London's Most EXPENSIVE Fashion Shop On A Budget (Spoiler FAIL)

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who was wearing 100 pound scrunchie to the beach  I definitely feel like I've lost my confidence in   vlogging Taylor Swift has made it really really  popular wine gum very pretty indeed well hello   happy Tuesday to you guys the sun is shining but  it is time for us to do another little bit of a   challenge and a little bit of exploring of the  wonderful night bridge now this is a very fancy   place lots of shops that I can't afford but my  whole thing is that you should still be able   to enjoy an area on a budget and we are going to  go to the world famous Harvey Nichols have been   there in a while I haven't vlogged it I don't  think for almost want to set oh did I show it   at Christmas maybe 2 years who knows but let's  have a look it absolutely chucked it down all of   this morning I do have my trusty Brolly in my bag  or in my pocket as usual but look at the Mandarin   Oriental looking stunning I also need to talk  to you about a slight change that some of you   oh is that was definitely spring is kind of not  here but kind of here but yes there is a change   on this channel some of you may have noticed  I will talk to you more about that in a bit   will pass by the apartments that cost an  arm and a leg and a fortune if you've got   spare 100 million now if you've seen some of  my other videos we've been doing like a 10   pound challenge I don't think we're going to get  much of 10 pound in Harvey Nics but yeah Harvey   Nics is like a really bougie department store  and it's super old and has lots of fantastic Brands as we wait to cross this crazy busy  road honestly I wonder if these hotels   allowed the mandarin Oriental I always  appreciate their flag game it's very   fancy but as I pan across yes Harvey nichols  wonderful premium luxury department [Music] store oh thank you so much afternoon thank [Music]  you it is warm in here let's be honest we're not   going to find anything in the beauty section or  maybe we will we want to find something a bit   unique but maybe well hopefully not food you know  what I'm like guys this beauty section is so cute   look at this nail dip place it's adorable but yeah  will we find anything for just £10 yeah this isn't   the kind of place where they have prices on things  let's go along here scoot through the beauty Hall   I do not need to buy any more sunglasses although  I keep reaching for like my cheaper ones cuz I've   got some fancy sunglasses but I always find  like I'm going to ruin them well they're a bit   Elvis aren't they 425 definitely out of the  budget okay we have handbag Galore definitely   not in budget but you know what we come from a bit  of inspiration what have we got here I do really   like these Coach bags actually I think they're  quite cute oh I did a video a couple of weeks   ago and I went to the white company and I bought  diffuser on sale and honestly it's lasted not even   I think maybe 4 and 1/2 Weeks absolute ripoff  so um comment below guys I need some diffuser   for recommendations please I really like those  earrings they're 240 definitely out of budget but   they're really cool guys I need to up the budget  £40 is the starting price in the jewelry section   what have we got some nice little Marc Jacobs  they've got quite a big Marc Jacobs section here   actually I feel like it's still a pretty popular  um bag especially that tote bag I know quite a   few people have got it actually definitely more  reasonable price but than some of the designer   bags out there Jean Paul gaultier definitely a  bit too much oh look at that safety pin thing   137 that's funny some of this stuff is beautiful  though very lovely indeed it's interesting it's   such a different vibe in Harvey Nics it's more  yeah more curated more local more yeah the lady   who just wants a certain edit from some of the  best Brands look at this Victoria Beckham was her   birthday the other day wasn't it she's 50 I feel  like she's kind of gone from strength to strength   not going to lie look at this little bag  it's quite nice delveaux is a brand that   I personally really like I think the hardware does  scratch a little bit um yeah I think they're quite   reasonable there I say maybe like kind of 400  plus which I appreciate is still quite a lot   but for a designer bag everything's crazy money  these days isn't it right that was the ground   floor appreciate probably not too interesting  let's go down briefly to menswear cuz the guys   always complain that I don't really show men's We  and then we'll go out through fashion and we will   make it up to the food market and the top floor  which has a snazzy food place and a bar oh there a   vibe in here trying to get used to the angle that  this is filming there with I way prefer Men's Wear   Men's Wear is my absolute favorite oh Sunspell  I really like them they're a beautiful knitwear   brand okay this isn't a fashion video but we're  just having fun having a look these are what every   guy is going after this spring summer I'm telling  you the kind of Loro Piana attempts those are 300   definitely spray