lonesome dove the series ( 1994 ) episode 9

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[Music] what do i look that bad have you ever seen a sunset over the mountains where sky-high colors can make even a flower look that's how bad you look do you read that in a book no i'm off thumbs come on father let's go have some fun [Music] [Music] [Music] never ever [Music] having fun i love to watch [Music] hannah would you like some punch or some food there's [Music] lots of food you will have to dance with me sometimes i know [Music] so [Music] there are times when i find myself humming a tune it takes me back to that summer's evening when i could smell the fresh cut pine planks and hear the sad sweet refrain of an irish ballad [Music] [Applause] there's a yellow rose in texas that i'm going to see no other cowboy nose [Music] his cowboy ever knew her eyes were just like diamonds and they sparkled like the duke i don't know who he is we sure can't say hey play's pretty of good excuse me with your permission mr carl i was wondering if your lovely wife would care to dance it's very nice to be mr mosby but i i really couldn't why not go on it's all right well much obliged sir i must say if the situation was reversed i might not be so understanding shall we [Music] so [Music] nice party huh now it's a lot of silliness if you ask me people dressing up and jumping around making fools of themselves for a good cause people should want to build a church for its own sake what this has to do with the lord's work is beyond me [Music] give me another dad come on it's time to go mr mosby don't you ever get tired well music gay today the presence of lovely ladies whom you mrs caller by far for love moments like this the burdens of life apart for a while somehow i find myself young again i would never have caught you otherwise appearances can be deceived [Music] hey you sing pretty good mister oh thank you just call me murph new call tell you what nude i sure like the way you handled that troublemaker back there i hate to see a nice evening getting [Music] i ruined miss your bright eyes and sweet smile they say you are taking the sunshine it's the fourth bank they've held up in the past year fifth yeah luke i was in dodge city when they hit the cattlemen's bank last march mr murphy i've been singing your songs all morning on account of you i almost had to dance last night i hope you ain't planning on staying around much longer oh no i'm like tumbleweed i go with the wind so yeah how much were the papers there sent me back two cents two cents it is here we go folks back home [Applause] well that should do it austin emily hello hello i had a real nice time at the dance oh me too my father just bought them a kitchen farm so it looks like we're gonna be seeing more of each other sounds good to me well look uh i better go i just saw you so i came in to say hello bye bye i've never seen this guy before in my life he was sick drunk and i was just helping through the door i wasn't looking for any trouble i barely touched it [Music] wait get it in the purdy boy likes the danes excuse me we were just having a conversation i'm sober now my my my it is nice to see folks getting acquainted say tell you what let me buy drinks for both of you boys what do you say i don't see this in your concern mister it's just a pain to me to see folks not getting along come on he's just a kid man it wasn't for this kid i'd have got me some last night you don't know what you're getting yourself into son i could take care of myself it's your play after you that's the way you want it after i kill you i'm gonna give that girlfriend yours a nice long kiss [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey keep your hands where i can see them and turn around real slow like no murph people pointing guns at me makes me nervous who are you like i told you i'm a calhoun and a musician you're a liar that hurts newt i thought you and me was friends austin don't always think things through but still he's family right now he's backing kurt as well as believing he killed a man which is why you're coming with me to straighten this out i'd like to help you out son but i can't i want to show you something pinkerton that fell i shot back in town was vern parker the gunfighter worked for the o'malley's before i was keeping an eye on him when he'd lead me out to their camp of course now that ain't going to be possible i feel real bad for him but ford gets out that austin killed vern parker hell he'll be fair game for every fast draw on the territory now you got to come back straighten things out i can't do that newt i'm like a spy my job is to get on the inside of the o'malley gang and put a stop to what they're doing now i heard that they was at a place called the little butte you have any idea where that is maybe my memory is if these days i see of course if you uh gave me your word you clear austin's i might just have myself a recollection who would have thought excuse me well the whole town's talking about you i just wanted to take the hand of the man that shot vern parker something i don't understand when you find these o'malleys why don't you just ride up and take them all in yeah too damn dangerous some agents tried that a few years ago we lost three men don't seem right to me