LOKI: What Happens Next In the Broken AVENGERS ENDGAME Timelines? | Marvel Theory breakdown

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on behalf of the time variance authority i hereby arrest you for crimes against the sacred timeline welcome to the screen crush break room i'm ryan erie in the first episode of loki he goes on trial at the time variance authority for the crime of being a variant someone who exists outside the sacred timeline now in his defense he points out that the avengers were at fault for creating multiple timelines and then ravana rinslayer responds by saying what they did was supposed to happen you escaping was not [Laughter] this is basically saying that the good guys were always supposed to create branches in time because steve rogers was always going to return the infinity stones presumably after steve returned the stones the miniman showed up to reset that timeline and erase it from existence you have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them you're going to open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities but the ending of loki revealed that there is at least one other variant of loki running around the timeline could this version have been created by the avengers in ways the timekeepers could never foresee to answer that question let's look closer at these other timelines and ask ourselves what happened in these other timelines after the avengers borrowed their infinity stones we're going to show you how the avengers destroyed every single one of these universes and what that means for the loki tv series how do you plead guilty of a crime against the sacred timeline absolutely not you have the wrong person so let's start things off with a quick refresher of how time travel works in the mcu as explained by professor hulk you can't change your own past if you travel to the past that past becomes your future and your former present becomes the past which can't now be changed by your new future when you go back in time you create a new branching reality that doesn't affect your original timeline and therefore nothing changes in your own future why don't you explain this to me like i'm five all the time heisting an avengers end game resulted in multiple new branching timelines five to be exact possibly more each timeline is essentially its own parallel universe somewhere in the past the timeline skewed into this tangent creating an alternate 1985. as we saw in loki the tva polices these parallel realities if they stray too far away from the sacred timeline so this loki variant could actually be from one of these other timelines the avengers created also based on the time travel rules that the mcu set up once a branching timeline is created you can't undo it by going back in time because by doing so you literally end up creating another new timeline in the process so actually steve's trip back in time would have created more timelines and not fewer time travel so let's explore each branching timeline and how the avengers sort of broke all of them let's start with the 2012 timeline which is the one that gave us our new loki well i guess technically it's the old loki but you know what i mean the big change to this timeline is the three missing infinity stones the ancient one gave the time stone to bruce banner and captain america retrieved the mind stone then there's the space stone which pretty much fell into loki's lap and he used it to teleport away appears to be a standard sequence violation ranch is growing at a stable rate and slope variant identified i beg your pardon the tva protects the proper flow of time and if they try to fix the timeline they have their work cut out for them because the 2012 timeline was changed significantly firstly thanos won't be able to wipe out 50 of all life in the universe with three stones missing from the timeline he can't snap his fingers so that's good news for the universe and that's true in every new timeline the avengers created well that's good news but time is like a river changing one thing sends a temporal shock wave that shifts all the events that follow take loki for example he's missing from the 2012 timeline meaning he won't be taken back to asgard with the space stone which changes everything relating to loki he won't be there when the dark elves attack and there's a good chance friega won't die because remember he gave curse directions to her room you might want to take the stairs to the left also loki won't be there to banish odin to earth meaning that odin will remain in power and alive so hella will stay imprisoned and asgard won't be destroyed but that's not all the mine stone enhanced wanda and pietro maximoff without it they don't get their abilities well i mean okay in wanda's case the mind stone simply helped her unlock her inner scarlet witch quicksilver on the other hand well you know marvel's just kind of forgotten about him long lost bro get to squeeze his stinking sister to death or what she recast pietro it also means that neither vision nor ultron will be created because they were both born from the mind stone no ultron means sokovia won't be destroyed and zemo will have no reason to go after the avengers so there will be no civil war or sokovia accords also quicksilver won't die this time not that anyone cares more importantly there's no one division in this reality this is this is absurd i need to get my wife also the 2012 