Mike And Chigg Dig : Coins And Relics!

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that could actually be a coin oh yeah all right so that's going to be a horrible Adventure kind of in progress really I'm here with Mike of great finds YouTube and I will give you a link and pin comment probably and we are in a civil war area not too far from a major Battlefield and we're looking for civil war bullets and belt buckles and cannonballs small cannons coins anything we can find a whole bunch of deer over there running it's actually deer season we probably should be in Orange but the farmer we just talked to him well his house is right there and he said don't worry about there's nobody hunting out here but we probably scared him out from a safe area yeah and we're pretty close to the house and the barn and a whole bunch of sheep so I understand we're just not gonna go in the woods of course there's a deer blind back there but we won't talk about that one all right I'm going to uh get to it what do you say I have a nice little hint of lead right here I'm hoping it's going to be a mini Ball but it could just be a little small round ball what do you think I think that is a smaller caliber round ball probably most undoubtedly fired you can see it's all mashed up actually it looks like it might have been fired in the rifled gun Muzzleloader yeah I'd say definitely it's not a Smooth Bore most awesome there we go got a nice 69 caliber round ball that's almost undoubtedly from the American Civil War especially considering that we are on a campground slash Battlefield well they did fight across here but the main part of the fighting was actually a couple miles away but definitely a nice big old bullet right there and I'm going to call it civil war all day long just I guess a little doodad I probably should have gotten the camera out but it was really loud so I figured a piece of junk but it is a solid brass ring of some sort now it could go on some Civil War soldiers kit or that could just be more Farm related you know agricultural related not sure but it's definitely something that I think a person would use and not so much like a horse or a cow you know out plowing who are wearing like a wedding band you know what I mean this is a curious little piece of lid some of you guys know what it is already and for those of you that don't I'm going to tell you it's flattened on that side it kind of looks like a little button almost if you flip it over you can see um that there's like a little hole right there and what this is this is the head a lead head to a nail a roofing nail kind of like the old style and the theory is when you would bang it into a roof that those Nails would flatten out and seal the hole I don't really know how effective that was but you find a lot of these and they you know they do look like little buttons but you can always tell by the other side that there's just like just that's where the nail would have been attached the iron part oh nice little piece of lead had a nice little signal here very bullet-like and I was digging and I noticed something rolling around down there I think that's a musket ball I do believe it is that's a fired one for sure it's all mushed up hit from a good distance it's not really deformed but it's deformed enough that you wouldn't want to try to be loading that probably all right nice little musket ball can't complain about that can you so I am finding a lot of this kind of stuff this is probably some type of Salve that they used for the farm animals and I'm finding lots of I mean a lot of aluminum foil some pieces of um a little closer to me uh you know some pieces of can and stuff but just uh probably four out of five signals that I'm digging are a chunk like this well let's see I'd say eight out of nine I think a little piece of pewter I think it's gonna be part of a pewter spoon Bowl I might have scraped a little bit right there I actually thought it was a rock when I first saw it but I was definitely pewter I'm going to say a swimming bowl for sure yeah that's what it is so we have a nice deep signal here still buried it's right there I thought it would get you out I don't even know if it's a squeaker at this point but let's go ahead and dig it together the show back behind it it's really it was too deep really to get a good read on the Discrimination portion of it and it's still in the hole isn't it dude I haven't dug it up yet but it's still down here right there so I'm gonna go ahead and put you away and just go ahead and dig it up real quick oh this is all it was was a nice deep iron signal I mean it could be a piece of a shelf or I went artillery shell fragment but if I had the Discrimination on I wouldn't even hurt it would have been no beep whatsoever but since we're looking for deep stuff in here because this place has been pounded gonna have to dig a few of these while we're going along a nice little signal here I'm hoping it's going to be at least a button not a shucking Hull yeah I think it is looks like a little flat button got the shank on the back right there still attached that's where you would uh sew it on the Garment very thin just clean it off just a little bit see if there's an eagle on there or some other cool design and I want to say it's a possibility I mean I see a bunch of I see something I mean it's the right it's the right size and shape for like the 1812 era I'm not saying that's what it is but I'm going to go ahead and put that in my bag let it dry off just a little bit and then we'll clean up the front ah see what it is I'm hopeful yet so I have a nice little Thumper right in here somewhere I have not seen it so I don't know if it's going to be junk or something good ah there it is however that's a bullet right there oh yeah look at that see that right there is a drop Confederate Gardener bullet it's got those two grooves right there if you look in the base is actually an insert you can kind of see the little line right there I'll try to get a picture but that's actually a little lit insert that goes in there and it's got the two grooves not all two Groove bullets are Confederate there's some Yankee ones but this is a definitely 100 Confederate bullet most awesome sweet I haven't really showed you any many signals today that's because it's kind of cold and windy and I haven't really felt like it but I'm going to show you this one using the Garrett at Max today all metal mode pretty much maximum sensitivity and I have a kind of a deeper signal here could be something good I'm looking at the meter jumping all over the place so the machine doesn't know for sure because it's too deep all right so I got it out of the hole I can see that it's lead and I'm hoping it's not well I think it's the lead I hope it's not going to be a nail head it might be something else but we don't know yet it's like a little washer it looks like a little washer I'm pretty sure that's lead so that could be I don't think it's a nail head like um I showed you earlier in the video it looks more like just a little lid washer of some sort really all right well at least it was a decent well a non-fair signal I went ahead and cleaned