be uh going around fooling people come on newt is anyone ever what they seem oh what are you stopping for i kept in my end little [ __ ] just over that rise over there i'll see you back in kerr as well murph i don't want to have to come riding after you well ain't again a lucky girl to find two such handsome devils wandering abroad i'll be their lonesomes so where are you headed deadwood dakota territory is that any ways around here ma'am well not unless they moved it about 200 miles or so damn and i knew i never should have trusted you see we was coming up from denver and he says when you hit the high country go west that's four days ago well you should have gone east you're in montana now i'm never going to get to sing in that fancy saloon you're a singer are you he calls himself one yes me he's nothing but trouble matter of fact i'm so sick of your complaining i'm turning around leaving well as me ma used to say god rest her soul when you find a good man you never let him go i'd be careful with that mr call there he's pretty good with that gun tricky too don't listen to a word he says he's a he's a liar and a cheat drop your guns so you're musicians are you murphys i just play along on my mouth heart murphy irish my folks were god rest their souls i'm from texas myself lord love a popper texas is it say we kill them oh there's plenty of time for that let's get a little bit of music out of them first so then i looked him straight in the eye and i said cue a play and then you shot him right no no no not yet you see speed's only half of it most times you can only count on getting one good shot so you gotta have a steady hand that gentleman takes nerve either you got it or you don't well that's a nice one he's big what is that twenty bugs i figured that i was hoping you could tell me what kind it was don't know what are you gonna do with it just watch them because that's cool [Music] [Music] it's time never play for your life before every night in dodge city and what about your friend over there oh mr cole well he's a kind of a musician i lost my harp in the river a couple days back huh broke his heart it did it did there you go uh as the sun was [Music] from [Music] spurt up [Music] [Music] foreign you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] oh that's kind of thank you i fell i wanted to talk to you you kind of have to watch out for your brothers well don't worry about them it's me at best look out for well thanks for the warning ma'am did you like my singing well i've heard pigs squealing sounding prettier than that thank you kindly ma'am it's miss if you don't mind well i'm glad to see you're having so much fun you know this isn't even my fight murph i'm going back to curtis wells well go ahead i won't stop you well what are you going to tell them i mean when i leave it doesn't matter what i tell them they're going to kill me anyway don't worry yourself now they're going to track you down kill you too what do you mean kill me now listen one minute aside from the fact that i'm going to end up in outlaw when i wrote out after y'all i didn't tell hannah that since she sees your face on a wanted poster she's going to know you're not pushing up daisies don't worry yourself i'll get the word out secrets tend to make terry over there nervous come here i want to show you something that's impressive arsenal must come in handy when you're robbing banks you are the o'malleys aren't you my friend here he sometimes talks without thinking no no it's all right murph they know we're on to them hell you guys are famous why didn't you say you knew who we were when you first rode in tell you the truth i'm kind of fond of breathing you guys got a reputation for meanness turns out you're not so bad after all as soon as we're putting all our cards on the table as it were answering me this why shouldn't i shoot the parries right now well newt here is good with a gun and we could be useful gabriel we don't know of them [Music] [Music] murph i seem to find myself on the horns of a dilemma you see katie here likes you a lot and it doesn't mean she trusts you now terry over there he just soon shoots look at you but the thing of it is the gun we hired for our next job he uh just didn't show up telling me the name warren parker you think you can fill his shoes uh that depends on what you had in mind having a good time first of all yours is going to have to prove yourselves [Music] [Music] [Applause] what in the what do you think well it's black it's ridiculous that's what it is austin being a gunfighter is nothing to be proud of well seems to me this town needs someone who knows how to handle a gun austin look at you you know the whole town's just talking about uh they are emily i told you i didn't want you talking to him no more i'll be back later meet me here okay steve the hell away from her here hey come on back i was just kidding so this is the cattleman's bank they're expecting a railway payroll day after tomorrow front door back door safe now the sheriff's office is down this way if there's any trouble he can be at the bank in 20 seconds what about horses mars are worn out well that won't be a problem [Music] [Music] but [Music] so then i said it's your play mr peel i might have a word with your problem what can i do for you mr mosby