My Home Is SPRING READY! Luxury Garden Shop In Central London

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the private Moorings I do wonder how much it  costs to moor here don't ask me I don't know   much about boats look at this so nice it is a  greenhouse let's have a quick scoot in The Glass   House guys I need to get into the spring mood  and I don't feel very spring so today I want to   go out well we're out already as you can see and  get a few things decorate my home to get me into   the spring Vibes cuz if the isn't going to bring  it we're going to have to bring it to ourselves   and I am just down the road I'm be down here in  a few weeks actually look how cute this is this   is Little Venice that restaurant that little  cafe is adorable I think they do pretty good   pizza we're going to ignore the awful graffiti  which is a shame and yeah walk along the canal   because I have picked up some very bad habits  with the weather this is my excuse anyway I   haven't been out running I've been eating badly  I've been sleeping badly so I thought this is   a good excuse to walk around a little bit and  uh yeah cheer ourselves up with hopefully some   flowers we're going to go to the Garden Centre I  feel like I've shown this Cafe quite a few times   I might try and eat at the Garden Centre actually  I have this little place called Clifton nurseries   but I've definitely shown this before interested  these are the kind of prices you're looking at at   a local cafe in London I always call out this  building I think it's so pretty but you are   right about the traffic lights which is probably  annoying oh he's struggling to get out the hill   it's nice to walk along the little Canal here it  goes down Little Venice into Paddington and try   to get a little bit of fresh air well I say fresh  air but I highly doubt that Tesco Lori was giving   out any fresh air but yes let me know are you in  the FI for spring Nat was saying to the other day   actually apparently by the second and the third  week of May it's going to be warm it's currently   about 9° hence why I've got coat on cuz it's a bit  cold the sunglasses were a little bit ambitious   but it's a bit glare it's a bit very for the for  the wrinkles there but not many boats we'll keep   an eye out and see if there's any cute little  narrow boats along here I don't know why but I   find these little cars like actually hilarious  you see them quite often in London now I guess   cuz they're electric I don't know maybe you  don't pay um congestion charge and all that   jazz all that ripoff but I do think these trees  in this pathway what a nightmare if you have a   buggy not the best for accessibility but yeah the  narrowboats are definitely a particular lifestyle   shall we say I've said before it's definitely not  for [Music] me but I'm going to head along like I   say to the Garden Centre because that's what you  do don't you when you're in your mid-30s and you   got nothing else to do you go for the Vibes at  the Garden Centre oh look at this boat my gosh   that is quite something what in the Elon musk  is that that thing not sure about that I guess   it probably gives you great I don't know height on  the ceilings if you're tall oh they're redoing the   church bit of renovation going on over there and  if you're wondering I think those boats are around   I want to say like 160 to maybe like 250 which is  quite a lot that's in 100,000s by the way £250,000 little boat trip I probably should do that at some   point right I don't know be  a tourist on my own doorstep although I could imagine this being pretty cozy  when it's raining but no I definitely have way   too much junk to live on an narrow boat oh they're  redoing that house is that I can't remember who is   that where Noel Gallagher lived I can't remember  which house he was in a comment below have you   ever been on an narrow boat even was a holiday I  was watching someone's Vlog the other day was a   American I think he was American that had come  over and he was going along all of the canals   not sure I trust my male being in the public  pathway like this I love this purple is this   Wisteria I don't really know much about plants if  I'm honest with you that's lovely but yes have you   ever coming down here have some good shoes on oo  squeeze pass through the tree I can hear a boat   chugging along oh yes there it is in the distance  but I'm going to have a look on the bridge quickly   oh who's going to sit [Music] there a the zoom  it doesn't quite pick it up there is an entire   restaurant that goes from Paddington and it goes  on a little bit of a ride while you eat I should   definitely add that to my list as well gosh I do  need to start writing a list in my phone you've   got the little Junction house there I'm going to  scoot down there actually and we'll walk under   the bridge but yeah I was thinking this is quite  nice and sometimes when I'm cycling around here   on my way doing my errands and whatnot I kind  of forget it's actually pretty nice here you   know just need some good weather or was that his  house I can't remember where he lived oh it's so cute and yeah as I pan around this  is obviously the private Moorings I   do wonder how much it costs to more here  gosh look at that old boat on the top there quite something not for everyone but  it's nice to walk around in that giant purple   one I feel like I've shown that so many times  in videos but yeah I don't have my lockdown   videos