I WILL BE FOCUSED ON ME FROM NOW ON! One of the most INTENSE Motivational Speech Video Compilations

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the true change comes from you the true change comes from within us that's where it comes from each individual taking ownership of what they need to do in life period that's all it comes down to there's people out there that don't want to see you do good as you know there's people out there that don't want to see you happy don't want to see you accomplish anything don't want to see you grow there's people out there that don't want to see you beat everything that you want there's people out there that are threatened by your greatness you know if you take people and you expose them voluntarily to things that they are avoiding and are afraid of you know that they know they need to overcome in order to meet their goals their self-defined goals if you can teach people to stand up in the face of the things they're afraid of they get stronger [Music] the things that you do and that you don't do are far more important than you think and so if you act that way of course the terror of realizing that is that it actually starts to matter what you do and you might say well that's better than living a meaningless existence it's better for it to matter but i mean if you really asked yourself would you be so sure if you had the choice i can live with no responsibility whatsoever the price i pay is that nothing matters or i can reverse it and everything matters but i have to take the responsibility that's associated with that it's not so obvious to me that people would take the meaningful path all my belief systems have collapsed it's like yeah maybe maybe you've just allowed them to collapse because it's a hell of a lot easier than acting them out recreating you and you have the power to do that you can decide that you're going to change you can decide that you're going to stand up to life you can decide that i'm going to live each day as if it were my last you're not trying to get to perfection right now you're just trying to get a little bit better than you were yesterday or an hour ago [Music] you got to start protecting your life everybody don't deserve you everybody don't deserve access to your life because you're not everything you could be and you know it perhaps there's another way that you could look at the world and so what it would reflect back to you would be much better than what it reflects back to you now breakdowns happen right before breakthroughs so i pray you break that cycle that's trying to break you i pray you kill those thoughts that are trying to kill you no mistake is too great as long as you forgive you you always have a choice never stay silent about your vows give your pain a voice it's okay to not be okay we're all one struggle away your change is gonna come you just keep believing day by day this storm will eventually ring and their things as you have your goals things are going to happen to you that you can't anticipate some of you in the eye of the storm now things going to happen and don't say why does that have to happen to me why not you [Music] that's what we do we go like what's the meaning of life as though someone's supposed to tell us and he's saying no actually life is asking you that question existence asks asks you that question and you answer it with your choices and decisions and the life so your life is the answer because if you think that action is the end-all be-all you end up doing action for the sake of doing action right so i i feel like i should always be doing and doing and doing but sometimes you're just supposed to be and oftentimes just sort of being there and sitting there and being still is where really great insights come from and this is also where happiness comes from you know it's hard to be happy and appreciate and feel gratitude when you're just moving all the time gotta remember it's it's human being not human doing and and most people are not in the moment and it's really challenging you know monitoring your thoughts is being is noticing where your mind is going noticing what you're thinking and is what you're thinking taking away from the moment is what you're thinking something that's driven by the past is what you're thinking is about something that somewhere else you want to be people go okay here's really what i want to do and this is what i'm trying to accomplish and then they see all these other things that other people are doing and then they they kind of see that as like a grab bag they're like i want a little of this and a little of this and a little of this and i want it all at the same time that's not really possible i'm on a path that's taking me further away from what i want my ideal day to look like that's not success what does like an ideal day of your life look like like maybe not right now but like what do you want a day in your life to look like well what does that actually cost could you have that now do you have to have a life that you don't like so that at the end of it potentially you're lucky enough to go there or could you find a way to get that now i'm trying to think about this on a regular basis is my life resembling what those days are supposed to look like and if i have too many days in a row that don't resemble what i want my day to look like i go i'm having the opposite of success i always say like if fear was a door and behind this door was all this negativity things that i'm saying like i'm going to lose i'm going to suck i'm never going to walk through that door so in order for me to walk through the door even though the door is super scary i have to make empowering things on this side of the door right i'm going to learn i'm going to grow even if i don't win it's going to be something valuable in it so let me walk through this door right even though it might not be perfect i'm still going to find growth in silence there's times in your life when things gonna happen that you've got to begin to put your dream on hold if for 10 years if you didn't avoid doing what you knew you needed to do buy the debt by your own definitions right within the value structure that you've created to the degree that you've done that what would you be like well you know there are remarkable people who come into the world from time to time and there are people who do find out over decades long