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little sister little sister where are you little sister cookie fans it looks like these lol surprise big sisters are looking for their little sisters oh i think we found them i think they're hiding inside of these little surprise balls whoa so will we be able to match them up with each one of their little sisters let's see which babies we can find because they really want to find their sisters so here we go we've got five layers of surprises whoa so what is this hmm light bulb shorts oh smarty pants all right here we have our little sticker oh it's gonna be a color changing little sister so let's open the ball up whoo okay which little sister is it open it up who's it gonna be for and it's for yeah it looks like this is a little teacher's pet is her big sister here i'll be your big sister that's my sister all right here we have her big sister okay so we've got little teachers pet and big sister teacher pet and she's got some surprises for her in here she has a pair of glasses a stripy bag oh thank you sister i love it cool so she's been matched up let's open up some more balls all right here we have the secret code music note camera music video here are the stickers so which baby is hiding inside of this pink ball whoops surprise oh surprise all right whose baby sister is it and it's little diva she's so cute is that my little sister no no no not exactly that's my sister hello diva okay there we go there's her big sister so let's see what her surprise gift is this one is oh we have a little hat and a new pair of shoes thank you i love my presents so let's find even more sisters we'll smash these two together one two three whoa yes okay what do we have in here okay this is we've got a golden ball here we have our little secret messages cartoon diamonds are a girls bff right now we have them kind of mixed up here what do we have what do we have this little baby oh wait a minute that's a bag oh it looks like a diamond ring i feel like i can put this on my finger it's like the coolest bag ever wouldn't gemma stone love this wow i do love that bag oh i love it too i love the gemstone so that one must be for the golden ball baby what else do we have this one oh we've got a little diamond necklace that has to go with a little golden ball this one we have oh we have a pair of shoes they're kind of like this pearly color with some purple wait a minute i feel like that could go with the diamond set as well but we'll put it with the pink set and what do we have in here oh this is a little seashell bag that's so cute i love the pearls for the handle so we'll put that one with that here we have our two babies open this one and this one oh look at how cute her hair is it's a little baby bonbon and this baby look at her glittery sugary color hair she's the little crystal queen oh here they come here come their big sisters okay they look just like a mini version of them this looks exactly like bonbon and look at her little shoes oh she's wearing she's wearing the purple little sneakers that's her gift to her big sister how do i look oh her new shoes are totally sweet oh and she's gonna carry around her baby sister in her bag let's get out some more surprise sisters and open in a snap whoop there we go oh they're all pink oh here we have the little secret messages girl thumbs up can't see dance like no one's watching curtain cell phone i mean curtain call diamonds are a girl's best friend all right now we can open them up all right what do we have what do we have so this little sister she's got cute little pink bows in her hair it's a little line dancer oh it's a little mer baby it's a mermaid baby and who is this oh look at her with her beautiful two-toned hair it's little doll face and they have lots of surprises for their sisters the first surprise is gonna be a pair of heart sunglasses oh and a big red cowboy hat what do we have in here oh we've got a pearl necklace and a seashell bag oh howdy partner we've got a bandana wait a minute i think that one belongs to the little lion dancer we'll trade these out and this surprise we've got an animal print bag oh here come the big sisters so we're gonna put the cowgirl hat right on her there we go howdy and the little baby sister can actually wear the bandana there we go now they can ride off into the sunset together uh-huh see she has this beautiful pearl necklace oh it looks like she wants to wear it oh and she loves her new designer bag thank you little sister and she also can put her right in here let's go shopping all right what else do we have which other little sisters are we gonna find so we've got these three go ahead and open them one two three okay here we go open open and oh ben where should we start open up the surprises here we have oh wait a minute are we gonna have twins it's another mermaid purse what else what else what else oh we have a little cell phone in here and it says baby well omg let's put the phone in the purse and we have another bag it's a little polka dot bag and oh some heart sunglasses oh i think we definitely have twins [Music] some pink sneakers here's the first baby yes it's another mer baby oh she's got twin sisters and in here we have me it's little burr bb and we have that looks like a little basketball like half of a shape of a basketball and who else do we have it's little hoops mvp oh look at how cute she is in her shoes oh here's her big sister hi little sister oh let's see if she can play a game games i love games let's see if she can name each one of these secret little codes see if she can get them all right so open them up all right what is this one basketball star i mean sports star yep you got it um snowflake bunny no wait wait it's no bunny yay and that one is curtain call all right she got it right all right where's little bird bb sister at i don't think she's here she's not coming okay we'll have her wait for her sister whoop in the crib have her sit right here all right it looks like we've got a few more surprise balls in here who else's little sister are we going