up anymore just cuz I don't know I  was talking about C the whole time which   is a bit boring no one wants to watch those  anymore look at that that is quite the size [Music] watch out for trolls and you know it's old  school and super cute when there's a puppet barge   definitely reminds me of Marlow and around the  corner there it is Paddington I was think if you   have time to kill when you're at Paddington maybe  if you're not don't have a load of suitcases with   you so it's just a good area to come and enjoy  I don't know maybe if the trains are all delayed   also I feel like maybe I should have done this  video a few weeks ago and that's why you should   follow me on Instagram because I often suggest  like things that are coming up in the diary in   London if you are in the area I don't know if  You' got time to kill and also quite a lot of   free things I always like to recommend freebie  things but every May bank holiday which what is   that this year fourth fifth 6th of May I know that  was a couple of weeks ago sorry guys there's like   a free like Festival here where there's tons of  narrow boats um and yeah they all lots of people   I don't know what do you call it like celebrate  the narrow boat Community although part of me   thinks that it probably did go again this year  and it'll be in a video in a couple of weeks time   I really do need to do this I've lived here for  so long and I've never done this I really should   the seats look quite comfy yeah there are a  couple there's this one London water bus and   then there's Jason's tours as well but as you can  see there's already a huge queue to join that one   to go back to Camden so plan in some extra time  or you can walk it is quite fast probably don't   know half an hour or so and all of these places  do take credit card I always get asked that but   I'm going to go across here to the water side  Cafe to get myself a coffee um oh here we go   Jason's trip look guys even if you're not coming  here for example I watch a lot of cruise Vlogs I   have zero interest in going on a cruise but I  watch all the videos so even if you have zero   plans of ever coming to London just so you know  these are these are the times that Jason's trip   boats go cash or card please queue half an  hour oh half an hour before um that one oh   prices here we go oh blimey £18 gosh everything  in London does cost a pretty penny doesn't it   but I guess fuel costs a lot is that is that  what's happening over there with the Sirens in   the back very fitting is he fuelling up is that  how it works don't ask me I don't know much about   boats yeah the Vlogs I've been watching are  people on narrow boats it takes a takes some   getting used to on how to steer them right  or sail them no steer them I don't know I'll   stick to a pedal o yeah on Instagram look guys I  must confess I'm not great Instagram I'm trying   to get a little bit better at like recommending  stuff to you guys cuz I do find with like making   YouTube videos unless you edit them the same day  and get them up a day later everything's always   slightly out of date so quite often I'll say oh  go and do this I tried to do it a lot better at   vlogmas for Christmas I I film earlier so that you  guys can have recommendations but anyway waffling   on as per usual yeah this will be all covered in  boats chock a block promise this whole video isn't   on the Waterway but yeah you get a bit of a feel  as to kind of where we are so we're up here you   can go down here to the station I'm gonna carry  them around and go to the garden centre but yes   let's get a little bit of caffeine and it's  crazy like the ice cream shop isn't even open   it's like it's still off peak a little bit but  hopefully when you see this things will be alive   and kicking again I think it's just the weather  but anyway stop winging let's get let's get a tea   or something maybe a coffee yeah they do have like  a full menu um but I do probably want to try the   place at the Garden Centre cuz I haven't been in  absolutely ages yeah soup for 835 Panini 850 it's   a bit more than usual but I guess you go in for  the Vibes a few tourists out this morning do like   it though cuz you can sit outside this is really  weird where everyone where is everyone but yeah   a lot of places look at that no cash debit and  credit cards only that is very common in London [Music] oh oh that's a staple jacket  potato £7 10 but hey costs a lot to   run an oven these days doesn't it oh  look at the banana bread I do need   to eat a little bit better and do a bit more  exercise but I'm just going to get a latte I think lovely I think that was like 385 let's  walk along o I'm still getting used to this   camera sorry but yeah give yourself a little  coffee can't really complain oh look that's   probably more my size I don't think I'd be  very good at steering these narrow boats at   all and uh so yeah you've got two options for  the boat trips there I think they'll probably   be the same price Jason and that other one um  I think there's a QR code if you're if you're   interested and across the way you can see with  my questionable Zoom yeah that's Edgware Road   where it crosses with the A40 flyover it's  such a strange mix along here the old with   the new oh actually do you know what we got time  let's go further along here gosh this is boiling   it's burning my hand it's quite nice to get a  latte that's actually warm don't you hate it   when you order a drink and it's