periods what they could be like if they were who they were if they spoke their being forward and they get stronger and stronger and stronger we don't know the limits to that we do not know the limits to that and so by being all in i'm bringing all of me to it i'm gonna bring all of myself to the [Music] situation [Music] forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it that's divine love [Music] because when you advance confidently in the direction of your own dreams and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined you will meet with a success unexpected in common hours [Music] we'd only ask myself one simple question what's my goal moving forward only thing that matters is moving forward and so as cheesy as it is the only thing that any of us have is right now this minute and what could you do in this minute that would be the most fulfilling to me this is the road to true freedom i have nothing to prove i have nothing to protect i have nothing to hide and i have nothing to defend that your perception of me after i tell my truth is actually none of my business stop doing the things that you know are wrong that you could stop doing there are things that you're doing that you know you shouldn't do now some of those you won't stop doing for whatever reason you don't have the discipline or maybe there's a secondary payoff or you don't believe it's necessary or it's too much of a sacrifice or you're angry or resentful or or afraid who knows so forget about those for now but there's another subset that you could stop doing it might be little thing well that's fine stop doing it see what happens so once you realize that humans are adaptation machines that we can learn anything now it's like okay whatever you want to do you can do it as long as you're willing to pay that price i'm not saying that it's not going to be hard it's going to be very very hard i'm just saying that it is doable and that you will receive a return on investment in your energies and that's what people need to know and believe to the core of their being that my time in this direction will be rewarded [Music] to believe that you need what you don't have is the definition of intent [Music] to believe that you need what you don't have because you're already here so you've already proven that you don't need it so to go around believing that i can't be happy fulfilled unless i get the stuff that i don't already have it's a complete and total illusion the thing that gives you the most energy in life is something that you have no natural inclinations for it i think what you have to do and this is part of humility is you have to look around you within your sphere of influence like the direct sphere of influence and fix the things that announce themselves as in need of repair what's important is that you learn how to distinguish between chaos and order and to be able to act in a manner that produces order only thing you need to know right now the point is not to avoid the pain you need to stop asking yourself what's the least you can do to get good and you need to start asking yourself what's the most you can bear to become great [Music] that's the participants reason why is if they know i want to achieve x and the reason why the motive for their action motivation motive for their action is a reason beyond just themselves chances are they will do more to achieve that success than if it was just left up for their own but there are some people that are born you know with incredible drive they just have this insatiable drive and they'll just i'll do whatever it takes for the things that i want [Music] there's no excuse whatsoever for not getting at what it is that you should be doing it's absolutely reprehensible to justify your inaction with a catastrophe that extracts mercy from other people and i'm saying that if you know anybody that had some goal some dream something they wanted to do and they didn't deny the thing that you know in your heart that if someone has done it then you can do it it's possible what i say to people who really want to access the transition from ambition to meeting if they really want to access it is to get your thoughts off of yourself once you understand the whole point is to let the suffering and the pain harden you into becoming the version of yourself that you need to become in order to execute at the highest level to be world class at anything and stop avoiding it stop being afraid of it and start understanding for what it really is which is the thing that shapes you [Music] in the game of life whether it's health wealth relationships career business spirituality fun experiences you have to decide what level of the game do you want to play at is it the great school level the kindergarten level the high school level the university level the pro level because each one of those levels requires a totally different mindset and totally different skill set you have to first take 100 responsibilities your life give up being a victim then you have to get clear about what is my purpose one of the biggest fears is of the unknown and uncertainty of the future but everything's uncertain we're trying to create certainty in an uncertain world and stop being afraid of uncertainty uncertainty is what's exciting [Music] like with sleepwalking through life that we find ways to cancel out our dreams that i think that butt is a dream killer that a lot of things that we want to do a lot of places we would like to go a lot of things we would like to experience and we just stop at but but is an argument for our limitations and when we argue for our limitations we get to keep them to get so good you cannot be ignored cannot be ignored so if you're being ignored by the way the world has told you that you've not yet gotten to where you want to get to and i've seen time and time again that if people do put forward a vision for what they regard as worthy of pursuit it's like given the difficult preconditions of existence is there anything that you could conceive of that you would regard as sufficiently worthwhile so that you would be motivated to pursue it what you do is you pick up your past and you embrace it you understand it you accept it as i had to go through these things that i had to go through in order for me to get to this place today and the evidence for that is that i did you don't need any more evidence you did