House of Surprises Season 2 ๐ŸŽ ALL Episodes ๐ŸŽ L.O.L. Surprise!

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[Music] foreign [Music] I told y'all Prince B was bringing the royalty today and here it is you're looking at the new owner of the glitter City Mall [Music] now growing up this was the capital sbot spot we'd come level up our fifth grab a snack at the cafe and catch some of the hottest acts performing right here I love them all so much you know I have to hit them with the remix I've got a question for you BB's what's up what's your favorite thing about the mall definitely the salon Cat Cafe for sure this hair can't do itself and this is the only place I can have tea with actual kittens what if I told you that starting this weekend you can hit up the salon hang out at the cafe and catch a concert from the biggest stars in the world oh my gosh are the SuperSonics doing a concert here or Splash Queen oh wow what if it's lady Diva who do you think is performing this weekend that we live at the mall now this weekend we launched launched bring your best fit and your besties see you there we're going to the house of surprises and this time I'll turn on the charm [Music] I still can't believe my own brother stole them all out from under me oh I don't think he stole it I mean he's not that kind of guy to you maybe he's always leaving messes for Royal B to clean up though and don't even get me started on what he's like in a group project the group projects [Music] hear that absolutely angelic Angela turns out I'm an excellent teacher we want to show the world what we've got and I thought the rooftop would be the perfect place for our first show that's a great idea except I'm using the rooftop to work on my new painting can you wait a week I guess it'll give me time to choreograph the perfect show I should do a fashion show on the roof too I have a few designs I'm ready to debut oh why don't you that sounds super fab what if I start a wiggly rooftop show anyone can share their talents right here at the house of surprises you know I'm in do it do you think this is a little much it's already windy up here a pop Superstar can never have enough fans see wow getting started early huh looks great something's missing read me llamas hey swag I've been staring at this sketch so long I can't tell a ham from a neckline anymore think you can help um hey neon Licious it's blink yeah [Music] you're supposed to be done in a few days yeah it's just hard to concentrate with all of that who's ready to get windy I kind of thought I'd have the roof to myself until the show but I underestimated lady Diva's excitement and this is where the magic will happen hmm But will there be space for a mechanical bull in one of those old tiny pianos I guess we're all pretty excited so am I it'll be okay I'll just wait until things die down up here [Music] clean are you signing up for the show too we're here for you girl you said this would be the perfect place to start working on our new album oh oh I've been so busy it slipped my mind why don't you set up and we'll get to work soon you sure it's not a little crowded and this is the place that inspired me most I know I heard about the house of surprises and I thought why not me why not bigger why not the mall of surprises um what's all this hey sis just documenting my process you know how it is just look at all the talent up here today [Music] now picture everyone at the mall [Music] planning a talent show something like that why not host it at the mall is that why you're really here you got me look I know you and your friends don't want to work with me we don't know to work with you there's a difference but I need top tier talent to kick off this concert series plus it's a win-win I've got enough space for all the fans you want plus hundreds of likes the best sound system whatever you want I got you thanks but we have plenty of space up here are you sure because I have llamas coming oh yeah lots of llamas [Music] what llamas bring the dramas bring them to the mall if it's just one show that would be okay right and it would make space on the roof for swag and the SuperSonics it would be easier if I had the rooftop back [Music] one show through and leave made to finish what you started please that was the brother formerly known as Prince B I'm the new improved version all right who's ready to put on an epic show [Music] [Applause] [Music] this will be fine right sure what could go wrong [Music] you ready always [Music] foreign [Music] you got my palm trees I told you I would anything you want you got that's the prince B guarantee it's gonna be epic [Music] and this is where your verse comes in Royal B [Music] just say something you can do it I'm not your usual bra Queen but I'm here on the scene too you got this I'm not sure use your wolf Rock Queen but I'm crashing this scene so come on Bliss blame uh I'm sorry Queens I don't know where my head's at today but the creativity is not flowing don't tell me you have artist luck too I refuse to say it out loud but she totally does hmm how about we switch it up swag can jam with us and while B can do a little art therapy what do you say I am desperate for some inspiration same [Music] look we both know you're the expert on all things pop and culture and this is gonna be his pop culture as it gets hmm I'm intrigued can you give me a little preview so I know what to expect we an emergency not an emergency emergency more like a mild inconvenience just look at this look at the barely catches any light so you need a shinier disco ball got it and bigger done what about you bb well since the theme of The Runway is tropical rainforest I was wondering if we could make it rain I have an amazing color change idea for the finale dress oh love that it will need to figure out the plumbing and install the rain system if neon Licious gets rain for the finale can I get a grand entrance I'm thinking pop star flies down from the heavens yes perfect we just need harnesses and a mat because safety matters so you can expect a flying pop star and an indoor rainstorm this weekend say less this is going to be the concert event of the year I'm telling everyone see you this weekend hey City babe it's the mall of surprises in glitter City I know you have to come and that's how it's done [Music] voila I finished my masterpiece you're done already that's a really cool Cloud that's a tree well I like the way the tree has so many different color leaves in it like the pink at the top that's neon kitty and the way this guy is super dark love that very grunge it's supposed to be a sunny day this isn't art if anything I feel less artistic than ever you're overthinking this being creative should be fun usually it is I don't know why it feels so hard today I think you're being too hard on yourself the left painting didn't you I saw you smiling yeah I'm just not very good at it so nobody's judging us here so we should just take chances have a good time and go for it I'm thinking we need a themed menu for this weekend's show and I'm thinking I need to know the theme first it's a little bit rainforest and a little bit [Music] glitter llama extravaganza it's honestly more about the vibe than the specifics oh yeah that's how I work too all my boba's made fresh with uh Vibes and dreams wait do you hear that nobody panic [Music] oh my what's the vibe now fearless leader [Music] you're gonna turn the water back on right Prince be well we can't be seen [Music] do something frisbee don't worry we'll get this fixed in no time foreign that sounded great queen and I think