GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 3 Breakdown! - Every EASTER EGG and Marvel Reference!

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it really is good to have friends hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan Erie and this is all the Easter eggs references and little things you might have missed in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3. so in addition to talking about the Easter eggs and MCU connections I'm going to go into a little bit of detail about what we think this movie is going to lead to in the Multiverse Saga and we're going to touch on the larger themes of the movie and of this entire Trilogy we're also going to be exploring this movie in future videos to subscribe and ring the bell so you don't miss a thing cause you don't want to miss a thing now first of all the Marvel Studios intro is entirely filled with images of the Guardians of the Galaxy because this is the last one of these particular films in this form James Gunn has written or co-written and directed every movie in this Trilogy and the Guardians of the Galaxy are very personal to him when Gunn completed the script for volume 3 he tweeted this image which read every bit of my heart and now we understand why this movie was gut-wrenching action-packed and one of the best MCU movies ever made if you disagree let me know in the comments it's also gun's last movie for Marvel Studios now I'm not going to get into the entire back and forth but he's the new co-president of DC Studios creating a fresh take on the DC Cinematic Universe that's why these credits are the beginning of this farewell to this iteration of the Guardians now the Marvel intros always begin with comics and then show screenplays and in this one the first line we read is Showtime a-holes which is from here Showtime a-holes but it's also James Gunn telling the audience Showtime a-holes hello what's the earth stand for uh Apple Opera horse got it you silly alcohol oh yeah apples that makes me hungry oh you know what I am starving Doug I'm gonna have some lunch here do you want some person are you at a raw ground beef yeah um raw ground beef they're gonna gross out other human customers like that started in people food or I'm gonna have to let you go you're right I met a lot of really bad choices now back to what I was saying so we start with the origin of Rocket which continues to work as narrative interludes throughout the movie The Rocket flashbacks are not only filling in his tragic backstory but they also work as counterpoints to what's happening in the present day usually when something good happens in the flashback something bad happens in the present and vice versa it's a pretty common screenwriting technique that each scene should begin with the characters either up or down and then end in the opposite way like a roller coaster so it stays exciting it's very clever that gun use the rocket flashbacks to pull the audience on this emotional roller coaster all the other raccoons shy away from the hand reaching into their cage but rocket is the only one who is curious about this hand this is important for a few reasons one it shows Rockets innate curiosity and intelligence you could even say this is him showing Consciousness the high evolutionary spins the whole movie trying to discover what makes rocket special and here I think it's implied that since he was a kid he had a spark of Consciousness or a soul when the hand reaches in for a moment its frame like this panel of the Sistine Chapel where God grants life to Adam but as well as World season one pointed out to me that image cleverly hid God inside the human brain implied that the true gift of Consciousness came from within our own minds and the same can be true of Rocket who has a higher intelligence which thus might Grant him Consciousness or assault that image of God and Adam comes into play later on which is also important for a huge future story in the MCU that I am going to talk about a little bit later so right at the beginning we have this idea that rocket has a soul the opening song is Creep by Radiohead featuring lyrics like I want a perfect body I want a perfect Soul it's easy to see where these apply to Rocket and to the rest of the guardian's team they're all broken some of them have mangled flesh like rocket nebula and Gamora but most just have Tangled Souls like well I mean everybody except swole group the chorus of creep goes but I'm a creep I'm a weirdo what the hell am I doing here I don't belong here which is how all the Guardians really feel inside all the time like they're all broken people who don't deserve the love of others it's a perfect opening song oh my God what what are you eating oh what this way this is herb crusted chicken with mashed cauliflower and almond green beans it's delicious too you or to trigger route to some fancy restaurant to get that because it's not your break time no no Doug this is not takeout and I didn't make this this is a meal from Factor America's number one ready to eat meal kit this meal is delicious and nutritious the thing is look I'm a busy guy but I hate