A Huge Civil War Battle Raged Here | Aquachigger

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I'm checking out a new spot today and I didn't think it was going to be too good but I figured I might as well check it out while I can because as you can see a flag right there I think in order to develop this little stretch a stream and I know there's a skirmish nearby so I thought I'd jump in here and kind of check it out before you know I push all kinds of stuff around on this 20 different neighbors to deal with instead of one developer and I'm actually having some luck I'm finding mostly fired bullets well really only fire pull huts and beer cans and stuff like that but have a nice signal right here I think it's another bullet I figured out just do a quick video I don't have a really long stretch to hit here only about a hundred yards right below it they're already developed it so there's a bunch of neighbors and stuff I don't have to deal with 20 different people we're just going to hunt this little stretch right here we have a few bullets and I have another nice signal here I thought I'd just let you see what a bullet sounds like looks like on the meter I'll go ahead and see if unfortunate water in early mucky so I have to just use a pin pointer but above the water but you can kind of hear anything I can do this a lot faster one I'm not trying to make a video I thought it'd be fun just to get this little hunt on video because I know this is gonna be gone soon I moved it so it's out of the hole in my hand should be right in there they see one out there it is it's a fired bullet another nice little signal right here I think is probably not a fired bullet unfortunately the waters too cloudy to get any underwater action want to reach under with my bare hands see if I can feel it most of them are kind of right on the surface there's a lot of hard clearing here not right here open alley all right now get the pinpoint up for this one okay I think that now ah yes another one most excellent this is great little stream right here which shows water a little bit clearer I guess I could go down and work my way up that might be better what do you think nice the nice little squeaky signal up under the tree stump not reading quite as high as a bullet or let's see if we can find it pretty quickly Yeah right there it's off on that's a piece of can oh well where the good comes the bad another nice squeaker here it's a little bit higher though it should be for a bullet I think yeah jumping around a little bit so could still be bullet my concern is though you can see like the beer can right there there's a lot of your cans in here I think the pinpointer or anything this is all day inside Bend too so the river is up and it's roaring through here this is a low-pressure area over here so all the light stuff like aluminum cans becomes downstream and I get sucked into the slow pressure and settle right in here and get covered whereas the heavy stuff like bullets will not move there'll be wherever they are they don't get moved around some of this light stuff that sucked under these things right here now it could be bullets under here but I can guarantee is going to be more cans to I'll see what we got this is probably gonna be deeper because like I said it's got a sand yeah second you here with in Corning it ten point one more time and put my toe right on it put some pointers on lights on okay yes I can't hear hear with a pinpoint so it's deep let's let's mind giving me a really good signal Harbach lumpy can but you never know I mean it could be anything could be anything in here that's a bullet I think yes indeed who has a hard head huh look at that thing that's a really hard hit I'm pretty sure that's a gardener too until we're looking at the base this Confederate bullet right there we check this hole is the case there was this is part of a tree that had more bullets in it not hear anything with pinpoint what that's just goes to show you like I said even though this is a low-pressure area that all the light stuff including aluminum cans once you get down to the hard clay like I just did it could be good stuff there you just have to dig through a lot of junk sometimes I don't like digging through a lot of junk here's another nice Bowl a signal right here which was just one there nice hard clay might be able to drink down and feel it it's there no but you just go ahead and get the pinpointer no you're not hear it you hear it listen what I do is I move the dirt with my fingers until the target moves now I know what's in that loose dirt once I get in the loose dirt I can just let go of the pinpointer that should be right here yeah I guess it yep there it is oh yeah look at that that's another one another nice fire bullet man it's a bunch of Minnesota Creek party must have been a really intense around here definitely know the target right there in fact I can see it laying there yep this is a round ball and one thing I can tell you fine fire - bullets together like that really close I think that what is going on is mosquitoes out here is that those bullets were fired into trees and the trees fell over and either rotted in the woods or maybe fell into a stream like this and float it down and rotted so you might find three four or five bullets all in one hole so what I'm going to do is I'm going to play a particular attention to any logs I see sticking out of the bank like this or anything bigger especially and just maybe I'm lucky if we're lucky we can find a log that still has some bullets in it because that's really cool with an e collectible so we have about another high set we have about 100 yards to go up here and then we're done hopefully we'll we'll get into some more and these are the kind of logs you want to check you see those are bigger and older they could be could have been laying under this mud for the last hundred and fifty years full of bullets now I did run the machine over these and there's nothing in it but you know that could be a much older log then what you see lighting up in the woods they're always checking for bullets if you're in a battle area