THRIFTING LONDON! Thrift With Me! The Best Flea Markets In London For Vintage Shopping | Thrift Haul

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in today's video I am going to be taking you to one of my favorite antique flea markets it's in London England and it's called Old spittle [Music] Fields this is a daily Market in London but you've got to make sure that you go on Thursday because Thursday is the day that all of the Vintage and antique dealers show up and bring all the [Music] goodies look at this little set oh wow brass well now we have a new miniature box that'd be really cute for a gift for my niece for her dollhouse 38 lb [Music] I love love love these numbers they remind me of growing up at the cemetery my dad had all the numbers and letters for headstones this is pretty what's this it's got a cross on it I think that is a Egyptian cross maybe it's really [Music] neat the details gorgeous on this I like this so I'm going to get both of them the little one and the large one for 10 lb total what is it made in England that's beautiful I love the color 15 15 I'm going to grab that get it get it Nancy oh the lamp that's a really good lamp I I like this snake bracelet too genuine buffalo horn interesting it's kind of neat she's quite a few of them too 10 lb each they're horn interesting yeah they're made out of horn there's quite a few options I think I'm going to get maybe two of [Music] [Applause] [Music] those he said 65 on this deer it's a brutalist sculpture and it's by an Italian designer Harvey croni cioni craion I don't know how to say it but it's an Italian designer and he said 65 on it but I've got him down to 55 so I think I'm going to go ahead and get him I think he's wonderful Nancy warned me I'm going to fall in love with things in this space and she is not wrong look at these little owls those are great oh my goodness okay we're going to pause the video for just a second because I wanted to tell you why I picked up this I wanted to see if it was the very popular and valuable peppermills by yans krisa these pepper Mills are highly sought after and I'm not familiar with this exact design but if you see one of these incredible peppermills make sure you at least check and see if it is dank and I'm going to put a link to a book that will help you identify these in the description below okay resume shopping so much good stuff in this space we have only been here at the market for I don't know 20 minutes and I've already made I think five purchases oh I think this is a Walter bossy I'm pretty sure it is from Austria nope I see an England stamp on the bottom all right we've got to pause this video again cuz one it is pronounced vas with almost a v sound at the beginning of Walter and I am so confused as to why it is stamped England cuz it does look just like the vter Bas items that were made in Austria and later in Germany when I was doing research on this hand I found an awesome article that explains the history history of this company and some of the drama that it went through if you are like me and you want to dig even deeper into the history I have linked that in the description below but I'm not going to lie I'm still confused as to why it was stamped England so if you know the answer to that please let me know in the comments below resume shopping [Music] 55 Pro tip if you are shopping the spaces here at Old spittle field sometimes you can actually get on the backside to shop because when things start to get busy it's really hard to get inside the small stalls so sometimes I will kind of scan from the backside and see if I want to wait to get in it's not too bad right now cuz the market just opened but in another hour or so you're going to have to wait to get into the Stalls so I like to do a little scoping on the back side we spotted some incredible pottery from far away look at the size of this it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] massive I love that they took the time to display everything so beautifully too they didn't just throw it out little hedgehog he's cute he's the piggy bank this is all ik they came in all different colors I've seen these before that's a pretty color though I haven't seen the purple one oh look at look at these it's amazing it's like a art chair I've never seen that you guys remember my picture frame and my box that I got [Music] recently what is it just yard trimming do you sew I do oh goodness that would be a great oh my gosh you look how much you could sew Nancy you could do a whole dress out of it on the side of a curtain panel oh that'd be beautiful I like [Music] that ooh look at this I saw that wow what's that say on there think it's quite old that's a neat one very pretty how much for this 20 20 so I'm going to do the necklace it's stamped Paris and it's $20 and then this Sterling bracelet is 35 not dollars pounds 50 for [Music] both [Music] how does it work you put your cigar in here and then you and then you just clip the end up and you clip it and it's from the 1800s 1700 18th century should be 1700s how much was it 20 we're in love with this painting it's got the little church with the Bell Tower and signs the colors in it are amazing the frame looks newer so I'm not sure how old it is but that is a really beautiful painting yeah I can't find the artist's name really but you're very welcome to take it into a different light he has one thing like it you kind of see it yeah it's beautiful how old do you think it is I think it's I'm going to put I would say in the 60s but then you don't know if you was inspired it could be sort of in the 50s to 80s would be my you know if you were going broad if it were mine I would think it was the 60s it's really beauti it is yeah colors in that's sh oh that's so sweet of [Music] you look at this chair it's like a throne it's got mirrors on it brass detailed Birds that's [Music] [Applause] [Music] incredible how much is this one uh 50 50 it's quite old it's anching it's it could be 19th century or early 20th and it is a proper