Osaka Japan Street Food Tour! Dotonbori Food Guide

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That dudes legit , he used to do a show with another guy before he moved across the country .

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SlinkDogg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This dude actually gives a legit description and I like that about him

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I remember seeing this guy in a YT series about conspiracy theories and unexplained events. It was quite interesting

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hazki πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

definately subscribing to this guy XD

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/darkpigamer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is great! Thanks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sohowsyrgirls πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys this is mike chen i am in the downtown boring area of osaka often considered the heart and soul of the city look around it's just bustling right now along the dalton borigawa canal there are tons of shops theaters and of course food and that's what brings me here today so let's go exploring [Music] first food item of the night takoyaki this is famous in osaka because this city is where this popular dish originated and this particular stall is really popular because supposedly they still utilize the traditional method of making these awesome octopus balls [Music] you know the first time i had takoyaki i i thought this the stuff on top was still alive i didn't realize it was slices of dried fish i thought you know i heard octopus i just thought it was alive that seemed really stupid but yeah i was kind of stupid oh [Music] i give this octopus ball eight thumbs up oh that satisfying i can definitely taste the green onions and the pickled ginger inside and on the outside you got a little bit of mayo takoyaki sauce which tastes kind of like worcester sauce so i guess you could kind of say it's a big fluffy shiny green sauce covered hush puppy with surprise inside i saw this on facebook these ginormous uh cotton candies and i don't know the kid in me really wanted one since i'm grown up now and i have my own money i can actually get one without asking my parents and them saying no also what's intriguing is normally cotton candy to me just tastes like cotton candy it's just kind of sweet and cotton e but this supposedly has three different flavors the top one is mostly grape middle is supposed to be lemon and the bottom is supposed to be cider let's start with whatever doesn't collapse this whole cotton candy cider huh that's pretty yummy i want to yet i also don't want to just shove my face into it this middle part is supposed to be lemon it's quite lemony am i missing out or have i just always gotten like regular flavor cotton candy in my life this is actually kind of fun i haven't had cotton candy like 10 years and i forgot that you can kind of pretend you're eating like pieces of cotton and somehow the cotton is melting in your mouth imagine this is the most famous kushikatsu place in this area look at the line that that's not the line this is the line here now if you're not familiar kushikatsu are skewers of meats and vegetables that are deep fried and they are different than tempura the tempura is usually covered with water blaze flour and eggs and kushikatsu is usually covered with breadcrumbs also there's a really interesting way an etiquette of how to eat this so i'm going to show you guys that inside [Music] they situated me upstairs when i first came in here i thought people were smoking everywhere because there's smoke everywhere but that's just smoke from the oil frying up all the goodies so here's the etiquette of eating kushikatsu they're gonna give you dipping sauce and the dipping sauce is gonna be kamino so it's usually sitting on your table and what you don't do is you do not double dip you don't double dip you don't triple dip you don't quite drupal dip you dip only once but in case you're a horrible dipper and you made your first attendant you realize you didn't get enough sauce well that's what the cabbage is for you can use this as a spoon to spoon more sauce on your kushikatsu and after you're done eat it because it helps with your digestion this is the combo i got because it looks like it literally has everything all right this is so exciting he he went over what everything is of course they all kind of look the same to me i don't mean to be a katsu is but yeah literally they're all breaded and kind of look the same to me except i know this is shrimp and i know this is sausage and recipes i'm just gonna taste my way through them let's start with this beautiful looking thing that was mochi the sauce is very vinegary the sauce works very well with the mochi because the mochi is so thick and dense and then it's fried in oil so the sauce does a lot to cut through all that next up no idea what this is but there's two of them i i think they might be eggs this is awesome oh man fried foil eggs the fried breadcrumb shell was so nice and crispy and the egg of course soft and tender that's just such a nice contrast i have no clue what