them anyway right not 10 but love  that okay what have we got in here those a little   bar is finally open this bar is never open I swear  fun accessories most probably going to be a little   bit more than a tenner yeah as I walk and talk to  you guys I'm not sure about this toweling thing   that everyone's loving on Ralph I'm not sure about  that but anyway you probably have guessed the   style of video is a little bit different because  of this new camera that I'm using which I'm going   to talk to you about I literally can't believe  how loud the music is in here it's hilarious is   it nice that it's like you're visiting a shop  with me oh I really love the brand Rains I'm   tempted to get one of their bags actually do you  like mooching the shops with me oh nothing it's   going to be 10 and here is it this is probably  a really weird thing to say today but I feel   like men's boxes and like design and stuff is so  expensive how much is a fancy pair of socks right   hold hold fire guys the cheapest ones are £15  Madness isn't it right okay oh my God there's   literally a DJ down here that's hilarious oh that  is so loud okay got to talk over it me let's walk   let's walk also can you see how little this camera  is gloves it this time feels a bit wild I guess   it's still quite cold outside or look at these  hairy shoes they are horrendous nearly £900 okay   I quite like that there's still the Alexander  McQueen scarf knocking around anything take   your fancy anyone want a JW Anderson hoodie with  a gnome on it can I just say I think it's so bad   that they still have to do this where everyone was  stealing these also ignore my nails that is called   trying to get a GoPro battery door open literally  they're so hard to get open rect Nails anyway   okay we're going to cheat a little bit I need some  caffeine in my defence I didn't spend all my money   at Notting Hill I had 1 pound spare so yeah they  do have champagne beers I think it's relatively   reasonable for London it's quite a cute little  setting there's a few people sat down now and a   few cocktails and things so cheeky decaf lat and  I'm actually going to sit and write my Essential   holiday list as I am a little bit reliant on my  phone and need some help so this is where Saily   comes into it Saily is a wonderful sim service  where you can select from over 150 countries and   get data straight to your own mobile phone and by  using Saily you have removed all that nonsense you   know when you go to the airport and you have to  queue up and go and buy a SIM card none of that   you don't have to go to some dodgy Corner Shop  to try and get internet and hope that it works   simply download the app and a couple of clicks  pick which country you're going to what package   there have a few different packages that you can  choose from depending on where you're traveling to   and how many days you want it for it is as simple  as that and then just tap to install the eim and   that's literally it then when you arrive it is  ready to go no changing your number no changing   your sim card oh my gosh and end up losing your  own SIM card also Saily is created by the guys   at Nord security so you know you are protected  when it comes to your privacy many years ago when   I was on holiday we had a whole argument because  we couldn't find the restaurant and we needed to   Google it and we couldn't because none of us  had data so yeah get the global eim Saily it   will save maybe some of the arguments on holiday  get Saily using my link hannah ricketts   to support my channel that coffee has hit the spot  although I probably should have had it caffeinated   let's go and have a look and see what else we  can find in the store we have to say goodbye to   the club well go upstairs you might have better  luck up there and I know you're thinking Hannah   what did you expect you're not going to find  anything by the way I'm keeping a headphone in   cuz it makes people think I'm on the phone I don't  know why but I definitely feel like I've lost my   confidence in vlogging the last last few weeks  I'm not sure why especially like in public in   shops so I'm trying to like just be subtle and I  don't know go under the radar a little bit even if   I'm allowed to film oh look at this shop that's  absolutely stunning I do need to stop saying   stunning look at this jumper the little triangles  that's absolutely disgusting right I think I've   Never filmed around here cuz to be honest with  you when you've got like a normal camera it's   like a bit awkward to do just trying to understand  the angles of this camera moncler definitely not   £10 but I quite like how they've leaned into  this like Chanel esque formal with a puffer [Music] I literally would wear all of these if  I could I probably destroy them get them   covered in fake tan you know what I'm  like or makeup generally yeah they have   absolutely incredible prints like look at that  one that is just to die for this is weird guys   sorry where I'm pointing the camera isn't exactly  showing where I think I'm pointing it like look   at these shorts stop now let me show you some  shoes yeah I do like love the row definitely   