etching it's not it's not like a poppy it's an original etching probably around 1900 it's really well done in impressionist style and that's Name the artist I purchased this massive Mexican Sterling necklace for 80 lb I had to get it because I'd never come across one like this before it ended up selling to my online website for $195 definitely worth the purchase it's very old 1850 1900 really yeah it's really pretty yeah how much is this one that one is 120 120 this stockwise oh these are real Stones they're all real gemstones and that we bought a fly as well like dragon fly not for sure but probably the best try in London awesome place for snacks if you're looking for food there are food stalls all throughout old spittle [Music] field get this beautiful copper piece for 20 [Music] lb thank you so much thank you enjoy thank [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Camden passage is one of my favorite places to go to in London for vintage jewelry I love picking up vintage jewelry when I'm traveling because it is so easy to carry back in your luggage and Europe is a lot older than we are in the US so you are way more likely to come across items that are much older I picked up some really wonderful finds at Camden Market and I'll show you them at the end of the [Music] video capital letters up on a rack above you and you'd have the letters you used a lot the the small letters down where you could easily reach them uh at hand level and that's why we have upper and lower case upper and lower case were in the upper case upper and lower how funny Steve you are full of knowledge I love it but I never know if you're pulling my leg or not serious no that actually makes a lot of sense so were these used in newspaper prints well these are probably manufactured prop for design but you would have had the same kind of small uh lead lettering would have been for um a composited blocks for newspapers but these are these are graphic blocks I have to get this one look what it is it's a hamon hand8 that's neat these are really neat when you get this one for tank you do yeah oh I love it we'll be twinsies I like this Angry Chicken he looks so mad looks like a wood block [Music] print I got this beautiful piece of Kaiser uh porcelain for only 35 lb very excited about that it was hard to pick but that was the one I picked [Music] I ended up getting the Scandinavian looking copper art for only10 lb which I felt like was an incredible deal this was a really hard one for me to sell but I ended up putting it in my online shop and I sold it for this amount this is why I love going to this type of Vintage Market something that's even a little bit more curated because even if they have a ton of vintage that is high priced at full retail if you know what you're looking for you can always find something for an incredible deal everybody on the group trip found something to bring home with them and my favorite thing that I found probably has to be the Egyptian necklace whenever you see the words Paris stamped on jewelry that's always going to be a good sign whenever I see Paris or Italy on a vintage costume piece of jewelry I always get it because I know there's going to be some good value there especially if it's beautiful and clearly wellmade I have been selling vintage fulltime for 12 years now and as much as I have learned over the last decade and Beyond I still learn new things every single day and that is why you've got to get out there you've got to hit these flea markets you've got to hit antique stores not just thrift stores where you're going to find the best deals because in order to know what you need to be looking for at the thrift stores got to know what holds value and follow those gut instincts if you see something and you've never seen it before and it looks like it's really wellmade and especially if it is signed Paris pick it up you know it's going to be worth at least the 20 lbs that you paid for it in this case it paid off big time for me I have not brought myself to list this necklace in my shop yet I just love it so much and every time I look at it or wear it it reminds me of this trip let me know in the comments below what you think I should do do you think that this is worth just too much to hang on to I would love to know what you would do in this scenario would you let it go just because of the value or would you hold on to it for a little bit before you let it go personally I tend to like to wear things at least a few times before let them go part of the exciting part about being a vintage dealer I was so excited for Nancy when she found that beautiful painting I have a little story that's going to be coming up about this painting in the Norway episode which is going to be coming out pretty soon so don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss when that video comes out the painting is beautiful and I'm so happy for Nancy that she found it this day picking I found some really wonderful jewelry I found a pair of Carnelian and sterling silver Bohemian giant dangle earrings and the pricing at Old spittle Fields and Camden passage was really reasonable typically when I'm buying jewelry for resale I make sure that I have at least 50% margin because taking photos listing it shipping it promoting it paying for your website and all your shipping supplies cost money too so you've got to make sure you've got the margins there when you were looking at investing in vintage and if you were just starting out in jewelry and you don't have a large audience so it's not a guaranteed sale when you buy something I highly recommend picking up pieces that are very odd or different those tend to be the first things to sell and the things that I can get the most money for so something like the Cobra necklace that was a handmade artisan pendant that's a really smart investment because somebody that loves cobras is going to see it and they're going to have to have it because they know they can't find it again or on their own I find animals or really