cooking but I still want to eat healthy without you know spending a fortune so now I can skip the grocery store with a factor meal that is delivered straight to my door always fresh and never Frozen the meals are ready in just two minutes and are only around 550 calories per serving plus they offer more than 34 Chef prepared meals everything from keto calorie smart to vegan and more which is part of the Gourmet plus selection so I've been using factor for several months now and I've noticed a really big difference in my day-to-day life on certain days I'm just really busy and the thought of trying to find something to eat really stresses me out and there's also those nights of the week when no one in the house feels like cooking and that makes these meals perfect for that I actually don't know where I would be without Factor eating raw hamburger tasty tasty raw hamburger actually Doug it was actually Rice Krispies and red velvet cake still not very good for you though so you have to give factor a try head to and use my promo code screen Crush 40 to get 40 off your first Factor box thanks again to factor for sponsoring this video now back to the Easter eggs so then we go to Nowhere the headquarters of the Guardians the Galaxy just like it is in the comics nowhere is the severed head of a Celestial like the ones that we met in the eternals and like ego Peter's dad you'll remember that nowhere was in the first movie where it was the headquarters of The Collector now then it was a dingy mining operation with people siphoning off the brain stem fluid from this course but now things seem to have been cleaned up the Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special revealed that the Guardians have bought nowhere from The Collector ever since buying nowhere from The Collector we don't have time for trivialities like Christmas and now we see families regular folks and Christmas parties we got you Kevin Bacon as a present you got me a human being as a present and this opening scene mantis is dancing foreshadowing the ending of the movie when all the Guardians dance together on the streets Groot and nebula are hanging up a sign that reads Guardians of the Galaxy that's in their actual movie logo font but also so this is written in the cree alphabet this is a really neat way to show that the Guardians have become a kind of a galactic institution like Lando Calrissian these Scoundrels have turned respectable Eric Voss over New Media rockstars made a great observation that the Nova Corps used to be Galactic cops but now that Thanos has decimated xandar that role of Galactic police has fallen to the Guardians of the Galaxy and the holiday special we even saw Peter doing paperwork yeah we're planning our whole week like old people Now Rocket is listening to Peter Zune which we saw in the last movie now a lot of you may not remember zoons they were Microsoft's answer to the iPod Peter got this one from Cracklin after his dad destroyed his Walkman he's got 300 songs on it 300 songs this is a fun way to have the Guardians listen to music from outside the 1970s in Infinity war and in volume 3. but also the Zune was a gift from yondu after he died so just like the Walkman was a gift from Meredith quill his mom his surrogate dad yandu left him the gift of Music this is why he's so protective of the Zune when rocket holds it later on now the camera moves around as we get reacquainted with the different Guardians such as the Rivalry between craglin and Cosmo now Cosmo is one of my favorite Guardians of the comics and I'm really glad that she got a chance to shine in this movie and the comics Cosmo was a dog sent into space by the Russians who was then bombarded with cosmic rays and got telepathic and telekinetic abilities Cosmo was based on Leica a dog the Russians sent into space who was actually the first creature from earth to travel into outer space Oh I bet that puppy got a real big parade when she came back to Earth she appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy 1 what if and the holiday special and now she's voiced by Maria bakalov from borat's subsequent movie film how many other girls are gonna live in here with me Cosmo is head of security on nowhere in the comics and in the movie around nowhere we also see the lizard racing bar where the Guardians got drunk in volume one these lizards are called the orlani and in this movie we also see one on Peter's shirt right here just as Rocket finds Peter passed out drunk where Peter calls him a raccoon and then rocket denies that he's a raccoon and we see this all through the movie with different people calling him squirrel Badger Arya and Thor caught him rabbit and infinity War the rabbit is correct and clearly the smartest among you yes but actually he called him rabbit for a good reason now that movie was filled with people calling things by the name of other things Let It Go Grimace means get lost Squidward but Thor had probably never seen a raccoon before because they're native to North America and he visited midgard in the Middle Ages in Europe before Europeans traveled to the new world but calling rocket cruel