More About SDXL Lightning + Presets For Fooocus

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today we'll talk a little bit more about stxl lighning since release we now have some checkpoints available to use and hopefully more on the way in this I'll show you what settings to use some examples and some quick and easy presets for Focus to help you get going and with that let's get started right away your first question is probably what is the difference between turbo and lightning while there are several things the major points that will matter to most is that lightning is trained on 1024 resolution while Turbo's resolution is only 512 and perhaps even more important to some is that the license is the same as the base sdxl model meaning you can use the images however you like whereas turbo can be used but has limitations commercially before we check out the new models I want to go over the lightning lorus while using a checkpoint trained for lightning will give better results overall we can use the lorus with any sdxl model in order to get a similar effect Once In Focus let's go to the advanced tab I will change to 1024x 1024 this is the recommended resolution but you can use anything you like then go to model Tab and pick a model that you want to try with lightning I'm going to pick dynavision XL I will use one of my wild cards for this and you can see this is a stylized checkpoint now let's add a lightning Laura for this I will use the eight step Laura and start with a weight of one then in advance tab we will change the guidance to one then go to the debug tab change the sampler to uler and then change the scheduler to sgm uniform then change the forced overwrite of sampling steps to eight with that we can run them again and you can see it's a much faster generation and even with a lower guidance and only eight steps it feels like there is more detail added if you want a bit more color and punch to it we can increase the guidance a little if you want less cartoony you can lower the guidance a bit and even lower the lower weight some now you can see the hair strands are separating and becoming more realistic but it also is getting a bit of a faded look now so it is a tradeoff you can load any sdxl checkpoint and use this Laura to get pretty good results in a fraction of the time you can even load up a turbo checkpoint and use the lightning Laura in combination to add some interesting results I'll be using the Laura at a much lower weight so we will need to change the settings to reflect the turbo model rather than the Laura so in the advanced tab we will change the sampler to dpmp sde and the scheduler to Caris and the steps will go down to four and then generate without the Laura we get a good but lower detailed image and also a bit washed out since the guidance and steps are on the lower end of the turbo recommendation but with the four-step Laura selected and the weight set to about 0.3 we get a sharper higher contrast and slightly more detailed IM image with the same amount of steps now this isn't to say this is better maybe the more washed out softer look is what you want there are no best settings since one person's opinion of what looks good is different than the next okay let's move on to the lightning checkpoints as of creating this there are about 15 available on civit AI I'm sure there will be more to come luckily some of the most popular are already available like Juggernaut and dream shaper you can view these by changing the filter here to sdxl lightning and selecting check Point as usual download these into wherever your model checkpoints are once that is complete and the downloads are done we can go back to focus and hit our refresh all files then we can select a lightning checkpoint I will start with Juggernaut lightning and also make sure to clear any luras and we will start with the Juggernaut recommended settings which is guidance between 1 to 2 and steps between 4 to 6 the sampler should already be on DPM PP sde and schuer toyis and then generate and for only four steps these are really good it isn't going to be a replacement for the default checkpoints when going for maximum detail but that isn't always what you are looking for especially for non-realistic images we can mix this up a little too by lowering the guidance a little and upping the steps a couple by doing that we will let a little more detail through with more steps but hopefully not have it overbaked by lowering the guidance and we can see some added detail to the armor and an overall more stylized look I can change this up and check out some more realistic images and again these won't be as high detailed or as versatile as the base models but the increased speeds and minimal vram requirements is great for low-end gpus and with a little effort you can still get usable images also luras seem to work a little better for me than they did with the turbo models this Envy Zoom slider can be helpful when trying to get a closeup or a full body shot easily raising the weight up will give you zoomed in shots and lowering into the negatives will give zoomed out shots so now that you got the basics down let's make this even easier and create a preset we can use for both the lightning checkpoints and the Laura go into your focus folder and make your way down to preset sets in here we want to make a copy of the default preset and then right click and edit with notepad I am going to make this a preset for dream shaper lightning but use any lightning checkpoint you wish first thing is we want to copy the exact file name of that checkpoint and go to the folder where they are located and copy the entire file name and then go back to your text document highlight the file between the two parentheses and paste in your new checkpoint um now I have my checkpoints in a subfolder in the past I had issues getting subfolders to be recognized but that seems to be working now so I will add my subfolder of XL and have double backs slashes make sure it's two slashes or it won't work the refiner will stay as none but we want to delete the default Laura here erase everything between the two parentheses and type none then go down to the default CFG which which is our guidance scale number and you can have this between 1 to two I am going to set mine to two now we want the default sampler to be on dpmp sste and the schuer on cars all of the other settings here are fine if you like the default Styles you can leave these I like to have them off to start so I am going to delete everything between the two brackets and you can set whatever Default Resolution you want I'm going to have it at 10 24x 1024 now everything else below here isn't needed so we can remove it or leave it I'm going to remove it any setting that isn't included here will default to the config text file now there is one thing missing in here and that is the step setting to make it easy I'm going to copy the line from this file the config modification tutorial text file open this and scroll down to the bottom you will see this line here you want to copy that exactly go back to your new preset text and put that after the last line making sure the previous line does have a comma and this last line does not and last we want to change the steps to four if everything is done right we can save and then close and we want to rename this file to lightning. Json now we want to go back to the focus root folder and here I am going to make a copy of the Run anime file then edit with notepad and after the preset erase anime and put in the file name of your preset if you named it like mine then it will be lightning save and close and then rename the file I will erase anime - copy and put it as lightning and we should have a runor lightning. bat file and as long as your focus is closed run your new bat file if it loaded correctly your new settings will show if they didn't load check your command prompt for any errors if you see something like this check this line here mine says I have an error at line 37 column 1 I can reopen my preset and down here I can see where the error is there is a comma on the last line that's the error I'm going to erase that and save and now my settings should load and it looks like everything is correct this time if you want you can also set up a preset for the lightning luras if you wish just go through the same steps as we just did but use the Laura settings and copy the Laura you want into one of the spaces that say none just make sure to get the entire file name in there I also wanted to show this quick comparison on the bite dance hugging face page in the first row we can see a typical base model sdxl outcome next to examples of all the new luras and you can see the lightning images seem to adhere more to what you get out of the Basse sdx whereas turbo and LCM tend to be quite different with the same prompt just something to keep in mind lastly I wanted to show some better example images just so you can see that lightning can still give you stunning results these were created by simply scrolling through the Juggernaut lightning image page on civit AI and using some of their prompts to get started all of these were done with two guidance and four steps on the Juggernaut lightning model and that is all I have for you all today I hope you learned something and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Jump Into AI
Views: 5,179
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Id: DRcxsqnhjws
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Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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