God moving through Prophet Brian Carn @ The River in Durham, NC #2

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tomato I got to see Jesus tell somebody that's why I'm living homie come on T you got to lift this ain't Church I say that's why I'm living holy yes now I'm not laying up with every Tom Dick and Harry that's why I'm not a or lesbian that's why I'm not a ho chasing freebase of them whisking even cocaine sniffing a pill-popping we challenge a backhoe chewing them cigarette suckin pipe up and skirt-chasing them B go gambling and midnight rambling yellow I'm trying to see Jesus I gotta see it and when you I told you I'm not preaching on the night cuz I really want to minister to you but I told you that when you stop focusing on people and focus on where you're going so I'm going somewhere I'm going with a wicked cease from troubling and the weary Chevy address all the saints of the ages sit at his feet beep bless that's why I'm going so I can put up with y'all down here wonder why I can put up with you down here cuz I knew you ain't coming where I'm coming so I'll go ahead and deal with you down here cuz when I get there I won't have to deal with you yes Lord yeah you got knew how to treat for if you want to go to heaven some of us think our titles give us right to mistreat people don't matter quiet in your church we think our accolades and I degrees cuz we got a little fur got a little bit of Jesus think that give you right to look down on somebody but remember if it were not for the blood you'd be messed up to slap your neighbors they don't look down on nobody tell them you got a pass - and a godless - put your pass on that screen you'd hold up your finger and kick toe at this field yes Lord first time in the ninth chapter I am so satisfied as a Luthor I am so satisfied with my say that's the right call yeah that's another word he means more to me than anything anything that this world could ever fir that's always they said I would make it they said I wouldn't be here today they said I never remind you remember that to anything but I'm glad to say that's another Martin song then I'm on my way and I'm moving more the more each day I like this far there were many guess what let's start it up with me but guess what but now they're all well they're all gone away guess what but I'm still hold it all tell somebody I'm still horn it off one more time tell em I see hold it on two yes anybody hold it on come to father give you come to father give up brought you too far especially those who have been living the life excuse me who have been living the life of holiness see that holiness is not a popular message now but no because sometimes when you preach holiness you upset people I told them they're not going to invite me on Larry King laughs on today get ready for the truth they brought one preach on any accent they say well pastor do you think that atheists are going to hell he said well you know Larry I don't like to judge I wish they'd ask me here's one here yep Lyle's going to hell I don't say homosexuals that sound too nice I call them sis's boo daggers Buddha bandits Pokemon ministry and if you don't repent you gonna die and go to hell I don't care don't nobody tell you I do you know more reason I'm talking about it cuz I see some sisters in here tonight don't get mad just get dilemma somehow astray by better undercover sissies look like micro but sound like Janice on the down-low I see you in here tonight you can hide from man but you can hide from God the eyes of the Lord go to and fro in every place they're holding the good at it so that being able tell him he got his eyes on you now don't let that kind of preaching do you I don't like that kind of preaching to you see we had some real men up a stand flat-footed and stop compromising we would have all this mess in the church we wouldn't have sis's on the praise team we would have homosexuals and the musician y'all had a cot in here if someone will make a static nobody quiets it out tell somebody holiness steal right I don't care what nobody say I don't care don't nobody preach it you can't say you belong to God and live like you want to live if getting mad bad Christ hears up shut up Zack I somebody say why you bother mine why are you messing with this tonight because I've know what kind of people in here whenever you tell for prophecy coming for you attract all kind so you got some citizen here come looking for a word and I'm gonna give you a word tonight Moo that man at your house that ain't your hosting I what I said all y'all huh see you gotta deal with this because the church in this hour is producing a bad generation let me show you something you see how he got water seedless watermelons now there was a time when there was no such thing as a seedless watermelon so say you got seedless grapes there wasn't such time when there was no such thing as seedless but anytime you see something that does not come in its original form meaning that it's been tampered with so the fruit that you're eating is not pure fruit it's what you call a hybrid you don't hear what I'm saying now a hybrid is something that you can produce but a hybrid cannot reproduce you take a horse and a donkey put them together they're gonna have what a mule but amou can't produce another move and we wonder why the church in this hour isn't producing nothing you don't hear what I'm saying the reason there's no reproduction is because we're trying to mix spirit and flesh we are mighty quiet in here and God said I'm not coming back for the raggedy messed up Church but I'm coming back for a church without spot or don't let coming back on you might as well way out while you're here slap your neighbors to clean yourself up