I finally finished my verse let's take it from the top hello Royal B there's a little situation here [Music] oh never mind it's just a kitten oh I have no precious where's frisbee we can't find him anywhere I mean we can't see but I've been yelling pretty loud see nothing I think he's gone [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] okay this isn't good and it looks like it's my job to fix it I don't actually know how to do that oh wait I promised I wouldn't run away [Music] is that Prince B some things really never change you go make sure he doesn't get away I'll see what's going on inside [Music] it's just a little hiccup don't worry everything will be back to normal soon [Music] where's the T this is just Boba and air Gracie here swag oh thank goodness what happened here uh we were just preparing for our show and Prince B said we could do it so I maybe blew a fuse or two with my light show and I messed up the pipes trying to make it rain inside and we broke uh did any of you know that angles is here oh no way it's not a filter the power's been off for like 15 minutes I almost twisted my ankle trying to get to the cafe and my boba tea is missing the tea it's just Boba air [Music] they should have called this the mall of disasters #mall of design [Music] s yeah if she writes a bad review we're ruined and I just opened this Cafe I can't lose it already we can totally change her mind but we need to do something big [Music] [Applause] who's ready for a free show I've got this I'll just need a little help I can't believe you're running away again you promised me you see this through Prince B I'm not running then why are you out here instead of helping out inside midnight kid figured out how we could fix everything but there's a little problem I lost the key to the power station say what now I know this was a terrible idea what was I thinking buying this place I can't handle this I couldn't even keep my Ultimate Frisbee team together I really thought I could do something great here I wanted to prove that I'm not just Royal B's brother I can do what you do I wanted to make you proud you sound proud you're my brother but you have some bad habits like coming up with an epic idea making a mistake and running away before you can fix it I really wasn't running this time I believe you okay stand back oh nice try hey remember that dance we made up when we were six ah yeah okay [Music] did that [Music] Lift Me Up When I'm okay I can count on you you always know just what to say and I know that when I need you you're not far away I Can Count On You I can count on you now nobody love me like my sisters do [Music] nobody holds me up nobody knows me Mark nobody loves me [Music] yes yes please yes okay that was awesome you go girl thank you this is just a preview of what's to come here at the mall of surprises so stay tuned oh this is never coming off but it was so worth it right huh just saw an amazing impromptu show at the mall of surprises if you want a wild day out with your friends don't miss this we did disaster and it looks like you're about to make up some of that lost business all girl duty calls look it's Royal B and she found Prince B [Applause] I thought you were all taught but the show you put on today was really impressive I can't wait to see how you top it next time next time what show we just totally slayed the day you're welcome also we're sorry for you know [Music] [Applause] I could have been a better leader but we'll try again and get it right next time I don't know looks like angles enjoyed the chaos I think that's your brand now I mean you did name it the mall of surprises okay that's true but there has to be a method to the madness next time we are not doing this again look at you being a rude you know you love me [Music] perfect yep totally ready let's do this who wants extra fresh donuts uh-huh [Music] [Applause] uh what happened to my brunch Rush uh probably the mall they're having some kind of fun event thing I can't remember what it's called but it's gonna be fun and an event molathon now that would be a groovy name yeah that is the name looks right right we're all doing something special to raise money for a new community hangout space and not to brag but the salon is offering a full spa day I'm gonna be butt and busy oh yeah a spa day sounds cute and all but I have a brand new Boba recipe and you know kittens so I think we all know who wins this one too bad it's not a competition guess we'll never know whose shop is the fiercest [Music] [Applause] [Music] there she is ready for your first day running the BB Boutique as ready as I'll ever be wait what are you doing here shouldn't you be at the mall we wanted to wish you luck on your big day a small Queens have to stick together that's all anyway Miss Glam just gave me a great idea why not make the molathon into a friendly little competition spa day versus tea time with kittens versus huh whatever the BB Boutique has going on over there it's a Fashion Makeover station and it's going to be fabulous whoa great so you're in um what do we win and don't say bragging rights look at us we already have those what if the winner gets to name the new community's face no what if the winner designs it can we do that we could ask Queen B this was her idea so she's the head Queen in charge hey baby uh-huh yep oh awesome she loves the idea so whoever wins gets to help her design the community space what do you say this is gonna be so cool I need to get to the boutique like now oh wait up huh you should go with him roller chick take the day off and have fun at the mall [Music] um oh girl why are you staring at me have I had frosting on my face this whole time you just gave me another great idea we should team up I bring the Boba you bring the donuts together we'll be unstoppable I really shouldn't leave the diner what it's slower than a Walton here girl I don't think you'll be missing out on anything other than you know the time of your life fine whatever have fun uh watching dough rise [Music] ah I'm in yes [Music] we're building a new community space at the mall for BB's my size but we need your help donate to a good cause and get a mall token that you can use at any of the shops inside to access a special molathon experience whether you want a game the day away in the arcade or try out some new fashions at the boutique we've got you covered [Music] my treatment I know you do girls stop playing Welcome to the BB Boutique [Music] we are here to make your fashion dreams a reality okay when I'm just browsing oh uh okay let me know if I can help hmm [Music] don't look at me like that we'll rack up tokens in no time oh what are they up to [Music] [Music] I need you you you and you to be on your cutest Behavior got it oh [Music] I wanted to do Savory Donuts to go with my vanilla melon matcha boba tea not something basic sorry I thought the black pepper and coriander were for a stew or something it's fine these can be free samples and you can just use my recipe for the next batch honestly as long as I get to design something cool and edgy for the new community's face I'm happy why does it have to be edgy to be cool picture this a candy coated Gumdrop Force the trees are lollipops the floors are chocolate bark and that's gonna be messy in the summer I just love a cotton candy the aesthetic don't you bb my favorite color is black oh there's black licorice ew look let's focus on the baking for now we need another batch of donuts ASAP Savory please [Music] oh it's so nuts how much they're free these are amazing can we buy a dozen of these I'll