All You Need to Know About Ionia [Lore]

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hello everyone and welcome to another video that will help those of you who are just starting with the lore of League of Legends last time we had a look at the Messiah and it's questionable ways of dealing with mages and this time we will have a look at the region you requested the most Ionia unlike in the Messiah where the story is very linear and easy to explain Iona is kind of all over the place its lore has many different pieces where each piece has a totally different origin so if at times it feels like Ionia doesn't quite make sense that would be why you know what I mean by this as we go through the stories of all the Ionian champions speaking of which because Ionia contains so many champions with so many different stories we will only quickly explain what's the deal with them the priority is still to show people the basics so they can head out and treat any story they want without issues so with that said let's have a look at what I onea even is although many may think that Ionia is an island it is actually a continent just like valoran or shurima but the lens of Ionia are unique to the other continents because here nature is a powerful force it is almost as if the entire continent was alive but it's not just moving flowers and trees the Spirit of nature can also lower and raise water levels call in hurricanes or even command animals and depending on how mortals behave in these lands the spirit of nature can either help them or punish them if you cut down a couple of trees in order to make a fancy house the next morning you may wake up with your house being destroyed by the roots of the other trees and if you hunt animals for sport nature might call all the nearby animals to hunt you with that said you don't necessarily have to be vegan to live in Ionia if you kill an animal in Ionia you just need to make sure it doesn't go to waste you use the meat for food and the fur to stay warm that's the circle of life after all but the moment you start killing for fun and not because you need to that's when you'll have to face the wrath of nature now the story of Ionia doesn't really a beginning so we just have to start with the first mentions of Ionia we have the first Ionian story happened about six thousand years before the present events during those times most of the first human settlements were spread across the two main continents but after wars erupted in both shurima and valerian people started running away from all the conflict and that's when humans started first arriving in Ionia - now there is a little bit of a misalignment in the story the main Ionian story explains that humans started running away from the great void war but other stories that previously explained what the great void war was were removed so right now the only war with the void we know about was in agafia but that was many years after the events of Ionia so because things in this era are a little bit unclear just remember that people were running away from some kind of Cataclysm on runeterra and the only safe place for them at that time was Ionia but of course humans were in the first beings to settle in Ionia before them there were the native creatures called the vestroia Shai ray the vast array are these magical animalistic beings with special powers some could read thoughts some could get a genetic information about other creatures by touching them but most importantly some vast array could shape-shift and this shape-shifting is what most likely led into the fact that when humans first arrived in Ionia and they finally met the vast Ayasha ray they started reproducing together and they spawned a brand new race the vast ayah right even gave us this amazing evolution tree here you can see how the different tribes of a styie evolved at the bottom you can notice how humans and the vestroia shine recombined into the vast ayah from there we have the land Walker tribes for example the Kailash which is what rengar is the Shimon which is what Wukong is and then there is Ari now don't get confused the reason why Ari is separated from the others is because this picture was painted by Edward Santangelo who was an explorer from piltover he encountered Ari in the wilds while exploring Ionia and he fell in love with her despite never talking to her so the reason why Ari is a special snow like here is because the person who painted this had a soft spot for her anyway you can also notice the Visayan tribes of the sea and of course we know Nami is one of the mirai at the top there are also the Visayan tribes of the sky but unfortunately we don't know anyone from these and lastly all this time you might have noticed shapeshifters right beside the tree that's because shapeshifters are related to the vast ayah but they are still entirely separate race because shapeshifters can change their appearance which is something no vestroia that we know of can do but there is one exception to this rule there is also Niko Niko comes from the ovk tribe during the early years of human settlements in Ionia the Oviatt tribe decided to travel to the east to an island that is not even on the map there they lived separately from the rest of Ionia until their island was destroyed and the survivors were forced to leave Niko is an exception to the past and evolution tree because she's extremely close to the vast array she even said so herself Niko is over yet we are not bestia we are vast I shyly we are more colorful despite the ovk try being categorized as a vast ioan tribe the reason for this is most likely because the Oviatt are one of the first generations of the vast ayah and because they left Ionia there wasn't the chance to dilute their genes with human genetics even more so most of their vast array ability stayed intact I say this but none of this was actually explained to us so take this as an unconfirmed speculation anyway with that said that is pretty much how I onea got kick-started people left the main continents afterwards rafted there they traveled to Ionia and started pairing with the local beings this is how ancient Ionia was founded fun fact the ancient Ionia was also called the first land by the native Ionian beings from this point on the story will jump all over the place but I'll try to keep it accurate to the overall timeline so we'll go from the oldest events to the newest years after Ionia got populated by humans and the bestia the nation of the ice born rose in Freljord with them there was I've earned the crew a Frehley Orion warrior who was looking for a way to fight back the ice bore and save his people he learned that according to a legend there was a place