when we hear the word fornication willing to think of two unmarried people coming together but remember the church is a woman and whenever a false prophet gets up and spiels unlawful see because the word is C so when the false prophet comes it feels unlawful C tell you what you want to hear C he gave us a words they preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine why for the time will come when men will not endure sound doctrine but a go heap to themselves teachers having itching that's our generation now don't like sound doctrine no don't do that preacher don't tell me I got to live just let me do what I want to do I come to church I'll come on Sunday I come to but don't tell me how I got to live don't do that don't do that because if you do that that means that I'm gonna have to break away from some people some stuff and some relationships and there was a time when folk got saved they were willing to give up everything not no more come up say this look Braille say it but you never changed slap your neighbor and say you got to repent see the Bible don't say all of heaven rejoices over one sinner that believin confess all of heaven rejoice over one sinner that repenteth can see I can believe in confess but never forsake your my required see the demons believe also that there is one God and Trubel yes Lord but ribbit me and how I was I can't be like that no more oh oh so if I were shacking when I get home I gotta tell him pack your bags I hear a woman right now and I can't afford that two things imma tell you if you don't stand for something you're falling for anything but secondly let me tell you this what you don't give up for God you're gonna end up losing anyway slap your neighbors they give it up tell him give it up his name is jealous is I'm not gonna have no other guns there's some women in here that got testimonies that they made a stand for God was living that kind of lifestyle but God delivered them want to know why cuz they want it to be delivered look at him senator God delivered here's some women in here can wave your hand and say he delivered me say yes Lord someone help you come on let's go to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 for the first time you're 9 I am going back yes see them first 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 let's get this quick I'm gonna get on out of your way cuz I want happy I want the promise out a night I feel like promise and I saw some of y'all coming here early for a promise if you didn't come in early Dupree I wish I could've hit you with this mic while we was in prayer time let alone second Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 y'all on point today y'all moving quick who control the computer who do that in the back are they moving quick today to 15 says study all right looking somebody said said it I remember now there's a spirit of deception in the land and because there's a spirit of deception in the land you cannot afford to get caught up in the hype come on I need y'all talking back to me you cannot afford to get caught up in the miracles and the dancing and the shouting and the power and spin it around in circles so much that you begin to worship worship get so caught up that you start worshipping worship because some of us don't worship God we worship worship we like but the feeling that worship make you feel we like moving but we forget about the god of worship just like some people have faith in faith instead of faith in God why because if I have faith in faith that means that I believe in the principles of faith but I don't believe in the God of faith no matter quietly I'm preaching today so because there's a spirit of deception in the land you cannot afford to get caught up in the signs and the wonders and the miracles that are happening what has happened in every great move of the Holy Ghost they got so caught up in a man or they got so caught up in the move that they forgot God and God is so gone watch this there either way he's gonna be sanctified I was sitting in prayer and the dagon begin to do with me he says the church is crying out for a revival I said yes he said I don't think they're really ready for revival I said why he said because remember when the church walked in power the same amount of power was the same amount of judgment notice in the book of Acts there was so much power that Ananias and Sapphira came to the Apostles lied to the whole eagle and what happened they dropped dead so you got to understand that if God ever sends power in your life once it's either when he's gonna get the glory if either he's gonna get the glory by by by by using you about destroying you you don't hear what I'm saying see remember the globe is so showing that the man rose up against Paul and Paul was able to swirl him with what blindness the glory was so strong there was a king named King Herod who got it their time out how wonderful he was and how great he was the Bible said the other angel smote him and killed him and the worms ate up his body so what happens is we sit and we say lot we're ready for your power we're ready for your anointing but a lot of us are not because they've got was the sinners glory with the sin in our life it will cause judgment to come upon us because everything in the glory is accelerated you didn't hear what I just said tell somebody everything in the glory speeds up that's why when we get in the presence of God oh you get your money quicker when you're getting the personal God a person who was supposed to be in a cast for nine months Oh not having many months you've been a cash six months right yeah somebody booked then again for six months doctors they don't take off that care for six months but because you get