Lords Of The Fallen Weapon Scaling Soft Caps, And Runes Guide! How To Make The Best Build!

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weapons self caps hard caps many different things that a lot of people doesn't agree on but that I am going to explain to you this video I have already made one of this I did that using uh information that I had in my preview on the game I did that video using footage that I have lying around there using different Elden ring calculators we are going to be something we're going to be doing something very similar to that although this is now the release uh kind of uh video so all of this information you can know now for sure that there's no assumptions and all of these mechanics that I going to show you I am going to explain them to you as I use the ingame mechanics that you are going to see right here on the game that said before we do anything else I think that I need to do something I need to show you where the blacksmith is because that is going to be the KE essential part of everything on how what are we going to discuss in this video most of everything is going to be based on the blacksmith so to get to the blacksmith you are going to want to go to the vestage of L Agatha right here now this is where I want to be very clear there is a shortcut right here I've already unlocked these shortcuts for you to have access to this thing like I said I want to be crystal clear about this because I know a lot of people is going to be annoyed you didn't show how to unlock the shortcut because this video is about showing you where the blacksmith is this is something that you are going to get access through natural progression you cannot miss this this is a story progression this shortcut that you have right here you're not going to be able to miss it uh you're not going to be able to progress in the game if you don't if you don't get here first what is missible actually is the blacksmith so once you are right here the blacksmith is down there the natural game progression to continue is going to be going through that path right there or there I can't really remember very well but the blacksmith black blacksmith is just down here this enemies are going to have the key to the blacksmith so you have to kill them uh once you have gotten the key to the blacksmith he is going to be here just talk to him and he's going to head over back to the sanctuary thing uh he's going to open this thing so I'll meet you guys right there once you have rescued the blacksmith we can actually start talking about the weapons this is the sky rest bage you head over here the blacksmith is going to be right here there's also Rune craf thing we'll talk about that a little bit later I'll have a link in the video description for for that on how is that going to work in the runes that you are going to need but let's just talk about the materials that you are going to have the different kind of weapons that you are going to have and how this works the basics of everything much like the aols and the Soul legs if you have a weapon that you like even though that it is a basic weapon like this one for example the old old monst that large sword this is just a basic weapon this is is not a Voss weapon this is not a special weapon and if you like this one you can use it throughout the aniy of the game there is no tier on a good rare legendary things like things like that every weapon that you see in this game just try them on see which one do you like see which one fits your play style and which one of them all are you going to use and that is going to be the one that's naturally going to be your main weapon throughout the playthrough that said I want to stress that out as much as possible it doesn't really matter if it's the weapon of a starting class if you like the weapon of the yuning class you can use it the main thing that we're going to be focusing right here to increase the damage of the weapons it's going to be scaling we talk about this a little bit later on that said materials that you are going to need to upgrade your weapons there's going to be mainly two types of different weapons that are going to use different materials thankfully enough it is uh a little bit more straightforward lots of the fallen so as you can see we have the basic materials it actually took me quite a while to understand how this work I was angry on uh the game telling me that I didn't have the materials but the game didn't tell me what kind of materials that I need to upgrade a weapon but uh yeah everything is just right here you have the basic materials you have this uh next tier materials and then you have this these three guys they are going to allow you to increase basic weapons to Plus nine and plus four depending on what type of weapon are you do you have this is the final tier there's only like three or four of these things I have only found like three or four of these things in in this game so you can you can only have like three or four maxed out weapons although it doesn't really matter the jump and damage that you are going to have at least for the basic weapons is not going to be that substantial when it comes to boss weapons that's actually going to be quite a lot so for basic weapons you have 10 tiers you can get to upgrade your weapons with the material that you see right here so I as you can see I need two materials of this guy to upgrade this thing this is the materials that are required right here if I continue upgrade is going to require four of these guys back again now when I reach to level three I need to be using this next set materials and the game is always going to tell you right here what kind of materials are you going to need although when it comes to the Voss weapons the weapons that you are going to acquire and use from boss souls or B boss beer or bses or whatever the game like likes to call them they are going to use the very same material but they are going to cost more so it doesn't diverge into different kind of um like weapon materials for like in dxus like like the dragon shards and crazy things like that the materials are always going to be the same ones that you see right here now let's talk about scaling the scaling is going to be dependent on the weapon like I said the attributes strength agility Radiance and Inferno they do nothing by themselves they not increase the damage potential of a weapon just because it is a stat that naturally thinking that is going to increase your stat it's all