you know a nice little signal here that's probably a bullet oh hi squeak almost sounds too big for a bullet doesn't it all right could be multiple bullets mighty pro pointer yep it's hard clay I can feel the hard clay right there Scioscia builders pick them up yeah there's something in here oh all I had can you see it see the bullet in there that that one huh no it's not that one this one that's another round ball just a little bit of green on it that means at one point sunlight was getting to it and allowed algae to grow I think it might have been a bucketing ball to you see that was almost like three little things there maybe not though we're going to check the hole because that signal was too big and weird just to be one thing so we'll just hit it with a pin pointer yeah that was it I guess it was just the one thing it's on get on the bag check the hole I always check the hole before leave no that was my boot yeah it was kind of a weird signal wasn't it definitely nothing else there all right well almost to the end I'll do a wrap-up here in just a couple minutes yeah near the end that's the last lot before the road you hear the road up there we'll go ahead and go up to the road I'm not sure what the developer owns up to the road but he probably does it's probably just the last lot more yeah yeah it could be the inside corner couldn't it be another steak further up all right can I signal here nice and squeaky we're not gonna use the pin point on this one are we no we're gonna go in and just scrape away scrape away cuz not much gravel here well actually it's more rare than I thought yeah so we're down to the hard clay right there it's probably going to be in this done it has to be out of the hole all right let's look that let's let it calm down there a minute see if we can see it can you see it Kenya uh-huh can you see it I don't see a bullet all right let's get the technology out things out of the hole I do that's right there so you couldn't see it I can see it now can you see it now put it right in the middle of the screen that's hard to see the sunlight all right there oh yeah it is him a little bath oh that's a Yankee bullet it's a sharps and it's dropped I do believe that's a drop bullet right there this might be what the Yankees were could be captured though it could be captured Yankee and used by the Confederates but that's a Calvary bullet right there pretty cool huh that's where I just dug the sharp bullet right there and that's another signal right beside it right there's another one probably a sharp since the one was dropped this is probably another drop sharps or just peel this back I can feel it right now yep now the drop sharps wash it off get a little bath look at that what's in rough shape though huh he's got the white oxidation on it that tells me it was on land for a while so it probably was up here on this tank right here in washed in over the years I like it things anymore in there let's listen try my magnet nope another one right there all right let's just reach John grabber if we can yeah she is kind of neat cause you can um once you get down to clay layer you can just feel the hard little chunk of lid oh it has to go to the whole layer in pointer right here we'll just pick it up sure we can't mister both I probably by myself I'd just be whipping through these things one after another I want to make a little video and you guys can see what's going on help me take it all day hear it as I feel the weight of it in my hand just feel it another drop sharps so during the battle could have been a Yankee firing position this trench right here or you know the Calvary man fell into the creek or something and he lost these bullets I don't think they camped around here too much least not that I know of him but there's a bunch of bullets so it's probably could well be some more rightness those spots will look cool check is over really close I'm still at the place where I was digging those Calvary bullets and is more here I don't bore you with all the digging but I was let you listen I heard one yeah there's one there at least one I heard another one over here there's one right there in that Bank and so there's more in here we'll go ahead and just poke around a little bit I love to get up in the woods but I told the guy I was only going to be in the stream so until I talked to him we're just going to stick in the stream today I can't promise you this we will be back up there in the woods if he lets me go and he's a real nice guy something could be any problem at all but we're just staying in the stream for it now I'm gonna do wrap up in a couple minutes take a seat fog forming on my lens that means I have water and the camera will do a quick wrap-up that'll be it and I thought I had a war log here I had a signal right here and this log was laying in there I thought for sure the bullet was in a log but apparently something underneath well I guess there's more wood down here yet alright Sarnia hammer battery is flashing like giving up the ghost now not a war log it's a can log oh no just doing a quick wrap-up here my battery's almost dead I have to switch our cameras I found almost 40 bullets today mostly fired although I do have a few dropped ones in the air I got the sharps actually have a drop gardener here and maybe a couple drop minis I was only out here about an hour so that was a good hunt but thanks for joining me at this spot we'll definitely get back out here that I can promise you
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 457,715
Rating: 4.8881173 out of 5
Keywords: battle, war, civil war, metal detecting, History, Documentary, War (War Album), Civil, Museum, Culture, garrett, aquachigger, searching, collecing, relics, nature, Cool, fun, adventure, Travel, funny, treasure seeker, excellent tips, beau ouimette, water relic hunter, fierce civil war, battle raged, fierce civil war battle, adventurer, stream, treasure, would-be water relic hunter, find lots of bullets, magnet fishing, river treasure, aqua chigger
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2015
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