so labels is basically y test so this is your truth data and here you want to supply a prediction so y predicted okay but this cannot be y predicted because this is expecting the real labels you know like white taste if you look at y taste okay let's look at y test these are the integer values and if you look at why predicted these are whole values so we need to convert this into like concrete class labels so the way you do that is you will say y predicted labels is equal to you will use list comprehension basically you want to call np dot arg max for all the elements and in python you can create a new array out of existing array by running a for loop for i in y predicted you can say for each i you want to find np dot arg max so np dot arg max i okay and when you do y predictor labels let's just print first five see now i am getting the first five prediction and you can see that first five predictions are actually matching with the first fight truth data okay so i will pass y predicted labels in my confusion metric and let's store this into a variable called cm cm is confusion matrix it's not chief minister by the way okay now what is this exactly well uh print this confusion matrix in a some visually appealing way so that we can visualize it better and i'm going to use c bond library you can just look at this code basically instead of this visualization i am having some fancy colorful visualization that's all this is and what this is telling you is 960 times 63 times the label was zero and our model predicted it to be 0. so 0th prediction was was correct 963 times 1106 time it was 1 and our model predicted it to be 1. nine times like this nine the truth was two but our model predicted to be one so see anything that is not in the diagonal all these numbers are errors and you see we have quite a few of errors for example look at 14 number here so 40 times it was number 2 but our model said it is actually 8. so you can see all the errors you can see how those errors are distributed using confusion metrics it's a very good tool to evaluate the performance of your model now i'm going to copy paste the same uh same model here and then i will add a hidden layer into this so as you add hidden layer it generally tends to improve the performance so what i will do here is this see my last layer doesn't need input shape because whatever first layer it is connected it knows how to figure out the input shape from that okay but my first layer input neurons are 784 and here i need to specify number of neurons in my hidden layer now how exactly you can specify how many neurons you want well it is short of trial and error there is no like fixed thumb rule there are some guidelines but i am just going to start with some value which is less than input shape so i will start with hundred in the activation function i will use an activation function called relu we will look into later videos what value is you guys already know about sigmoid there are other activation functions such as 10 h leaky value and so on we'll look into those in details again do not worry too much about this as i said my goal of this tutorial is to work build a working model and then we will uh look into details like you know filling the layers of the onion we will peel all those layers in later videos okay invalid syntax because i don't have comma you will realize one thing which is when you have a hidden layer your neural network will take some more time to train because now it has to do more computation you can add more uh hidden layers here i'm having just one hidden layer but you can have more hidden layers as well and you can figure out how the performance is going to look like and once the model is trained of course we are going to evaluate the performance on test set and test set shows 97 percent this means 97.15 percent is my accuracy when i did not have hidden layer my accuracy was 92 percent so you can see 92 to 97 it's a good improvement and then what i will do is i'm just using the same code base okay same code base that i used to draw this uh confusion matrix i'm just plotting the same thing here and you will realize that the number of errors in this black boxes have decreased the numbers in this diagonal those numbers are increase in a perfect state you will have 0 in all these black boxes and in the diagonal boxes you will have big numbers that is a perfect state when your model is perfectly accurate and it's not making any prediction but you know friends life is not accurate so in life you see this imperfections and which is okay now one thing i did not like personally is whenever i am building a neural network i have to make this flatten array but luckily if you don't want to make this flatten array keras comes up with a spatial layer called flatten so what i'm going to do now is i will use the same code base here so ctrl c ctrl v ctrl c ctrl v is your friend okay and here let's say i don't want to create flatten array i just want to supply extra environ how do i do that think about that for a second there is a way called keras dot layers dot flatten yes in that you can say my input shape is what 28 by 28 because that's uh one image dimension 28 by 28 in the second one you don't need to specify input shape because it can figure it out on its own this makes it simple so this this way you don't have to create a flattened array and also i will i'll just say epos 5 but you can make it tan as well okay so that's all i had for this tutorial uh this this code is same as the other one it's just that i don't want to create flatten array and that's why i i added this thing but accuracy everything you'll you'll get it to be same uh now what i want from you is this uh so there is a little exercise for you all what you have to do is uh just try different optimizer and different laws here look at the keras documentation you can just say google keras loss functions and you will find losses in keras or maybe tensorflow tensorflow tensorflow loss functions and you will find all these losses so i want you to try different losses different values of metric different values of optimizer also different values of e-pose and tell me if you can get more accuracy than 97 percent you can play with some more hidden layers as well also try to play with different activation functions and tell me if you can get more accuracies when you try different values of loss you will also get stuck into errors it will not work and i want to play uh i want you to play with all those so that you get you kind of get an idea on what kind of issues you face and those doubts i will clear in the future videos
Channel: codebasics
Views: 107,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digit recognition neural network, handwritten digit recognition using tensorflow, handwritten digit recognition, handwritten digit recognition using machine learning, handwritten digit recognition using cnn, handwritten digits classification, handwritten digit recognition with tensorflow, mnist neural network, mnist digit recognition, handwritten recognition using neural network, mnist digit recognition python, digit recognition using machine learning, mnist tensorflow tutorial
Id: iqQgED9vV7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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