like just about  like you could gulp gulp it you know what I mean   oh look at this one thing I don't like though  is cycling along here here it's technically a   cycle route as well as a pedestrian path and  it's actually really hard and I tried to be   a really good cyclist but yeah I'm always a  bit worried I'm going to end up in the drink I don't even like parking my car to be honest  with you parallel parking is enough for me oh   look at these little I always think these little  houses are long rivers and canals yeah I don't   know like did they come up for sale is it part  of the job answers on a postcard this is not   part of the cycling route by the way this  bit could you imagine oh my God Splash in   in the drink for sure usually there's a lot of  people going out and about where are where is   everyone little blue boat go with that little  blue car we saw oh this really has turned into   Canal Vlog hasn't it I always think that middle  one there looks like some giant you know prefab   home you'd get like a caravan site and they've  just plunked plunked it on the water it's huge oh   look at that one that's massive look that little  restaurant the summer house I'm surprised they   haven't got the windows open yet I will definitely  take you there at some point I feel like the   background sound of London these days is either  construction or a moped but that big grey one   that used to be Richard Branson's can you believe  very fancy or was another boat coming down or was   that lady did oh no it's not the same person is it  maybe they turned around Gosh imagine taking the   wrong turn in one of them as I pant to the other  side some of them are double parked you have got   the Waterway which is a nice little restaurant  it's better for drinks Good Vibes let me show you   these buildings I think the architecture around  here is really quite lovely look at that I feel   I feel like I have never seen this type of sign  like on just a normal building I guess the pubs   across the road but hey you could ask I remember  when I was looking for my place and there were so   many good Flats but they were like right opposite  or next to or above dare I say a pub absolutely   not I definitely do hope one day I don't know I do  think I'll live in the countryside at some point   not for a long time but a bit of peace and quiet  but then again I lived in the countryside and we   had noisy neighbours once yeah the next door  neighbour bought a drum kit my parents weren't   too thrilled about it look at this blue skies I  didn't think this was going to happen today one   of the iconic telephone boxes this does remind me  of lock down a lot me vlogging this I love this   area but yeah let's head on up here and I will  tell you a little bit of a random story yeah I   came to this area really bizarrely this was a  long must been 10 plus years ago and I came to   see a recruiter they were useless totally useless  but I was like wow this area is a bit of me I'd   like to live here and then years later I'm here  but there's lots of like cute little Mews rows   and things like that with houses sadly I'm not in  a position to live in a mews house you never know   guys maybe this channel will do well I doubt it  maybe I should do a muse House video again like   go around Paddington there's so many little like  roads that I guess you just would never see even   if you're a tourist like you're not going to take  the the time to walk down all the little cobble   streets it's all those Instagram pictures that  you see would you like to see that or maybe it'll   be really warm when I'm not wearing a wool coat I  think I love oh gosh that color I'm not sure about   that many I do love these kind of old fashioned  window fronts they're really lovely I don't   know what area they would be which brings us to  clifton nurseries my favorite little garden centre [Music]   and it said it's open till 7:00 on Fridays and  Saturdays this is the place to be you guys I am   at the age where I start to look at things like  pots and I'm like oh that's quite nice you know   I do I don't think I need any new pots but  that one there is £35 never know how much   things are and I do find if you buy things  online I don't know I've bought a few things   like these online and then when they've arrived  they're not been what I what I'd hoped but yeah   something like that very nice but that's  also 245 so you're definitely paying for   the zone 2 tax shall we say I bet they sell a  lot of those little window box things look at   the size of that £350 who's got a home that big  goodness me I always like the outdoor mirrors I'd   quite like to get an outdoor mirror but that is  something that I probably will look for somewhere   a little bit more in my price range I mean can't  believe people have Gardens this big need to work   a bit harder but anyway if you can see me in  the mirror can you see me in the mirror let's   see what they have at the little restaurant  I think I haven't shown this in absolutely ages but I do come here almost too often if I'm  honest with you the little garden shop in there   it's adorable definitely came at a good time some  times it's absolutely rammed in here I do want to   get a couple of little plants oh let's go in the  Pavilion they always have like good little like   gifty knickknacks definitely a Christmas oh yeah  got to represent the boys right what we go in here   oh look at that little painting that poster I  love that £295 