this is somewhere that i think a lot of people get lost is they don't spend any effort making sure that the thing that they're doing with their life is actually something that generates excitement it builds excitement it gives to them more than it takes and success by the way is not some overnight event it's all these little things success is having a vision success is making it compelling success is really seeing it feeling it every day with strong enough reasons success is feeling the sense that i'm here to grow i'm here to give something to the world more than just myself [Music] in your ideal life you wake up in the morning energized your blood is singing and thought of being who you are and doing what you do uh you know you face all kinds of problems but they're really not problems because you don't define them as problems only thing that mattered in all of that was you got really good at something and somewhere along the way we lost that the punch line is no matter what you do to the system you you as an individual need to get extraordinary at something and so my encouragement to people is go get extraordinary like don't worry about whether the system is broken or not the knowledge that you are okay you have always been okay you will always be okay you are in the human predicament when you're in the human predicament stuff happens they will be serious in this in depth there will be financial setbacks there will be career reverses but you will deal with it from the space of i'm okay i will always be okay people have hard lives and even people who are comparatively fortunate have hard lives the ideal that you're observing that makes you jealous and resentful is in large part an illusion that's created by your own mind we have to find a way to construct a narrative about ourselves that empowers us that lifts us up even though we make mistakes even though we fall down even though we're never going to get things right all the time and even though terrible things happen to us it's failure to check the books it's failure to say i'm sorry it's failure to push yourself to do things physically that you don't want to do and all those little failures day after day come together until one day some cataclysmic event happens you blame that that event happened because you missed all the little stuff you cannot make a quantum leap in your life by working harder or managing your time better the only way you're going to pull that off is by thinking differently [Music] there isn't a better way to live your life there's no right way and wrong way there is only the way that gives you more energy there is only the way that gives you fulfillment when you have those things when you're fulfilled by what you're doing and it's giving you the harder you pursue it it's giving you more energy you're on the right path you have to get in touch with the way things are no matter what and you have to be able to get in touch with the way that that things are no matter what the circumstance and that if you can get in touch with that thing when you're in a bad circumstance you can in the midst of that circumstance go through it knowing that it's momented and that's why it's so important that you that you find yourself in the midst of doing something you are indeed passionate about you have to do what you love and you have to go where your love leads you and you can't spend your time doing things that you think you're supposed to love thing you're chasing is fulfillment it's the only thing that doesn't sway with the wind so happiness in its typical definition is very transient so i want to shift people over to thinking about fulfillment fulfillment is often born of suffering it's born of not doing something you want to do it's born of doing the hard things being proud of yourself comes from that being proud of yourself comes from working your ass off to acquire a set of skills oh you fall in love you go on a date something happens and you see things better that's why we have to live fully that's how why we have to follow our bliss and live as much as we can possibly live you're quite different from other people and you shouldn't be comparing yourself to them because they're not like you you know they don't have your family they don't have your temperament they don't have your troubles they don't have your abilities the only person that has those is you compare yourself to who you were yesterday and not to who someone else is [Music] today you can notice and make a habit of noticing the abundance of things in the world because you will begin to believe that there is more than enough if you can begin to believe that there is more than enough of everything that we need then it will be there for you i always tell people don't wait to be rich what is that richness it's abundance it's joy it's happiness it's contribution it's getting out of yourself what better subject to interrogate investigate daily what what what's the one character that that that would we should never get bored with chasing to figure out what's the one it's also the one character taking away from ourselves it's the one person that we can't get rid of i think that if you change some of these core beliefs there's a ripple effect meaning that if you believe that you are solely responsible for your life that you are not a victim that you are creating your reality then that changes all these sub beliefs if you uh aren't making the money that you that you want to make or that your your relationship is you feel like there's turmoil there you have some health challenges whatever if i take responsibility it changes all these like singular beliefs about who's at fault right i feel like a lot of people give away their power to their family to their friends based on their expectations their opinions of you how you're going to look and what failure is interpreted and it slows us down it's what tears us apart and challenges us that teaches us the noble virtues of the great women and men of the world the ego says let me get out of this difficult season as quickly as possible so i can you know eat in nice restaurants and hang out with the cool people and do fun things but a bad day for the ego is a great day for the hero price of living the truth it's got to be more than this better have a valued goal because otherwise you can't get any positive motivation working out and so the more