captain america is going to be pretty confused about the revelation that bucky is alive he might even take a leave of absence from the avengers to search for bucky and that hail hydra from captain america might be far more destructive than you think yeah it's a fun moment but just think about these ramifications hydra might suspect that they were infiltrated and exposed and they would make their move much sooner this time they might even be successful because captain america is running around the globe hunting down the winter soldier but here's the thing gank none of that will matter because no time stone means that nothing will stand in dormammu's way so reality is pretty much doomed that whole i came to bargain trick will be very hard to pull off without the time stone you know it'll be interesting to see if loki is actually able to change his ways and become a hero on this show after all thor already called him out for his lack of growth see loki life is about it's about growth it's about change but you seem to just want to stay the same i believe it's important for characters like loki you and me to challenge ourselves and learn new skills that's why i joined skillshare the sponsor of this video see i've spent the last few years working on a novel but i don't really know much about publishing or self-publishing and design or anything so i started skillshare classes to help me hone my novel and walk me through the self-publishing process and those are just a few of the thousands of classes that skillshare offers for creative people like you for less than ten dollars a month with an annual subscription next i'm going to start classes on comic book writing because that's always been a lifelong dream of mine and i'm also interested in starting my own podcast and there are classes on everything from what gear to buy to how to publish your episodes or maybe you're already an artist and you want to learn how to sell your work freelance then you can join one of skillshare's many business classes the site is here for you to learn so there are no ads this helps you stay focused and follow your own creative voice so we have a special deal for you the first 1000 of our subscribers who click the link in the description will get a free trial premium membership so you can explore your creativity do it now let's look at the 2013 timeline remember each timeline is now its own universe so all of those changes in the 2012 timeline won't affect the 2013 reality okay break it down in terms of i i'm okay i i think i'm getting you in 2013 thor and rockets stole the reality stone now this is a good thing since malakith won't be able to achieve his goals and cover the whole universe in darkness which is a terrible evil bad guy planned i'm gonna turn off the lights roar oh you think darkness is your ally you merely adopted the dark but the sad news is that mjolnir is gone lebowski thor stole it so he could feel better about himself remember thor is very attached to his hammer sounds like he had a pretty special and intimate relationship with this hammer and that losing it was almost comparable to losing a loved one it's a nice way of putting it so now 2013 thor will be left wondering what happened to his hammer never getting a resolution and that's just sad but remember that thor also needed his hammer to bring vision to life and even if tony did bring vision to life on his own the team wouldn't trust vision if he doesn't have a hammer to lift i'm not amused vision played a big role in helping the avengers stop ultron so no hammer means no vision which means ultron will destroy the earth boom the end start again next is the 2014 timeline which had some of the most drastic changes let's start with the soul stone without the stone presumably the red skull is free to leave warmer maybe his 70 years as a guardian will have helped him to reform his ways if only it were that easy or maybe not maybe now he has an even greater understanding of the cosmos and is more of a threat than ever i mean i could see the red skull hitching a ride off the planet and building up his own mercenary army of aliens to return to earth in the name of conquest but the most significant change to 2014 is the missing power stone this stone is the reason the guardians of the galaxy united in the first place without the stone it's unlikely they would have ever even met each other but what about gamora where is gamora yeah i'll do you one better who's gamora i'll do you one better why is gamora well gamora is missing from the timeline completely along with nebula thanos and all the baddies from sanctuary 2. they all traveled to the 2023 timeline and end game present nebula killed 2014 nebula and thanos and his whole army got dusted gamora is the only survivor and she stranded in 2023 this means that there's no thanos in the 2014 timeline seems like the universe is better off right wrong this universe is a grave danger don't forget about ego while it might take him longer sooner or later he will find peter and do the whole expansion thing grow and spread covering all that exists but without the help of the guardians of the galaxy star-lord won't stand a chance against his father so the universe is duped are you noticing a pattern yet we're doomed now let's go back to the 1970s [Music] after failing to retrieve the space stone from the 2012 timeline tony stark and steve rogers traveled to 1970 to fetch the