raccoon based nicknames has been in all the movies Ranger Rick what are you doing and meant trash Panda and that was all leading up to this movie where rocket finally embraced his roots but more on that in just a bit there's a morose scene where the Guardians all take passed out Peter to bed as the title comes up on screen and think about how this contrasts with the other Guardians openings the first movie opened with Peter dancing now this was actually him being very lonely and masking that loneliness with music after all that Walkman was a connection to his dead mother now the second movie showed the Guardians as a functional family getting over their loneliness by working together it's also presented through the point of view of New Life Baby Groot but this movie intro shows a group that is still coping with the death of a loved one Gamora after Thanos killed her in Infinity War but she's in this movie yes but this version of Gamora is from 2014 and then she traveled with Thanos to 2023 to fight The Avengers but she turned on Thanos so when Tony dusted thanos's troops she was spared oh yeah okay thanks and by the way major major props to James Gunn for how well he Incorporated the death of Gamora into this movie it was not his decision to kill her in Infinity War but he rode with it and then he used her death to further everybody's character growth and to create a new compelling version of Gamora from 2014. so those first two movies opened with sequences where the characters were masking their pain with dancing or with violence but this opening shows us that pain set to a very Moro song which is a sign that in this movie The Guardians are finally going to reach an emotional catharsis Peter sleeps beneath hysteria one of the few things salvaged from the Milano in volume one it was also on the Benetar the ship the Guardians used in volume 2 all the way through love and thunder but now they've upgraded to a huge new ship called the Bowie named after of course the Sovereign from The Venture Brothers or maybe it was named after Ziggy Stardust himself David Bowie whose song moonage Daydream appeared on the soundtrack for Guardians 1. Gunn actually wanted Bowie to cameo in Guardians 2 but Bowie's passing away in 2016 prevented that dream casting so the ship the Bowie was named in his honor back to Nowhere we see rocket wearing the gravity boots that will be important later in the movie not unlike the crucial gravity boots in Star Trek 6 the Undiscovered Country looking for sir two pairs of gravity boots Crag one is still trying to master the use of yondu's Arrow now we saw him doing this in the Guardians 2 post credit scene and in the holiday special we told Kevin Bacon about the trouble he was having uh that is a device for controlling a Flying Arrow but I ain't quite got the hang of it yet craglin of course is played by Sean Gunn brother to James and he is the stand-in for rocket on set now he's always been a fun side character in these movies and I was really glad to see him get an arc in this film that also served as a nice bookend to the legacy of yondu but more on that just a little bit after Cosmo shows off her own telekinesis Cracklin calls her a bad dog he cursed her what a bad dog he cannot say that word you cannot say that word even we do not say those words okay I'm sorry I get it now I understand why Cosmo also objects to being called a BD no even saying that puts the word in my head bad person I'm sorry let's let's please move on so this opening scene is a lot of fun but it also serves a few story function it introduces us to the area of nowhere where the final battle takes place it also gives us a chance to watch the Guardians hang out again and shows us what they've been up to for instance nobody bothered to tell Craig when the Gamora was still alive which also gives some members of the audience a chance to go oh yeah she was is she live how did that what happened in the game again because it's been a few years when they talk about Peter being depressed mantis refuses to use her powers to make him happy saying that it's wrong to emotionally manipulate friends which is hilarious because as we see later she manipulates Drax all the time to make him feel good about himself and then I'm going yes Adam Warlock shows up now this is one of my all-time favorite characters from the comics Will Poulter is perfect casting and I really hope that we see him again in the MCU personally I think it was way underused in this movie but the story is supposed to be focused on the guardian so I'll forgive it so let's think about this movie more as an origin story for warlock foreshadowing future appearances like Civil War did for Peter Parker [Music] so I just want to nerd out for a little bit about Adam Warlock and explain who he is in the comics he was created by a group of scientists on Earth called The Enclave they look just like the white jumpsuit wearing people who worked for the high evolutionary so I'm going to assume they're the same group in the MCU The Enclave wanted to create a perfect being who they called him just like in this movie him hatched from a cocoon a