in the glory the glory brings about miracles now there's a difference between healing and miracles healing takes time there's a process of time but miracles come from the word don't read me you know like when you're saying music don't read me five sowlaty though that word me in that text is when you get ready to make the sound me it's only 0.528 which means that it's less than a second so what God does is when he give somebody a miracle he subtracts and what should have happened in six months that happens in less than a second you don't hear what I'm saying that's why it's called myth Rick are me the recall means ridiculous something ridiculous happens in less than a second you don't hear what I'm saying to you slap your neighbor tell him get in the glory now here you are because there's a spirit of deception in the land the enemy is and see that's why you can't afford to come to church with all these attitudes y'all matter quiet in here you can't afford to come to church getting mad at somebody don't do things the way you want them to do you up and mad mean it in a junkyard dog folk got to walk on eggshells around you don't know how to treat you cuz one day your might smile next day you don't one day you got the horn it goes next take your dog I've never seen a bunch of schizo friend and Christians in my life got a praise on Sunday but we don't know where you belong home Monday when you get this word on the insider you can be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the law plus as much as you know that your labor is not in vain slap your neighbor tell him it ain't in vain it ain't so we as a church cannot afford I'm almost done we as the church cannot afford to come to church and be having all these attitudes see you got to understand that somebody come on - I like to see this cuz it's the truth tell somebody to say somebody has been put in your life to get on your nerve you slap your neighbors yeah I know who my person is yeah there's somebody that God has sent in your life to irritate you agitate you get on your nerve but you better thank God for that person cuz it's that person that got you on your knees is that person they got you keep coming to church cuz they keep putting it through so much ha shut up your neighbor say thank God for my enemies yeah so see you got you got to really get in a place where there's nothing in your life and let me tell you something if you are easily offended can't nobody tell you nothing can't take no correction your never remember I told you I don't care what you think gonna happen for you your ministry your business your talent you gifting will never reach the place of his full maturity if you don't know how to receive correction no matter quiet in here Church look at some people look at some people who you know I'm gifted anointed can say and whatever but never reach the next level somewhere they failed the test I have asked God to let such a spirit of humility rest upon me that even when I know I'm right I don't defend myself see that's humility humility is knowing I'm right but don't got the fight cuz I know God gonna fight my battle for me Oh y'all mighty quiet in here to live your hands I got to operate in the spirit of humility see their demons at the top I said their demons at the top and there are certain demons that you need to get rid of in the infancy of your salvation because if you don't get rid of it at the infancy of your salvation but that demon will do watch this that demon will promote you that demon are take you to different places that demon lets you get blessed for what the devil are do to you he'll take you there and then he'll bring you to an open shame no matter quiet in here lift your hand say Lord whatever is in my life it's not like you that could hinder me that could block me that could stop me get it out you know I'm learning never to say what's not in you cuz you don't know what's in you because remember the harness on desperately wicked deceitful above all things so you know pride is a sneaky spirit krile see that's why uh some some singles and come to come to my services and they'd be expecting me to be shackled a there I'm not impressed I I don't I don't look for nothing I don't go to no church looking for them to put me on the pulpit I don't look for that cuz the Bible say is better to be axed up then it be axed down ain't that the truth think about if I walked in here and went out to the pulpit being somebody came in as a prophet we need you go sit on the floor that's shameful what a shameful not impress Lord swore one time he said son when you start believing listen to this bishop brick I need you to sit up in your seat to this sit up a lot setting ambitious he say when you start believing what the people say about you then you've been rejected when you believe all the hype everybody telling you this you that you wonderful God say when you start believing it that's when you know I've rejected you so ah heard the praises other people then gone reject it I rather have the praises of God then the praises of me because can I tell you something can I really do that you y'all ready cool I send him to the tea let me tell you never takes up if you ever really do a God tell you to do anybody go like you z so that's why that's why ain't see that's why somebody are not willing to pay that price because you want to be friends with the world start telling your unsaved family members that they got to live holy see if they want to hang around you might acquired in here preachers
Channel: k hill
Views: 1,029,202
Rating: 4.6734171 out of 5
Keywords: VTS, 01, 2
Id: qNBHYrndjco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2013
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