tester act from camp lehigh plucking the space stone from the 70s is a serious change to the timeline since the blue gem played a crucial role in the mcu the avengers assembled in 2012 to stop loki but the space stone initiated the whole story without the stone to transport his army and loki it's doubtful that he would have ever invaded earth which means no avengers so maybe they will never assemble it all in this timeline carol danvers also got her powers from the tesseract without it she won't become captain marvel and that's not a good thing for the rest of the universe i'm covering a lot of territory the things that are happening on earth are happening everywhere on thousands of planets particularly the skrulls who would have been wiped out by the cree without her help and the missing space stone is very bad news for iron man as well it was howard stark's research with the tesseract that allowed tony to create a new element that stopped the palladium poisoning that new element upgraded the arc reactor in his chest and saved him from dying so in this new timeline tony doesn't make it past 2010 but none of that actually matters because the world would end much sooner anyways you're always with the drama you remember the cold war guys there was a lot of tension between the united states and the soviet union during the 1970s captain america and iron man stole both the space stone and some pen particles the camp lehigh security suspected that steve rogers was a spy and these two things might very well be what starts world war three nukes start flying around and that doomsday clock sure hits midnight real fast ooh that's bad from the ashes of this nuclear wasteland who assumes control hydra so yeah it seems like every one of these new alternate timelines will end in some terrible catastrophe this goes back to what the ancient one said about removing infinity stones from these timelines remove one of the stones and that close splits in this new branch reality our world would be overrun the stones are embedded in each reality removing one seems to always lead to a disaster so by saving their own timeline the avengers have doomed for others good job and i'm not even going to try to figure out how steve was even able to return the stones in the new new timelines without messing them up even more these timelines are so confusing but here's the thing even after returning the stones steve still messed with the time stream anyway by traveling to the 1949 timeline and living out the rest of his life with peggy there's no escape from it the more you time travel the more branching timelines you create and the more you undermine reality are we really going to pretend that steve rogers just lived his whole life since the 1940s and he never interfered with the timeline could you honestly say that captain america just stood by and unknowingly allowed all these bad things to happen if i see a situation pointed south i can't ignore it sometimes i wish i could no you don't no i don't and we actually talked about this alternate timeline in one of our falcon winter soldier theory videos basically steve creates a kind of perfect reality where everything goes just right and he forms the avengers in the 1950s but this perfect reality was created at the expense of all of these other broken timelines so which timeline does this new evil loki come from my guess is the 2013 timeline thor never regains his hammer malikith can't use the ether but he can invade asgard without thor at full strength the dark elves kill him and almost every other asgardian except loki surprise loki escapes now he's never been reformed by the events of ragnarok he realizes that time travel was the cause of asgard's destruction so he runs rampant through time on some brutal mission to stop the dark elves and maybe conquer the time stream for himself and all of this is because the avengers just had to bring back their friends and loved ones my wife and child are dead [Music] oh i don't care if it's mean regardless of how you cut it the flow of time has been royally screwed but these alternate realities offer a lot of possibilities for the mcu this is how marvel can introduce the multiverse and explore parallel earths in the what if show there is something so awesome about seeing how things would have played out differently with the mcu events and i've been obsessed with this stuff ever since the mirror universe and star trek it's always a great chance to tell some cool stories and this is a good way to bring back some familiar faces to the mcu anyways this was a recap of all the broken mcu timelines did we miss any big changes to the timeline which timeline do you think is the most broken let me know in the comments below or at me on twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe for screen crush i'm ryan airy [Music] you
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 313,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Loki easter eggs, Loki, loke premiere, loki screencrush, what is tva, loki explained, loki breakdown, marvel, marvel cinematuc universe, MCU, what is a time variant, is loki a villain, marvel easter eggs, how do timelines work in loki, loki timelines explained, what did the avengers do wrong, why aren't the avengers in trouble, avengers endgame timelines
Id: xVCva1HVwUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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