little too early so he's still very much in a childlike State now in the MCU Adam was one of the Sovereign the gold people from guardians 2. remember these people prided themselves on Perfection and genetic Purity every citizen is born exactly as designed by the community impeccable both physically and mentally and of course in volume 2 Aisha leader of the Sovereign leads her people against the Guardians and their entire force was wiped out Aisha valve Revenge as teased in the post-credits scene I think I shall call him Adam in this movie it's revealed that the high evolutionary actually created The Sovereign which makes perfect sense he's trying to create the perfect life forms and it connects to Adam so well because they have all this history in the comics so uh let me explain the high evolutionary in the comics he was an earth scientist named Herbert Windham who in the 1920s was a colleague of Mr Sinister my name is [Music] just like in the movie The High evolutionary is obsessed with creating a perfect species of furthering human evolution so he basically adopts Adam as his son and gives him his name so Adam goes on to become this incredibly great weird Cosmic hero now he was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and then really fleshed out by Roy Thomas and Gail Kane but the writer Jim Starlin really took Adam on his most famous Adventures Starlin is a brilliant writer who wrote most of the stories that the infinity Saga was inspired by in fact he Cameo to end game right here he would go down to Battery Park drop acid and just walk North and think all this stuff up see warlock was the first superhero of counter earth like he kind of is in this movie more on counter Earth than a bit he also had a bond with the Soul Stone which in the comics is this like parasitic stone that kind of feeds off Souls of others so Adam travels the universe with Pip Patrol Gamora and even has kind of a frenemy relationship with Thanos my favorite storyline with warlock is when he encountered an evil version of himself from the future who founded a massive church that conquered the universe it's so good and weird and I really hope we see it in movies anyways warlock once defeated Thanos and then was trapped in so world that's the pocket Dimension inside the Soul Stone that we saw in Infinity War he left so world when Thanos created The Infinity Gauntlet and warlock got the gauntlet expelled all good and evil from himself and then was forced to divide the gems into a super team called the infinity watch now I bring this up because the infinity watch was actually a precursor to this version of the Guardians of the Galaxy with members including Gamora and Drax and everybody else was kind of an all-around anti-hero or a misfit great comic and its DNA runs through these Guardians movies so when warlock shows up out of nowhere it sets the song Crazy On You by heart the song's lyrics are about the singer wanting to vendor frustrations about the World by making love all night going crazy on you but in the movie the lyrics are more about Adam being forced to fight the Guardians of the Galaxy and being frustrated at his lack of agency he basically exists as a living weapon whose only function is to go crazy on you now in the comics Adam draws his power from the Soul Stone and uses it as a weapon but in the movie The Power seems to radiate from within him The Sovereign call him the Warlock so his function in this Society must be to become this all-powerful protector of his people remember every role in Sovereign Society is designed specifically for a reason now when he attacks nebula fights him off with her brand new nanotech arm James Gunn confirmed that the arm was a gift from rocket which Eric Voss from new Rockstar's guest was because he was so grateful that she gave him Bucky's arm for Christmas [Music] after Adam takes down Groot he becomes a head with spider legs which is very similar to Babyface and Toy Story and actually floor in the flashbacks we be called floor because me is lying on floor but all of these are inspired by the transformation of the thing and John Carpenter's The Thing ooh never not creepy I am Spider-Girl spider-gert I'm a very spider girl well done high five and the opening also shows us how ineffective craglin is with the arrow he has a mental block because he's not trying to use the arrow he's trying to be yondu somebody who looms large in his thoughts yondu even had gold teeth and craglin has silver because it's like he sees himself as second best like how Dick Grayson can never be his earned Batman exactly High Five by the way everyone if you like what we do here at the channel then you might like this Doug Rocket shirt at our merch store at wow that is actually very cool why thank you we have lots of fun teas at the merch shop like our somehow the emperor returned original trilogy T and this new Wizard tea with Doug Cruz in the galaxy in an N1 shopping merch store is a great way to support our channel so check out the link in the description now during the fight Drax throws Adam into the guardian sign breaking it foreshadowing how the Guardians will