i'm afraid i'm gonna have to ask you to leave what i'm sorry but your credit is no longer good here i told you i can go perhaps you'd be well advised not to count on being covered in the future for one day you will most certainly find yourself alone what are you talking about mr mosby those clothes and that holster their costume like an actor in a play you might fool these people here but you sure as hell don't fool me you still don't know what i'm getting at do you i'm calling you a fraud i killed vern parker no sir as a matter of fact i don't believe you did i just had a fascinating conversation with mr monroe the undertaker he tells me the bullet that killed von parker exited his left side at a their extreme angle what are you getting only that your newfound celebrity may be based on something less than the truth either way since that particular incident you have been behaving with all the dignity of a jackass you've heard me now as an aspiring gunfighter you should know what's about to take place here my question is what are you gonna do about it oh are you as much a coward as you are fool another time another place you would be dead you'd be wise to remember that [Music] what's going to happen at that bank my letter gets out there's gonna be about 12 agents there to meet us they won't be taking the lives you know that don't you there's not much i can do about that newt neither can you [Music] so [Music] and what's gotten to him i don't know i he's a nervous guy is that so well according to him you've only ridden together a short time don't take too long to get a man's measure tell me something what was it got you and your brothers in the bank robbing business when your family came to america we weren't expecting paradise but uh kansas during the war neighbor killing neighbor vigilante's running amok the county we settled in favor the south when it was all over confederate money was worthless it was it was like being in ireland all over again except this time the enforcers worked for cattlemen's bank i was just a wee miss at the time but the boys decided then and there to make him pay [Music] that's pretty thank you i wrote it for you really nice sweet of you to say so even if you are a liar you sure seem determined to hurt a man what's wrong i don't know there's something about you that frightens me [Music] you know me gabe even as a wee girl i had the devil's own gift to look into a man's eyes and know his soul and murk's not one of us okay you're not letting your heart confuse you you know me better than that listen darling if i hurt your feelings i'm truly sorry do what you will you talk almost as good as you sing mr murphy the way i see it either we're headed for hell or the cattleman's bank and either way i'd just assume we get started so ma'am if you're going to shoot us i'd be obliged if you do it now [Music] i guess that's settled then are you all right it all happened so fast i wasn't looking to fight you didn't seem to respect me i saw that's no reason to kill a man what was i supposed to do just walk away maybe maybe not but you can't just react you got to learn how to control yourself austin you're turning into someone i don't recognize anymore there seems to be nothing i can do about it this going to end emily emily emily up here [Music] come here let's get married i don't belong here i want to go to the city i don't know where fancy dress is i want to be with a man that [ __ ] respect you know man the name afraid take what he wants man like you austin well emily don't you think we are you know as well as i do that this dumb little town ain't big enough for you not for the man who shot vern parker i'm meaning to talk to you about that see i've been doing a lot of thinking and well i'm not sure i'm the one who did it what well i'm it all happened so fast of course you shot them half the town sorry i know i know but things aren't always the way they seem someone else i guess what i'm trying to say is that i'm no gunfighter i just need to tell someone you're afraid aren't you yeah a little you ain't who i thought you wasn't all what i better leave emily what's wrong i've gotta find a man that's gonna take me to the city [Music] i've got a lemonade this should take care of half my account i'll get you the rest later then say farewell to true love and children for highwayman has no heart [Music] forever [Music] you cannot [Music] woven like a spiders and they'll always be a faster gun now fate is calling death shadow [Music] is [Music] [Music] so well woven like the spiders and they'll always be [Music] what have you got up your sleeve new call you'll see soon enough watch it no you can't peek just a little bit no all right okay you can open them may i have this dance his own true love love [Music] is there a place for long sundays tonight you've been practicing types getting faint i'll go see if the new ink came in on [Music] stage wait awesome [Music] thanks [Music] is [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: ashkan ghaasssemi
Views: 8,511
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Keywords: western tv serie
Id: cXnpho0Dalw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 58sec (2758 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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