give you my token no I'll give you my token you can have both tokens we just need these Donuts you can set tokens next to the menu duh how about I make you two dozen donuts for your tokens excuse me we don't have time I quit but [Music] things I like sugar and the color pink and a regular whipped cream so I'm Gonna Bake the things I like and I'm gonna win your contest while I do it [Music] la la [Music] la la [Music] [Applause] hello surprises I am refreshed and ready to slay the day careful your nails are still drying don't worry I won't ruin all your hard work now where did I put my token [Music] there it is thanks Phoebe I really needed a spa day I think neolicious is trying to get your attention [Music] did you know we can work in teams what are you talking about I saw candylicious and all girl working together are you sure foreign doesn't really seem like the team type okay she's not there right now but I promise I saw them together I believe you and all girl did seem like she'd do anything to win even ask for help well if she can do it well I was thinking that a Fashion Makeover plus a spa day would be a pretty epic experience we could share tokens and the prize how would you design the community space if you win because I'm thinking Sparkles maybe a mini Manny station perfect for the smaller BBS something glamorous I can work with glamorous I wanted to have a rent-a-fit spot so everyone can try out a new look for the day neon Sparkles and the latest in fashion and Beauty that's the match made in heaven let's do easy they're nice [Music] that's really interesting it's a raised Rye donut with jalapeno cheddar matcha icing cheddar mocha matcha the cheddar matcha bagels are super original Donuts yeah super original but we should check out the other shops just to be courteous yeah totally courteous but if you make some glazed donuts we'll be back whoa what are they running from cheddar matcha Donuts they're a little mature for their tween age pallets I'll give it a try these flavors are definitely unexpected [Music] um maybe this isn't working [Music] and now candy Licious is stealing my customers three Bubba teas please and some quality time with the cats uh-uh no tokens no kittens [Music] um maybe I should go no [Music] no do what you want whatever but uh you know if you stay you can be my taste tester [Music] what am I tasting if they want something sweet I'll give them something sweet [Music] get ready things are about to get spicy you just can't take a day off can you it's a matter of Pride I'm proving to all girl that cotton candy and sprinkles are just as cool as fancy teas and savory desserts [Music] uh I might have bitten off more than I can chew though I've got you [Music] order up [Music] here you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] well how do I look voila you're a total Masterpiece but the beauty Journey doesn't stop here oh neon Licious is gonna hook you up with a new fit that'll knock everyone's socks off even yours oh hey nailicious all right who's next welcome to Beauty Boutique are you ready for a neon Licious makeover oh I was born ready Queen [Music] foreign this may be the best thing I've ever made looks delicious and it smells great it smells great [Music] that's amazing help what oh I think I have just the thing water [Music] isn't that the hardest Boba Tea recipe in the world You're darn right and I'm gonna perfect it today uh soon sure I just need a favor tell everyone okay can't talk yet gotta text [Music] come one come all come watch all girl make the Legendary Ultimate tropical matcha tea with popping mango Boba and be the first queen in glitter City to give it a try [Music] no [Music] thanks to everyone's donations Queen B will be able to make the hangout space of her dreams that's awesome but uh where is Queen Bee I could use some help we should find her and share the good news I'll deal with you later [Music] make your way to the cafe if you want to be the first to try the ultimate tropical matcha tea with popping come witness The Culinary magic tea making Magic whatever it's totally Magic huh there go the last of the tokens I just finished my last mani pedi and saw a crowd outside the cafe what's going on and why aren't you an old girl working together you would have been Unstoppable uh we couldn't really see eye to eye like usual yeah and you were totally winning until all girl decided to make some super fancy recipe oh it's not just any fancy recipe it's a legend in kitchens and recipe blogs all over the world sounds kind of risky oh it's super risky well whatever she's doing it's working look at that crowd I bet she's swimming in tokens I gonna take a little peek and see how she's doing super casual like totally cash [Music] ready let's do this okay Chef begin just look at these knife skills folks and now the best part getting the mango super sweet [Music] oh hi Candy Licious here to steal more customers of it's not almost everyone in the mall is here I just wanted to see the show for myself [Music] oh well uh see I knew it some people do have elevated taste now if you'll excuse me [Music] thank you time to turn this yummy mango puree into Boba but for this to work the Vibes must be Immaculate everyone think positive thoughts [Music] come on [Music] look stop it stop what being so nice shouldn't you still be mad about earlier no oh girl if you can pull this off it'll be bigger than tokens or some silly contest see this is why you're so annoying not only are you the better Baker not only are your Donuts more popular than mine but now you have to be the bigger person too this nice all the time it's weird that's going to take a lot of work to clean up not it whoa what in the world happen here I'll find a mop just bring them all but really what happened oh my gosh okay so it all started this morning when all girl was like I better get more tokens than you guys and we thought she wasn't gonna cry you and mango on your token she got pretty sure of herself but then I thought I could do something [Music] this isn't funny I have to start all over which means I'll never finish the recipe in time now everything is ruined this is all just so silly maybe I've been a little too intense today nothing wrong with a little passion but you could learn to control your temper a little bit just saying well I had a blast I'll just take these and tell you the winner later tonight look I'm sorry everything got a little out of hand this was supposed to be a fun contest between friends you know uh you said we were friends yeah yeah like you didn't already know that on the plus side these mangoes are delicious they'd make a great donut filling yeah I guess we could come up with a recipe together if you want you I do okay but first you got any tips for getting mango out of a cat tree [Music] perfect it's cotton candy pink but we could switch things up huh now this I have to see whoa look at this Glam you really know how to make a queen feel refreshed well I had to do something nice for the best molathon partner a girl could ask for [Music] [Applause] I counted and then I counted again and it's a tie so I thought you could all help come up with the design for the sister sleigh space what do you think I mean I don't know why not after today working together on this will be easy yay It's gotta be a classy experience and everything's neon but what about pastels and glitter no Glitter but nope maybe shiny studs too foreign [Music] yes we're doing it honeylicious we're finally doing it own recording studio thanks for helping us move in MC swag [Applause] [Music] I got