that was said to be the source of all magic so he sailed out from the frost guard harbors and he traveled all the way to Ionia when the Freljord en warriors arrived in Ionia the locals surrendered and they led I've earn to a sacred grove known as a Michaela the heart of the world there eivin's army had to face the wild vestroia that were protecting what stood in the middle of the growth the god willow a massive tree that shimmered with magical light Ivan's army didn't stand a chance against the ferocious chimera beings but before they were all shred to pieces Ivan swung his ax at the tree then there was a flash of light and the next time I ever woke up he was one with the god willow he was the green father here it is important to say that Ivan didn't become the spirit of nature we don't really know the limits of his powers but as far as we know Ivan is more like the messenger of the spirit of nature after the story of Ivan there is a massive jump in time because for the next 5,000 years Ionian was just a place of peace and harmony during all this time the only thing that happened is that at the end of the darken war which was about 1,400 years before the present events the unnamed warrior queen of shurima sacrificed herself to steal versus bow in the magical well of Pallas which is a place in Ionia but other than that nothing really happened here 400 years after death or about 1,000 years before the present events is when modern Ionia was founded this time it was actually called Ionia and not the first lands during these times the rune wars were raging across the other continents while Ionia stayed relatively safe however as the mages around the world started discovering magical forces they also discovered shadow magic this was a special type of magic that required the mage to temporarily step into the Shadow Realm in short to make this a bit easier to understand shadow magic borrows power from a realm beyond the physical plane but as the mages of runeterra toyed with the shadow realms more more they accidentally spawned Nocturne inside these shadow realms and let me tell you Nocturne doesn't like it when you step into his domain so now whoever is using shadow magic is risking their lives because Nocturne can find you there and butcher you now the reason why I'm even talking about shadow magic is because yes despite the old video we made there is the possibility that the shadow magic is very close to the shadow techniques and it was about 1000 years ago that the ninja order of the King Kong monastery banned shadow techniques from this point on we are in the modern era and all the stories happen almost at the same time so it will definitely feel like the story is all over the place and again because there is a lot of different stories happening here we are just doing the TLDR versions of them except for the first one but you'll see why so let's get on it roughly 40 years ago we got the story of shen Zhi and Jin their story is quite a fan favourite but it's quite long so here's the short version Shen and Zed were two boys who trained to become ninjas in the King Kong monastery they trained under the great master gu show who was Chan's father one day master gu show together with Shen and Zed and his side were called to deal with a mystery their mission was to capture the infamous golden demon a being that terrorized half of Ionia and so the three went on a really long journey tracking down this monster the issue was that this monster left behind grotesque-looking corpses usually twisted in odd ways having to witness and study these corpses wasn't good for the mental health of the team and so as they dug deeper and deeper into the mystery this horrifying experience changed them master crucial hair slowly turned white Shen changed from a humorous student to a quiet boy and zette developed a certain dark sight in his heart in the end they found out that the being responsible for all the killings wasn't a demon or a monster it was a mere man called cada gene that wanted to execute him where he stood but crucial stopped him ordering that Jin would be imprisoned instead after that the three ninjas returns to the King Co monastery and gene was put in the Tula prison here is where the story gets interrupted by another major event during these times noxus was led by boring dark will a mad leader whose mind was manipulated by leblanc leblanc promised him that he could find eternal youth in Ionia and so because he was already consumed by madness Boram dark will launch the noxian invasion of Ionia a campaign that changed Iona's future forever first of all as noxian started invading Ionian Shores some Ionians wanted to fight back while others took the passive approach as we mentioned there was peace in Ionia for about 5000 years and it was mostly because the spirit of nature could deal with everything whatever evil approached Ionia nature would instantly punish it but as some people believe that they should let noxious be because nature would deal with them and balance everything out others noticed that nature didn't have the power to push back this massive invasion and so Ionia split in two halves half of the nation wanted to fight back while others believed that the right approach was to let them be going back to the king go monastery Zen believed that they had to fight noxee ends with all weapons they had and so he ventured deep into the monastery where he found a black box he opened the box and his mind was enveloped with forbidden shadow magic after that when Zedd walked out of the monastery he met kuso and he told his master that he wanted to fight noxian but master cushaw refused to fight and so they'd left the kinko monastery and he started his own order where he taught his students how to use the shadow techniques against knocks Ian's anyone who would threaten their lands or anyone who stood idle not protecting them would be marked as their enemy this included the native vestroia as well so as you can tell zed went a little bit crazy but what's worse zed realized that he was reaching his limits and so he gathered his students and marched back to the kinko monastery to get the black box when they arrived at the monastery Cujo surrendered he didn't want to fight his student and what happened next is a mystery to us we know that qu show and zed walked together inside the monastery but only that walked back out he held the black box in one hand and a bloodied blade in the other hand after that zette ordered his students to kill everyone which forced the remaining lien just such as shen Akali or kenan to leave and continue their ninja training on their own but don't worry because the ninjas fractured even more because Akali also