lonesome dove the series ( 1994 ) episode 8

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so i'm going to be an old woman newt an old woman with gray hair and no teeth and a lot of wrinkles by the time this house ever gets done i'm working as fast as i can i know newt it's cold out winter's coming by becoming a nagging wife yeah i'd say you're getting there really well good i'm new at it wanted to make sure i was getting it just right oh you did did you oh no getting me all wet so [Music] sorry to come between a sparking couple i thought it was time to pay a little visit i'll betty mr cody [Music] ma'am sorry we're not equipped to be a little more hospitable just yet ah this suits me just fine mr call what blows you our way mr cody all the winds of fate my boy thanks to grand duke alexis murray theatrical enterprises are stirring up a lot of interest back east so happens that i'm putting together a congress of cowboys for my next big show in chicago this fall i'd like for you to be part of it newt you saying me go to chicago chicago why not pay his top dollar it does sound exciting doesn't it i don't know mr cody well you don't have to make up your mind on the spot son i'm going to be rounding up some talent here abouts the next few days but mind you i'm not going to take no for an answer [Music] ah [Music] hey [Music] i learned a thing or two about heroes back in those wild montana days there were a few who proved to be sad examples some had trouble living up to their reputations then again there was william f cody who couldn't live his down i did it that [ __ ] did maybe i should sign you on too well why not chicago is an amazing place newt you got all manner of things there you like it smart man won't argue with his wife newt well especially when she's holding the gun that size well toss up another one partner i'm gonna see if i can nail this one on my own all right you ready uh-huh you're aiming one two three mr cody it's a great honor sir i'm colonel jeb quintano commanding officer of fort ellis well i'd like to say hello to uh newton hannah call note ma'am colonel what brings you out our way the opportunity to meet a living legend when i heard you were in the area sir i decided to break off from my patrol and come and pay my respects well that's very kind of you colonel what do you think is up to oh we're tracking a cheyenne chief and some of his people they're fugitives from the red cloud agency are they dangerous well we consider any engine who leaves the reservation dangerous man what's chief's name iron bow perhaps you've heard of him iron bow hell he's no hostile i helped settle his treaty myself you did i sure did could we have a word sir would you two excuse us for just one moment please we don't want any bloodshed mr cody we just want iron bow back under reservation before he triggers a massive exodus well you go after him with a bunch of blue coats and he's going to make a run for it for sure or worse yet open fire but given that you know him sir you could be of invaluable assistance to us tell you the truth colonel i i put my scalp days behind me well sir we could certainly do with the health of an expert tracker and statesman such as yourself what do you say mr cody states no hannah come over here mr cody i suppose since you pushed that way excellent so it's settled then we're going after iron bow this here's my partner since there's two of us i'll need double my usual rate and don't try to talk me into anything more your reputation for shrewdness mr cody is well deserved very well double it is we ride first line thanks colonel ma'am well buffalo bill is back in the saddle feeling frustrated and looking good this ain't one of your shows mr cody tell me something the truth now you wouldn't involve my husband in anything dangerous would you i wouldn't dream of such a thing [Music] father austin will get his story in on time i can't count on your brother for anything maybe you can talk some sense into him he won't listen to me he won't let you down i don't understand you doesn't seem to realize you have a paper to put out i'm sure he's got a very good reason for being late he has no reasons only excuses one of them was wearing a feathered bonnet of a warchief his name was yellowhand we're going mr cody well sir over yellowhand he singled me out so i charged that in full chisel second shot i got his pony right out from under him and then you finished him off right well no no not exactly you see as luck would have it myron stepped in a gopher hole took a bad stumble i went tail over tea kettle and old yellow hand he just kept firing just barely missed me each time just barely by the time that he had ran out of bullets i was on him like black on a stove lid i pulled this very nice and i took him on in a duel to the death by the time that the troopers got there i had ripped that bonnet off of him and i held it up and i said here it is here it is first trophy for custer oh thank you my angel thank you thank you can you go back to that part about your horse falling down oh hello do you want better than that here it's all in there every glorious moment exactly how it happened got another story mr cody oh no no hey an old bill's just about storied uh you got to save something for tomorrow my little cherub my little juliet julia juliet welfare octa juice but soft white light through yonder window breaks it is the easton juliet is the sun i rise as son and kill the envious moon whose pale with grief that thou have made on far more fair than she [Music] [Music] parting is such sweet sorrow that i shall say good night till it be morrow well hello sir looking awful like a newspaper man i used to know it's finished here it is the best story about buffalo bill you're ever going to read i'm sorry it's late but i think you'll agree it's worth it sorry it goes on trees around here this isn't a proper article no sir it isn't it's more like a story it's not every day we have a hero the indian wars in our midst i thought i'd try an original approach i hope you like it original you know i just had a wild idea i wonder if if old iron bow ever thought about taking up the show business the shine chief well why not i've been pulling jaspers in off the street and dressing them up like wild indians oh my goodness talk about authenticity why settle for an imitation when you can have the real thing mr cody there's a cheyenne brave approaching us from from the back yeah there's three more of them