it second hand but vintage audio tech is the best I love switches I got this leave the text to me no one knows Tech like you honeylicious I'm sure it'll be no problem and we've got a great View surprise surprise they've all got a cool view of us too really I got this sure you do and we've got more to bring in [Music] God let Miss Glam have all the fun in here did you lady braids styling here I bought the place I'm starting a chain of shine on salons well if two is a chain hey it looks like someone else is expanding too [Music] there's some work to setting up but we'll have that recording studio running in no time I mean honeylicious will oh it's your recording studio too it sure is we've been moving in and setting up all day oh can I ask a favor I've been promised announcement time on the mall PA system would you record a promo announcement for the salon today it would be so fantastic if the pros Did It My Salon needs a little boost I think we even have a direct connect to the mall PA system too foreign are you sure you can get to it it looks like it's a busy day yes I'm sure honeylicious will be all in too we can't wait to make our first recording even if it's an announcement instead of a song [Music] hey MC swag can you squeeze under the corner and tell me if that power strip is on hey honeylicious I think I have our first project we'll record a little promo announcement for lady braids in the salon great I just have to get a few more things working it'll be no problem record a little something [Music] yep it's on [Music] I guess I just need to figure out a few more things what about the other switch emcee I'll check [Music] now I just got to tell them what to promote what about a certain style or well for styles of braids I can do Dutch Fulani triangle box goddess Stitch cornrows butterfly the braided pony well I'd like something that travels well and holds up to Sun and Fun I should experiment to decide experiments well I do like to try new things I think we're all set up this mic should connect us to the booth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can't do the recording for lady braids right now we just can't I'll tell her but I hate disappointing a friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] what really oh no well I won't let you down Sunset even if someone else lets me down how'd she take it terribly I think she's very disappointed well we're doing our best fine if they can't do what they promised fine fine oh fine [Music] I love it familiar but better [Music] wow Sunset looks amazing you should have seen all the Styles lady braids was pulling off over there [Music] lady braids does do amazing hair in her salons amazing lady braids does hair like a magician does magic truth if you want to look fiercely fabulous she can bring anything nobody braids better look at that hair on Sunset yep lady Prince deserves the amazing reputation she has hey is that a line down at the salon [Music] you're welcome you're welcome [Music] [Applause] no [Music] no no no no no [Music] foreign [Music] remember this one our invite to the Queen's Gala at was epic I even saved the paint can from the amazing backdrop you painted swag oh and shade 707 magenta meltdown I used to repair a portrait and I must have left this after a spooky sleepover it was spooky and this keychain held my first key to this place when I bought it a whole year ago whoa that means it's the anniversary of you buying the house of surprises this must be celebrated with a party that means we make creative gifts for the house yes I love that idea let's do it right of course everybody knows you go with your friends of course you too I'm prepared I always wanted this to be a creative space for my friends go ahead make your creative gift plan [Music] foreign hey how do you draw a song [Laughter] I'm not sure what I'm good at huh is something wrong with swag [Music] thank you [Music] Yeehaw this is a fun place oh no everybody knows you go where your friends are [Music] I slept on it and I finished the plan for my kids I'm making a collage a collage of mini dresses as in not short dresses but miniature dresses in a collage that's fantastic I'm making a custom doorbell it's my voice singing welcome I'm almost done with my disco ball platter that's amazing I love it where will you hang the dress collage neanishes maybe over there that's a great question I'm thinking the West wall because of the morning sunlight hi doesn't anybody wonder why swag keeps bailing that is kinda strange but I have a question too what are you gonna do for the house Western honey that's not important right now what's important is swag swag in her new scene and maybe even her new better friends what are you talking about what she's not up to a new hangout anybody notice she doesn't even talk about what she's doing for this house adversary That's Just Swag she's quiet sometimes finding her vibe and finding it across town well we like other friends the more the merrier but she's not bringing them here or us there I bet we've been secretly replaced that's ridiculous I could show you a follower so lay low like tracking and Cheating Heart come on [Music] hold up everybody this is ridiculous swag is not sneaking off to some other Hangout huh [Music] oh we've been replaced so has the house of surprises well now what do we do [Music] swag what's going on [Music] the surprise well yeah I was painting portraits of my favorite house of surprises memory with each of you and then you were gonna leave us for your new hangout I I needed a separate place to get them done and keep it a surprise look this was when you let me paint on the roof or you'll be this is you in the video game you brought lady Diva Phoebe driver this is you at a spooky sleepover neonicious oh yeah I do sleep in my hat and you too something tells me you're behind this little drama but it was really more her [Music] oh [Music] welcome [Music] what's up Western honey I'm still stoned about what I can give to this house of bursary what do I what do I do best anyway well your talent might be exaggeration [Music] [Laughter] and right now this party needs a tune right and it should probably be about 140 beats per minute everybody knows you start a party with 140 base per minute foreign [Music] [Music] I'm the fastest fastest Kitty catcher in these here parts [Music] kill all these outfits need to survive the weekend you're really gonna be gone all weekend yep I've got my schedule right here I've got a photo shoot Fashion Show interview another photo shoot neon Licious your ride is waiting outside you ready all set and you're sure we can't come with you [Music] not this time BB but you'll have a great time here with your babysitter who I did not forget to find until right this second ooh I can babysit um what I've got time and I always have fun hanging out with Diva how hard can it be it's just uh you're not the most mature Queen in the house you know no I don't say more I mean you know how to have a great time and put on an amazing show but these two are a real handful hey I'm just saying it might be a better if Royale b or swag do it sorry I'm in the recording studio all weekend swag's working on a mural downtown so I'll handle it you don't think I can do it well I'll be so responsible you'll have to change my name to Lady responsibility Viva La what rhymes with responsibility I guess there is no one else to bring it on I'll show you uh-huh I'm Gonna Get You wow [Music] la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la that was so good let's go eat some breakfast now maybe we're wrong