valuable the goal in principle the more the micro processes associated with that goal start to take on a positive charge and so what that means is while you get up in the morning and you're excited about the day you're ready to go get habits and how you stick with them even when you're bored even when it's not interesting anymore long after it's not being planned the very secret to habits is caring about the thing that that habit is meant to lead to but for real like really what you care about even if i experience defeat a failure that does not make me a failure but don't confuse who you are with the results that you produce the the best feeling which is to feel good about yourself when you're by yourself is to do the hard things and the things that bring fulfillment are often born of momentary suffering but they allow you to get stronger in order to serve other people soul set is saying i'm going to do that deep interior work so when i go out in the world i'm living for a mission a mighty mission that is larger than myself soulset is about turning down the chattering voice of the ego so you're an instrument of service for many souls by developing a rich robust undefeatable character so that when you go out in the world you take the stones your critics throw at you and you build them into monuments of mastery that there's a responsibility to freedom and that there is freedom in responsibility you know and that earned your way there we remember the stuff we earn the stuff we experience more than what the teacher tells us or what someone gives us to bring those stick with us whether we forget them intellectually they were written in our lineage and they build resilience and they build a healthy true optimism going forward to know that oh no i've worked for something for and achieved it delayed gratification oh there are choices i can make today for myself that will pay me back later in life if you configure your life so that what you are genuinely doing is aiming at the highest possible good then the things that you need to to survive and to thrive on a day-to-day basis will deliver themselves to you sometimes it's not even about what choice we make just make a choice and commit to it and go and dive in because you can look up and days weeks months years can go by and you go i've been tiptoeing around here not committing to anything for so damn long i'm missing out if we could just say we're all just achieving our way to the unachievable and that's as good as it gets [Music] if you keep hitting this wall enough times i will see that you will not stop that you are filled with that level of determination faith and courage and then the door opens and you get to that next level [Music] then i'll tell you what changed my whole life when i finally discovered it's all risky if you think trying is risky wait till they hand you the bill for not trying i'll tell you how risky life is you're not going to get out alive well if that's the way it's going to work out let's give it a go right that's what it's for give it a go enrich your lives go down these weird rabbit holes when a friend invites you to do something super weird say yes go try it that's how you're going to find this stuff reflecting inward but that isn't the first step the first step is encountering then you can reflect you ask yourself instead of telling yourself you know what is it that i could do to set things more right today that i would actually do then you can go do it and then you you put the world together a little more when you do that and that spreads out but you also put you you also construct yourself into something that's better able to call order forth from chaos and that makes you just incrementally stronger and then the next day you can maybe take on a slightly larger task and at some point instead of just having to fix things up that are not good you'll start to get a glimmer of the positive things that you could do that would actually constitute a vision and and i realized that the best things that you're going to create are going to take time build it on cement not seeking singing you're going to get tons and tons and tons of tools here and you're going to want to fast forward your dream is important enough to outlive you if i knew that i'd gotten myself into a bad situation and rather than sit there and beat myself up over it i would say okay you're in a bad situation you got yourself here nobody even blamed you and now instead of beating myself up over the fact that i got myself into that situation i am simply going to say only action matters there is another level the only reason you keep saying there isn't is you feel so exhausted about where you are but life the universe of god is just testing you because there is another level there's a level where all your dreams are realized there's a level that you've always dreamed about it is real it has not gone away but it takes that extra burst when you think there's nothing left there's no way you've tried everything 10 million times and you keep going go get lost go explore go do things that interest you dive deep if you don't know what you want to pursue then don't start pursuing something with all your might it is very okay and so i realized that that you can't google download resiliency you can't google download tenacity you can't google download forgiveness they're some of the best qualities and characteristics that's going to take you a long way that you need to invest time in and energy in an intention in you don't just get patient i realized i realized that as i wanted to develop me i have to be willing to climb and i wanted to get to the top and there's no elevator to the top because i gotta climb to the top we gotta climb i don't have to be in the mood it's my work and i don't have to be motivated and i don't have to have the muse talk to me i simply do this work i chop the wood i carry the water and then maybe it resonates with people or if it doesn't i learn something and i do it again so intention design thinking intentional action if it's a hobby go for it it's for you if it's work it's ultimately for other people but if you seek to make a change in the world you have to ask three simple questions who is it for who specifically am i seeking to change who specifically am i building this for what's it for and what change am i seeking to make be very clear it's for people who believe