Longest Log This Sawmill Can Handle!

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foreign and welcome back to another video on Lumber Capital log yard today we have the task of cutting three 18 foot long red oak logs and we actually have a custom order for it uh we actually 18 footstep all 18 foot material is custom already but kind of strange Dimensions they want out of it 13 one and a half by seven and a quarter boards so that's what we're going to be cutting out of them today and if you keep up with the channel you know cutting longer material isn't Jade and Maya's favorite so we of course are going to do it anyhow so let's roll this first one up and get started [Music] all right [Music] so cutting longer material isn't that big of a deal but it can get a little tricky because there are a few extra things you have to watch out for this beam being one of them as you can see we've banged it up quite a bit already but it's a really tight squeeze from here so once we roll it onto the arms we just have to pay close attention that's not like bumping into anything because we're not really set up to cut longer material because we don't very often so when we do you know we're just not set up for it so this milk can handle 18 foot long stuff but just barely you know it's getting there that's about as long as it can can handle maybe a little bit longer maybe a few extra feet but not with this uh beam in the way so let's roll it up like I already said we were gonna do before I started chatting again and let's get to cutting this log hopefully it makes it past this beam [Music] all right we just got this log rolled up on here and it is just a beast this thing if we pull the head back as far as it can possibly go that's it that is as far back as it can go it just barely fits if this log was even a half inch closer my way it wouldn't fit in with the saw [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] so here is the full order we did manage to squeeze out um everything we needed out of those three lugs and that might not sound like a big deal but it ended up being a little bit more tricky than we thought it might be because it may not have looked it but those logs were a little bit more bent than we thought that they might be until we got them up onto the mill deck and onto a flat surface because of the length even a slight bow is just made to be really like dramatic because of the length of it and it makes it so that even the slightest Bend is a really big deal and that's part of the reason why I don't like cutting longer material but fortunately we did squeeze out everything we needed the tricky part was getting this uh one and a half by nine and one fourth because because the rest of them were a smaller Dimension but that one we only needed one but it's you know almost a 10 inch wide board and we could not I mean those logs were pretty small that it was it was a tight squeeze but we managed it so we're pretty happy because that makes it pretty easy we don't have to put another 18-footer up on there and draw this order out two days in a row we just got it done so that's pretty nice anyways thanks for watching today's video everyone if you enjoyed make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe of course if you haven't already but other than that I'll see you guys next time thank you
Channel: Lumber Capital Log Yard
Views: 70,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z9iGtbDiqZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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