out of my price point but I'm not really a fan  of the shoes I don't know God they look really   uncomfortable £960 bit toppy um let's have a  look through here they have a really nice edit   oh okay so I guess this is a little bit like  the dad sandal that Chanel have done for ages   that is literally what everyone is going to be  wearing I swear they look quite comfy as well   yeah this is really strange like as I point the  camera like down to show you something it doesn't   quite go and if it does it's really really slow  also don't comment on the state of my lipstick   I feel like this is a little bit of a test Vlog  just to see how this camera goes but anyway yeah   anyone coming to London or where are you going  on your holidays this year guys is anyone going   away do you see what I mean like this Dad sandal  heavy very heavy I definitely want to get some   like nice flat shoes but yeah they're just going  to like fall apart aren't they and they're £600   definitely not on my list right let's head on to  another area cuz we're not doing very well here   are we guys we haven't found anything for a tener  Golden Goose still not sure still not sure about   them are they a bit cringe am I a bit cringe don't  answer that bit gray outside now goodness Mandarin   Oriental beautiful I feel like everyone in here  is just a bit cool is this going to be the first   failed challenge Vlog it might be we shall see  okay this bit gets a little bit more reasonably   priced yeah comment below like do you like seeing  things like this I mean going out the escalator   is not the most exciting thing in the world yeah  more of a real don't know I want you to feel like   you kind of came shopping with me and it didn't  cost you anything I really hate the carpet in   here I really wish they changed the carpet looks  disgusting right beautiful dresses needle and   thread I really like needle and thread they often  come up as a brand that oh trip over the side um   on lots of kind of hiring websites Tory birge I  did a project on them a while ago I really like   them I feel like they're a bit unloved they need  a little bit of a a Rebrand like how cool is that   why are people not screaming about Tory Birch  it's really not a thing in the UK [Music] a projection on the ceiling there I don't think  the camera quite got it oh swim time I can't   remember the last time I got into a swimming  pool it's been a long time guys might have some   knickknacks here oh but look honestly this what do  you call it like friendship bracelet thing where   Taylor Swift has made it really really popular  it's coming through in like lots of different   products yeah like look at those they're super fun  they always have like the best beach edit in here   look at the color and all the fun here Farm Rio  I think I do I have something from these guys I   think I might yeah look at those like come on  with like a white T-shirt how much are they I   dread to think £170 oh can we afford a scrunchy  this is what we're after guys like the the cheaper   bits that's a massive scrunchie there £25 yeah I  feel like ribbons and stuff are getting a little   bit crazy oh I love that one that's really nice  how much is one with a little bow on it 20 okay   we can afford that if we cut it in half and steal  it right and that little bag there is £30 we're   getting there just not quite I actually have just  ordered like a quilted floral jacket from three   people but it doesn't come for like 3 weeks so  you'll see it eventually in a video Canada goose   is a bit random in the corner there is it not  I also bought a new pair of Levis in a video a   little was that last week a couple of weeks ago  and I don't know if I really like them to be   honest I might return them I don't know maybe you  would have watched that that was the last video   comment I think I've still got a few more days  or a week before I need to return it oh here we   go here's some socks I love Valley £25 nope okay  can't even afford one sock am I too old to wear   denim shorts they are cute though they're really  nice how much of denim shorts in these kinds of   Brands 155 might just cut up a pair of jeans  I've already got to be honest okay right I'm   adamant to find something that isn't food little  woolly hat guys it's been really cold 50 lb look   at this I love anything like Rattan is is that  what that is those are really fun I never really   looked at Club Monaco I think it's quite premium  look at these little earrings love little earrings   £30 that'd be quite a nice present actually do  you know what those they're proper earrings 45   I really like those don't think I need any  more gold earrings actually my gosh this   whole section on the right is Sandro this bag  this is really nice it was a bit crunchy Jesus   Rock Solid not sure about that but beautiful  print on it okay right let's head on up I just   saw these little scrunchies this one's a missoni  one though but yeah it's £100 who was wearing   a 100 pound scrunchie to the beach I think  you need your head check in to be honest with you feel like social media is making me want to  buy birkenstocks I don't know I will actually   