Lore of Legends of Runeterra: BILGEWATER

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so would you believe me if I said that I really wanted to make a video on the Valor entlore but right release the launch page for legends of Ron Terra which brought in bilge water as a new playable region and if you've been around when legends of runeterra launched you know how excited I was that I was finally able to see the world that Wright was writing about it is always cool to read about what is happening on on Terra but to see the world in the art of legends of runeterra is a whole another level now the launch page gives me content for two videos first of all there is build water as the whole new region and there is a lot to talk about there but with the launch page there are also new cards in all the other regions so now we have stuff like Quinn and the Rangers of demacia or even Lee sin who apparently has a glide of the dragon but perhaps we will talk about those in another video so today let's have a look at all the new things that became cannon in Bilgewater you get it cannon let's start with the most annoying champion in the entire game which is fists this art perfectly pictures what face is in the lore he is an ancient relative to your dolls whose entire underwater home city was destroyed by a raid of sharks but that's not the point here as you can see face is just annoying he isn't really evil but he is way too playful and that's why the description says of all built waters legendary figures face is the most mercurial some sailors curse him for the countless brutal wrecks lingering the coast while others insist that he's just a playful child who safeguards other on their journeys home I mean from reading the story we know that he is probably neither he is literally just being annoying but as you can see in his level up version we finally get some more info on his shark and here it is revealed that he is called long tooth we still don't really know why does face have a shark as a friend even though ancient sharks are the beasts that destroyed his home one would say that he would be afraid of them but hey at least we know the shark has a name next up we have misfortune the description simply says misfortune out here you call me captain which of course is a reference to the fact that in her story misfortune became a captain and so most referred to her as captain for what's cool about this art is that what they are doing here actually makes sense you see when you are in the middle of the sea and your ship starts Rocking if it starts leaning one way because the waves are too big what the crew should do is that they should lean on the other side to balance it out but while they are doing it they should be tagging on one side of the sail that way they can let the sail catch the wind in the other direction and that's how they balance the boat I know this is totally pointless and many of you will not understand what I just said but I just find it cool that what they are doing in this shot actually makes sense and then we have the levelled up version of misfortune which brings up something really cool yes those things are powder monkeys which gives some context to misfortunes voice lines nothing but powder monkeys now it took me a while to realize what these things wear because they look demonic but we have never really seen a shadowy demon in Bilgewater there are other demons like tahm Kench but these monkeys looked out of place but we will get to them later also there is this one on the pole in the background but this one doesn't really look like a monkey it looks more like a cat so I wonder if misfortune actually has a cat - in some of the other art that misfortune brought in you can see some other cool details such as the fact that her bullets have custom hearts carved in them and there is also a closer shot of one of her guns if you wanna make a cosplay this is the Canon version of misfortunes pistols but now we get to Twisted Fate who quite a while ago before right kick started the new form of the leek universe was my favorite lore character anyway as you can see he is practicing his card magic which he learned from his travelling family on the serpentine River other than that there is nothing really interesting in this shot and the leveled up version just gives us a closer shot of the cards and in the background here is where we get our first vestroia as you see Bilgewater is actually full of the vestroia if you are newer to the lore and you have no idea what I'm talking about the vestroia is a special ancient race on runeterra it is a combination of people and animals and you can guess just about how this race came to be anyway here we have our first vestroia the other Twisted Fate cards just show us his cards with the description of the blue one referencing the river where Twisted Fate came from the gold one referencing the that it is gold and the red one has something for everyone since you know AoE damage but that takes us to gangplank arguably one of the most badass characters of Bilgewater now there are a couple of things to talk about first of all notice the crew in the background most of these characters will appear later these are the crew of the dread wave which is the name of gangplanks shape but we'll have a look at that later as well three things to point out here first of all I never noticed that the shoulder armor that gangplank has is supposed to be picturing the kraken worm which is a special kind of massive legendary sea serpent we know that's it because of the number of eyes on the shoulder pad with that said if you look at the in-game model that one only has three eyes maybe that's why I never really made the connection there the kraken worm has a lot more eyes than that and no it is not the Baron the second thing to point out is that gangplank is apparently not peeling his oranges I have never ate an orange like this but I'm pretty sure that's not healthy and lastly I don't know if this is just my eyes playing tricks