this it's for people who want this it's for people who are aligned with this and after you engage with my work you will feel differently or you will act differently that is the work of the creator and we don't want to say any of those because it puts us on the hook and being on the hook feels uncomfortable and so we wriggle away but i think being on the hook is the best place to be it's okay go out discover play bumble around do whatever it takes to begin to discover the things that really give you energy that will serve you incredibly well because feeling alive that's the name of the game outstanding magnificent unstoppable extraordinary not excellent it's a different level it's a level where you are not one of the best you are the best you know what's amazing you only have to be two million years more than everybody else and get everything all of it and it's just two million views above and most excellent people give up because they're exhausted and there's some people go the harder i hit it the more i hit it sooner or later it's going down i'm not stopping this is the beginning this is the beginning of your radical this is the this is the next best step this is the first step and so i just stopped by to let you know you're on the right path and as you ramp up as you ramp up you're going to have questions you're going to be afraid i do more things afraid now than i do fearless because the bigger you play the bigger your breakdown [Music] got to understand who you're trying to become believe in your ability to get there to become that person to understand and to continue to beat yourself up for something in the past is not going to serve you and so for that very reason let it go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] failure hell disappointment discomfort is a great learning tool and many people don't understand that you you know you got to take ownership of what's going on in your life when you're not where you want to be and you say it's because the boss doesn't like you or it's because the girl treated you this way or the guy did this like all those things you got to take ownership and if you're blaming all these other external things you're not going to make any changes and that's going to be a problem wishing says to your mind you haven't got a prayer but you might as well wish so when you say to the mind i wish i could it says yeah me too get over it when other people break and give up and stop i just don't right and it comes down to the story you tell yourself about yourself [Music] change is really hard i don't think people realize how hard it is because often when they think of change they think about making positive changes and so you say to people well obviously making that change would improve your life so why is it so hard to do and the reason is because first of all change is hard because change involves loss so even though you might be moving to something better what you do lose is you lose the familiar you lose your comfort zone and a lot of us are very worried about going into a place of uncertainty a place that we haven't been before so some of us like sort of human nature would rather stay in the familiar place even if the familiar is miserable or unpleasant than to say i'm gonna risk something and go to this place that makes me really uncomfortable they can't tolerate the discomfort of the uncertainty [Music] the things i do in life most of life you're alone you may have a whole support group around you but up here you're alone most of the stuff i do i'm training for that one those moments when you start to dive back in the cellar of your mind and you're pulling out all these all these tactics all these mental tactics to get through this and no one's coming to save you and you get through that [Music] going into the darkness i think everybody is motivated by two different things one you have the beautiful things in your life the things that are going well the things that you're grateful for the things you're moving towards instead of a way you have a compelling vision of your future it's something that you're very excited about now the flip side of that equation are the things that people that doubt you it's haters it's things you're moving away from it's fear-based things it's something that you absolutely refuse to let happen one that is incredibly potent to me are the people that want to see me fail and i find in very acute moments the darkness serves you better every thought you think and every word you say form is a blueprint and your mind must work to make that blueprint real only execution matters burn that into your nervous system do whatever you need to do to remind yourself only execution matters when you're working on something you want to achieve you have got to stand up to that voice you got to sell yourself every day on your abilities on what you're doing on the goal that you want to reach you've got to sell yourself every day every day every day according to your level of belief it will manifest itself in what you're doing [Music] the worst thing in life that happens to a man that gets symbolized because you lose the hunger for life you you you think you've arrived and once you have i've arrived mentality that's my biggest fear is i get the point where i i'm at that point where life has come to me and i have that feeling that i've arrived i now know my life for what i know it to be is over [Music] i crack the code to human potential in myself so it's that quiet place it's that place by yourself it's those hours and years and decades by yourself in the grip of life when life has you by the throat and choking you out and you're sitting there calm because you're trying to figure it out you're not panicking you're not quitting you're not going to town you're saying there's a way around this [Music] thinking about it feeling good about it those are awesome but if you have a vision of something you're trying to do become whatever and you don't execute against it and i don't need you to want to build build a big business what are you doing how do you define it what are your deliverables what are the metrics by which you're judging yourself and by the way if you don't want a grand goal you don't need one but then say what i'm trying to do is get centered i'm trying to experience happiness even that you can begin to look at ways that you can improve that whatever