break apart at the end of this movie Adam ends up beating down Drax in almost the exact same spot where Ron and the accuser beat the hell out of him and Guardians 1. Adam also tears nebula apart and she reassembles herself very much like the little girl in the rink this is reinforcing how nebula is a broken person both mentally and physically and this movie is all about finding the value in broken things rocket takes a beating in this fight and Peter tries to revive him accidentally running up against what's basically a firewall in his software the high evolutionary implanted proprietary technology within rocket so he set these safeguards to make sure that nobody could examine him without a passcode so as Rocket begins to die in the past we see him being given new life we see these experiments that made him who he is which were hinted at here I didn't ask to be torn apart and put back together over and over turned into some there's a little monster he's tattooed with the subject name 89p13 which was on his police record in the very first movie and Rocket's very first word is hurt but immediately after learning there is pain in the world he learns that friendship can soothes that pain as Lila gives his wound a cool cloth now in the comics Lila is from a planet called half world where everybody is like an animal human hybrid she is also the soul mate of Rocket Raccoon and they have a similar bond in the movie she's been mentioned in the MCU before on Rocket's mugshot as an associate now I think this must be because early in Rocket's career he was arrested and when they asked about his associates or his friends he answered Lila man that is sad it sure is now Lila is voiced by Linda Cardellini who is already in the MCU as Laura Barton AKA Mockingbird but maybe Gunn brought her back because she was Velma in the Scooby-Doo movies that he wrote and she was also in his movie Super before the Guardians head out Peter has an argument with Drax over killing people not kill anyone kill a few people he'll know people and the thing is they started their relationship with Peter convincing Drax to spare someone's life she betrayed he's coming back for her and when he does that's when you and explaining morality to Drax is an awful lot like the ending of Guardians one if someone does something personal and I decide to remove his spine that's actually murder but there's also foreshadowing in this line kill one guy one stupid guy who no one loves now as far as I can tell the Guardians do kill one stupid guy who no one loves the technician who has Rockets code so as Rocket is nine in the present in the past he has found new life with his friends as he dances to Since You've Been Gone by rainbow now this is a cheerful Bop with really dour lyrics about somebody missing their loved one and this fits perfectly into this movie as Rocket is remembering his good times with his friends who have now in the future left him as we see these animals delighted in their imperfections we cut to the man who is obsessed with perfection as we see these animals delighted in their imperfections we cut to the man who is obsessed with perfection the high evolutionary now I already mentioned that he was from Earth and the comics but he also has a way weirder backstory than that his first base of operations was on Mount one degree like we saw in the Multiverse of Madness that's where he created the new men the human animal hybrids that we see in this movie and it's also where Wanda and PHR maximoff were born and he worked there with spider woman's dad weirdly enough the new men also became kind of sci-fi Knights of Camelot who defended one to Gore from the forces of c'thon so it's probably a good thing to like Pare down his story in this movie just like in the movie he created counter Earth but it sat opposite orbit from Earth Earth and it was filled with humans just like in the movie though counter Earth failed to be a Utopia so the high evolutionary tried to kick-start The evolutionary process on earth like in the excellent evolutionary War crossover in 1988 in uncanny Avengers we do finally see him without a mask revealing that the man obsessed with perfection is himself imperfect just like the end of this movie he is played by Chuck Woody iwuji who Gunn previously worked with on Peacemaker do you all want to be here so tomorrow so I don't want to see her overnight so there's no cable far goes on tonight it was a rhetorical question interesting bit of trivia his screen test for this movie was actually filmed by the Disney rival Studio Warner Brothers when Gunn was filming Peacemaker in return Marvel filmed Ezra Miller's Peacemaker Cameo while Gunn was filming Guardians 3. and all because we worked together then the Guardians go to the orgoscope before just grown from living tissue organic technology is kind of a Mainstay in science fiction that we don't see much in the MCU but like species 8472 used it in Star Trek Voyager this place is the home of a rate Laboratories and a rate means perfect so it's no surprise that this place is owned by the high evolutionary to raise money for his Planet building projects