on me or if this is an actual mistake but if you look at gangplanks robotic arm you know because just in case you forgot gangplank actually lost his arm because of misfortune if you look at the fingers if this part is supposed to be his thumb isn't it on the wrong side that is his left hand so the thumb should be on the inner side maybe this is not the thumb but it really does look like it doesn't it but let's just keep going and then we have the level up version here we see gangplank surrounded by barrels of gunpowder what's interesting here is that not only does the shoulder pad only have three eyes just like the in-game model but his thumb seems to be on the correct side so maybe the previous art was really wrong but other than that the description mentions that petty officer which is a character that will appear later on did something awful to gangplank so just keep that in mind there is also a closer shot of gangplanks pistol which again if you want to make cosplays this is the art to use but if you look at the coins these seem to be silver serpents which kind of confirms that there are many different currencies in Bilgewater as you'll see in all the other art there is probably three types of currencies here the silver serpents the golden serpents and the golden Krakens all of these coins look differently so it is very easy to distinguish them and I will point them out as we go through them then there is this awesome art of the barrels where the description reveals a Bilgewater sale where there is a keg there's a way and if you look closely at the background you can see misfortunes ship we know it's her because one it is called the siren and two the siren is known because of this flag which takes us to know Dallas by far the most badass art of this expansion you see up until now it was never canonically confirmed that notice is an actual Titan his story is really cool and I need to quickly summarize it because it will matter later on know Dallas was a sailor who was really good at diving and finding treasures that's why a lot of different captains hired him just because he was dead good at finding valuables but there is a superstition in bilge water that says that before you sail out no matter what you are doing you always need to toss a coin into the waters to pay the ties to the bearded lady which is basically a made-up build water God now these ties was just a superstition until Nautilus story happened you see on one of his missions Nautilus sailed out with a captain who didn't pay the tithe as they sailed out the captain didn't toss a coin over the board and it so happened that on their mission as no Delos dive down into the ocean instead of treasures he found some oily goo in the waters and that dark power consumed him and it transformed him into this and ever since that Nautilus made the superstition real because now when people really don't toss a coin over the board no duelist makes sure to punish them so now it is not a superstition anymore and that's what the descriptions will talk about it was an anchor that broke the rank or booth fin down and all just a handful of us left now but Knights coming in the cold I'm sorry ma you are right the Titan lives the rancor is a sunken ship that will be referenced later again and captain fin is the person who refused to pay the dice and then we get this amazing art which simply says all pay the tithe one way or another and I don't know about you but to me this made Nautilus so much cooler I just wish he got abated in league because there he's just a floating joke literally but now we're getting into all the follower cards starting with crack shot Corsair yes we got some powder monkeys again but more importantly yes this is an actual yordle and as you'll see there are quite a few yordles in Bilgewater just like they are in noxus so it seems like your loss in general are far more common than we thought I even tweet it at the writers about this because I wanted some confirmations and yes glamour still works on them just like it was working in the high meeting of cinematic the way glamour on your does work is that it only kicks in once you're look unfavorable in the eyes of the beholder but what's curious is that nobody really knows what other people see glamour works differently from person to person to people who have no idea how the lore of League of Legends works this probably sounds super confusing so here's a quick summary because a lot of people in the world are afraid of yordles because there are these weird magical creatures that nobody understands the oldest use something called glamour and this is a special kind of magic that changes their appearance to appeal to those who look at them so although we see a yordle here should a different person come in they may see a normal human and that's how your laws work it just so happens to be that this your will chose to be a pirate and then we have the drag treasures these guys are super awesome I do believe that they are not yordles but they are vast ayah but just what they do is great the description says it takes a special sort to make complete garbage of perfect sea where the gear but if there's one thing they are good at that's that just that so these guys are like the sea raccoons they swim around the Seas and they pick up garbage and then they build stuff from the garbage that's why as you can see here they built a DIY boat and the main guy is fishing for even more garbage I just feel like I have seen these guys somewhere before hmm then there is jagged butcher there's not much to mention here yes this guy looks really awesome and the reason why he's called the butcher is because his job is probably to carve up sea monsters and the reason why he is jagged is because jagat is a name for the entire crew the we'll be more people I came so we will get to that later then there is jailbreak a guard that shows us a noxian prisoner the description is a conversation between bass and gaff two aspiring bounty hunters watch a think bass he don't