Look at what I DISCOVERED Sitting in a TREE ROW! Plus RESCUING Classic Cars from the CRUSHER!

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foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] good morning everybody Silas back today and I was not planning on recording today but it is what it is the main thing I'm going to be doing this week is just loading crash cars I've got a whole bunch of loads stacked out there I'm going to crush some more today and so I got a bunch of trucks coming this week so that was my main prerogative I didn't think it was going to be anything too exciting so I wasn't going to record however yesterday my dad sent me a phone number of a guy that had called him with some old trucks he said he had two old trucks he didn't know what they were in Old International cabover and a Dodge truck is what he said he had they're about 40 miles away so my dad didn't want to mess with him so he just gave me the guy's phone number so I called the guy he says yeah come out and check them out so yesterday afternoon I went out there now the international cab over I was all excited about that that was the truck that I loaded at the beginning of this video it's a 1959 I think those are kind of ugly but somebody might like it and the price was right so I went ahead and bought it they wanted that one gone first they did have a Dodge truck I bought that one as well then they had a Studebaker truck I bought that one as well and then they had a uh I forgot what it's called it's International is who made it but it's a big semi basically and I went ahead and bought that as well uh man my brain just went blank I can't think of what they're called but when you see it I know some of you guys will know what it is in addition to that he had something else really cool back in the trees and I said what are you doing with hat and he says oh we'd probably sell that too I said how much and he said 100 bucks and I said you know what I think I'll do it I don't know if it's worth it or not but it's pretty cool I've never had one before so I went ahead and bought it it's not a car you guys will see it when I get it he had a couple other really cool trucks out there however he actually sold those to somebody else before he found out about me he sold them pretty cheap but he just wanted the stuff gone everything I bought was I wouldn't say it was cheap but it was fair price it's basically I paid scrap price for everything there but I have to drive 40 miles and get it but anyway in addition to that I've got a couple other trucks I might have to go get this week so I guess you'll just ride along with me and we'll see what we can find and I know that other thing that I bought back there on the trees I want to go get that tonight you guys are going to love that thing it is just far out there cool I might even go ahead and show you guys loading a few cars or crushing a few cars it's just a throw a few extras in the video so with that let's get busy [Music] all right we got the first truck loaded and then this just came in for scrap check this thing out well I did I paid a little bit over scrap for it just because it's got some good stuff I can use on it but check out that bumper I don't know what year this is is this a fifty three four somewhere in that range I don't know for sure what year this is I'm not too familiar with ones this year range pretty clean inside it's just really really really rusty rocker panels are gone quarter panels are gone the fenders are rusted out [Music] even the back bumper is neat pretty cool car it's got a sticker on it oh Kansas Farm Bureau yeah see it's rusted up back here and then I know some of you Northeastern people are like that's not Rusty but around here this car is super Rusty so realistically this car's probably not ever going to see the road again but it's got a lot of good parts on it that'll help other cars to stay on the road well just loaded truck number three for the day that's the last one for today I didn't make a whole lot of progress I crashed quite a bit of cars today too but I still didn't make much progress because I bought so many cars today I only crushed a couple of the existing inventories so hopefully tomorrow we can get rid of all of these loads that are right here and then I've got a few more that we can hopefully get out on Thursday here's that tractor that came in it's an old Farmall m m not a whole lot well actually there's pretty much all here except for the radiator and one wheel and tire well actually the wheel's still on it isn't it but anyway I was waiting on a guy to unchain his load so I went ahead and popped the carburetor and the little Governor shaft off of it and the air breather and then I kind of ran out of time but I'll probably go ahead and Save the PTO cover and depending on how rambunctious I get if I get the torch out here I'll probably save this piece here and the drawbar I have a guy that's interested in all that stuff but he doesn't have a torch to come pull it so if I want to sell it to him I got to pull it and I think I know he's good for the money so I'll probably go ahead and pop those pieces off and he might want the wide front end off of this as well so I'll probably go ahead and knock all that stuff off some future day assuming I get time if I don't get time to bring the torch out here I plan to bring it out here next week but if that doesn't happen then I'll probably just go ahead and kind of Squish it in the car a little bit and ship it on in the guy that brought it in pulled the radiator off for scrap and I asked him if he would be gentle with the grill in the hood and so he was so they're sitting right here that's pretty cool Grill got really good color that'll make a good wall hanger and then this hood here I thought if a guy is real careful and takes the whiz wheel and cuts it all the way down along the top just the side here make a really neat wall hanger