oh yes she's totally got this everything's fine I got this oh dear [Music] oh that too it's just a little higher that's a lot of sugar we always have pancake surprise on Fridays are you sure you don't want a more balanced breakfast sounds boring oh I am never boring let's do this bon appetit [Music] [Applause] [Music] clean up time who wants dish Duty [Music] huh uh [Music] hello oh no lady Diva the floor is lava okay we can play after we clean the kitchen cleaning isn't fun though this is hey I'm I'm queen of volcano I think you mean the queen of Sugar Rush Mountain [Music] oops oops oops you could have gotten hurt but I didn't so it's fine new game we'll clean up but you gotta catch us first ah you're not the most mature Queen in the house it might be better if Royale b or swag do it ready or not here I come [Music] hmm [Music] have you seen me on cutie or neon kitty nope sorry [Music] hmm [Music] yeah huh gotcha came slowly [Music] stop right there young lady it's time to quit being annoying and start cleaning up now yes ma'am sorry laughs [Music] wanna play a game after this not really we could dress up and have a fashion show that's okay I don't want to annoy you again I didn't mean that neon cutie I wanted to prove that I can be responsible so bad that I took it out on you I'm sorry for being so angry really really and I'm gonna make it up to you how think you're so out Ray just I rock the scene I missed it with Attitude no VIP I don't need your guest list let's make a little mischief [Music] thank you [Music] best babysitter ever see I got this easy [Music] thank you that's right you did wake up like this will be you're forgetting something Thanks Candy Licious you're the best [Music] I hope you're ready because the new course is finally perfect I was born ready Lone Star hop in the booth this shouldn't take too long [Music] I think we got it oh good these pops are starting to sound a little rusty same time tomorrow tomorrow [Music] hey Queen we're ready to record instrumentals if you are of course Fame Queen I was born ready love that energy who's up first let's start with the drums you heard her ladies let's rock [Applause] [Music] oh good work everybody I I have a few hits on our hands when can we do vocals I've been practicing my rubber Brado well I'll be in the studio tomorrow but a perfect I'm free all night so we can record as long as you want well okay oh [Music] oh you have to warn us before you do that next time or you'll be yonza contagious sorry it was a long day and your girl is ready for a nap but you said you'd paint with us tonight did I [Music] you've been saying yes to everything again haven't you no of course not hey honeylicious wait slow down uh-huh okay but of course I can do a presentation tomorrow night send them over [Music] so I'm giving a presentation on music producing to the music appreciation Club tomorrow night it's missing something what about now it's a master bee this is fun and relaxing don't you want to have fun and relax with us I love to but I've got a presentation to plan have fun she needs a vacation definitely but she won't take one nope there's no way she'll leave the house of surprises if anybody needs her what if she doesn't have to leave we can bring the vacay to Royal B [Music] B HomeStar why are you at the studio already am I late [Music] your breakfast is served smells great thanks [Music] yeah yeah [Music] all right let's record some vocals right that's today okay let's get started [Music] I've been inspired please can we record a new demo please let's hear it foreign [Music] what is that nature sounds they're supposed to be relaxing what do you think I'm relaxed it's working now we just need the guest of honor [Music] Jason I don't have time for this I'm sorry just sit down for one quick second take a load off you need the rest and the nutrients rank up but I'm fine and the music appreciation Club will be here any minute see you need rest but I'm not tired [Music] the presentation [Music] that was so cool if I make a beat I like would you listen to it sure swing by anytime hey Royal bee thanks for letting swag demo her Beats yeah she taught us a few tricks but we can't wait to learn more same time next week maybe we do this once a month what do you say deal thanks for covering for me it was fun doing the presentation you know you can let us help you when you need it you can even say no to work sometimes I can totally say no yeah to fun but everybody asks a lot of you royalty and you always say yes saying no is easy you just go like this [Music] thank you I guess you're right thanks Queen okay ready for your staycation now born ready what is that whale sounds weirdly relaxing huh [Music] oh [Music] careful kitties [Music] pancakes the start of a perfect day it does seem like a perfect day nothing could spoil it [Music] oh hi groovy babe wow so groovy to see you all here I have some not so groovy news uh oh I've never seen you so not chill well hold on to your chakras it's the Queens are they okay the Queens yeah the Queens Gala has been canceled this year because of venue renovation no no no what's a venue whatever it is she's a mess look at this mood ring traumatized two and I don't even know what a venue is no Queen's gala this year no ball gowns no red carpet No dancing [Music] I know it's sad but let's take a cue from the kitties and get some sunshine on the roof no better way to cheer ourselves up okay [Music] ah come on kitties are Carefree [Music] it's the sun they love it me too [Laughter] it's working Sunshine helps anybody's mood that's it let's have a sunshine Festival we don't have to mope about the Queen's Gala we can make our own event I can it now it'll be like one gigantic talent show a sunshine Festival that's a great idea yeah our own events we're just the Queens to do it sounds fabulous if everyone prepares your acts quickly I'll be in charge of all the details promise [Music] everybody's in I'm making a mural at the entrance I've almost picked my song Just team more to rehearse before I choose I can't wait to emcee I've already designed my outfits with groovy babe we'll share models four outfits each I'm making some groovy art on different fabrics for mine this whole event feels better than a Gala it's our own showcase music art fashion Talent it'll be far out very good vibes yep um [Music] hello neon Licious designer about to present at the upcoming Sunshine Festival oh no oh yeah it was pretty last minute um there are no canvases available ah so much singing practice I think I'm losing my voice babysit but I have a sunshine Festival to MC [Music] oh it's copacetic I got this [Music] yes last Saturday right your canvases are on the way tops can come Gracie will run a babysitting PlayStation bet your throat's feeling better already and I have models Sunrise switches bubble gum DJ and Stella girl coming now instead you do got this wait who are Sunrise switches bubblegum DJ and Stellar girl and where our Sunrise switches bubble gum DJ and Stellar girl oh they're here [Music] and they're already wearing the outfits you designed for the show oh man yes I got this your clothes are my exact designs just like my sketches love the looks of these outfits Carl these colors could make a unicorn jelly yeah thanks for answering the call these are my friends Royal B swag lady Diva and neon Licious in person so happy you're all here so happy how about a tour of the House of surprises oh yes I'd love to soak in The Vibes this place slaps great Acoustics can't wait to check out the layout here what attention to detail go ahead I'll