Lords Of The Fallen S Tier Build Dual Daggers Assassin Build!

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[Music] [Music] I am personally more of a sword and board kind of guy that's how I like to play I'm just the basic regular nights so usually my bills always end up being like that I usually shy away from using daggers although I actually have found that they are quite amazing especially on on some weapons that we have for example on Elder ring so yeah there's that lots of the Fallen attackers are actually quite amazing as well the only downside is that there are not too many of them in the game they one of my favorite things about them is that they have a very very good window for pairing they have the highest window for parrying so that's always ideal they are also fast attacking and they not fall that behind from a regular short sword in returns of damage when we speak about damage but so you're going to have a little bit more speed there's no canceling attack animation on lots of the fallen so you have a little bit more control over the battlefield and you can attack faster while being able to roll away that much more and also have in mind that blocking while it is going to take quite a bit of a hit on your stamina that it's something that it is indeed going to happen uh needless to say parrying is going to be amazing because even shields in here are going to cause you wither damage in your health that said this is just fantastic but we're going to be building these daggers the light Reaper daggers for agility in this case scenario for agility the reason for that being is that we already have quite a bit of Inferno PS here in the channel we haven't shown that much love to agility so this is going to be an assassin we're also going to have access to a V and remember that V's deal 1.8k damage if you land your head shot sometimes it can be dealing 2K damage depending on the arrows and resistances that you are going to have and range in this game is key especially if you can aim it I'm a pouch they are quite uh generous in this games so you you don't really have to worry about that that's it let's talk about the class that we're going to use for this specific character we are going to need a little bit of Inferno so you might think that pirate cultist could be a good option the Lord as well but no in reality it is not going to be the case because the agility we just wanted uh I'm sorry because The Inferno we just want that for the stat requirement and uh we're not going to be using uh Inferno spell with this SP we're going to be using our melee weapons and our range bow so par paril TST is just out of the picture remember that this all just for me maxing purposes although if you go in here you're going to be losing out on like seven points that you have in Inferno right there we're not going to be using Inferno unless we're going to go into new plus we'll go into detail about that a little bit later but uh the best possible choices that you can have right now would be the uh black feather Ranger this is also stretching it quite a little bit more because this guy right here he has strength so we don't really need that that much ideally our preferred class for mean maxing purposes and having everything at the most the stats that we're going to be using it's going to be agility endurance vitality and Inferno but Inferno it's just going to be the stat requirement of the weapon that is the only thing the only reason why we're going to be using Inferno so the Exile stalker this is the ideal class that we would begin if we want to me Max me Max a character remember this not a requirement this is not a must this is not your obligation it's just that it is going to be faster it is going to be uh better your play style and you're also going to begin with quite amazing daggers that you can level up you can level up these daggers right here and use them throughout the entire rendition of the play through all throughout the point where you're going to change these daggers for the light Reaper daggers which takes quite a while so if you start with this class you're basically completely set up for everything else during your playthrough these are the stats that you would have and you would notice you will notice that I have some things a little bit different right here I do have some little stats that means that if you want to me Max your character you're going to reach the end game of your builds that much more sooner than I actually did myself the reason for that that being is that this character class the one that I use for my be showcase purposes is the one that I have the most weapons on with this character the most Talisman the most rings and it's a 115 that's the level that I was when I finished the game that's my endgame level and as a matter of fact I am sitting in a bunch of souls or big or whatever you would like to call them but you will see that I have strength right there and I also have Radiance right there if we lower those points you could potentially be reaching this build uh on 110 which is that much more easy reachable right here because our levels are actually quite costy right now so that is going to be the end game you're going to need 75 agility 20 endurance 10 Vitality Inferno 11 and that is just weapon requirements we require 11 Inferno to use the weapon so that is a stat that I would say that you should just pop up as soon as you begin leveling your characters because if you began as the ex stalker you already have more than enough uh early game agility on itself so that's nice if this is going to be our end game let's talk about early game let's talk about mid game and let's talk about selft caps and hard caps as well our self caps we have 40 and 50 we're going to take advantage of those on uh mini game then we have a hard cap 75 we have reach our hard C right here and the final cap at 99 we don't touch that thing early game you're going to need infer 11 if you go for the Exile stalker you already have 18 agility on the early game so you don't really need to touch that but you would have to do instead would be maybe pump up a little two points right there to have 20 agility even the things a little bit more and then place the remaining points into endurance and vitality endurance we want to have 15 early game and 15 Vitality early game uh The Inferno 11 that is a just uh to have it uh right there always at all times and then once we reach mid game we're going to need our endurance in 20 the daggers they don't waigh that much so you can basically be using any kind of armor that you would want to use with this character be allers you're not going to have to worry about that our Vitality