by itself kind of like a sign or something like that the other side is pretty well all gone all the writing but this side you can still see just enough of it to make it interesting but with that I'm going to lock it up here it's about three o'clock now so I have just enough time to run out there to that place and get that last thing that's really cool but with that I'm going to lock it up here I've got about but with that I'm going to lock it up here I've got just enough time to run out through that place and get that really cool thing that I told you about it's gonna be kind of hard to get it out I'm gonna have to back all the way up in through some trees to get to it and I haven't walked it yet so I'm going to go out there make sure I can even get in there and just kind of Wiggle around up in there and hopefully we can get to it get it loaded up and get out of there when you're out here in the Boondocks like this every single Farm you come across has old cars and trucks sitting around it not every single one but a lot of them do like I see a bunch of old stuff sitting around that place back there but 99 of it 99.9 of it is not for sale until either somebody passes away or somebody gets sick or something like that and then it's for sale and it's usually for sale pretty cheap but it's kind of just luck of the draw if you're the one that gets it or not I love exploring all these old Barns and old buildings and things like that people are so nervous about getting sued though they won't let nobody on the property to explore them so it's really hard to get permission but every now and then you can I tried to buy that big window GMC over there even has a factory visor on it but one of the brothers wants that and it's not for sale at any price you said [Music] check this thing out like a mohawk on it pretty rough on the inside I mean it's pretty well toasted on the inside but the outside of it pretty interesting I've had a lot of old campers but never had one quite like this needs completely restored but I think it's well worth restoring it's pretty neat I'm not sure what I'll do with it yet [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] needs cleaned out but it's not all rusted out so not a bad one I think we're ready to go we'll take it nice and slow here's another one here I wanted to buy but they already sold it to another guy so I'm trying to buy it from that guy but we'll see if I get it done or not pretty cool Chuck pretty rough but still pretty cool the cows want to know why I'm taking away their house oh cows are loose watch out buddy now they're gonna run in front of me anyway I'm not gonna have time to unload this tonight I've got a birthday party to go to so I actually have clothes laying right here beside me because I'm gonna get back in town just in time for that so I'm gonna stop by my dad's shop change my clothes real quick go to that birthday party I'll unload this sometime tomorrow and we'll check it out a little bit better then [Music] foreign didn't stand a chance flat on a pancake I'm going to look through all this junk that just came in see if there's anything good in there there's a cool piece we'll get that out of there I'm gonna have to get the loader though and push this off of it see if there's anything else in here but early this morning I went out before the sun came up and unloaded that camper got that off my trailer here's an aluminum tank it looks pretty rough but I'll save it for aluminum don't really see anything else in there though that's any good we'll see if there's anything on this but anyway got that unloaded came out here loaded a truck then I threw that Cadillac onto my trailer took it out there unloaded it came back here loaded another truck then I had to run another errand came back here loaded another truck and in between all of that I've unloaded about oh five six seven eight nine ten about 12 cars a day is what I bought today plus I bought this that other truck bed full of junk and then that truck just came in now I gotta say it's really a shame on this one here this truck is like 99 rust free very rust free truck but it is just mangled beat up I mean it's ready for the crusher I'll probably save this bed off of it and use it for a container to move stuff around in but it's got 59 000 original miles on it oh here's a cool piece there we go jungle Lantern but yeah this truck here it's really a shame it's so rough because the cabs Rock Solid the finners are Rock Solid the bed's Rock Solid but even the frame still has paint on it someone extended the frame and took the bit off of it is the way I take it but she's pretty well toast I guess I can see now even the tailgate's been bowed out so even that's junk too bad so sad it does have a really nice chrome bumper on the front of it I don't know if I'll get around get the ambition to pulling that off or not custom deluxe it's got this neat tote up on the hood I'll probably go ahead and save that but yeah it's got this crumb bumper on it and the grill is broken in several places so I thought about saving that but it's probably just junk too so I'll probably just go ahead it's too long to fit in the crusher so I'll probably just go ahead and wad it up and shove it the dumpster later yeah it's too bad but you can't save them all so what do you do got this car in and I'm thinking about cutting the trunk off of it it's a little beat up but it is a Mustang and it's kind of cool looking so not everybody could afford the trunk off of a original Mustang so this in here is more of a budget friendly option for people it's probably about a 250 300 piece right here so I'll probably go ahead and pop it off there at some point in time if I if I get in a big hurry I'll go ahead and crush it but if I don't I'll wait and I'll get my saws out cut that off another day and then I want to save the doors off of this they're not that old of doors but once again old doors