dependent on the scaling on that you have on your weapons and many of the weapons are actually going to be quite different on what they scale and what they have like for example I have this one right here which is uh blood lust it's a short sword and it might seem like a weapon that is going to be for a agile character but as you can see this one also scales very good with Inferno so this weapon is ideal for a character that is going to be a quality between agility and Inferno you also have weapons that have base scaling for just one main stat like this one it might seem this is a huge huge weapon let me show it to you real fast if you take a look at this thing you might say well that is a strength weapon I'm going to increase my damage by placing points into strength if I want to use that huge weapon it really isn't because as you can see this one is an inferno scaling weapon and the scaling that I have in strength it's going to be nothing so I don't get nothing in return by placing points in strength to increase the damage potential and capabilities of this weapon now let's talk about soft caps hard caps and caps I know again that many people perceive them differently uh there's people that considers the hard cap to be uh the second threshold of the soft cap I don't consider it to be like that it just doesn't stand right in my mind just to say to you this is soft cap number one and soft cap number two we're going to manage it a s cap hard cap and finally the cap so the S caps through my uh when I have moved uh the stats and I have work on the respect and the different stats and different scaling weapons again it's going to be dependent on the weapon but I've encountered that the first self cap that you have for main damage stats it's going to be 40 to 50 uh so if you're going to be a purely based like for example an inferno Warrior you're going to have uh 40 to 50 points at least at the very minimum when it comes to the medi game for example for this weapon and then you're going to have a hard cap at 75 Beyond 75 your Returns on damage that you are going to receive are going to be minor and I mean minor you barely get anything in return for increasing points Beyond 75 so once you have reached like for example uh let's say that this is my main weapon and I have already reached my 75 I do not want to go beyond there so I want to be placing points into endurance or Vitality or maybe if I'm going to be a quality B I'm going to be using a quality weapon that actually has scaling on strength or agility like the example that we have previously on the uh on the blood lust blood lust which is an agility weapon that scales with The Inferno and Agility a nice idea for a quality buildt is just to keep them both at 40 40 40 uh for The Inferno for the agility and that is how you're going to get the most out of this weapon just so have in mind that that we have a hard cab uh where we have the sof capab Beyond 50 uh 40 to 50 and then we have the hard cab at 75 that's it we also have socketing runes the socket runes you are going to need specific item materials I am going to need uh leave them in the video description so you can find them for yourselves because they are found in L game areas that I do not want to spoil for you I not want to spoil those late game areas for you just to have in mind that uh you have socketing once you have unlocked the socketing you can purchase the runes with this guy and they are just a GameChanger and they rig your character so so very much so for example we have this one right here that uh it says that if you sucket this Rune into a weapon is going to increase the strength scaling this one increase the agility attribute scaling but reduces the strength attribute scaling this one for example increases the agility scaling this one increas the attribute the strength attribute scaling reduces the agility attribute scaling the one that reduces uh it's the one that you are going to get most damage in return but this ones for example this one for uh function well for Quality builds because they do not diminish the amount of uh returns that you are going to get now it is very important to note I want to be crystal clear about this because this is my this might actually going to confuse people this is the highest Rune scaling that I have for this weapon that is Radiance a Radiance based weapon so as you can see right here increases the radiance attribute scaling reduces The Inferno attribute scaling I don't care about that Inferno so that is what I want to have in that on that weapon and this is indeed my main weapon as you can see it has a scaling in Radiance so it's such a beautiful strong powerful weapon for a mono stat builds but uh the the scaling that I have in my weapon as you can right here it's a total attack power of 307 if I sucket my runes right here it might be a little confusing because they are going to do nothing for you so if we have the sucked gems as you can see the weapon does have the sockets right there the weapons are right there and the attack power it's not displaying it's still the attack power for 307 the scaling is not increasing that is something that I don't like about this game the game should tell you the raw numbers of the returns that we are getting right here but let me tell you at least for the scaling in combination in my testing I was doing 300 uh damage by using basic attacks without the runes slotted and then I sloted the runes and increase to 500 per hits so even if it is not displaying the runes right here you are still going to get the richs right there and most important than that they stack so when I slotted the first G uh the first gem I was getting 300 into damage and then I slotted the second gem and I was getting 400 and then I sloted the the the other gy and I was getting 500 damage so yes they do stack and that is amazing because you can deal filthy amounts of damage with those things and that is basically everything that you need to know about weapon weapon scaling stats sof caps caps and uh Rune crafting if you like conent super appreciate it no I told you today that you go and beautiful person you're in a gorgeous and beautiful beautiful person I will be seeing you godamn gorgeous and beautiful people in next one have a beautiful day and [Music] goodbye
Channel: RPJames
Views: 7,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L6uQt-y4iBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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