yeah I need to always remember   like bookshops and garden centers I think are  the best for cards now every time I go into   like somewhere like scrib I can never find what  what I want what have we got here these can't be   jaff Coons can they are they versions of they must  be that's very cheap okay I'm getting very hungry   hopefully I'll be able to nab a little table maybe  we can sit outside even though I've got my coat on   I'm British we can do that oh look okay this is  so I love it in here it brings the py Vibes for   sure and I love the little sign oh I feel like  they've cleaned it or they've got got a new one   do you know what I've never had my own herbs I  never need that much of one thing for one person   oh yeah I like this little display what we got  here like an old bench um £2,495 gosh I'm in the   wrong business guys right we've got lots and lots  of plants I don't know what any of them are don't   ask me I'm not very good at this stuff I tend to  just pick up the ones that I like but I definitely   need some food before we do any shopping do want  to get some colorful bits for the balcony oh I   love it look at that look at that person's is  that part of the pub that is isn't it over there   say theyve got a little balcony but yeah look at  this so [Music] nice oh look at this I already   have balcony furniture but yeah this kind of thing  just brings me happiness now although you will not   you will not see me Vlog any kind of gardening  at all I just like to shop for it look at the   size of this mirror do not comment that this bag  doesn't go with this coat sh look at this at the   top wow the glass roof I don't remember this  last time what a gorgeous little garden centre   I love it here right let's get some grub so yes  you have this little um Cafe which has changed   quite a bit over the years I think it's been  quite consistent now when I look online let's   see if there's anywhere to sit outside or maybe  inside I think I want to sit outside to be honest   with you not sure what the ordering situation  is also super the day's mushroom I think they   do events in here I'll show you the men in a  second but yeah let's have a look can we go   in here we go that's a cozy little seat isn't  it oh it's very warm in here funny that it is   a greenhouse oh there's loads of seats yeah you  just grab your number and then go to the counter   maybe here okay the menu we're going to go for  lunch it is lunch time obviously um I'm going   to go for hold on filming it and I haven't even  looked yet M oh chicken Caesar salad would be   quite nice as I pan down oh tortellini okay I'm  going to have to have a quick look and I will let   you know oh it's really warm in here bit too warm  gosh can't have it all can we some little pastries   oh hold on I'm going to go for the Caesar salad  you probably can't quite see that there's some   hunks of cakes and a little ice cream thing as  well oh my dad will want to come here [Music] this is a lovely little view you can hear the  trickling of the water fountain there's quite   a lot of spare chairs I think I'm kind of past  lunch look at that the little [Music] Gooseberry   now this is my kind of salad that looks  so nice also this lemonade is well nice   and the water there's something about like  trickling water very nice anyway I'm going to eat oh and it tastes lovely I love it when you  get a Caesar salad and the dressing is on the   side but yes sitting in the sun with a salad  honestly this Sicilian lemonade is probably   like the left best lemonade that I've had ever  and it does say By Appointment of his Royal   Highness the prince of whales there we go you  know it's bougie am I totally weird or do you   also struggle to eat with your sunglasses  on like I can't eat if my sng glass is on anyway there's even a lady doing water-colour  painting how adorable let's pick something oh   gosh what do I need I should measure the size  of the pots that I already have okay I do want   I don't know what I want um yeah there's loads  of like Tiki is that like American Tiki I think   there's there's that kind of style coming through  in lots of little knick-knacks in your garden   let's have a quick scoot in the glass house and  then I'll come back out and pick a couple of plants oh look at these hydrangeas I'm such a  sucker for Hydrangeas oh look at these oh my gosh   I'd get those for my nieces but I think they're  a bit too dangerous for their own good when it   comes to things like that oh they've got loads of  little characters they are super fun as expected   it's crazy warm in here even the chandelier Gorge  right scoot I keep saying scoot have a look down   there in a second yeah there's just something  so nice isn't there about water just nice and   relaxing honestly sitting there having my lunch  how watch to she £275 it's a bit steep in here   isn't it oh I always love these but I don't like  I don't know what I would do with them they're   so cute i' probably stick googly eyes on them or  something I don't think I need any inside plants   but it's nice to have a look and they always have  some nice mirrors for sale how much is this one89   I do think getting a mirror online is a safer bet  it's just pots the pot I got online just looked a   bit na when it arrived right what have we got like  wicker baskets not really a wickery basket kind of   person but look at these they're really pretty  the problem I have is I like a lot of different   styles and I end up