with riding on them are getting really expensive not everybody can afford them so stuff like this is a more affordable option but I'm not going to worry about these today I want to load one more truck today and hopefully one more in the morning and then I'm gonna go out there get the Dodge truck out of those trees out where that camper was and there's one more Studebaker out there but I'm probably going to have somebody else haul that for me and so who knows what else we'll get into tomorrow thank you fresh arrival 1955 Chevrolet not too terrible rust wise see it's got some Rust up above the windshield but they pretty much all do anymore the doors are pretty junky but I don't know it's got really good color so honestly this in here will probably get cut up but somebody wants to save it then they can always send me some money and they can save it there's a guy here now picking up a 76 Ford van that he bought a while back and he found this bike out in the pile so he's buying that from me and then I was digging into that white square body and I found this underneath all the junk on the back of it it's a little bit beat up but not too terrible and it's not rusted out anywhere so that's a pretty good tailgate right there I think I can get a little bit of money out of that I always tell everybody if you don't want me to cut it up all you got to do is show up with a trailer and some cash and I won't cut it up that's exactly what he did and also he bought one that was cut up too the little 64 Mercury so he got a little bit of both worlds and he's picking out some more stuff too he got some signs and some hubcaps and he's getting a bunch of ignition boxes that I had up in the building too so he's getting a pretty good load he's buying a bunch of these brand new in the box pretty cool pieces I sold quite a few of them on eBay I used to sell them all the time I always kept some on there and when I first started selling them I was getting really big money out of them and I kind of flooded the market for a while and so they stopped selling I kept dropping prize and dropping price and finally I just quit selling them all together and I haven't sold anything out for a while but he saw him and said I'd like to buy all of them so I just sold all of them foreign [Music] not as cool as the old ones but I think it turned out pretty good it's not too terribly heavy I can move it around by myself two guys could pick it up and carry it around easy but it really wasn't that bad the only thing I struggled with was getting the trunk open but I was able to reach up the speaker hole and grab a hold of the safety release and pull that and get it open so that wasn't too terrible [Music] there we go got those off pretty cool doors kind of like the Mustang they're newer not worth as much money but somebody will still want those eventually so I didn't I couldn't see crushing them so I went ahead and saved them now I can go ahead and junk this cab and I got some exhaust down here I just cut all the converters off of those so I can scrap all those and the cougar I guess I'll let it sit for now foreign threw at the dumpster instead of crushing it it was actually a tiny bit too long to fit in The Crusher and it wasn't worth the extra few dollars a ton to have to cut the frame and do all that stuff so I just smashed the roof in threw it in there and on we go another cool Grill to go with this one here [Music] foreign [Music] I sure wish I could get that one [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] first he wasn't too sure about me filming out here but we went through all these old barns we found some pretty cool stuff in there he's got more stuff but I don't have room for it all so maybe I'll come back for another truck some other day and get it but right now we're gonna load up some really cool old iron wheels in the back of this truck that I got [Music] continue on South 263rd Street West for 12 miles [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I fought the wind all the way there were several times I could only do about 35 miles an hour just because those Crosswinds were hitting me so hard and it was wagging all over the place and I get this I get here I get the truck unloaded I'm getting ready to unhook my trailer there's some clouds rolling in some dark clouds it might rain I hope it does and then the wind stops so I fought the wind it took me an hour and a half to get there this morning it took me two and a half almost three hours to get back home that was some White Knuckle driving but I just took it nice and slow I didn't get in a hurry I was taking back roads so it wasn't a big deal for people that had to pass me I probably won't ever haul a truck that big that far again unless I get a bigger trailer that was just that truck was too long for this trailer this the weight distribution just wasn't right and I couldn't pull it any further forward but anyway I think I'm about done with this video let me know which vehicle was your favorite I think you guys already know the camper was my favorite that was pretty sweet I don't know what I'm gonna do with that yet I kind of went through it earlier and it was it was pretty nasty inside so I'll probably sell it but for now at least I'm gonna hang on to it and look at it the stuff I got out of that Barn was pretty cool too with that I am worn out and tired there wasn't anywhere to get food all the way there and back so I've had nothing to eat today it's late afternoon now so I'm gonna go home and get something to eat I hope you have an absolutely fantastic rest of your day and remember to get out there and find that Adventure we'll see you next time foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Adventures Made From Scratch
Views: 146,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UpcE4SxEZ0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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