get for the summer I might get a pair of these on  kind of cloud or whichever ones they are trainers   I feel like everybody has I did actually get  my gate analysis done and they were like these   aren't like it's not the best brand for running if  you need support it literally says ancient Greek   sandals are coming back again it's giving Top Shop  2008 isn't it right Mach and Mach one in out just   put some bows on everything I think it's probably  part of their design design strategy like look at that yeah they always have really fun stuff in  it like look at that top it's just absolutely   wild and it's like a beautiful knit okay  what else do we have oh maybe I could get   something for my nieces probably not how cute  a little bow oh gosh I had to think how much   that is I'm not going to unpackage that little  birkenstocks for £55 I love things like this   how adorable how cute is that print that's  amazing are they swim shorts they are £45   they the brand bardies oh I've heard of them  yeah they have beautiful oh look the little   dresses Zimmerman dresses for kids it's have a  quick scoot in here I don't usually look at the   kids bits to be honest in harrods it's  like an absolute Minefield little gift sets little ralf Lauren how much is a ralf Lauren  hat £27 that's a really nice little gift isn't it   bougie children what do bougie children wear these  days there is for me personally I think there's a   limit on like what I would spend on a kid cuz  they're only going to wreck it look at these   waterproof books oh £ 13 that is the cheapest  item I think I've seen so far even little dolce   and gabana baby shoes £215 oh the sun's come out  now oh my gosh literally window update I can see   some daylight so let's go up to the fifth floor  they have a particular wine shop maybe we'll come   back to that in a second but yeah it's definitely  like known for having quite a few restaurants and   things to choose for like look at this Grill  now I didn't want this to be the challenge but   it looks like probably the 10 is going to come  from the food section already I Can See For £4   50 I mean for God's sake that is so expensive  50 g of chocolate oh my gosh I can smell that   smoked meat and it smells amazing what have we got  here Viennese swirl biscuits for £7 I don't love   that packaging I like the colors I don't think  I really like look at these short breads these   are 8 but yeah look at that picture is that not a  bit random I don't know may been being fussy lots   of different biscuits I do like the tins always  like a tin come on Eddie and py would they shop   anywhere that didn't sell lots of alcohol of  course they wouldn't but nothing quite within   our budget oh almost we've got half a bottle of  the Harvey nichols Prosecco there for 11 lots   of nice yummy bits which I recognize from other  places but look they've even got stuff like this   Hello Panda 195 a few little treats fat so what  is that cornflake toast and marmalade bar what   that's really quite something different I like  this packaging ketchup for £7 you know you're in   a posh shop I quite like Heinz to be honest that's  the best isn't it lots of expensive that's those   Posh crisps which I don't really like actually um  what's different I feel like oh tim tams are they   Australian yeah they're Australian tim tams for  $450 God they're heavy they look like penguin WS   to be honest with you are they nice should I be  buying them ooh some good tea selections here a   lot of these department stores if you watch my  videos before you'll know they are very good   at having a wonderful tea selection and they've  got some peppermint pyramid bags there how need   you get 15 for £10 God that is a lot isn't it  and then earl grey there as well for a tenner   and the tins are 1250 I can get the camera to  go down goodness me I've done my best but look   at all of this display look at the roof it's it's  honestly A really lovely space I'm trying to tilt   this camera up and then they always have some  beautiful like gift ideas out the front here   little chocolate balls for £10 angels and vegans  oh see you see what I mean they like don't make   the effort with the vegan packaging £10 oh no 20  goodness me and then I do like this color yeah   maybe it's just the the image on it that I don't  love but as the Sun keeps coming in going out   got some big tub of Honey there for £4  okay we also have this other restaurant   that is open for dinner very pretty very pretty indeed oh this is definitely giving me there's  another restaurant in the background there   it's definitely giving me vlogmas Vibes  today especially showing you these hampers   and things like that this10 challenges gone  about the window hasn't it but you have these   bottles that come with a little tray of like  truffles in the top for £45 I think there's a   really lovely gift um they have a lot of their  own label and then yeah you can build your own   hamper I quickly show you the all day dining menu  hopefully you can kind of see that some quick   bites or you can get the full shabam I'm going to  ask if they still do their set menu because there   was a there was a weekend