to find so far we've been able to match up all of the babies except for one all right what do we have oh we've got another curtain call so which baby is in this pink ball open it up all right whose little sister is it oh yay it's little baby cat okay is her sister around her is her sister here i don't see her okay we'll have to wait for her sister to get here there she is okay so here we have the baby cat is my sister here there you go there's your sister and she's got presents she has it's just a donut oh a little kiddie pool ring and she has this little kitty cat bag so now we can put this little kitty toy in here and of course put the little baby sister in and now she can carry her around yeah all right now we got the next ball press it open crack it open is that study time oh story time and the surprise is oh we have a little cell phone and here we have the baby it's little hops you know they show her sitting in this picture where's my sister oh she's around here somewhere she's over here oh it looks like she's in the playpen oh my gosh she hopped in with her don't forget your cell phone and don't forget you've got another surprise this one is ooh a cool golden bag that looks like a clock three more babies left let's open this one whoa there we go open whoo cartoon this one we have oh this one's a glittery seashell bag wait a minute that's three seashell bags that we have found this one's extra pretty it's kind of like this one but like with a pearly finish so what do we have in here oh we've got a pair of some shoes wait a minute these shoes look familiar that's because we've got a little bonbon oh that's a twin sister for her too yup just like me that is so weird because these bags look kind of different don't they but this one's just not as pearly but this one's like super duper pearl you know what i mean all right let's get out another little sister all right which other ones are we gonna find oh we got another cartoon oh that one peeled perfectly sometimes i can't always get them to zip perfectly but that one did let's see if we can peel this one oh it broke there we go okay peeled it so in this green ball the surprise in here oh we've got a little backpack along with oh we've got another little kitty ring and the baby in here oh perfect oh it's little neon little neon cutie i have a sister yes you have a little baby sister hi little baby sister all right let's see who's in the last box i know these lol girls would love to find their little sisters can i have a little sister please all right let's see who's in this very last surprise ball maybe she's in here all right that one unzipped perfectly too just like peeling an orange oh this one has a lemon on there candy fruit sweet or sour another perfect one there's the color change sticker and crack it open all right whose little sister did we find and it's me oh it's a little fresh oh i don't see her big sister anywhere so we'll put her in the little crib so she can wait for her okay guess what time it is um pony rides no party time no color change time yes that's right we're gonna see the baby's color change all right here we've got some warm and cold water here we go dunk on in [Music] she got a cool pattern on her hair look at that it's orange and yellow and color change it back all to yellow howdy partner in she goes wait did she color change oh her diaper she got a star and it kind of turned to a dark blue too there we go and now it's gone back to light blue all right going on in oh she got like some black color in her hair so now it's black and red oh wait what does that say it says abcdefg and dip right into the water now she's back to just having blue and pink hair all right in she goes she got a little pattern on her face like a little lightning bolt wait a minute and her pacifier changed colors too didn't it let's see let's see did it color change yes it did it changed from pink color oh she's so happy now she's got two-toned hair and back to having all white hair oh here come the twins oh look at how different she looks compared to her twin now she's got hot pink hair with blue dip her in to match there we go now they're identical twins and color change see look at that it looks like two different dolls dip her in and she gets oh she got blue hair and she also changed her pacifier to pink color change oh look at that beautiful color that it changed into and now we'll color change maybe we'll just color change the half of her head there we go look at the two-tone color and dip all the way in she gonna color change yep she is look at oh she's got a little diamond on her and color change back here we go here we go here we go now she's got black and white hair now we have these twins i want to get in the water too okay so a little mer baby's gonna dunk in with her twin sisters so we've got the sisters oh with their hot pink hair we'll have her dip in too is she gonna color change oh look at her little mermaid outfit i got pink hearts and we can color change her outfit right back to all blue and take the twins out of the water and dunk them in to have their light purple hair back here we go these are in and what can we see oh it looks like she got a little bit of some orange lining oh and she got some face paint too dip her in to have it disappear here she goes now she's all pink oh there we go all right cookie fans i hope you enjoyed this video thanks for hanging out with me today have the best day ever and i hope to see you cookie fans in my next video see you there bye cookie fans don't miss out on the fun no way cookie fans did anyone see that kooky cookie was hanging out with one of the babies right on top of their head but which one of these babies had kooky cookie on their head was it the baby with the white hair the black and white hair the pink hair or the pink and orange hair bye cookie fans [Music] is [Music]
Channel: CookieSwirlC
Views: 68,514,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: box
Id: yiMN1YHsLQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2018
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