Los Angeles Food Guide | 15 Places to Eat in LA

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greetings from Los Angeles on today's video I'm going to be introducing you guys to 15 of my favorite things to eat in this city the Los Angeles is one of my favorite cities in the u.s. one of the reasons why is because of the food hope you guys enjoy today's video [Music] yes sir we are guys we are at the space cause Porto's I've been dreaming about this place for years everybody tells me I have to visit portals for their cake and their breads and their Cuban sandwiches so I'm finally here I'm so excited I finally got to bring brothers supportive they've been in business since 1960 and this is the newest location in West Covina and I really wanted to bring them here so that they could try the food my favorite is this pork let's show'em platter it's got shredded there's roasted pork it's got white rice black beans and they're fried plantains one of my favorite dishes I want brother to try it I want him to try it a Cubano that's what they're known for their known from their potato balls they're known for their cheese rolls their guava cheese rolls so if you ever get a chance come on down I would definitely recommend Porto's I've got to try the let Rome play this is the one that Mindy's mom recommended yeah oh wow I just had some of the beans that comes you know as a site and it's so flavorful a little spicy too delicious and I'm gonna try some of the that pieces of pork that is good Mini's mom a great recommendation let's try the Cubano sandwich oh well that's amazing guys the button the bread is crispy on the outside she's melting into the layers of ham oh oh this is one good I'm a huge fan of the pokéballs from the face club poor Konami tree it's located on the third floor a Hollywood and Highland I like that you can customize them in many many ways I got this with tuna salmon octopus some avocado what else III just got everything that's good you can definitely taste the sesame oil flavor which goes really well with fish by the way the fish is always fresh here Conte and I like the toppings that they include and I'm pretty addicted to these polka bows here yep almond tree a Hollywood in the highlands if you're a fan of pokeballs give it a try alright guys we're here as cielito lindo this place has been making taquitos since 1934 very very popular place everyone says like college by it so I'm here with my friend Lawrence I will be trying out some of these famous taquitos mmm-hmm it's a little bit crispy on the outside the sauce is a little bit tangy and to leave taquitos with the avocado sauce is three dollars and fifty cents so super reasonable hmm very good for snacking do a lot of I know a lot of you guys say you know you can't find authentic Mexican food here in Los Angeles uh you know my mom might be true but it's a lot more authentic here than it is in Tokyo so that's good enough for me okay so we are at the space club brick C's located in Santa Monica and they are famous for fried chicken and waffles but with a twist hello I'm gonna try this what's the coffee [Music] I am beyond excited here so I am going to dig into my would this be considered a sandwich I'm not sure like doing you did like a sandwich this has like so many things inside there is even mac and cheese in this one oh my gosh whoa the chicken is super flavorful it's crispy on the outside but super moist the waffle compliments are perfectly there's even extra cheese on the waffle because I get cheese on cheese which so I cut it in half like this because you really need all the components in each bite yeah but the problem is can I can I pick it up I got it in my hands I like you mas mmm this is the way you have to eat it I think you have to eat it as a sandwich it is messy but it's worth it [Music] they're so good is super fresh what is really nice rusty again amazing above me sandwich [Music] next on the list is a dessert shop in Santa Monica it's basically the ice cream shop is Lux loans they make what we call luxury ice cream and I loved the ice cream here [Music] carrot cake ice cream doesn't that sound rush this it's basically talent taking ice-cream part oh my god it is so good good right yeah loans ice cream in Santa Monica just try it Pink's hot dog has been in business since 1939 and it's probably the most popular hot dog stand here in Los Angeles when I heard that Pink's opened up at Universal CityWalk I had to give it a try and so this is what it looks like I got their iconic chili dogs pretty good that's a pretty good hot dog I noticed that they don't put too much chili in the hot dogs which is actually good because sometimes some places they put like so much chili you can't pick it up anymore I really want to try the other varieties that they have because some of them sound kind of crazy like a pastrami hot dog in a very white hot dog those sound pretty interesting yeah it's a pretty good hot dog alright guys we are at Bob's coffee and doughnuts one of the most popular donut shops here in Los Angeles they've been making donuts since 1947 and it's pretty much an institution the last time I came here I tried the apple fritters which is amazing this is what everyone recommends so that is one of my favorites and I do recommend try that apple fritters but today I think it's something different I got the jam filled Donuts I think this is a strawberry field donut and my friend Lauren's got the Long John which he'll be eating in a bit but let me let me try out my donut here Mikey mas check it out hmm hmm it's actually quite nice um I was expecting to be really really sweet I should not that sweet for me maybe because I have a sweet tooth but it's perfectly fine the donor the texture is amazing it's fluffy I like the glazed sugar on the top not too much sugar and the jam is really nice hmm delicious I like this a lot all right here he's at the farmers market my first time here because of the long history I decide to try a Long John I have never seen this before cream custard inside a la pista and I love chocolate don't laugh at Long John birthday so this video is supposed to be the 15 must eat places in Los Angeles well you know in my opinion but you know what I'm sitting here at Grand Central Market with so much good food around me it's really tough it's really tough to narrow it down to a fini in fact I mean you know what I should do one day I should go to each and every store in this particular market and make a video out of that what do you guys think this is from a stalker until he tows mexicanos they've been doing business since 1952 so this is my ginormous taco this is one taco guys I I don't even know how I'm supposed to eat this I'm because there's so much meat on top this is the carnitas tacos $4.50 first I thought 450 okay I'm not sure if that's cheap or expensive but looking at this now it's definitely a lot of meat definitely