and weekday I think  it was lunch menu that was crazy good value   you can just about do one item under £10 but they  do also have an afternoon tea £40 which probably   is about normal now for these kind of shop places  £10 for extra glass of champagne sandwiches Savory   scones and sweets so you obviously need to pay  it's got a note there 13 12% service charge which   is your tip Americans you don't need to tip on  top of that I did have to ask for it so don't be   embarrassed to ask yes set menu spring dining menu  three courses and a choice of paloma or Tommy's   Margarita for £35 I think it may have been 30 last  time I can't remember I need to check my Vlog from   two years ago as you can see one of the starters  oh spiced crab bis lamb rump would be nice yeah a   nice choice oh God my nails I'm so sorry honestly  I had such a fight with my GoPros I just couldn't   get the batteries out people who own a GoPro  will know what I'm on about but yeah they've   got a little setup for having a wine flight or  maybe they've got classes or something oh I've   shown this before there we go a wine stopper for  like champagne carbonated for £850 the cork screw   opener 9 7 50 guys we can't even afford the carry  a bag £14.95 that's really expensive I think for   that H Nosh oh go still got me eggs left good how  old are these oh my gosh there £7 50 that doesn't   count but that's actually really good it was  £29.95 vegan Meercats they've got different little   boxes of popcorn for £10 that is a bit mental see  this is the kind of weird stuff that I wanted to   find wine gum for £8 50 they have prosecco serving  your Blanc Rosé what 0% ew I don't really should   I get it and try it no that's kind of gross why  would you want the flavor of that without oh I   don't know about that I did miss this fridge but  there are quite a few things I'm trying to look   for like Harvey nichols special things Harvey  nickels pale L for £3 50 they have got some   premixed cocktails but they don't have prices on  but yeah they've got their own branded wine we did   see those slightly in the what you call thems the  hampers and oh a full bottle of Prosecco is $17 50   wasn't what I thought it was going to be I did  think we'd find maybe a pair of socks or like   you know face cloth or something but that is what  you get in Harvey Nics for £10 and it also proves   that this store is definitely pitched at an actual  luxury consumer and they're not really going after   the tourist or the average Hunter like myself so  there you go was that interesting I don't know I   do have to apologize this camera is a bit wild but  I'm going to pay for these do I have to pay for   a bag I hope it's not £15 I'll see you in a sec  Posh Nosh that must be yeah what they want to be   known as now do I have a receipt I'm not sure if  I paid for a bag and my plastic bag was free I do   feel like the price of plastic bags now is getting  crazy I was in a supermarket the other day and it   was like 60p and I was like I just carry it like  it's my fault for not bringing my own I appreciate   that also I was going to say do you like my new  earrings hopefully I can show them I was actually   sent them by the brand nice cream London and I  wear their earrings quite often and I think I   bought about seven or eight pairs but yeah these  were gifted you know the ones I wear that are oh   let's not fall down the escalator they're like  pearls with like a hydrangea yeah very nice let's   head on out see it keeps filming the roof why does  it keep doing that okay okay so do comment below   if you love or hate this camera I'm hoping it's  like super super smooth and you don't get like   seasick sorry I keep looking at the screen below  I haven't quite fig out like the angle of it and   stuff like that when I show things on the table  I had like a really slow reaction I can change a   speed but anyway that was Harvey Nicholls Posh  Nosh I'm going to try my tim tams I feel like   some people are going to com by the way this is  not the camera flicking the actual display is   flicking looks awful they need to change that but  yes my point is I enjoy vlogging but the challenge   that I'm finding it's like a personal thing when  I go places when I have I've got like a Sony zv   was it Sony Z V1 marked or whatever the heck it  is and it's a camera it's not huge but it has a   big red light on it and it looks like a camera and  people I think feel quite uncomfortable when I'm   around them and I don't want to make anyone feel  uncomfortable most of the places I double check   if I can film or not and people are like super  fine with it so I think it's just okay example   V and A I'm waffling on now but the V and A video  which go and watch I think that was my last video   was that a week ago like I had so many people come  up to me being like what are you doing in like   they were kind of confused what I was doing I then  said that I was making a YouTube video V and A   don't mind that I was making a video but it just I  don't know I found the whole thing really awkward   and yeah hopefully this camera will be a bit more  subtle is my point when you have this people then   go