as they approach the lab we're reminded of gamora's death with Peter telling nebulid everyone he loved has died his mom yandu and Gamora this is Revisited later when Manta cyranos Jackson to telling Pete that he's hopping across lily pads instead of facing up to his grief metaphor now all of this is eventually setting up his return to earth now when Drax does this Peter points out that he's actually using a metaphor correctly which we learned in the first movie is not something his species can do metaphors are going to go over his head nothing goes over my head my reflexes are too fast reiterates that Gamora is dead to them and then he offers Peta azargnut the snack that we saw levitating in thin air and infinity War standing still that I'd become invisible to the eye you're eating a zarg nut Peter tells mantis that people on Earth die when they're 50. people on Earth die when they're like 50. and he probably thinks this because when he was a kid on earth 50 must have seemed like really old to him and then Gamora does show up with the ravagers it makes total sense that the deadliest woman in the universe would join with this group of Outlaws and bad boys and it's also a great payoff from introducing the OG Guardians in volume 2. what do you mean OG Guardians well the Guardians of the Galaxy originally debuted in 1969 and the lineup that we see in the volume 2 post-credits scene is a reflection of that original team Stallone is takar ogor the hero Starhawk from the comics we also had martinex voiced by Michael rosenbaumbelex Lutheran Smallville and Mainframe who was voiced by Miley Cyrus who did not return in this movie and instead Mainframe was voiced by Loki actress Tara Strong Volume 2 also featured cameos by Ving Rhames as charlie27 and Oscar winner Michelle yo as Elena now she of course joined the MCU in the movie Shang Chi and I'm guessing she was that too busy being awesome to Cameo and Guardians three now I do wonder if Marvel would have done more with this team if Gunn hadn't been fired because there were rumors that he was actually going to supervise the cosmic side of the MCU but now I guess we'll never know and we also have the return of Kruger this worm guy who you'll notice is using a magic spell to create a laughing emoji so in the comics crew gar is from the same universe as the original Guardians where he is the sorcerer Supreme and even wears the same Cape as Doctor Strange now these original Guardians who also included yondu were originally each the last of their species making them all lonely Misfits and that same Spirit has carried over into the DNA of these Guardians movies now like I said earlier I really loved gamora's interplay with the Guardians in this movie Zoe Saldana was able to create basically a new character it also allows her to play with some fun callbacks like how she's the one who now doesn't understand Groot you're all just making up stuff that he's saying right kind of like how the series begins with Peter not understanding him foreign you said that it's also great that Gamora does not rejoin the team it means that her original death still has stakes and it also shows how the Guardians have to cope with loss and learn how to move on with their lives and then we go to a flashback of young Rockets sitting on the lap of the high evolutionary where he watches Rockets now this I think is the crucial scene in the entire movie The High evolutionary starts off the same telling rockets that the music's lyrics are be not as you are but as you should be which is another way of telling rocket that he is imperfect and will never be good enough the high evolutionary even explains that he sees himself as somebody who takes the cacophony of sounds in the universe and composes music with them but immediately after this rocket proves this is wrong the high evolutionary can't create sentient animals because they all turn out to be violent but rocket works out how to make a docile animal almost immediately and by the way I thought it was funny that the high evolutionary basically creates a Ninja Turtle coming back to this line from Peter in Guardians 1. Ninja Turtle you better stop poking me so all of the shows that rocket is capable of root thinking indefinable independent thought or Consciousness and this is something that the high evolution Mary cannot Define in the present day though the Guardians Don these large spacesuits which James Gunn has confirmed is a nod to the suits worn in 2001 A Space Odyssey and there's another reference to the movie and this shot calling back to the famous zero g run in that film and when the Guardians invade the Orca scope the entire facility is bathed in red interior light like when HAL 9000 shuts down you see now I could spend a whole video talking about this but 2001 is ultimately about the evolution of the human race and in the film this change is opposed by the computer HAL 9000 who is seeking out a more rigid inorganic Perfection this is mirrored by the unquantifiable skills of Rocket versus the rigid planning of the high evolutionary rocket is the space baby the high evolutionary is how 9000. I also like