wanted to fight noxious and so she left - also shen became the new I of Twilight which is this super powerful ninja leader who has the ability to step in and out of the spirit realm to keep balance on both sides and on top of all of this eventually people free to Jean because although Jean was a crazy killer he was also really good at killing and so people thought that he would be a really good weapon against the noxious which might have been a mistake I told you the ninja story was a bit longer but that should be it so let's have a look at the others now as the noxian invasion continued knox Ian's used all kinds of crazy weapons in this war this included children one of their tactics was to literally dump armed children at the shores and because Ionians wouldn't know whether to fight back or not these children could easily Surprise them one of these young living weapons was cane cane was a noxian kid who was used in the first wave of the invasion he survived on his own until he met Z on the battlefield who instead of killing him decided to accept cane as his student and use his talents for a greater cause other teenage kids that were used in this war where Riven who was dragged here all the way from travail and who decided to switch sides after she saw what Nazis were doing to Ionians and Talia whose parents naively sent her to noxus because they thought they could find a better use for her powers well they just ended up sending her to war later as the invasion continued deeper into Ionian lands noxian started using chemical bombs to reach the capital city Nefarian this is where Ionians finally turned the tides as irelia started a revolution although she was just a kid she managed to cut off the hand of a noxian commander who was actually suena and by doing so she inspired a lot of Ionians to finally start fighting back but not before lock science managed to capture xin chào and drag him back to noxes in the middle of all of this mess there was also karma Dharma's real name actually Dhara she was only possessed by the spirit of karma the only thing you need to know is that garma is something like a protective Ionian spirit but overall she doesn't actually have a big role in the shaping of Ionia another champion who decided to fight back Knox ian's was Master Yi Master Yi came from the Voodoo village which was a village that stayed hidden because it held the secrets to the deadliest fighting style on the planet despite the fact that he was forbidden to leave the village Master Yi showed up on the bella fields and he killed entire legions on his own but Knox ian's managed to track down where he came from and just to be safe they nuked the Wu Jue village with chemical bombs as well next as the invasion spread to Palace we got the story of valour and Chi 2 ionian hunters long story short guy was mortally wounded so in order to save his life Vollmer jumped with him into the powerful well where varus was sealed and moments later varus was reborn with a combined body of Valmer and guy while all of this was happening there is also the story of Yasuo yeah so was a sword master who was meant to protect the elder of his village but when noxian started conquering the surrounding villages yeah so left his post to stop them which he did but when he returned the elder he was supposed to protect was dead and everyone thought that Yasuo killed him spoiler alert later we learned that technically the master killed himself when he was trying to help privet then we have Lee sin Lee sin was a monk of the harana monastery who was trying to master his gift which was the ability to use the primal rage of the Dragon one time he grew impatient and he tried to use the Dragons kick on his instructor unfortunately he managed to paralyze the instructor and so he was banished for his arrogance after that listen simply traveled around until he found oh dear a man who also lost his ways together the two men bonded and when they heard that Knox's invaded Ionia they returned to the he ran a monastery to protect it there listen was forced to evoke the power of the dragon again and with dead he was engulfed in flames which burned his skin and melted his eyes finally the last story which is also an event that happened in the present times is the story of Sidra syndra comes from failure in Ionia she was a child with a gift of power she could wield magic unmatched by anyone in Ionia so just to be safe syndra's mentor limited her powers with a spell however as syndra grew up she found out that her powers were being limited and so feeling betrayed she killed her mentor which broke the spell and syndra got her unlimited power back this caused a great explosion of negative magic in failure and in response the spirit of Ionia itself decided to lock syndra down as routes shot up and dragged syndra down to an underground prison where living waters suppress her powers and strapped her in a magical sleep and lastly we have only two more champions to talk about Ziya and rekon these two Vesta and lovers met in valenko which is a place you can actually find on the map but despite the region being in war with Knox's Ziya Aragon and their vast Island special force is more involved with the order of the shadow led by Zed that's because as that is trying to expand the shadow techniques he is stepping into the magical forces of Ionia and in the process he is tainting the nature with dark magic this is what we can and Ziya are trying to prevent I know this was a lot of information but there is it for Ionia everything will make even more sense when we have a look at Knox's because the entire invasion will get more context actually one more piece of information there are dragons in Ionia and look at the size of the eggs and look at the dragon going on rampage anyway the final thing we can mention is bard I know bard cinematic is old but according to all the information we got whatever happened in it happened in Ionia but at this point we've been trying for too many years to figure out what's happening here or what the heck this even is also riot if you decide to cut a mountain in half please at least put it on the map next time hey did you know that we have social media and twitch where we talk about other League facts and stories and did you know that we have need mugs and shirts to the links to all of that will be below and as always thank you come again [Music] you
Channel: Necrit
Views: 508,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Story, Necrit, Necrit94, Runeterra, Ionia, Shurima, Demacia, Zed, Shen, Ninja, Karma, Irelia, Riven, Yasuo, Neeko
Id: dA6FAlLH52c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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