we have right now whatever we're demonstrating in our lives is a result of what we believe subconsciously that we deserve and part of increasing that belief level is that you have got to convince yourself every day you can learn all the techniques in the world if you don't believe in yourself it won't happen for you right now between me and the person i want to be between you and the person you want to be there is a gap of skill set and that's it but once you know your mission and once you believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to then you can do the extraordinary but i'm telling you right now you're not defined by who you are you're defined by who you want to become [Music] bouncing back number one is refusing to listen to the negative shatter my own head creating something from absolutely nothing i didn't ask permission i gave notice at some point i have to stop asking can i be great can i be brilliant can i be okay and still be accepted i just stopped asking permission and just gave notice unapologetically not in a braggadocious way not in a way that shrunk anyone else in a way that said i only got one life and i'm gonna ride this one to the wheels fall off if you have a passion in your heart fire in your belly it's gonna be you it's gonna be you getting up early it's gonna be you staying up late it's gonna be you running the miles and going to the gym it's only gonna be you because outside motivation can only last for so long you can hire the greatest trainer in the world but ultimately it's on me [Music] in life a lot of us believe that we're working much harder than we actually are we think if we got up early for four days we've learned something the guy dropped your entire mindset it's dead weight we believe you work harder than we actually have trust me most of us haven't the one thing in life you gotta realize is this learn to help yourself don't count other people to help you [Music] is to open yourself to the possibility that everything isn't the way it appears to be and so even if you can just open yourself to that possibility just for a moment you can pick up it all the next day you can take it all with you the next day that it's all real and everything that you're seeing but if you just for a moment open to the possibility that things might not be the way that you think they are then you have the greatest opportunity to really discover something incredible how incredible you are drives me nuts everybody thinks they're gonna turn inside like an archaeologist and find that thing their deepest passion the thing they always love hiding inside is as soon as you say it i hope it sounds ridiculous that you would love something that much and yet somehow be blind to it it doesn't work like that it's like real love you've got to go on a date first you see somebody you're interested in you talk to them it sparks something you spend time you engage and through that process of engaging with it maybe if you're lucky it turns into a fascination [Music] but if you really want a passion you've got to go through the process of gaining mastery we had to keep doing the work to get to a place where we could be here and that's the thing that i think people miss is like you have to keep going you don't even know who you're going to be you don't know who you're going to be half a day a decade from now or 10 years from now because you you stop like why am i successful and other people who want the same things and start at the same time aren't because when they heard no they listen but faith is believing in the unseen anyway so i had enough faith to go i know like i know like i know like i know i don't necessarily have to see it yet [Music] because i choose not to ever be a victim i cannot choose whether i'm victimized but i have the ability to say i will never be a victim because there's always something you can do differently there is always something you can do differently [Music] you are celebrated in the light for what you do in the dark like what you do before anyone else is awake what you do when no one is looking that's what you're celebrated for and nobody else can force you to do that that's going to be on you if you would just think about what you want that's all you'd ever get in your life every time a belief goes out you feel completely free you know it's a it's amazing amazing feeling to you just feel as light as okay and actually you feel invincible tell me how holding on to all the reasons all the excuses all the justification for why your life sucks tell me how it's serving you has it made your life better has it given you more access has it given you more friends has it propelled you forward has it given you strength or did it suck the life out of you [Music] anything after the word i am is true to your unconscious mind like anything anything after i am anything after i am you know it's not true your conscious mind will believe it anything after i am so the use of affirmations is very intentional and very consistent and once you understand that you can always make a different choice and get a different reaction and that's the power in your life that's the power that you have is no matter what's going on you can choose to think differently believe differently see differently [Music] we all got excuses we can hold on to them all day long or we can say you know what i'm not giving that power anymore all these dungeons that we've created all these trap doors that our life has created most of the time we quit is because we don't have any mental tools to get us through the other side here's the problem i find most people have they judge themselves to the lens of a moment they fail at something and they think that defines who they are but i'm telling you right now you're not defined by who you are you're defined by who you want to become here's the reality you're gonna feel the truth of this instantly most dreams never come true most of the people that you know most of the dreams that you've had for yourself they haven't come true why not because they're brutally difficult the world is going to resist you it is not going to be easy to overcome entropy to overcome inertia the only way that you're going to overcome that stuff is to go all out every day knowing that it's going to take a long time but the only way that that dream is going to come true even over that long period of time