this is i'm i'm guessing asparagus green beans okra asparagus oh that is great i'm in love with that nice crispy shell it gives a superb crunch then you break through it and you get that tender bite of whatever is inside and i'm really excited about this next item this is a cheese stick this is a fried cheese stick let's dunk this thing in the sauce oh that was the most insane cheese stick ever that was so beautiful and melty i was hoping they had a cheese on a stick because you're frying all sorts of things you're frying vegetables you're frying seafood you're frying chicken you got a fried cheese next up i don't know what that is that looks like a corn dog let me mini corndog try this out [Music] yeah that's what oyster honestly i don't think this oysters are so oceany to me i had some oysters that were really good namely uh what i had at the fish market in tokyo that was remarkably awesome but this one it was just it's just a little too fishy for me again mystery stick which i love this is pork um that is delicious that pork was so juicy and tender that tasted like a fancier version of a pork katsu fancier less oily better dipping sauce fried lollipop that's a fried meatball i almost want to double dip this because this thing is dense you definitely need more sauce hang on a second seven skewers in excuse me guys i need to aid my digestion a little bit this one i know i mean this is like gift wrapping a hammer i know this is a lotus root that is so crispy on the inside and wow it's one of my favorite items so far you get a double crunch with this the crunch of the bread coating then the crunch off the lotus then you get that delicious sweet lotus flavor oh i feel like that piece didn't really even need the sauce at all because the lotus brings its own sweetness to the game chicken karage this is basically fried chicken to be honest the chicken is a little tough it's good flavorful tough i mean this chicken can whoop you in the back alley oh this is love this is happiness this is joy this is a festive thanksgiving dinner and a white christmas morning all wrapped up in one the shrimp is so sweet and tender i feel like it's got way more texture also for some reason it is not as oily to me as a tempura and that could be because of the sauce but it just doesn't feel and taste as oily in my mouth finally last one chicken nugget on a steak not sure i'm not exactly sure what that was it tasted like fish cake with cheddar cheese inside let's go with that 15 skewers down and i'm still pining for more but the night is young got a lot of food in front of me i'm going to go ahead and nibble on this little leftover breadcrumb here [Music] oh it's so cold right now i can't believe i just got ice cream but i had to because there's a vendor selling a melon bread now melon bread contrary to the name does not have any melons in here it just kind of looks like a melon kind of looks like a cantaloupe and what they do here is scoop a ginormous amount of ice cream in this case green tea ice cream into your bread so it's gonna leak because the bread is hot i'm gonna take a bite right now guys take a look you are staring at beauty right now oh look i gotta finish this because it's dripping everywhere hang on a second that was deeply delicious and satisfying it does sort of taste like the pineapple bread except for this one is much much lighter and less flaky on top and the little squirt pieces you see on top they taste like a little i don't know sweet crackers or cookies but that food item comes with a time limit because you got the ice cream they got the hot bun and i think you got to eat that in like three minutes where it becomes a melty pile of soggy mess i thought it tastes a great hot crunchy bun with nice creamy ice cream on the inside it's like a hot ice cream sandwich i feel really good in my stomach i'm sure you know what this reminds me of have you guys ever seen that anime rama one half and there's a girl in there that makes okonomiyakis and she would fight with like a giant one of these and throw like smaller ones as shurikens so yes in the right hands these could also be used as weapons of death and you get to you're eating it on the stove top so this thing never gets cold look at this multi layer of awesomeness inside this we got some scallions egg of course pancakes shrimp pork squid and beef tendon all mixed together this is like the ultimate melting pot no prejudice here this is just delightful this is really just a collection of beautiful flavors you got surf and turf you got veggies you got egg you got crepe i think all it's missing is just a cherry on top this thing is super tender on the outside not overly seasoned so although everything is mixed together you can taste every single ingredient i just asked for some chili powder i think i'm gonna do some upgrade on my okonomiyaki even better even better because there's so much eggy doughy fatty ingredients in there i really felt like there needed to be some sort of acid some sort of spice to cut through all that and those chili peppers really did the trick and since i'm in japan i gotta get one of these stuffed fish things come here baby oh this is filled with uh what tastes like sweet potato the biggest difference between this and the ones i