Looking For Arrowheads : A Quick Search

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So today we're going to look for some arrowheads this is a cool little farm I got permission for this Farm earlier this spring to look for civil war stuff I'm over in West Virginia uh not too far from the cacapan river and the farmer said yeah go ahead and look around which I did and I didn't find anything well nothing of Interest anyway but it also said that there's a couple fields on this property where he's found a lot of arrowheads and different things over the years and he says I'm welcome to look for those two and I did but the grass was kind of Too Tall but he since planted it now he said I could go ahead and look um until it germinates and starts to come up and doesn't want me in the field anymore which is no problem because since he went ahead and put the seed in it's rained really hard I lost it actually lost a day or two and stuff should be washed off so shoot you know it's not like the best conditions here but it should be pretty good because we can actually see some of the ground in fact I've already found a couple things and I just got here this is probably that's probably a point right there of some sort you see it's been all the edges have been worked that kind of looked like one but but we'll have to take a closer look at I think it's been hammered on quite a few times on the edges so it might be some type of scraper and there's a little piece of pottery that's Indian Pottery right there for sure so I think we might have a pretty good day they're going to give me a few minutes and as soon as I start to get into an area where I see some flakes even if it's back by the barn I'll get you back out well that looks like a beauty right there what do you think could be our very first hole one oh yeah look at that bad boy right there that's a nice one a little chip on the end but not that often you find a complete Point like well it's not complete but a nice Point like that at least for me today's already been a good day there's quite a few flakes in this area here I mean not tremendous amount but I just found that piece which I think is uh probably the typical one broken off and there's some uh different it's like a white flake there I think it's going to be complete but not a huge concentration but I think we're done pretty good already considering we've only been here about 20 minutes or so let's use the Rock guy detected these fields but I didn't get very many signals just mostly um mostly uh I can't even talk because I'm looking uh cans and stuff that's probably a piece of oh that could be one is that one is it no it's a big old chunk a piece they flaked off but that's some uh a little bit of pottery right there wow that's pretty cool man is that something has the right shape but I think it's it's really soft rock so I kind of doubt it it's flaked there I left my stick back there let's go back and get it there might be one right there yes indeed y not a very pretty one but didn't I reckon it's probably not too terribly old but it's definitely one well this was kind of disappointing I've been looking around that for about an hour and a half it started raining pretty hard I had to put my camera away it's not waterproof if I really didn't find a whole lot I mean a lot of chips found some broken ones I just found this piece here which is actually probably the best thing I've found since I last talked to you which is a it's a broken point of some sort you know tips missing there corn is missing there uh boy I tell you I thought we'd find a lot more I think if the you know the uh winter wheat or whatever this is have been completely plowed under would have been a lot better I'm just really just being able to look in areas where it's um you know where the grass is completely down and I worked my way back I poured the barn and you know the stuff here lots of chips but I'm just not finding anything except those first couple little pieces that I showed you you know I'll show you some pictures of more but I don't know how much longer I'm going to stay out here it's just a piece of stick well it was good to get out on a rainy day I really like walking around in the rain which is called enjoy the pictures I think I took like four [Music] kids for eternity [Music] Mother Earth she's got her Secrets she's promised to keep hidden in her dirt or deep in her Creek Mother Earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saving where it is or what it might be [Music] Mother Earth You Are My Lady
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 21,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, outdoor adventure, treasure hunting, things to do, fun videos, #chiggsarmy, #aquachigger, arrowhead hunting, strange artifacts, unusual artifacts, fun videos for kids, outdoor adventures, arrowheads, raining
Id: l_uYdp6XEC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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