the design of this lab and how the security cameras were literal eyes and the monitors were eye shaped but also the yellow and gold interior reminded me of ego ship another vessel that was organically grown from a man who was obsessed with the idea that he could spread his own Perfection throughout the Universe and the head guard at the lab is played by Nathan Fillion he a firefly Fame shoot him shoot him politely fillian and Michael Roker have appeared in every James Gunn directed film Fillion even had a hilarious cameo in The Suicide Squad Annie voiced this guy in Guardians one check out the new meat yeah we're here Rosie audience too well that's a tricky one because when the expansion rolls past a movie theater on Earth three of the posters featured were of movie star turned superhero Simon Williams whose Wonder Man in the comics and now is going to be played by Yaya abdulmentin II but on these posters we've seen Nathan Fillion and a Conan spoof a romantic comedy and a spoof of the Toxic Avenger Toxic Avenger was made by the Indie Studio trauma where Gunn wrote his very first feature tremio and Juliet we also get a carrot-headed guy maybe he's from the quantum realm like broccoli man in quantumania and right here we see somebody eating a lizard called an orlani the same creature that Peter was kicking around on more AG also Daniela melakore plays the lab technician Ura that Peter charms and she also played rat catcher 2 in The Suicide Squad now I love that Peter got one last chance to charm someone in Guardians 1 during the prison breakout everybody had to use their special abilities but Peters was the kind of guy out of his leg you need my what Peter introduces himself to her as Patrick Swayze now who's that you did not just ask me who the sways is the tender Warrior ghost Roadhouse started dancing actually I've never seen dancing you've never seen Dirty Dancing okay all right this is getting out of hand moving on tracks briefly gets Pooh beared into the Flesh of the base as Nathan Fillion enters with his security team and one of them is played by Jennifer Holland who played Harcourt in Shazam Fury the gods post-credits scene and she was also one of the 11th Street kids and Peacemaker yeah and she's also married to James Gunn like any good heist things go immediately haywire when they lose their spacesuits and instead the Guardians have to break out of this facility like they broke out of the Kiln in part one their escape in volume 1 helped them to initiate the process of bonding together and their escape in this movie helps them to bond with this new Gamora Peter even reuses Rocket's trick of turning off the gravity to make the guards helpless when Peter tells Gamora about their past together she says whoever it was that you were in love with it sounds more like her which is a cool gag but it actually says a lot about nebula's character growth she learned good sportsmanship from Tony Stark and then spent five years mourning the loss of her sister she's had plenty of time to grow as a person and now she's become more like Gamora than Gamora self Rocket's code is encrypted into an orb that distorted a massive Vault not unlike the Imperial data storage in Rogue one and the way the orbs slide down seems very much inspired by the orbs and Minority Report and there is once again the Symmetry with the first Guardians where the McGuffin was an ore and just like in that movie Peter casually tosses this one around thank you we also hear about the species the high evolutionary has created including the anime The Sovereign and the xeronians now these Iranians were a very obscure alien race who appeared in the incredible hawk number 103. they were basically space parasites who made the mistake of messing with the Hulk when rocket is hanging out with Lila and the rest of his friends he says all he wants to do is to fly into space with his friends and that's actually exactly what he eventually gets to do with the Guardians of the Galaxy that's so nice it is it really is but there's another innocent life form who learns how to love in this movie and that is Adam Warlock after he accidentally kills a ravager by misinterpreting show him we mean business he feels bad because like the Guardians he is learning empathy for the first time that's actually murder one of the worst crimes of all afterwards he adopts blurp who is a fasaki now we saw a hairless fasaki fighting an orlani in the bar in volume 1. then Gamora unknowingly sends warlock their location kind of like how Drax intentionally told Ronan where to find the Guardians in volume 1 and then the Guardians traveled to counter Earth in their shiny new ravager suits which looks like they're modeled after Rocket's costume from the comics as they enter counter Earth the song playing is Do You Realize by The Flaming Lips from their album Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots this is an amazing concept album that ties in so well to this movie it's about an Android named Yoshimi who guest battles she does battle Pink Robots but the whole album is also about machines learning to love and how we all have to find our