having a bit of a mish mash  but not in a quirky way oh gosh look at the   size of this pot that one's $13.50 which I don't  think is too bad oh you can buy the individually $6.95 oh that one's lovely £35 or kids are very  premium in here well look at these little bonsai   trees theyve got loads of them £69 I think that's  quite a nice present look at that little one that   one's 35 well this one's only 25 I feel like  that's quite reasonable isn't it oh look at this   little display teeny orchids is that what they are  £15 a cute little display okay right that's inside   but I definitely don't need any house plants is  that what you call them told you don't know what   I'm doing don't know what they're called right  I'm going to have a quick look around and I'll   let you know what I'm going to get oh gosh I don't  know where to start okay I'm getting these don't   ask me what half of it is I think I really should  have checked what pots I have at home but I think   yeah I'm going for the red and white I was wanted  to see if they had any white hydrangeas does it   work like that they've got pinky ones blue how do  you get white ones maybe I'll just get a couple   of blue ones but I did see these dying to think  how much they are though they're absolutely Gorge   gosh I literally want to buy everything look at  these things that's a set what is it a Dalia oh   my Gosh everyone's showing at me in the comments  they are so fun £225 oh it's just Good Vibes all   around here right going to take my get my bits  and pay I got to go I'm going to go for two of   these £7 each definitely London prices and these  right attempt to walk home now I've got attempt to   carry it home it's not far but I was planning to  go to St John's Wood in this Vlog and I wanted to   go to space and K and get a couple of things and  take you along and also pick up some fresh food   but I think I'm going to have to end the video cuz  I can't really walk with this and Vlog I hope you   don't mind probably was a bit of a short video I  keep trying to make my videos longer but I find   when I'm editing them once I get to like the 17  18 minute Mark I'm a bit like I'm bored of editing   it which makes me think that probably like it's  a bit I don't know bit boring you watching it I   know some people make like hour long videos these  days I'm just not an hour long person especially   if there's no structure to it like today's video  but yes I'm pleased I've got those bits and Bobs   the problem I have is I can't really show you my  balcony and show you the plants in action cuz it   makes it a bit obvious where I live um and there's  always yeah anyway so I hope you enjoyed that   video I'm pleased with my plants it was £85 so  it's quite a lot of money isn't it but hey that's   London prices for you do subscribe if you want to  see more what's coming up next few weeks I think I   keep changing the order of these videos so I keep  saying like oh next week I'm going to do this and   actually it's like 2 weeks time or it's the next  video so please bear with I'm trying to mix it up   so that it's not just back to back shopping videos  but yeah I definitely will do some more shopping   videos I think with this camera I keep saying I  definitely will feel a lot more comfortable going   into shops that you guys want to see and just film  a little bit more and it be less edited in a way   so it feels a bit more like you're shopping with  me if that makes sense but yeah do comment below   where you want to see I will still do like the odd  Museum and things like that I do like a freebie   I'm going to go and do it anyway so I might as  well bring this little camera with me maybe by   the time you're watching this it will be beautiful  warm weather I hope it is gosh the angle grinder   is really loud just checks and it's meant to rain  in a couple of hours time but I'm going to head   off do my planting and I'm actually going to go to  the cinema later I think we're seeing challenges   it's meant to be quite good I mean it's probably  been out for ages by the time you watch this like   the there's an Everyman Cinema that is a bit  of a bougie one I think it's like 26 27 which   is as much as an IMAX actually it's kind of crazy  there is a why am I telling this no one cares but   yeah the cinema is expensive to go to and it's  even more expensive when it's in London so I   only ever go now if I know the movie is going to  be relatively decent right I think that's enough   waffling don't you maybe the coffee is kicking  in I will see you guys in a few days time new   videos every Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. sorry  about the noise in the background and I will see   you in a few days time make sure you give this  video a thumbs up really appreciate it bye guys [Music]
Channel: Hannah Ricketts
Views: 75,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things to do in london, free things to do in london, london, london tourist, london guide, london tour, london parks, london tips, travel guide london, tourist, london vlog, anglophenia, anglophile, travel vlog, travel day, uk food, uk vlog, London 4k, London travel, London street, moving to london, London walking tour, uk vlogs, London walk, London vlog, vlog, travel 2023, vlog 2023, London 2023, luxury, shopping vlog, shopping haul, lifestyle vlog, English, learn english
Id: kLIB_N5a77Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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