catch up in a sec I can't get over that you are modeling my clothes for the sunshine Festival you and my designs look great well this is sunrise switches bubble gum DJ and I'm Stellar girl will we be juicing in the diner later sure if juicing is your thing we got you I'll make a note of it I've been thinking about songs for our performance too I have suggestions I'll make a chart she's the organizer and most important thing to note where is the performance oh yeah groovy babes got everything taken care of let's ask her [Music] even I'm surprised I handled everything [Music] handled everything except the most important thing [Music] so that's the whole tour of the House of surprises make yourself comfortable until the sunshine Festival the only other place you could like as much is that then you I'm still not sure what venue means canceled a photo to be here worth it hi groovy babe I think we got cut off earlier so uh what's the venue for the festival the glitter City Bowl Sparkle Stadium you know uh this rooftop is amazing perfect for rehearsing but where will the sunshine Festival be held well maybe this very rooftop what for 300 people no event that I attend has less than 500 people oh no no is something wrong oh okay okay I forgot to book a venue first and City venues are all booked up now [Applause] [Music] my mood Crystal concurs well uh we can look on the bright side as soon as I figure out what it is don't worry everybody somehow I'm gonna fix this I still have one idea I think I know what you're thinking we'll find a unique venue you go east we'll go west you go south and we'll meet up at Crystal desert [Music] well at least we can enjoy the sunset that's coming it sure is beautiful here look how happy you are here [Music] I was just hanging a purple horseshoe out back and heard you drive up y'all are droopier than a wet prairie dog we've been looking for a festival venue because there was a mishap and these Queens came to model and she said did you say venue I don't know what that means it's like stage type thing I'm too busy building a stage out back to sort out this argument if you're gonna yell get [Music] Lonestar how many more hammers do you have yeah I know what you're thinking and I could use the help I'm not much of a designer I am [Music] wow I can't believe we did it everybody's reconfirmed so many acts that each Act gets five minutes oh never again will I let a detail slip by me even the best of us can mess up when we're in a hurry what about dressing rooms oh there aren't any but to show both our fashion designs we have a costume change uh oh it's okay we can just do two of our outfit designs each nope it's not your mistake and I won't make you cut your outfits down to just two I'll handle this that's super big of you groovy babe so sweet I could cry or hug you yeah I'm an early riser so I think I have to call it a day okay we all need some rest for the festival tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got this really when those models come through that door I flip this switch their outfits will change to my designs right before your eyes you mean you just handed them your outfits but different now you'll all see each model in two looks neon Licious is original and my design after that like magic a transformation [Music] Queens [Music] now watch this it's showtime [Music] you really did but we have to go maybe just go out there and enjoy the show you made it all happen after all this work I feel like I'm not part of it huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you that's your cue and these are the fixed fashion designs of the amazing neon Licious [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] it worked those are my designs too and the amazing transformation to the designs of groovy babe too hey Ruby babes designs are just up hearing how fabulous now that's the biggest surprise in the history of surprises we bring the music and the color bring on the pink you know I love to change up my look always evolving laughs [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] ready to window shop till we drop can we start with boba snow bunny I think I found my people skaters [Music] found us some new skaters yet but be patient it's early days but I spent months learning how to rollerblade and I'm ready to hit the rink now if you're looking for a skater the Search is Over the name's the rose and I'm your missing piece [Applause] can you skate backwards of course can you do a dip I could dip for days we take our skating very seriously me too so serious one sec [Music] hello Bros I don't think they're ice skaters all right you're in and the first thing we're gonna do is conquer the weapon dip it's a super gnarly trick and we need your help to nail it [Music] take my wheels and uh shine my elbow pads before I hit the ice I mean rink did you hear that I'm going to be a skating Legend people will finally appreciate my talents I love that for you but what about the wheels you ice skate [Music] foreign [Music] you're doing great [Music] [Music] that wasn't too bad you even made it all the way around the rink did I [Music] oh hey want to join us for practice oh uh I actually just finished a long skate and my legs are jelly [Music] [Music] you need a lot more practice okay but not here I need some more secret the last place anyone will look hmm [Music] you're pretty new to this huh what makes you say that well you came to me for help that's already kind of weird I mean you still owe me for winter fashion week just add it to my top [Music] [Applause] are you sure you don't want real lessons like at the rink no I can't let anyone see me like this wait you're different you're like nice [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll be doing tricks but tomorrow morning the crew is going to be so impressed [Music] I can't wait to advice there is no ice remember [Music] nice dip roller chick that's a dip in roller skating on the ice it just means you squat down and touch your toes little Rose is here we can finally practice the Whip and dip yup what's up at least it isn't busy today [Music] um it just got busy [Music] foreign [Music] interesting technique just warming up it looks weird but it's super effective time Larose you're the end of the whip Get Ready To Fly [Music] here comes [Music] quick look all right you okay you were going wicked fast you're not mad why would we be mad I'm an ice skater not a roller skater I lied I'm sorry so you learned this in two days epic You've Got Talent girl we just need to start you out with the basics yeah the Whip and dip is off limits until you've had a lot more practice you mean you still let me try well it looks like you've learned your lesson about being honest with your crew and maybe you can show us some ice skating tricks sometime I'll show you so many tricks your heads will spin [Music] you're gonna grow big you're gonna grow strong your leaves will be green and your roots will be that's what I call a perfect pothos they look great Goldie how are the babies they'll be thriving in no time hey our favorite customers hi oh wow all the succulents look so cute this one will look perfect in my new planter let's do a little young for a new pot but if you keep visiting it'll be all grown up in no time what if I grow up myself that's a great idea you come in every day that's practically the same thing exactly we could help you around the shop we've been watching you work for months that's a fun idea but the plants are all still pretty young and a lot of them are really dramatic they need special care but maybe