have in the stages that the outside shell here is so much thinner a lot toastier a lot less sweet than the ones i've had in the states also they were selling this little ice cream sandwich thing i'm just gonna crush it oh there we go just like vanilla ice cream the ice cream itself is not very creamy it's a little more refreshing actually super refreshing it's almost like a vanilla icy and the wafers are really creamy this is kind of like a transformation of a wafer called except here every mouthful you get ice cream in the shell simple yet deliciously satisfying wow what a great food day the only thing i can say is i love this place there's so many things to see so many things to do so many things to eat i couldn't even get to everything you guys see that huge crab right over there yeah i wanted to eat that but that was sold out at like five o'clock so i'll be back tomorrow stay tuned i'm back at don't bori it's 11 o'clock in the morning less crowded but this place is still bustling i told you we're gonna go eat that guy so let's do it [Music] fresh leech hard grilled king crab for breakfast i'm ready right away i can tell this meat is gonna be succulent look how usually the meat is coming out and see how juicy this thing is oh that smell crab meat fresh from the char grill oh my god oh man how did it get so juicy it's almost like they took a syringe and injected juice into this crab the meat is sweet like candy i swear this crap ate only apples his whole life this is by far the tenderest king crab i've ever had and i've had a lot of king grab in vegas all day service can grab they serve it to you cold they steam it for you i've even had these stir fries none of it comes close to how tender and sweet this is oh look at this piece this is the part with the legs connect there's some good meat in here and by far the biggest chunk look at that holy crap guys you might be thinking okay i've had king crab before just okay you never had king crab like this fantastic char grill taste of meat i cannot tell you how gentle silky smooth and soft it is in that subtle sweetness all i've got to say is i'll help the king i don't want to waste a single morsel of this i'm like standing here in public people are staring at me i'm just going to town there's crap absolutely the best thing i've had here by far i was there at 5 00 pm yesterday and they told me everything was sold out now i know why i'm sorry for being so barbaric but this is indeed that incredible all right i think that's all of it wait wait hang on a second and i'm going to drop it and everybody is staring so i'm just gonna go about my way [Music] i came across this japanese sweet champion matari pudi purim i don't know what a porn is i'm gonna find out [Music] this looks just like a typical pudding oh that's majestic it's a little gooey sort of watery when you get towards the bottom oh that's like eating velvet you know if velvet was sweet delicious and edible i almost feel like i could take a straw and suck this all up i hope didn't come to take away my pudding because i'll defend this with my life one thing you can definitely taste in here is the quality of the milk definitely one of the softest smoothest creamiest pudding i've ever had such a wonderful creamy flavor and the texture you don't even feel like you need to swallow it just kind of runs down your throat that's how gentle and delicate it is and even though this is the first time i had it i'll know i'm going to miss this when i leave japan [Music] first of all this bingi was on like a like a 20 pound diesel this thing is gigantic and it is heavy so here that's the thing you got to try the freshly baked mini cheese tart oh takoyaki and this all looks really really good this is the matcha cheesecake freshly baked fresh they said it's still hot on the [Music] inside oh that is deeply satisfying actually i couldn't tell you the cheesecake because i think the matcha flavor overwhelms any cheesy flavor that this has but it's so wonderfully warm and gooey on the inside that's fabulous let's try some with ice cream that's insane if you guys are over here in japan come to this place and try this i think that's it for my time here at don't zombori how fun is this place there's so many things to do and see and of course so much food to eat i wish i could have more time here i actually wish i could bring a second stomach to this place unfortunately i have to leave osaka but in the wise words of the terminator i'll be back also if you enjoyed dance dance revolution and you want to see an incredible performance that i have in the catch here last night go to my vlog channel the link is down below so until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 6,271,005
Rating: 4.899168 out of 5
Keywords: strictly dumpling, mike chen, Dontonbori, osaka, osaka japan, osaka food, street food, street, food, street foods, japanese street food, japanese food, japanese, japanese foods, travel, street food japan, street food guide, tokyo, kyoto, japan food, best japanese, traveling, japan travel, japan tourism, tourism, japanese airline, japanese airlines, japan airline, japan airlines
Id: URjCOrTPpyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2017
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