LOL Surprise Mini Sweets SERIES 2! LOL Surprise-O-Matic

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all right Angel are you ready to be the next Cupid and spread love and kindness everywhere this Valentine's Day I know this it's easy look there's a Park full of people today it's your chance to spread love and kindness I try warm delicious hot dogs cold ice cream and pretzels over here fresh made smoothies over here get your fresh made smoothies go on Angel you can do it hi okay here we go mm-hmm oh that's okay whoa that wasn't what I was supposed to do oh no how am I ever gonna be a good bit that's okay that's okay we can change him right back just give it another try Okay full Valentine's Day it's okay stay focused okay I won't hug anyone will I no it's a squishy Arrow it'll just stick to them nope what's that did I just see Cupid's bow what happened to swag he turned into like a mini sweets series too oh whoa was that Cupid no he he saw me uh that's okay just send him some love and kindness yeah okay well what's this maybe we just need a little bit more practice okay um so what's gonna happen to swag and devil looks like Angel had a little bit of difficulty with her Cupid duties let's unbox these sweet sweet Valentine's Day treats this is the new LOL mini sweet surprise-o-matic series too so who do we get in this very first one here we go we've got some instructions step one we're gonna go open the back whoa okay we've got the same vending machine as we did last time let's turn the back this is Step One open this on up and we do get a hint of who our dolly is with the stickers so I definitely want to leave it a surprise I didn't see it so we're gonna discover who's in here together this is our Dolly let's take a look at her accessories so we have two little wrapped accessories on the bottom there this is the doll stand this is going to come with each of the little dolls and here we have oh a headpiece all right door number one let's push this out it's gonna fall out just like a vending machine and then we've got these little parts that we pull apart very cherry juice we have a juice box oh Jelly Belly we have something from Jelly Belly all right number two out it goes oh and oh look it's a Jelly Belly Bag in the shape of a jelly bean number three let's press it in it's stuck oh no okay we can either take it out this way or push it in and have it come out the vending machine here's a tiny little piece okay so this is the bottoms number four oh there you go it came out here's the little top let's move on to number five so I'm guessing this is each of the shoes you have one shoe here oh these are cute they match her headpiece and number six there we go the last little shoe and here we go all right so you guys ready to meet our new little mini sweets Dolly oh let's bring her on out she's so cute she's Cherry earrings so she's a cherry Jelly Belly jelly bean yeah um and I can help get your flange back I just need my outfit please right so our mystery little dolls cheeky very cherry and she is one of the five Jelly Bellies we can get this side of the collector's guide are all the little ones we're gonna get with the surprise-o-matic series 2 dolls and when we turn this around here is the series two smaller balls of the mini sweets lots of Jelly Bellies this series the little doll stand goes right up here and we can display our very cheeky Cherry up here whoa hey oh it's a cute little LOL doll yes you are back and you're welcome uh thanks next up let's go for this one tough dude needs to get back to smoothie stand foreign okay so we have a couple accessories down here let's go with a tiny one first we have some bracelets here's our doll stand and it's another Jelly Bean Dolly we have some jelly bean shaped sunglasses okay let's go back here to step number one and we have our little sticker showing our Dolly I didn't see it so we're not gonna check that out first let's get her accessories out some of them popped right out we have a studded black jelly bean bag is it the licorice flavor one I have a little top let's go okay so number one number two fell out let's go for number three a skirt number four here's her drink bottle there you go I fell out here is one boot so she is wearing boots okay let's reveal our little dolly here she is it is the black licorice one so here's her little sticker it's licorice rocker I thought it would be the black licorice flavor of Jelly Bellies here's licorice rocker all dressed up here she goes to join her other little Jelly Belly buddy please but where's tough dude I need my tropical fresh smoothies [Music] whoa finally I'm back uh what just happened you were going to make me my fresh Tropical Smoothies Daniel you were actually Zapped by Cupid and turned into a mini sweet ball now let's get King B back to his hot dog stand whoa almost all of our vending machine items fell down making it nice and easy for us so what did we get first we have a little Jelly Belly fanny pack so it's another Jelly Belly doll we do have five after all oh it's a brand new one oh it's that speckled Flavor jelly belly I think it's like a fruity flavor oh she's got headphones and this should be her Little Speckled top we also have some wrapped up stuff her doll stand is yellow now let's get the stuff out of her vending machine we