look so tough yeah sure gaff he broke out of prison means he's willing not tough come on we will get more of these guys later on and then we get this guy you see you should remember that everything in legends of runeterra is canon apparently including the poro on the shadow isles so i am not surprised by this guy the description says his pictures been on the bounty board longer than most for he's a greedy ruthless devil that won't let anyone or anything stand in his way worst of all he's he's cute damn it the words of gangplank yeah I have no explanation for this Poros are weird and I don't understand them apparently some of them are motivated by greed and I'm pretty sure it put itself on the bounty board then there is pool shark I'm not sure if the pool shark is referring to the furry vestroia here because a shark could be a name for someone who is really good at something but the description makes me think that the pool shark is actually the creature at bottom right it says it don't make no sense to me I was knocking them in easy but the last one just wouldn't go not my day I suppose and the reason why the last ball wouldn't go in because the last ball was alive so maybe Dead's the pool shark also we can see TF in the background who apparently is worth 10 million but we don't know of what silver serpents golden serpents golden Krakens there is a real currency issue in bilge water then there is prowling cutthroat it's really not as interesting as you think it's a cutthroat and there's a target and then there is shell shocker which is just a group of vast I again the description says my greatest strength is probable my command of the common people and also apparently my spelling is really good too a note scribbled in sand yeah I what why what is happening here and then we have black market merchant this character is super cool because it reveals a lot of new items from the game being Ganon in the world specifically we have amplifying tome locket of the iron Solari finish codex health potion hunters potion nomads medallion duskblade build water cutlass and void staff there is also an Ionian mask which appeared in one of the Ionian cards and what seems to be che cose mask so I wonder if right already has some plans for Shaco story because right now he pretty much has none and then we have coral creatures these are probably more related to the bestia rather than yordles but these guys are still very interesting the description refers to something called d azur way which is a place full of wonders at the bottom of the ocean and it will be brought up again by another card later on just notice that these magical bubbles these guys are picking up are the exact same bubbles that the guys before were shooting from their cannons then there is dread way deckhand dread way again is gangplanks ship so we know who this person is allied with I thought that this person appeared in gangplanks art at the very very beginning but the hair looks a bit different either way you can always tell that these are gang bangs barrels because they have the dread way logo on them next there is hired gun nothing super interesting about this person but if you look at the background you can find some familiar faces there is the noxian Minotaur gladiator for some reason we have a pirate burro on the ground and there is even bike right behind her but that's pretty much it then there is bubble bear lively currents of magic weave through serpent Isles reefs nourishing the Seas extraordinary inhabitants so this creature is basically the amalgamation of magic in the ocean you can see that the bubble bear is feeding from the magical bubbles and since the description mentions that these creatures feed off of the currents of magic I'm pretty sure that confirms that these bubbles are actually bubbles of magic so that's what the other creatures were toying with and then there is double trouble which bring up best and give the aspiring bounty hunters again Oh a gaff ain't it the fellow we're after looks like he found a friend is that is there a shark man bass it's also a bunch more gold mate come on we don't know what happens to them after that then there is golden Narwhal a creature that has its own legend legends say a pale horned whale once stole from the bearded lady as a punishment the lady covered the greedy creature in glittering gold so it would forever the avarice of others it's really cool to see this kind of world building in legends of runeterra right basically gave a legend to a random creature you can also notice that the gold is actually luring in pirates and you can see all the harpoons flying in from above again the description mentions the bearded lady which we do believe is just a made-up god but since every legend has a little bit of truth in it I should mention that the bearded lady probably comes from the Kraken worms these Krakens look like they are bearded and that is probably where it is built for the legends originates from then there is jagged taskmaster which as I told you the jagat is a title for this crew it's all of these people with the greenish tattoos and here it is revealed that these people are monster hunters they are all specialized in hunting down giant monsters and then there are Joe hunters now this is probably a reference to Pyke because in case you don't remember pike story Pike was a monster hunter who specialized at carving pieces from fish that were still alive in other words Pike dive down into the ocean and he hunted giant monsters face-to-face he did this because some of the most valuable pieces of the monsters came from them when they were still alive and by far the most valuable piece of monster came from the Joe fish the Joe fish has a special kind of glowing sex hidden behind its teeth but if this magical material is harvested after the fish is dead it loses all of its value so it has to be harvested while it is alive and that's what happened to pike pike dives into the mouth of a Joel fish and he never came back up that's why he's a