Lonesome Dove 5 Classic Scenes

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there are so many great scenes in lonesome dove that it is difficult to pick out just five to feature in this video but i'm going with some of my favorites i'll do the countdown and finish with my very favorite one if you like lonesome dove as much as i do they will all be enjoyable but the last two are each spectacular and noteworthy in this first scene gus and p.i are riding on the prairie and encounter a herd of buffalo gus is a thinking man and philosopher pi is just the opposite kind of slow and not the sharpest knife in the drawer watch as gus tries to explain to p.i why it would make sense to chase the buffalo all right let's chase him you want to shoot us one for our suffering no i mean chase him just for the sport well to run them on no you don't get the point do you p i mean chasing because before long there won't be any buffalo left to chase well then bulls will hook you yeah do you remember old man barlow that buffalo hooked him back old man barlow was a slow thinker kind of like uh somebody else i could name well he was a slow walker too when they thought they got through everything i wonder what ever happened here he married a fat widow over the blanco river and had a pass with a kid now you might as well have done the same thing yourself since you don't want to chase buffalo well i don't believe i'd want to chase buffalo even if i was married get out of me well i like being a bachelor guy well that's good for you i'm sure it's all part of god's plan that you are the [Music] one [Music] because of gus's wit and wisdom there are many light-hearted and just plain funny scenes in lonesome dove the following scene is not one of them jake spoon joined up with three brothers who were bad outlaws they committed some very bad crimes and it ultimately cost jake his life you're all yelling oh yeah unless you would have fought me fair say goodbye to you brother suspect you got him hey it wasn't real yes i'll say this for you subs you're the kind of man that's a pleasure to have if all you can talk is gone go talk to the devil [Music] i should have been second the lady was youngest you're right i'm sorry never meant to scare the boy's hearts yesterday you ready yes so jake i'd like to know that i got lori back i'm sorry i got to do this jay i wish it would fall to somebody else what the hell boys the dance i'd rather be hung by my friends and by a bunch of damn strangers no [Music] what else boys hope you won't hold it against me never met no harm [Music] so [Music] in this scene gus is in a real mess he is pinned down in the open prairie by members of blue ducks gang that have been sent to kill him watch as a not too smart desperado underestimates gus you won't hit him yet i'll get him he ain't got anywhere to go has he that's enough that is enough look at that this is shooting at us he can't hit nobody from now he's just wasting his bullets an old man like he needs a better target [Music] [Music] so it was hard to pick one of the next two scenes as the best so i'll just call them 1a and 1b in this scene the boys are in ogallala getting supplies when a group of army men and their scout try to take dish's horse watch as woodrow takes care of the situation as only woodrow can get his horse no sir this works for sale this just told you that you cowboys are pests even your pups now give me that horse no sir i said give me that horn give me that horn oh sir give it to me give me the horse give me that heart hey give me that he's killing him dust stay back here look at me now all right now jerk no sir he just quoted me a little bit newt wouldn't let him take vicious horse a bunch of blinds to you for that dude come in and go right now there ain't much left to go with just get what there is sergeant i'll bring it i hate rude behavior in a man i won't tolerate it in this final scene gus and woodrow are in san antonio looking for a replacement cook as bowl has quit they go into a bar for a drink and the ensuing encounter is classic gus i like a shot of whiskey and so with my companion it ain't too much trouble howdy boy you got a good game going there who the hell is that you got modern years of what briar will it be old-timer rye will do provided to get you quick darn cowboys oughta bring yourselves off before you walk in here you know what i'm saying we need without the customers bringing it in that'll be a dollar [Music] a little respect i'm captain augustus mcrae this is captain woodrow f carl now if you care to turn around you can see how we looked when we was younger and the people around here wanted to make us senators now the thing we didn't put up with then was doggling service and as you can see we still don't put up with it now then if i could have a fresh glass please you just broke my nose your son well here's to the sunny slopes long ago if you enjoyed this video give a thumbs up make a comment and subscribe to the channel as always thanks for watching you
Channel: History & More
Views: 972,009
Rating: 4.9062462 out of 5
Keywords: lonesome dove, augustus mccrae, woodrow call, robert duvall, tommy lee jones, texas, cattle drives, film epic, western movie
Id: i2xdSAN0Yzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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