have number four left in there her water bottle matches her outfit number five oops from out it's hanging midair this should be one of her shoes oh she gets roller skates tiny little roller skates now let's get her on out who is it here she is oh she's got she's got apples on her hair she's just a speckled little Jelly Bean here's her little sticker and this is Tutti Beauty and here she is looking just as sweet as can be I'm a speckle we speckled cookie swoopy Jelly Bean foreign [Music] time to check off our checklist who do we have we've got cheeky very Cherry Tooty Beauty and licorice rocker time to see what SWAG turned into yeah um that hot dog is gonna be so cold no refunds [Music] okay let's go over here first get our doll stand there's nothing else over here hmm let's go ahead and open the back take out our secret little dolly and make room for the rest of the stuff to fall out okay what is this is this a lollipop oh it's a little balloon does it have confetti inside all right let's get the first one out ah we have a very pastel little outfit that says love AirHeads is this an airhead stall of course it is but I haven't seen any pastel AirHeads before they're usually very bright colors number two oh number two stuck let's try taking it out this way now this should be a bag yep it's that sweet Vibes AirHeads number three is already out number four we have her water bottle oh this one's a pretty one number five we should get a shoe and we can see the style of her shoe she has Little Sneakers who was it here she is all pesto it's balloon baby our first Airhead doll here she is the little LOL surprise mini sweets are taking over the park I love arrowheads they're my favorite candy yeah whoa Hey where's my hot dog you didn't eat my hot dog did you no I don't know oh that explains the outfit great you're back can we have a hot dogs now oh we already revealed who we got her sticker wasn't hidden this time all right let's get her on out here she is it's Berry blue baby blue I'm happy but I am the color blue [Music] okay let's get the stuff out from preventing machine we had some stuff fall out okay doll stand here's her headpiece and a tiny little baggie huh it's her bracelet okay let's get number oh number one out number one is a skirt number two there you go number two is big and clunky whoa look at this Jelly Belly Bag it looks like a real Jelly Belly I like how glossy it is all right here is her jelly top now we're gonna go for number four what sippy cup does she get she gets a bottle of BB blast and here are her shoes let's see how easy they're gonna come out pretty easy we have oh look at her shoes her shoes are even gummy looking and here she is all dressed up having a blast with her Jelly Belly buddies maybe I should try this one more time there she is there's the little chubby Cupid that threw the suction cup thingy at me gets caught oh no okay bye oh well at least she didn't turn anyone into a mini suites this time but we have a whole bunch more to open up all right let's see what have we got here we have here's her top bling it on whoa she has a lot of jewelry oh is it a ring pop one look at the little necklace with the Ring Pop and she gets actual little Ring Pops here's a necklace with a gem and another pearl bracelet with a gem all right who is our Bejeweled little doll here are her glasses oh her glasses look like gems and we've got some bottoms it says Ring Pop how about a skirt and this should be her doll stand okay so that seemed like there was a lot of stuff but we still have more stuff inside of the vending machine so here's number two let's fish it out here oh did I get it out whoa this looks like a big Ring Pop yeah it's one of those gem bags okay we had something else fall out this should be a can of soda pop Ring Pop soda pop and number five is the shoe number six should be another shoe and let's see what kind of shoe she gets she gets gemtastic heels all right let's get our Bejeweled little dolly out who was it whoa look at her hair looks like a stack of candy and she's got sparkles in her eyes and really pretty Crystal earrings all right and here she is all dressed up look at her tiny little Ring Pops she's got one for each hand lots and lots of jewelry all made of Ring Pops now it's time for our collector guide let's see what we've got so far we have Berry Blue baby candy bling balloon BB and that's it for now oh look at our boy right here big air boy he is our ultra rare and our rare is cozy bunny all right let's see who our next BB is okay oh we've got a baseball cap I think that's a giveaway does it say AirHeads oh it's this AirHeads we've got our boy our ultra rare that's exactly who should be in here unless they surprise us here is his top let's see what else is in here wow he gets a skateboard that's a nice accessory it's all sparkly and does he have a balloon just like our other Airhead doll oh yeah he gets a tiny little red balloon and it's got the AirHeads mascot on there what do we have here some shorts well you got some pants says sweet vibes okay let's see what else we can get out of here we've got number four the rest fell out so here is his water bottle says AirHeads and it matches his top let's go for number five what sort of shoes does he have oh he's got checkered sneakers how about we bring on our