LOKI: Where Variants Come From | Alternate Timelines and SYLVIE Origin Explained

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welcome to screen crush i'm ryan airy i've been taking a lot of questions about loki on twitter lately and doing my best to answer any questions related to the mcu and the comics and making educated guesses about what i don't know professor loki but the question i get most is where did all the variant loki's come from it's a fair question because some of these loki seems so very different from our loki it makes you question what kind of reality created them after all there's a troll loki a lance armstrong loki and a woman loki you're a woman yes i hope that's not a problem episode 3 added even more speculation with sylvie talking about remembering her mother tell me about your mother i barely remember her just blips of a dream at this point well i've got a theory that i think explains exactly what she's talking about first a quick reminder about what we know about how timelines work in the mcu first professor hall gave this very confusing explanation of time travel if you travel to the past that past becomes your future and your former present becomes the past which can't now be changed by your new future which is a timely whimey way of saying that your own personal history is already written and that traveling back in time just creates a new timeline the ancient one implies this as well when she warns banner about removing an infinity stone remove one of the stones and that close splits now this may benefit your reality but my new one not so much so when she's talking about my reality she's referring to her timeline like miss minutes says stepping off your path created a nexus event so when there's a sharp deviation from the timekeeper's plan of the sacred timeline then it creates a brand new timeline and remember the red line is a point of no return i know a lot of you know this already but i just think it's important to recap for the squares now hang on just a minute remember when the minutemen met sylvie in 1850s [Music] you know when i see scenes like this all i can think is their feet are going to get wet their socks are going to get wet even in this scene when poor r taxes dying i was worried about atreyu socks i hate having wet socks and i hate wearing boots in the summer that's why i'm glad that i found vessie the waterproof shoes are the sponsor of this video these shoes are a miracle so i ran a few tests got sprayed with the hose twice look at that dry sock and now i'm gonna take a piece of paper write something on it and then later we're going to run under a faucet see what happens look at that still dry these shoes are 100 waterproof not water resistant waterproof they're made from dimetex a dual climate knit that keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter now me and doug are able to take walks in wet grass and my socks don't get wet are we going on a walk sure thing buddy we can go on a walk whenever you want thanks to my veseys i am happy click the link in the description and enter the discount code to get 25 off your own pair of vessy waterproof shoes back to loki anyways one of these guards with wet oily feet says oil think some jackass found himself a time machine came back here to get rich so we know that the tv8 doesn't just deal with variants like loki they also deal with time bandits nothing can go wrong but for them time bandits are the boring part of the job just an annoyance they would rather reset the place than investigate and fill out all the paperwork this tells me that they deal with small time crimes all the time they aren't major crises because they don't display high variance energy variance energy by the way is an indication of how much change in the timeline will affect the sacred timeline so when loki frees goats at pompeii no change if you were to go back in time pick a dandelion in return very little change these events would probably not cause a deviation and would likely not even warrant the tva's attention after all time cops hate paperwork it's not worth the paperwork just prune it let's bail so i think that what the show is setting up is that there are very small alternate timelines where maybe you had tea at breakfast instead of coffee very small alterations that would never branch off in redline the best metaphor i can give is mad max fury road if you haven't seen the movie don't worry there are light spoilers ahead and you should also watch fury road as soon as you're done with this video alright so in fury road and morton joe's war rig represents the sacred timeline the war boys and his other followers represent the human beings who live in the sacred timeline they're all making individual decisions like when to blow extra guzzling into their engine and spray their teeth but for the most part they stay within the path of morton joe so if one of these people were to veer off the path sharply then they would be on their own they would no longer be a part of imorton joe's war party they are on their own path like furiosa or nux when they left the war party they spun off into their own story lines they essentially created alternate timelines after all we're dealing with fiction here so timeline is really just another word for storyline those other loki's the tva has pruned were the protagonists and their own stories just like this show is following the story of our new variant loki when people think of alternate timelines we tend to go by the rick and morty theory basically that there are an infinite number of parallel dimensions just like there are an infinite number of potential storylines so in one alternate reality nazis won the war then another everyone's a shrimp biftan and rules hill valley or amaya is alive and i think this used to be true in the mcu when there were multiple timelines before the tva won the war and created the sacred timeline but now alternate realities are simply branches off the sacred timeline created by nexus events alright so now back to the variant loki's i don't think they're from totally separate alternate realities where say people are phones and sit in pizza chairs or everyone is a wasp not all of it sorry dad oh don't be sorry sweetie we're all in this together