some other time [Music] hmm we can totally handle it and we'll prove it yeah just you wait [Music] we're here to change your minds as you can see we have our own gardening tool things and we came up with the care schedule see we're impressed yeah you did good work you're in away come on [Music] hello I'm bro girl and this is Earth baby I think I'm gonna call you Josephine we're not going too far and we'll be back in a couple of hours the plants have already been watered and fertilized so it should be an easy afternoon just Spritz and Mist every hour or so like we taught you nothing else and don't forget just call if you need anything this is gonna be so fun we're gonna be the greenest thumbs ever [Music] time to Spritz and mist you're gonna grow strong your leaves will be green and your roots will be long [Music] Spritz and Mists [Music] is it me or is this a little boring I wanted to show off my green thumbs how can we prove we're good at plants if the plants don't do anything [Music] [Applause] we gotta make these plants grow faster good idea I bet more water and fertilizer will do the trick [Music] you're welcome Josephine we'd better hurry if we want to finish before Goldie and Gracie get back [Music] looks like you did a good job BBS same time tomorrow you bet thank you [Music] uh girl girl yeah the plants aren't growing what do we do oh yeah they need some so they can make food tons of sun foreign we could repot them great idea [Music] plant hot steady watch The Roots it's okay I think I got it [Music] nothing's working and Gracie and Goldie will be back any second there's only one thing to do now hide [Music] [Applause] it looks different in here I like good job BB's how about we close up early and get some ice cream please [Music] foreign [Music] oh no we're in so much trouble what happened here we just watered and fertilized and tried to help them grow faster oh no look at our babies I'm so sorry me too you told us not to do anything extra we just thought we could help [Music] honestly a lot of new plant parents do the same thing a green thumb takes time hand patience we'll teach you everything we know if you promise to listen this time [Music] [Music] Francois you're beautiful and you're perfect Henrietta maybe they could grow faster with our health oh I have an idea [Music] where's Larose she said she had a big surprise [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you think oh far out how'd you get the ice skating rink here I just had to call in a few favors now I can finally put on my one night only one Coin Show it's gonna be amazing and if you help me set everything up I'll um I'll make us a seven course dinner name it after me uh I may not I'll teach you some ice skating tricks [Music] it's happening I'm gonna put on the show of a lifetime hmm it won't be like my last show of a lifetime winter fashion week was just a sad unfortunate embarrassing little fluke if you say so I know so oh [Music] how's it going with the newbies we're working on the basics whoa snow bunny they just need to get more comfortable on the ice in the meantime I think roller chick is ready for a new move and I made it here I think [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look Larose [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was great but now I have to practice for my show but it's late so tomorrow I guess time flies when you're having fun thanks for the lesson see you tomorrow [Applause] what you had fun today maybe um hello oh quiet Kitty says we want to try ice skating but they need lessons I can give you all a short lesson tomorrow morning very early and very short [Music] this would be fun but only a little fun and then it's my practice time I need it [Music] must have heard about my show and now they all want a preview go go go wow thank you so much you can watch me practice but just remember the show will be better because it will be perfect what is it [Music] I don't think they're here for a preview they're here for ice skating lessons oh all of them you did promise did I you're right one quick lesson and then I need my old practice time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay let's try the move I showed you everyone's dick that's it you got it you'd make a great coach me a coach no no hey I was made for the spotlight ice skating is a solo Sport and I'm a solo act in fact I'm gonna clear the ice so I can practice for my solo show don't worry I'll help you with that new move first but only one move and then it's time to focus on me [Music] oh I think quiet cutie wants to show you a move she's been practicing oh well I really need to clear the eyes so I can perform maybe after time to clear the ice everyone we're gonna need a bigger voice [Music] lots of lots of pros of rose look out I've got you don't cry it's okay to make mistakes I mean I make them all the time and I'm still learning a lot but that makes life fun and guess what when you finally get something right it's totally worth it we'll keep practicing okay [Music] thank you [Music] that was really cool of you Larose you've changed since winter fashion week huh thanks neon Licious hit him all right everyone it's time for the rose on Ice let's go off the ring good job babies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good catch you knew you'd make a good coach Larose why do people keep saying that keep your head up [Music] just watch us [Music] no no oh [Music] sure is a slow day around here sometimes that's kinda nice it's just some time to slow down relax smell the roses or the rosy tea [Music] thank you hi Speedster oh boy things are gonna speed up now what have you been up to I just completed the glitter Grand Prix came in second to Galaxy girl in a Hovercraft [Music] of course I think her vehicle should have been a disqualifier got time for a smoothie and more stories from the road that's why I'm here [Music] and there I was near the end of the race rounding the fourth Bend and bright sunlight racing along in the lead when beside me pulls up Galaxy girl the glare from her goggles blinded me before I could punch it all I could see was that checkered flag with Galaxy girls bumper ahead of me rats oh well I was still presented a ribbon at the podium for second place [Music] I'm sure I'll have better luck next time I can't imagine racing like you do [Music] [Music] [Applause] I guess racing just isn't my vibe [Music] what you need me at the studio [Music] wait till I race would ya [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well time for me to go oh no stay and tell us more the babies never get tired of stories actually they rarely get tired period [Music] hey is that Galaxy girl no don't think so [Music] what are you doing here we're ready for life on the road you're stowaways if that means destined for greatness then yup we want to be in a car race now that's great but it doesn't exactly work that way please is we're not going home until we're exhausted from driving Adventures hmm how about I Tucker you out with a joyride that doesn't sound like a race but it's got the word Joy so we're in [Music] there [Music] you must be tired out time for a race now oh no obviously I'm the only person tuckered out [Music] but I think I have an idea who can look now it's race time but we want to hit the gas today the guess means your seat thank you must round the whole block gentle babies start your engine ends three two one go [Music] out of the way sorry don't be rude [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] those BBS are probably really wound up now no you don't think [Music] no [Music] and they all lived happily ever after the end I think that one's my favorite did you see those gowns they were so poofy and bouncy and I bet you could spin in one for hours [Music] well it's my favorite because of all the magic and adventure [Music] my favorite part was the romance so dreamy and the dancing dancing so dreamy I love dancing [Music] me too we should have a dance the slay space is the perfect place we couldn't invite all of our friends and have the best time what do you say [Music] morning oh I mean let's keep planning [Music] grab your dancing shoes and get ready to have a ball don't miss the big dance tomorrow [Music] make sure everyone gets an invitation nobody's gonna want to miss this you've got it every BB gets an invitation mission accomplished complacing good job all of us this is going to be the best dance ever [Music] oh go clean [Music] here is my invitation Let's Dance get it girl [Music] did we forget to invite midnight kid nope we made an invitation for everyone midnight get included are you sure foreign have left someone out on purpose [Music] we just need to find him and apologize and then invite him to the dance face to face [Music] I can't find him anywhere do you think he's sad I would be we have to find him will you help us spread the word we need to find midnight kid [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think I found something it looks like a footprint and it's headed that way foreign [Music] the trail ends here but there's no sign of him I found a shoe over here ew it's covered in gum that's midnight kids favorite shoe the other one must be so lonely and his foot is probably cold we have to find him quick [Music] foreign [Music] it's an emergency we have to find midnight kid before wait midnight kid what where right here [Music] oh we found you I think maybe he found us well I'm glad you did find us we're really sorry you didn't get an invitation to the dance I promise it was an accident yeah we'd never leave someone out especially not a friend plus a party isn't a party if one of us is missing unless it's a search party what do you say want to come to the dance with all of us [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] look everybody conga [Music] foreign happily ever after [Music] thank you every day I'll try to be my best self by being generous loyal adventurous and marvelous and everything I do that's a Glam Scout Promise [Music] announcement Glam Scouts Earth Phoebe helped me grow this little cutie and I officially earned my girlfriends look at us we've got half the pins we need to send troop 22 to the Grand Adventure lands theme park this summer that's the good news the bad news is we only have a week to get the rest but if everyone helps out and earns a pin we can do it Okay who wants to [Music] oh good well now looks like MC swag can get a pin for attack and Queen B can get one for defense that's two soccer pins for the price of one [Music] let's go girls [Music] be gentle you were close that time Queen B [Music] you can do it the 13th time will be the charm [Music] whoa I did it yay Sports and I'll have another pin for you next oh which one the Tidy Up pin oh [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you how was cleaning it was cute at first and then it was gross and then it got even grosser and then it was super cute and now I have a pin that's just sleeves [Music] mustard honey you'll need your camping pin camping but you're a root and tootin cowgirl you should love camping I'm a sparkly cowgirl not a Dusty one and that's all Cantonese dust there's more than just dust there's fresh air and bird watching and s'mores it'll be fun all right for gland Ventureland theme park [Music] hmm smells weird smells fresh I like it [Music] puddle we need to go over the Glam Scout safety rules before we can have any fun because because a Glam Scout always puts Safety First wait where's Western honey Western honey are you still in the glamper now [Music] come on out [Music] it's nice out here nice there could be anything out there Mud Bugs dust [Music] no thank you but you have to Camp if you want to earn the camping pin can't we just make up a pin especially for me like I could get something for putting rhinestones on my hat while watching you build a fire you can stand there for now but you have to listen deal okay safety rule number one never leave your fire unattended to the animals that live outside you're the guest be nice leave them alone and keep all of your food sealed and walked away [Music] the right knot when in doubt we'll help you out always use the buddy system to stick together and remember have fun [Music] now this is what I call a Glam site who's ready to roast some weenies um this cooler only has juice in it where are my weenies [Music] what are we looking for the other cooler have you seen it it's missing oh that cooler well sorry see there wasn't room in the glamper for my special camp chair and two coolers so one of them had to go sorry wait I can fix this I just need that can of beans from the glamper we brought beans a Glam Scout always has a backup plan and we still have s'mores the supply should be right around here thank you oh no I think maybe I forgot the s'more supplies no marshmallows [Music] wait a minute so it won't be as easy as we thought but we're Glam Scouts and we can handle anything we're gonna finish camping together and we're gonna help Western honey earn her pin together okay yay you know what y'all are right as a country song it's time to earn my camping pin for real what's next okay okay now it's time for scary stories do we have to it's a camping tradition how many times have you camped none [Music] oh I've got one it all starts with a ghost ghost you've been ghosts are scary that's nothing you need to be scared of bears well well just one bear the glitter bear only hunts the most fashionable the most fabulous the most fun kids in the woods fine the glitter Bear's gonna come at night but we can't see a sparkle when we least expect it it's gonna jump out of the trees and still all our accessories and snacks and maybe even ourselves eat the owl house wait that's not neon cutie [Music] [Music] maybe loud noises can scare it away it's the glitter bear we're just too fabulous don't worry don't worry protect you and the glitter Bear open doors probably [Music] please wait it's just neon cutie get mad queen bee but I stepped off the path and stubbed my toe it almost got lost and wait what are you all doing someone should be watching the fire remember oh and we just got Western honey out of the glamper why is she back in back at night [Laughter] what's so funny thanks for being such good friends today I couldn't have earned my camping badge without you maybe we should have Adventures like this more often are you having fun sure thanks to you Old Pros good morning y'all um y'all [Music] [Music] oh my God
Channel: L.O.L. Surprise!
Views: 694,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lol, lol surprise, l.o.l. surprise, house of surprises, lol surprise new season, house of surprises season 2, lol surprise 2, lol suprize, house of surprises series, neon qt, queen bee, diva, lol surprise dolls, lol tots, totz, tots, lol surprise tots, kids content, content for kids, neonlicious, swag, mall of surprise, sunshine festival, the great mall a thon, lady diva, royal bee, prince bee
Id: YJF1x8RsDCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 18sec (8178 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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