that flat button up just a little bit to see if we can make out the design and I don't really see anything for certain it almost looks like an eagle on there but I suspect that's just corrosion a really solid signal here it's almost too solid but I'm going to go ahead and like it's too shallow you know what I mean other people should have dug that but that's like around 70. so it could be a good Target let's go ahead and semi dig it together make a little plug just hold your what I like to do just kind of cut around in the semi semi plug here doesn't have to be perfect out here oops and we pop it out like that and you're able to do that because this shovel has that bend right there so you don't have to really work very hard at it let's see if we got it shouldn't shouldn't have been too deep yep so it's in here still nice and solid hope it's not going to be aluminum because there's an awful lot of aluminum in here all right is it in here nope not in there not in there all right so what I'll do give it a good Shake yeah so it's in the it's like up in the grass there so I'm gonna put you away and dig it out of there and I'll show you what it is in a minute I was pulling the grass Clump apart and something fell down in here you can kind of see it looks like it might be another button you can see kind of the edge right here I'm hoping or a coin that could actually be a coin oh yeah all right so that's going to be a coin of some sort uh probably a colonial copper I would guess because how thin it is and that was right and that's right in the grass layer wow awesome so it's going to probably predate you know this 1770s or before now typically that's the date she fired in here 1770 1760s by the 1780s we don't find two you don't find too many 1780s and 1790s are almost unheard of but definitely Colonial copper of some sort well British copper I should say back in that way her scrapes that means this piece of iron very big old piece of iron down there for a piece of pot what this is probably you know Colonial area part this is I think there's a house out here in this part of the field so big link kind of that round round or oval shape no actually that's a handle that's a handle to like a giant but uh not a bucket but a a tub or something like that it's broken right there but this you would you picked it up like this and that would have been something wrapped around there to pick it up so it's a big heavy handle is what it actually is all right so what we have is a little piece of copper copper or brass I was probably just going to be uh I don't think it's a button I think it's just going to be a little piece of junk a sheet of something maybe almost looks like a shotgun shell base really or it's a thimble I think that's a mash thimble I do believe let me clean that up a little more got a hint of a room right there it just kind of reminds me of one I'll get it cleaned up we'll get a little look at it but I suspect guess what it is Temple for sewing oh yeah that's a nice one yeah give it off a kind of a weird it was laying kind of funny down in there all right I'll get it very nice yeah you do are you gonna do your go ahead and do it yourself no you do yours you sure yeah yeah I'm good but I think I see a little bit of a yeah it's pretty thin yeah I'm leaning towards that being probably what's called a kg one two or three pretty cool awesome I might have one over here oh do you really maybe when he was digging that I was over here messing around letting well not digging it but actually doing his little YouTube part and I got a signal over here it sounds like it could be a large sense I thought I'd share it with you I don't know if it is and it's uh I mean I haven't dug it up yet it's still on the ground let's see if we can find it all right there really high wispy signal the low 80s right there I'm going to bet that so I'm going to bet that's a coin let's take it together one hand's a little bit tough but on the camera with the other there we go all right so it should be in the center of that plug and I don't think too deep I think whatever it is it's probably falling down into here yeah it's right there you see it that's not a bullet I can tell oh no no silver no it's an aluminum tag it's like a cow tag or something or a telephone tag man I think sounded good walk to go it seemed like a stop sign yep oh well not a coin it does unfortunately it's aluminum so it's not going to be that old I have a really nice high wispy signal in this piece right here now the last time we had a high wispy signal it turned out to be aluminum uh tag but this is much smaller than that just a weird signal it's not something um you hear very often it's very kind of light and ethereal won't sound quite as good anymore let's see what we've got in here oh no so it's part of a piece of junk that might be nuts in here it's gonna be like a little tiny piece of a little flat piece of a can or something maybe see it feel it right there all right what is that so it was a very shallow piece of oh okay so that's some type of little teeth on it some type of fabric goes through there and it's got those teeth that would grab it it's uh kind of caught I guess it's a light copper oh well so I have a little coin here but it's a modern penny and the funny thing is it sounded almost exactly like that little copper thing I just found same type of signal I actually thought it was another one of those but oh well I'm not real happy with that but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick all right I guess we're gonna head on out of here pretty quick the owner just came by and uh there's a bunch of people heading out across the field to go deer hunting and he said we're okay if we stay down here by the houses but I'll think we're I'm gonna have Mike get get Mike come down to here and we probably should just leave because it makes it easier for everyone I hope you enjoyed the little Adventure sorry it just kind of ended like that but we got a scooted [Music] Mother Earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity [Music] Mother Earth she's got her Secrets she's promised to keep hidden in her dirt or deep in her Creek Mother Earth she ain't saying exactly what she's saving where it is or what it might be [Music] Mother Earth you are my lady my big round baby I'll rock you until I go to sleep you don't care if you're dying or if you're living or somewhere in between Mother Earth you are my lady my big round baby and I'll rock you until I go to sleep she'll shake the coins from your pocket take your gold chain and you'll like it Mother Earth has no sympathy
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 27,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, family friendly, outdoor adventure, treasure hunting, things to do, fun videos, #chiggsarmy, #aquachigger, metal detector, treasure hunters, metal detector finds, metal detecting finds, things to do when your bored, amazing discoveries, best metal detectors, old coins, relic hunting, exploring old places, outdoor hobbies, old buttons, gr8finds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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