worth the 450 well we'll see we got to eat it first right first I'm gonna eat the meat by itself um because I don't think I can um roll this up it's on top or anything because I keep on Wow that is some super tender part whoa and super flavourful too kind of reminds me of Kailua pier in Hawaii it's very similar to that its food pork lots of flavor how much of my taco as you can see I don't think I'm gonna be able to fit it in my mouth there's just no way but we'll try oh my God look at that that is is this how I'm supposed to eat it I have no idea that is one ginormous taco but with that tortilla is it is amazing it's actually pretty amazing most likely the best taco I had in my entire life when you eat the pork with the cilantro and the onions and the salsa as well as a tortilla it really really like combines to make it a lot more complex than I expected that's amazing hey guys so this is the pie hole in the arts district I know this is a chain now because I saw a branch in Hollywood and I know there's a branch in Tokyo as well Lawrence and I we get to the 1 in 12 dive in to that one like three times but it's just not the same it really isn't of the taste is different the atmosphere is different this will always be my favorite location as far as the pie hole is concerned and I really do like the pies here they have savory pies they have sweet pies today I got this custard pie it's a food custard pie kind of looks like a like we call it flawed look a flan pie but um let's give it a try it looks like there's a drizzle of honey on top licious mmm oh my god I think these sauces are it's up honey oh that's like one of the most creamiest custard I've had and eating it with that honey it just fit it just tastes so decadent Oh anyway I hope if you've never been to pie hole you definitely have to check it out all right guys so the next place we're gonna go is to a famous donut shop and you know we can get there is my car fortunately my cousins Steven is driving his beautiful car he's a really good driver he assures me and where I get some donuts [Music] these doughnuts world famous since 1962 this is what we got there we go so we got the s'mores on an old-fashioned donut we got lemon cream filled one donut call and apple fritter alright guys we are back on the air B&B my cousin just dropped me off he needed to do something he didn't want me to eat the doughnuts in his car because it's a nice car understandable this caught my attention right here this is the mint chocolate doughnut check it out I think this looks really good and I've never had a mint chocolate doughnut so that's what I got I like you us Oh No that's a pretty thick donut hmm actually a quite tasty donut that donut itself is really nice the texture is soft and pillowy I like it and it's not oily whatsoever yeah there's hardly any oil so the glaze itself I think is a white chocolate that's flavor of the mint and on top there are chocolate sprinkles as well as white chocolate sprinkles and that gives it a really nice texture check out this apple fritter oh it's as big as my face oh I like that I like that too hmm the outside is crispy with a sugar glaze the inside is fluffy and moist and once again it's not overly sweet I don't know why I have this um impression that Donuts in America were gonna be very sweet and I have had their is sugary sweet doughnuts from supermarkets in America but these doughnuts are really good hmm Randy's doughnuts Bob's doughnuts I can't decide which I like better I don't think I can decide I like both of them which is why I'm included both of the doughnut shops in this video hope you guys don't mind [Music] Panda Express I've heard so much about it but I never try it aha orange chicken yes oh good this is a beef with broccoli right definitely I'm sure it's Easter sauce with a big Easter tender oh this is good [Music] [Applause] [Music] probably the most important place on this list in and out further any now is extremely popular we just stood in a massive line and we have to wait for about 30 minutes maybe to get our food there is like a crazy line even for the drive throughs I mean the cars they like wrapping around the entire parking lot anyway let's get to the food so we both got the double double burger and we got the prize well done because that's what some of you guys are recommended with that we do so let's take the french fries yeah so these are french fries well done how are they they they are not frozen they're fresh which Pete yeah I can tell it's fresh look at the double double so that's a double double which is a two patties of meat two slices of cheese like a tomato we got a raw onion lettuce all in about there oh I don't know what this pink sauce is oh yeah you're special yeah and I think that the cheese it's lightly toasted inside the burgers are so fresh the tomato is cold I love that but no wonder unfortunately guys it was so loud at Grand Central I couldn't use the recorded sound so I apologize for the voiceover this place is called sorry sorry and they serve and amazing adult fried rice I think I've had this three times in total and I still dream about this dish it's $14 so it's not cheap but I think it's it I think it's worth it yeah definitely worthy in my opinion is the perfect mix of salty it's a little bit sweet and it's just a little bit spicy it's definitely one of the most flavorful fried rice dish I've ever had so next time you're at the Grand Central Market place definitely give it a try [Music] so let's try this this is the yoga monkey this is a super traditional Japanese treat you can find these in Tokyo the outside is basically the same thing as dorayaki is a Japanese panky but inside is yokan which is a sweet bean paste and this one like it might be matcha don't give us hmmm that's so comforting reminds me of home hmm that's very good not too sweet but yokan I think it's not too flavored this one I completely forgot what it was called but is beautiful is that a goldfish oh that mochi is so soft it's really good quality mochi the inside is a white bean paste hmm that's delicious yeah the the surface is basically it's a gar is sweetened Dec are very very typical Japanese sweets I approve forgets though definitely recommend great place especially if you like Japanese bla gosh so that's it for 15 of my top favorite things to eat in this city thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed it if you did please thumbs up this video and as always if you're new to our channel I would love it and if you subscribe until we meet again take care everybody bye [Music]
Channel: TabiEats
Views: 170,682
Rating: 4.8081536 out of 5
Keywords: tabieats, los angeles, LA, los angeles food, what to eat, los angeles guide, food guide, best food LA, eating, grand central marketplace
Id: bixBUei3aog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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