is if you're going all out every day you need to have a vision and you need to be in love with that vision it needs to captivate you because frankly if you ain't in love with it you're not going to get up in the morning day after day after day and do what it takes to create or manifest your desires but what does work is this idea of inspired action now most people talk themselves out of going for their great big vision because they're like how am i going to even start i don't even know it seems to be so complicated and of course it is because from that level of understanding where we're at now it's impossible to know the myriad the thousands of steps that are going to take us to where we want to get to the next step is always revealed if you are focusing on your vision and you're visualizing and you're dreaming of it your unconscious mind can't help but give you solutions and they will flash in your mind as insights they are revealed step by step by step and all you need to do is keep going keep flying keep a smile on your face and enjoy the adventure because the adventure is where where the joy is to be happy [Music] you don't know enough so that your life isn't going to be miserable and so every chance you get to grab something new that will help you along your way you should take it as fast as you can every day everything i'm doing i'm asking why can it be done faster why can't i accomplish more right now that it's not okay to put something off even till tonight i need to do it right now and if you're trying to do shortcuts all of that's going to fail because none of that is playing the long game but if ever you're allowing yourself to slow down because you simply are acknowledging that this stuff takes time i'm telling you it's never going to work you've got to go all out you've got to create momentum so stop saying i'll be happy when i'll be happy when i've got this i'll be happy when this changes focus instead on being really really happy in the moment it's quiet your mind the thinker and realize that that voice that's constantly this [ __ ] wrong you need to fix this you need to do that when they'll actually be that accurate each of us has to realize that all of the beliefs that we have in our life are choices the scary part about the most important beliefs in your life as most of them are invisible [Music] many times in life people don't get what they want and they need because they don't aim at it and it's a hard lesson for people to learn because they're cynical to begin with and they presume that there's no possible way of moving forward but it's not so unreasonable to assume that you're not going to hit what you don't aim at or you're not going to hit what you aim at and don't shoot at [Music] if we do sit and contemplate a problem we will come to some truth that many other people come to in similar situation whatever you're trying to accomplish takes a very long time and so if you go into it and you're playing this short term game game chances are you're going to do things that are damaging to your reputation long term that to me is not patience that to me is playing the long game you want to play the long game you want to be authentic you want to be a good person you want to do good things for people you want to invest in other people not because you're being patient because patient to me is a very passive position it's saying look i'm not going to like go all out today because at the end of the day this is going to take time this is a marathon it's not a sprint and so i need to pace myself that's what people hear when you tell them to be patient i know because i've seen it play out yes there's things wrong there have been things wrong with our lives for millenniums my god maybe for lifetimes okay but each time we're getting better each time look at the upper side look at the past people there's something good that's being done and when you move forward don't be afraid put your message out there so many people are afraid to put their message out because well that might be too much this way too much that way be free be free to speak your word if someone doesn't agree that's their problem but don't put anybody down for saying their word we weren't afraid we believed in ourselves with all the doors closed we kept on going forward when the going's tough the tough get going no reason simply because of your age that you should not be after that you can't be hustling is it 18 is it 28 is it 38 it's ridiculous because there isn't a number if you've got the desire to win if you want to be somebody if you want to make your dreams come true i don't care if you're 12 years old or 82 years old your age is irrelevant it's a form of ageism to tell a young person just be patient well you can't invent values they're already built into you you have to discover them and i think that's true for each person it's like well what would justify you in in the abandonment of your resentment and hostility and it's hard to say what that would be for each of you it's something that you can discover [Music] so the first thing i'd i'd invite you to do is say to yourself am i really head over heels in love with my vision like do i get up in the morning and think [ __ ] this is absolutely i'm going to commit myself today because this is this is i can't imagine anything bigger or better for my life and if you ain't there yet i'd invite you to keep asking the questions until you get to that point you're more likely to believe something negative than you are something positive question is well is there something that you can pursue that allows that to be [Music] acceptable or perhaps even desirable which is something to do that justifies the suffering now the reason that most people never start is because they don't think that they're going to get a result from their actions and then that's going to come down to a belief that they believe about themselves the hard thing is taking the first step everything else is just persistence
Channel: Absolute Motivation
Views: 402,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #AbsoluteMotivation, #MotivationalVideo, #SelfHelp, Compilation, MotivationalSpeech, JordanPeterson, TonyRobbins, TomBilyeu
Id: 16pnYl4pbXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 29sec (3389 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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