mid game is going to be 25 and our agility mid game is going to be ranging uh from 40 to 50 just to take care of the subp cap at Mid game and be theing as much as possible as we can on Mid game as for the end game I would advise for you to reach Your vitality first to 40 and then Focus yourself that's just going to leave uh free open way to be increasing your damage little by little on the hard cap remember that the hard cap is really not not going to be that irrelevant but the sof cap for Vitality that is going to be quite helpful so reaching the hard cap at 75 agility is not really that much of uh a mandatory thing that we need to focus on early on it's still a nice thing that you should have at the end game so there is indeed that let's talk about the weapons and let's have in mind that this guy has beautiful scaling and Agility right here and Inferno as well so one thing that I like about this is that yes you can go either way if you want to change things if you want to do things differently than the stats that I showed you previously you would instead be lowering your point into agility and place them into Inferno the runes are not going to change that much we going to talk about the runes a little bit later but if you want to use the same template and instead of using a v you want to use Inferno which is actually quite nice because then you can use infernal weapon further more increasing your melee DPS instead of having to rely into Souls then that is something that you would do instead of having 75 agility you would do the very same thing that I told you and instead have the 75 in Inferno have in mind also that this is just an ideal choice of a weapon to go into New Game Plus because at this point you could go to Negan plus and level up your character all the way to 200 and have uh 75 agility and 75 Inferno and that is going to Skyrocket your damage like you have no idea as for the armor we don't have anything specific I like the Bridger armor right here just for this specific uh I think that it fits the the things that we have right here here my favorite arrows are the radiant arrows this gu the 1K attack power which is quite nice uh you don't get this this until a little bit later uh then uh most of your gameplay you're going to be using the weighted arrows right here then we have the Warriors claw the warrior Claw is going to increase our physical damage and then the Mur ring to increase our physical damage as well that is basically how the equipment is going to work now let's look about the runes and some things that I love about this Bel is that we can use one of them right there on the Inferno socket to increase our uh health so all throughout the rendition of the gaml that you see in the background that you were seeing in the background you would notice that I am not healing even once because you can uh and as a matter of fact this is the first socket that you're are going to unlock so that's ideal you're going to be healing yourself quite often so that is something that you would have as well now if we go in here you will notice that we have a meta socket meta socket means that you can sucket basically every Rune any Rune that you would like to so this is the setup that I would have for runes when it comes to the Maine agility pills and I'm going to give you the Twix that you would do for The Inferno one instead so this is going to have a little bit more survivability because you're going to have uh Health while killing the enemies because of our tumul right here and then we're going going to be able to socket a ortic right here to increase the agility attribute scaling and reduce the strength attribute scaling this massively increases the damage of our weapon because we're reducing one stat we're dumping one St that we are not using right here so this is ideal and then on the agility socket it is really not worth it to just basically use agility scaling right here so you're going to be using two the mixus the Theus you can get them from the reapers on the umbrell world and they are fairly common so you should be sitting on several of this right here and they increase your damage quite a lot and they stack on each one of your weapons on the other hand let's say for example that you want to do things a little bit differently uh then you would purchase four bar lamps right here if this is just on the events that you did decide to go through The Inferno path instead of the uh agility path uh right now I'm focusing on the agility one but this is what you would do if you would would want to do that so you would socket a verum right here and a verm right here to increase your Inferno attribute scaling only if you have Inferno first also this is something that you would do if you go into New Game Plus and you have 75 agility right here and 75 Inferno right here remember that for this build template if you want to go for Inferno and be able to cast sorceries all you would have to do is just get rid of this thing right here dump agility to 11 and place your point into Inferno instead for this specific showcase I think that a agility assassin that's what it works better and just like that you have a very very versatile build that you can toy around with and then you can decide which route do you want to go first one thing that I like about this and one thing why I wouldn't advise for you to go through The Inferno route first is that if you go to the Exile stalker route first you're going to get amazing d daggers that you can increase that you can upgrade and not feel bad about upgrading them you're going to have more than enough materials to switch them over once you reach this guy so you're going to have a very good weapon all throughout the rendition of your entire playr and just upgrade them as soon as you get the chance to do so by using better daggers once you head into New Game Plus you already have one more stat that you can invest to get more damage on uh granted you would be having to make the concession either would you want to be using your V or your Inferno Inferno things but still it's an amazing something template that you can carry all the way through New Game Plus if you like the content he like very appreciate remember to like the video subscribe to the channel before you close the door now be seeing you godam gorgeous and beautiful people next one remember that if no one told you today that you go just a beautiful person you are you are in G just a beautiful person have a beautiful day goodbye oh
Channel: RPJames
Views: 3,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NhZx3ToNUT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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