unique patterns bright colors those are the things that are going to sell again you've got to trust your gut and your instinct if it makes you go when you see it there that's a good sign because it might do that to somebody else when you list it on your website I also picked up a beautiful Art Deco necklace and I will pop in a picture of what I sold it for right here I'm pretty sure that I paid 40 lbs for this necklace again always look for those margins and don't be scared to spend a little bit of money if you know what the item is actually worth these earrings are one of my favorite finds I've ever found I am so sorry I am not selling these stunning earrings I actually had to test them out to make sure that they were not too heavy and that they didn't hurt my ears which they didn't there are so many different beautiful colored stones and everything is so intricately cut and perfectly set these are signed Sterling on the back they do not have the artist signature I did a little bit of research I'm quite sure that they are Native American crafted but I haven't been able to figure out who the artist is on them yet but I will not give up I will keep doing research so if any of you have any pointers in the right direction please let me know in the comments below I had my hands full when I found this amazing brooch so I didn't film a clip of me finding it this is by David Anderson and it is a Norwegian brooch out of sterling silver isn't it amazing I purchased this from the same vendor that I got the earrings from and I love it so much that when I went to Norway I might have gotten it tattooed on my arm one of my favorite jewelry items that I found has to be the cross pendant necklace with the matching pendants that I turned into earrings this was another one that was really hard for me not to keep but I did list them in my online vintage shop and they did sell for a very good profit part of what makes traveling internationally and going to these flea markets so exciting is that you're going to find older things or things that were never imported into the United States you're going to come across a lot of things that you just don't see every day in the states and if you are looking to learn this is such an incredible way for you to get out there and see other things and broaden that knowledge also one tip if you are new to Vintage reselling and you don't have a high amount of money to invest and this tip you can do whether you're shopping at a thrift store or shopping at a flea market in the states or if you are shopping abroad in London and that is to take lots of pictures you don't have to buy everything that you think looks interesting but take a quick picture of it because then you can do more research on that item when you get home I will warn you sometimes you're going to kick yourself cuz you're going to find out something like that Egyptian necklace for 20 lb was actually worth about $700 but it's a great way to start learning even if you don't have the money to invest in inventory the Italian brutalist deer ended up in my Christmas decor this year I thought it was a really wonderful sculpture it has just enough of that abstract brutalist style that I love without being too abstract and too obscure it's pretty obvious that it is a deer that one's going to go into my personal collection for the foreseeable future but you never know because like most vintage resellers I hold on to things for a little bit enjoy them and then I pass them off into their new home for a new life funny story about the first time I ever went to Old spittle Fields it was on my first trip to London in 2022 and we had a flight that got in at 6:00 in the morning to London and I don't sleep on airplanes so I had not slept in a really long time I knew Old spittle Fields Market opened that Thursday at 8:00 a.m. with all the Vintage so we literally went straight to the Airbnb dropped off our luggage and walked 45 minutes to the market and made it just in time for opening if you want to see that video from my first trip to Old spittle Fields I will link it up here and also in the description below one of my favorite things I purchased that day was Syrian enamel containers they were little they were small I knew what they were when I saw them and I still to this day have my Q-tips and hair ties in them on my vanity where I get ready every morning this is why I love decorating my home with secondhand finds especially things that I find on my exciting travels every morning when I get a Q-tip out of that little container I think about that market I think about that special trip with my nieces my sister and my husband to London so I highly encourage you when you travel to bring home souvenirs that are antique and vintage and something you're actually going to use on a daily basis my dream is to have my house full and surrounded with things from all of my travels so that instead of just having these videos and pictures of my experiences I'm going to be reliving those experiences every day and being grateful for those opportunities I have had so many requests to put out a video on how I pack these treasures and bring them home so I wanted to let you know at the very end of the series I'm not only going to be doing a full haul showing you everything that I found on my European Adventures but I'm also going to be sharing with you how I prepare for these trips how I pack these items when I'm there and I get them home safely without spending extra money shipping so make sure that you are subscribed so you don't miss when that episode comes out thank you so much for joining me in today's episode in London here is a sneak peek at what is coming up in the next [Music] episode
Channel: Laura Caldwell
Views: 83,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrift haul, thrift vlog, london, old spitalfields, Camden passage, vintage market, flea market shopping, flea market
Id: _YPjXN4Lefc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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