all of these individual loki's represent deviations from a single decision that loki had made loki decides to take lance armstrong's place and win the tour de france this creates a deviation in the timeline loki is transformed into a troll or appears on earth as a nordic warrior these are deviations from the timeline by the way the great comic writer jason aaron recently tweeted this panel for mighty thor number three pointing out that all these variants are present in this issue very cool loki decides to rob at infinity stone a major deviation from the timeline like the ancient one says the infinity stones create what you experience as the flow of time remove one of the stones and upload splits but this doesn't explain sylvie did she turn herself into a woman after being raised a boy i think the show is going to explain her origin very soon but i've got a pretty dark theory that i'd like to share with you loki's gender is listed as fluid on his arrest form it makes sense he's lived his whole life as an illusionist a frost giant whose asgardian passing he was briefly reborn as a woman in the comics after ragnarok and in mythology he took on many forms including women so let's just say that loki is able to change his sex at will but odin found him as a boy in the aftermath of the battle i went into the temple and i found a baby and since odin clearly favors his sons couldn't stop us all imprisoned i love you my sons loki stayed in this form maybe mculoki doesn't even know that he can change his sex because he's never had to it's a subconscious ability like an octopus camouflaging itself or like those frogs that they talked about in jurassic park some west african frogs have been known to spontaneously change sex from male to female in a single sex environment so what if while laffy's dwarf infant son was dying on the rocks it spontaneously changed its sex and became a girl it's a decision that loki made so it would create a nexus event the tva stepped in immediately since this would be a major change to the timeline sylvie even displays other abilities that loki doesn't i did it myself you taught yourself that magic yeah i did so it makes sense that she could learn how to change her form at an early age or look i could just be overthinking this and maybe she was just born a girl so the tva has this baby loki you can't put a baby on trial they don't want to burn the baby alive so they raise it to be a member of the tva that way she'll live outside of the sacred timeline and can't do any harm plus they prune a lot of loki's so it might be good to have an extra one around but then she betrays them this explains why ravana rinslayer says this is a bad idea trusting this man is not a good idea and why others are so harsh to the new loki let me see the back of that jacket it would also explain why sylvie knows so much about the tva she used to work there she even confirmed in episode 3 that everyone at the tva is actually a brainwashed variant they're all variants just like us also she hates being called loki don't call me that this could be because she was raised to think that loki's were awful troublemakers who are constantly ruining the timeline when sylvie talks about being adopted she says i knew i was adopted what they told you yeah did they not tell you now loki assumed that she's talking about odin and friega after all finding out he was adopted was a seminal moment in his life so i am no more than another stolen relic but what if she's actually talking about the tva i told you yeah the tva raised her showed her loki's life and then taught her to hate and fear other loki's there's even a moment where she asks about frigga what was she like do you remember your mother your real mother like she's asking because she's never actually met her and now it's like the memories of her mother have been clouded over i barely remember her just blips of a dream at this point i have no memory of my mother she even talks like a tva agent like how she refers to the ark the ark never leaves because it's destroyed this is language that sounds like how the tva perceives time tva agents like mobius see time as movies that they can watch again again and again that exist on a fixed reel like when mobius says that's the proper flow of time and it happens again and again and again because it's supposed to because it has to it's very much like sylvie saying the ark never leaves because it's destroyed at some point sylvie discovered the tva was built on a lie and everyone is a variant so she escapes with full knowledge of how the tva and their technology operates her goal is to bring down the time keepers and destroy the tva but the question is why because as we see at the end of episode 2 she wants to restore the multiverse but by doing this she's also going to free the other variants then c20 here will be able to have her margaritas and mobius can go back to his jet ski there is a beautiful union of form and function which we call the jet ski now maybe her end goal is to restore her original timeline so at least some version of herself can grow up as a princess of asgard that's her perfect timeline in my perfect timeline you can watch pete and pete for free on streaming after all that show can teach us all a lesson about the dangers of a fascist regime trying to enforce perfection barbecues are supposed to be messy eating perfectly is imperfect what happens in your perfect timeline let me know in the comments below or at me on twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe for screen crush i'm ryan airy [Music] you
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 235,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Loki easter eggs, Loki, loke premiere, loki screencrush, what is tva, loki explained, loki breakdown, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, MCU, what is a time variant, is loki a villain, marvel easter eggs, lady loki, lady loki plan, every new timeline, loki easter eggs, jet ski, mobius, lamentis, sylvie, variants, loki variants explained, young sylvie, where does sylvie come from, how are there variants of loki if there's one sacred timeline
Id: GHH8G19wwkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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