boy whoa look at his hair I did not expect that he's got black streaks all over his hair oh my goodness does he have an earring he has an earring and here he is all dressed up our AirHeads boy yeah we're ready to go skateboarding next up okay underneath here we have a huge beanie and it's a giveaway we've got a slush puppy LOL doll let's see number one what do we got we've got two things that fell out this should be the doll stand so this time the doll stand is in one of these little red plasticky things here is her outfit number two let's see if we can grab it from right back here it should be a bag or a backpack maybe is it a backpack oh yeah we love backpacks here this is a cute backpack because you can actually open the backpack and put stuff inside and this is perfect for school dog school that is we've got four it's oh she's got some slushie it's a cherry glittery slush puppy what type of shoe does she get it's a sneaker and socks so let's bring our little dolly out who have we got it's a slush puppy little doll she looks like leading baby and she's got her full look on who was our little slush puppy baby it's Icebreaker I'm super cold but I still love my squishy and here she goes with the rest of the crew it where's my backpack oh yeah she dropped a little backpack she's gonna need water on with the next one headpiece oh looks like we got the little Hershey's Kisses one now this should be some jewelry because it feels tiny yeah it's like a little white chocolate Hershey Kiss bracelet next up let's go for number one number one should be her outfit yep here it is look she's got little cookies on there because you know what you can make with Hershey's Kisses cookies here's number two whoa oh yeah that's a huge Hershey's Kiss bag look at that and it actually opens up says cookies are there cookies in here but there's room for cookies for oh it's a pretty neat bottle looks like it's got cookies and cream on the top number five is a one shoe what sort of shoe does she wear okay she's got these little Pom-Pom heels and here she is what does she look like hello I'm cookies and cream Hershey's Kisses just kidding oh she wasn't kidding it's cookies and cream cutie they said cutie I'm a cutie all right then and here's our little cute batutz all dressed up she reminds me of the holidays well please make room okay okay we have three more sweetie sweets left and let's check out who we need all right We've Got Big Air boy ice breaker cookies and cream cutie and all we're missing is cozy bunny Tangy fermentos and Cinna baby for our last Jelly Belly let's go well we've got lots of pieces on the bottom here let's get those out then we'll make our way to step one in the back take out our little doll now we're ready to take out our stuff from the vending machine the sweet-o-matic what have we got here ah we have a floaty and it looks like it's a Mentos little dolly number two oh but that was easy we like easy we've got a Mentos shaped bag number three someone's going swimming we've got a bathing suit number four here's her drink she has a Mentos sippy cup number five and number six I wonder if she has flip-flops that'd be so cute well close she has sandals and here she is our little Mentos doll oh she's so colorful now we didn't unbox the wrapped Parts she has lots of accessories well that's her doll stand but she has a little headpiece sunglasses and floaties doesn't she look like the cutest little beach baby she's all dressed up and ready to go swimming excited to go swimming with Mentos they'll melt in the waddle spoken very wisely now that we've got Tangy we've only got two more surprise-o-matics left and we're only missing cinebaby and cozy bunny so hopefully they're in here the Moment of Truth do we have a different doll the ones we need oh we've got our peeps one yay she's all glittery this is her little headpiece and let's just take a look-see in this one and see if we've completed the series I don't see why not all right let's see we can tell by the sticker oh we don't have do we have a sticker oh it's stuck to the surprise-o-matic of course here it is yep we've got cinnababy we just completed the entire series all right let's bring her on out hello I'm spicy and cinnamony and here's our little peeps doll and sparkly and they're both sparkly things I've got them both and dressed up cozy Bunny's little top says chilling with my peeps she is looking ready to join The Sleepover Club and Santa baby looks like she could also be a part of the Flamin Hot Cheetos family and here we have all of our series two surprise-o-matic mini sweets dolls I hope you have an awesome Valentine's day full of love friendship and lots of sweet treats and until next time I will see you later bye for now help with the sweet tweet there she is [Music]
Channel: Cupcake Squad
Views: 222,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lol surprise mini sweets, lol surprise loves mini sweets, lol surprise mini sweets unboxing, lol toys, lol surprise mini sweets surprise o matic, lol surprise loves mini sweets series 2, lol surprise loves mini sweets dolls, lol surprise dolls cupcake squad, lol surprise, lol surprise dolls, lol surprise mini sweets deluxe
Id: H8m00HAWpCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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