over on the ridge to our left uh i don't suppose they want to audition for your show well i'll tell you if they do they got the part i think good day mrs hackett mr peel folks are talking about that buffalo bill story you ran yes that was quite something to tell the truth i didn't think he had it in him you know josiah except for your paper in the good book folks don't do an awful lot of reading around here what are you getting at well i think you'll find that the second chapter in this book captures your interests this one so [Music] the great buffalo bill let yourself be taken without a fight we didn't come looking for no but you come in peace seek counsel with chief iron bow you come to take us back to your agency land no [Music] chief well how the hell are you i felt better the years have changed you you're not exactly a young pup no more yourself [Music] sold out the coffee how could you not with buffalo bill on the front page what took you so long we got caught up recognize this austin what is it do you want to tell her buffalo bill told exactly the same story what's the difference what's the difference it's plagiarism that's the difference i would have written it myself but you found something wrong with it oh i see now it's my fault that's not what i said this is a mistake austin this is a mistake if there was a mistake it was mine for thinking he could become a newspaper man father we can write a retraction an apology maybe i'm not a newspaper man is that what you want to hear the statesman stands for the truth or it stands for nothing don't you understand that you're always so damned right austin you leave me no choice you're fired now get out father you can't fire austin austin buffalo bill the white man made us many promises and broke them all but won he promised to steal our land and he did the blue coats forced too many under the reservation the hunting is poor the buffalo are gone is that why you lit out we go to seek counsel from the spirits of our elders our bravest warriors they will tell us what to do we go to powder river well i reckon that's the best place to look for him little child cody is a man of honor so is any man who rides with him you smoke with us now or you will go young have no respect for the ways this one has much to learn do tell the army's not looking for a fight my friend they sent us because they don't want any bloodshed mr cody's mighty persuasive if you come back with us we could we could arrange to get you safe passage to powder river right maybe no bloodshed safe passage i will fight i know i remember i do not wish to look upon the dead stacked high again perhaps you are right the blue coat will listen to cody he lies we will not return to the reservation until we have gone to the powder river it will be as you say you have the word of buffalo bill on it if that ain't good enough i got powerful friends in washington austin you can't just ride off like this you heard what he said well i've had enough all right sweet water is no kind of answer austin it's just more trouble it's the only place i know where no one's going to tell me how to live my life this is right so white people sit on chairs in a big lodge and watch you shoot indians well not exactly we don't use real bullets we don't even use real indians that's why i need you to shoot at while white people watch oh no no it's it's it's not like that it's just uh well the whole thing is play acting nobody actually gets hurt and white people pay you money to see a battle without purpose and without honor oh gee you think it sounds damn silly it's just good solid entertainment that's all newt it's like having a battle again so other folks can see what it was like right it is ours not theirs to have you look like the man i know but you are not the same man hey listen i've read the signs i know times are changing i'm changing too i'm getting bigger and better every day oh you are hollow now something is inside you and ate your fire hey chief i still got fire in the belly i'm just burning a different coal that's all let me handle this well that's some fine work cody i would say we get these prisoners and shackles like they belong soldier these men are not prisoners we're headed for fort ellis to parlay with colonel pentano well the colonel sent us out here to relieve you of further duty so we'll just take these hostiles back to the stockade what you see it is a trap hey hey ladies just hold it here you lied to us you betrayed us stop the gun drop the gun cody good newt what the hell you think you're doing i don't care if you are buffalo bill cody you just interfere with the business of the united states army you boys are under arrest colonel how is it you neglected to tell us you're going to slap iron balls people behind bars it was none of your business well it's my business now i don't like being used or lied to making an example of iron bowl will keep the others in line it's as simple as that are you following orders are you just making this up as you go along except that you're a relic cody at best you're a sideshow for the folks back east you ought to be real pleased here of any use at all well i must be losing it to to be fooled by jackass like you this jackass is formally charging you with aiding the escape of a fugitive you know chicago's looking better all the time sad show well maybe it's always nice damn fool myself but i got friends in washington that'll fry his brass washington will do of course gotta get out of here first how's the stew it's quite good glad you like it this is ridiculous i told you i don't want to discuss it you've never made a mistake yes i have and i've paid for my mistakes too just like he'll have to pay for his he's his own man now father if you two would just talk to each other instead of being at loggerheads all the time he knows where to find me so if he came to you you would at least listen to him depend on what he had to say i'm not sure i can trust him anymore [Music] hey private what you come over here come on you know who that is yeah so that sir is a living legend stories you can tell it's unbelievable ask him about couch up davis go on hey cody tell him uh tell him about catch it well i don't rightly feel up to it you don't feel up to it hell now listen listen to this story you learn it right you never have to pay for another drink again i swear yeah you reckon i know oh cow chip oh davis yeah well you know the man was was huge he was seven feet tall