oh wow what are you doing so I think I need to  like DJI I love you I paid for this camera by the   way it was a lot of money I think I need to like  color that in or get some electrical tape I'm sure   my dad's got some that won't interfere with the it  talking to this right oh God I don't know what I'm   doing anyway hopefully this camera will give me  the confidence I don't know do you want to see the   Burberry shop I probably can go into these stores  and um yeah show you I think the start of these   videos will probably change a little bit I feel  like I talked a bit too much in this video even   I'm sick of my voice yeah maybe it makes these  videos like a less kind of edited and more like a   real real time feeling like what's he beeping at  there was nothing to beep at Chanel shop is not   open I need to do A10 challenge at harrods maybe  that will be in a couple of weeks time I really   want to eat my biscuits but anyway should we go  in the Apple Store oh God why did you do that if   you're watching this and you're thinking about  vlogging or going on holiday I have the iPhone   15 Pro well it's literally here it's not bad for  vlogging but what I was finding I know some of you   really really prefer me using this is the battery  runs out too quickly where I have an external   microphone cuz the audio will just pick up all the  road noise in the background being in London you   then have a big kind of transmitter thing dangling  off the side of it and the whole thing just   overheats it's just not I don't know how people  Vlog on it full time but I think it's because I'm   filming in a city environment I literally don't  care about any of the products they don't have any   Vision fros out so what do they what's over here  no they don't but us peasant Folk can't afford   it anyway right let's go if you're enjoying this  video do please press like I'd really appreciate   it my YouTube stats keep saying like no one likes  your videos anymore which probably might be true   but never mind I'm going to attempt to still do  two videos a week but the problem I have that   woman just tutted at me is that the weather's  a bit rubbish so I wrote a list of all the fun   stuff I wanted to do but the problem is I usually  film on like a Saturday morning like the weather   has been terrible I'm sure people watching us be  like it's not that bad Hannah but if you're in the   UK I feel like it's literally rained for about two  weeks solid what can you do I need to find stuff   that's inside hence why maybe this camera will  be good anyway I'll shut up about this camera   now traffic traffic traffic do we go into harrods  I've only got 13% battery though o rip Ted Baker   that's the first shop I've seen that's gone well  there aren't many to close now anyway to be fair [Music] this is so much easier to Vlog with  this camera like no one can notice it except   for the freaking red light off my chest oh look at  those okay this Vlog has literally gone off on a tangent much busier in here though isn't  it what a contrast but yeah it's such   a different a different type of  store gosh that's a big display   I feel like this black bag does not get the  love that it deserves I don't know if it's   a bit don't know I love it right let's go  through the stinky oh my God it stinks the   perfume hall what are we doing here people  are we queuing be waiting for the grass to grow let's get some grab and go food it's very  warm in here My Goodness Me Oh I shouldn't have   come in here I'm hungry I will do like I say  a 10 pound on harrods it's a tough one because   there's loads of tenner to found stuff in here in  like the tourist bit downstairs I kind of want to   do £10 for like the main shop could be fun ooh  these salads are always really good firecracker   tofu sounds quite nice doesn't it but I think I  might get the Caesar salad oh wait hold on Korean   beef salad for £8 I love that Howard's food whole  favorite Lobster Caesar of course it is I do like   lobster but I find it a little bit too rich don't  know give me a give me a Big Mac anytime right   look at that even some champagne on offer right  I have 3% left on my battery I've got my salad   I'm going to love and leave you guys remember  check out s the global e it's a really good idea   especially if you are reliant on the phones like I  am make sure you're subscribed I will see you in a   few days time say hi on Instagram blah blah blah I  think I've talked enough have a good one bye guys [Music]
Channel: Hannah Ricketts
Views: 84,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things to do in london, free things to do in london, london, london tourist, london guide, london tour, london parks, london tips, travel guide london, tourist, london vlog, anglophenia, anglophile, travel vlog, travel day, uk food, uk vlog, London 4k, London travel, London street, moving to london, London walking tour, uk vlogs, London walk, London vlog, vlog, travel 2023, vlog 2023, London 2023, luxury, shopping vlog, shopping haul, lifestyle vlog, English, learn english
Id: u61pdQbaazQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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