bit insane and I do believe that these Joe hunters are named after the Joe fish these guys are probably doing exactly what Pike was doing but next up we have monkey idol and this is where the powder monkeys come from this is a souvenir the crew nabbed it from a crazy old rival of mine turns out the fools ramblings about ancient mysterious powers weren't too far from the truth the words of misfortune so these powder monkeys come from this Idol it is a cursed object that misfortune took from one of her rivals and honestly this is all I need to know I'm just glad that these powder monkeys actually have a reason to exist they are really cool and I wonder if Wright will do something with them in the future it's a really cool concept and we even get a closer shot of the monkeys stealing one of misfortunes bullets it's cheap as little scamp's aren't they more help than they seem but word is they got explosive tempers words of a siren deckhand again the siren is the name of misfortunes ship and then there is petty officer which is the person who talked about gangplank and how he did something awful to him yes this is another yodel so although we see him as a furry creature to others he may look like a normal human and since the barrels don't have the dread Waymar it is obvious that this guy is not one of gangplanks crew what is interesting is that the Bob he is throwing seems to have the dread way logo on it so I wonder if this guy just stole the bombs from gangplank maybe that's the bad thing he was talking about and then there is slot boat I am speechless this kind of advanced machinery should only really be possible in piltover but I guess since people in Bilgewater are rich maybe they can afford it but notice that the boat is spewing out golden Krakens which again is a different kind of currency the description says one prototypes puns three bombs and then exploded later models had this early feature removed I just don't know what's happening here but since bilge water is just one giant gambling den I guess it kind of makes sense then there is brash gambler whom if you look at the coins is not paying with golden Bracken's and instead is using the coins of the serpent Isles because if you look closer you can see the sea serpent with the blade which is its mark you can also see that this person is not only betting in all the gold she is also betting twisted fates head and I wonder how does that work I guess if she loses she would have to bring in twisted fates head a strange kind of bed to be honest and then there is Island navigator which of course if you have seen the shadow Isles cinematic or if you know illaoi's lore you know that this person comes from the boohoo room which is a religious island that believes in nagakabouros which is an ancient ocean gold the description is a prayer to nagakabouros leave the light from mother serpent to the clouds up from the way the sky looks down with gray eyes earnest a comb reflection of her gaze she smiles is at peace what I think this prayer is saying is that if you lift up the light of mother serpent which is probably the light she is holding here a comb reflection of her gaze could be the Sun because if the Sun is up in the sky it feels like it is reflecting the light that you just lift it up I think that's what the prior is about if you lift up this stuff and you see the Sun in the skies there is no storm and so obviously the sea gets cold then there is mystifying magician who according to the description has an Italian accent also he's called more volume more volume where where are my hands I will now make them appear da da da da where are my hands okay time to go thank are you all so very much I love this guy and then we have the beast from below this might be one of the Kraken works not the bearded lady which is the massive legendary Kraken worm but I do believe that this is one of the creatures that Olaf killed if you look at the tail I think that this is what the Jo hunters were actually hunting so it's not the Joel fish but it is something far more deadly then there is your dull grifter who is trying to bribe misfortune we know this is misfortune because the clothing fits captain fortune which is her modern lor clothing and then there is zap spray fin who is referencing the Azur way which was mentioned with the previous creatures zap once completed the Asura way circuit in just under three minutes she even had to dodge the Jill dog shattered house near the end the currents that they were awesome and again as you can see she is playing with the magic that is coming up from the ocean floor this person looks a little bit more similar to face but I still don't think this is one of phases lost people I do believe this is entirely different species although since this person looks similar to face they might also be related to reorders and then we have the abyssal I III they cried and said of a way to sea to trouble in fairness Rama but nature she turned and many did die and the rest are off to the all-seeing eye since we even have Nash Rama mentioned here I think the all-seeing eye is actually a reference to the void and looking at the design of these fish they definitely look corrupted so I wouldn't be surprised if these were oceanic void Scouts just like velkoz is the eye that Scout to the surface maybe these guys are scouting the ocean for the void and then we have the hunting fleet there's not much to mention here these guys are hunting monsters but if you look at the bottom you can see the golden Narwhal so it now makes sense that these ships that you can see here are the ships above the narwhal again this is some really cool tiny storytelling and then there is a raiser scale hunter we know that there are some mermaid people in the oceans after all we have Nami even though Nami is on the other side of runeterra she is near target while these guys are near bilge water the design is very interesting though because unlike Nami I don't think this guy is a mermaid he has a serpent-like tail so either