if he was an inch and strong whoo he could lift the cow with each arm and if he didn't like the way that you looked he might just throw one at you and you know the man that he hated the most in this whole world you got that right buffalo bill cody that's a signed copy son foreign well it's done i sent a telegram to general car up in mile city and another to president hayes himself i don't bake quintana's beans you got that right i figured we can get the powder river before iron boat does we better move out before someone sees us it feels kind of good doesn't it what's that being a fugitive [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh hello excuse me i was wondering if you uh i was wondering if you've seen a man peel i mean if that's his name have you seen him thank you very much hello good day i was wondering if you uh have met a man by the name of peel awesome peel very tall [Applause] you i'll put money on the winner [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Music] [Applause] we shot at each other cheyenne missed [Music] there's either [Music] i am looking for you why else would i be in a donkey like this back off lucy i got this one to stick down is that so well he's coming home with me the hell he is hannah you tell this trumpet to find herself another customer strumpet i ain't no [ __ ] i'm a dancing girl and i'm little entry i'll take it come on that's my kid's sister i don't care if she's your sane mother nobody calls me a [ __ ] oh you better drop that knife mister i'll put daylight in your liver that's up to her austin you plan on plugging the lady with that thing ma'am you best [ __ ] at first [Music] what's iron bow all fired up about getting out the powder river floor anyways well white folks like to go to church on sunday and sing songs indians like to parlay with the spirits of their dad i guess there's lots of spirits out there well you could say that it was a spring of 69 the cheyenne really got the short end of the stick that day it was some kind of a battle that's when you met iron bow yeah there's no glory in a battle sun somewhere in the smoke the dirt the blood you just try to get out alive must have been 50 of them dead stacked them up like cord wood there's nothing to make you sick i don't care what dogs like quintano say every one of them indian wars was started by white men that broke their word [Music] [Music] diane yeah i thought iron bull was just out to talk to the spirits or something yeah that's why none of this makes no sense at all it's an armory shipment mostly rifles looks me like they got enough firepower to blow half of montana straight to hell this ain't just about leaving the reservation no more well come on newt let's get out of here i don't both declare war on the whole us army [Music] [Music] bill you're bleeding like a stuck pig stuck pig without running any indian pony i want you to make a run for it and leave you here to let them finish you off not likely get your gumball off [Music] i'll put some daylight in your liver wherever did you get that i don't know must have heard it somewhere just popped right out of my mouth oh that is not that bad she was just liquored up that's all oh really you really handed yourself back there you surprised me surprised myself truth be told my i was scared to death but you know what it was fun and maybe you can see why i need to bust loose i can't stay cooped up in the newspaper office day and night you were wrong austin what you did was stupid admit it anyway you owe me one i owe you i saved your life didn't i that's a good woman that little philly of yours yes sir i reckon she's the finest woman guys put on this green earth man should take pride in his wife i ain't leaving not without you [Music] [Music] here [Music] just you and me iron bow one last time i make a break short first chance you get you understand i'm ready for your young season you have no strength left i can hear him talking the spirits are your people they're saying make buffalo bill pay we have traveled a long way to this day is it to end here for all of heaven and earth to say i remember you now you are the man i fought at powder river [Music] oh we must be strong your strength will be tested as mine was [Music] [Music] well let's spread out and look for tracks whoa where have you been i had half the town looking for you should come after me in sweet water what father austin has something you want to say to you i guess i do i don't want my old job back but what i did was wrong that's something what are you going to do i don't know you're not a boy anymore you best decide soon father austin acted impulsively oh that's austin damn it please he wanted to impress you and yes he used bad judgment but everybody makes mistakes everybody what is it you want i'm not sure but if you let me come back till i figure it out i'd be grateful [Music] and i am sorry about how i spoke to you why don't you stand there i have a paper to put out [Music] one day the soldiers will catch up with you you know that yes but not this day the nation's hoop is broken and scattered was no longer a center and the sacred tree is dead live well [Music] i'm [Music] i never said the land was mine to do with as i choose the one who has the right to dispose of it is the one who has created it [Music] i can't believe you went to sweet water you could have got yourself killed well i didn't besides now you know what it's like for me having to worry about you all the time i can handle myself so can i what i can't believe is mr cody just leaving like that i could at least say goodbye after all you've been through he's not much for saying goodbye look yeah dear newt my regards to you and your lovely wife don't believe much and goodbyes don't need them anyways cause i'll be seeing you soon i'm riding up that couch up davis story truth be told he really could only lift one [Music] finish that house and make tracks for chicago compliments buffalo bill cody living legend lord look at this living legend he was that looking back now i guess the real way i'd measure a hero is to believe that i'm a better man for having known him i'd like to think that's true [Music] you
Channel: ashkan ghaasssemi
Views: 9,413
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: western movie, tv serie
Id: LdudftnNOW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 4sec (2764 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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