the thing you can see at the bottom our legs and therefore this guy is actually a lizard or he is just Onaga you know more of a snake person but that's all we really know about this guy and then we have slippery Waverider which again is one of those turtles that are playing with the bubbles and that's all this is there is literally nothing else I can say about this it exists and then we have my favorite pirate the citrus career as you can see from the background this person is a member of the dread way and you can even see him in gangplanks art all sailors think they so tough girl this yar that yes yes very good but you still need orange make skin pretty make these stay and make me happy so you eat or you swim easy I adore this person just the fact that gangplank kept this guy willingly on his ship tells us how good this guy is at keeping people healthy and then there is the devourer of the depths as you can see there is a Joe hunter in front of it what is super cool here is that there is a ballot of the winked ear sank and lady I was sailing just the other way out beyond Bilgewater Bay when from the depths she came my way the winged eared sunken lady and as you can see this fish does have winked ears so now did you think about it the bearded lady suddenly makes sense the bearded lady is named after the Kraken worm because there the Kraken looked like it had a beard and this is the winged eared sunken lady again because it is named after its own appearance which tells us that whenever something is a lady in built order it is probably just a monster from the depths and then there is Sheriff lariat rose it is a totally random person I don't think we have heard about her before but first of all I love the stallion that she is riding this animal is super cool but this shows us that there are still people in Bilgewater who try to enforce law now this is still most impossible because Bilgewater is built on chaos but it is cool to see that not everyone is going mad with power and then there is the ship rag holder first of all I love this beast it looks absolutely amazing but there is a bit of a story behind this these days there's more treasure beneath the waves than above them i wag err would be easy enough pickings if it weren't for her the words of jagged butcher which is the guy from the Monster Hunter crew the cards connected to this are the kill breaker which is a legendary cannon used by the jagat crew then there is the plate worm egg which is one of the valuables this crew harvested but then there is treasure troves and I hope you remember knodel's from the beginning of this video because this is right comes in Captain Finn roared out yarn days boys told you the ties was nothing but covered fee some cheered but not all the water seemed still safe for the bubbles around the rancors hole again the rancor is the ship and captain Finn is the person who refused to pay the dice and we know how that ended and the last one of these is the fish that comes from the plate worm egg the vicious blade worm I don't have much to say about this it is just a really cool creature then there is smooth soloist which is a part that is traveling between taverns and playing for people except as you can see from the background this person is also stealing from people you can see the guy on the Left just notice that these pockets were picked while the guys on the right are already fighting for being robbed and then finally we have the siren we can see what the ship looks like we can see the flag as well but what is important is the crew there is a guy that looks very similar to the citrus courier so I wonder if misfortune has her own citrus dealer you can also see the yordle that we saw at the very beginning and there are two more people both of which you can see in misfortunes art then there is mind melt this is an interesting card because all it mentions is the weird magic that is hidden underneath the ocean we don't really know what this is but this shows us that there is something really creepy happening in the ocean then there is Riptide Rex and I will just look at this we don't really know who this creature is allied with I try to compare this guy to the petty officer and they are not the same so this yordle is someone totally new and I can't see gangplanks mark nor misfortunes mark anywhere so as far as we know this weird creation is just a neutral creature I have to say though this is canon quite literally and the last card from Bilgewater is the dread way this is gangplanks ship and you can see him right there at the very front and it looks absolutely amazing the description even reveals that the dread way has its own song and I hope that Wright will use this at some point in one of their games because I can already imagine all the pirates singing about the dread way also those cannons could level cities but that's gonna be it for Bilgewater it's a longer video than I thought but that's because there is a load of cards in bills water as I said there are other new cards in all the other regions as well so if you guys want me to go back and look at all the new cards I can totally do that but you know I just still need to do the Valor end video I've been working on it for three weeks now I really want to finish it but hey this is a league lore channel after all maybe this should be the priority but with that thank you so much for watching and riot fix the thumb it is really awkward hey did you know that we have social media and twitch where we talk about other league facts and stories and did you know that we have need mugs and shirts too the links to all of that will be below and as always thank you come again [Music] you
Channel: Necrit
Views: 450,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Story, Necrit, Necrit94, Narrated, Explained, League of Legends, LOL, TFT, Teamfight tactics, legends of runeterra, LoR, Twisted Fate, Miss fortune, gangplank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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