place in the universe especially the song Do You Realize with two question marks it is about somebody realizing that life is a miracle the lyrics go do you realize we're floating in space and that everyone you know someday will die which sounds like a nihilistic Outlook which is kind of where the guardian started off at the start of this trilogy but the song ends with the lyric instead of saying all your goodbyes let them know you realize that life goes fast it's hard to make the good things last you realize the sun doesn't go down it's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round and think about this in the context of rocket and the other Guardians yes everyone will die like Gamora and Rocket's friends but that just means that you have to hold on to the good things that make you happy and that final line encourages you to have a galactic perspective the sun doesn't go down the Earth just rotates around it so it's all part of a much larger plan a galactic tapestry in which you get to play a small part yeah that's a good song Choice yeah it really is now look there's also a lot about this movie that I want to talk about about the symbolism the meaning and all that but I only have so much time and we're going to be making more videos so be sure to subscribe for those video essays I will say that the ongoing theme of this movie and kind of of the whole series is this push and pull between Perfection and imperfection the high evolutionary believes that if something isn't perfect it's useless but the Guardians represent this idea that we are defined by our imperfections and that our flaws are what makes us special so it's appropriate that the ideal University High evolutionary creates is based around the suburbs suburbs or planned communities built originally in the 1950s to provide ant-like Conformity to the human race following World War II this idea of the perfect nuclear family kind of permeated advertising and television and one Division and I think the best course of action is to impress the husband so of course the high evolutionary emulates this artificial Perfection which persisted throughout 20th century America on this alternate Earth the Statue of Liberty is replaced with a high evolutionary holding a monkey a nod to The evolutionary principle that the human race evolved from primates you also might say this is a kind of reference to the Tim Burton Planet of the Apes film a bad movie with an incredible ending where the Apes conquer the Earth with a Time Vortex that ending made no sense did it that ending made perfect sense and we made a video to prove it now the high evolutionary base this society around earth when he visited the planet to me this looks like the late 70s or early 80s right around the time Peter was born it's yet another subtle way to nudge Peter into returning to Earth because this is roughly how he would have remembered it the animal people throw stones at the Guardians and stoning was a Biblical practice for punishing Heretics in this case the Guardians are challenging the idea that the high evolutionary is an infallible deity then they tell Groot to go Kaiju mode imitating the giant monsters from such films as Pacific Rim and Godzilla but Peter earns the trust of the bat lady by offering her a cloth for her wound very similar to how rocket and Lila became friends the music playing at the house has a synthetic pop sound similar to the songs of Vocaloid robot Idols like Hatsune Miku but I gotta say my favorite moment and the whole movie is when nebula can't open a car door open the door it's just so relatable for the hundreds of times people have pulled the handle when you're trying to unlock a door when someone else lifts the handle this is also the first F-bomb in the MCU after a few near misses like this or like this what the or like this but the best F-bomb in the MCU belongs to Baby Groot he says welcome to the freaking Guardians of the Galaxy only he didn't use freaking Gamora goes through Peter's childhood backpack which has a Pac-Man ghost patch and contains trading cards for the Garbage Pail Kids and out now both are great choices the Garbage Pail Kids are a twisted take on the Cabbage Patch Kids which showed these perfect dolls to be disgusting misanthrops like how the perfect Society of counter Earth is revealed to have a criminal underbelly and Alf was a sitcom about an alien living on Earth like how Peter is a guy from Earth who is living among aliens Peter and nebula arrive at the pyramid and are met by a pigment called War Pig who is voiced by Judy Greer who also plays Maggie Lang in the Ant-Man movies so just as the heroes are about to meet the high evolutionary and the flashback we find out how evil the high evolutionary really is rocket uses his makeshift key card to help his friends escape and then the high evolutionary kills Lila no oh please God no [Music] oh no I did not see that coming rocket tears apart his face making him forever imperfect in his own eyes before stealing a ship and escaping they would have been so happy flying flying through space together having little animal adventures in space I know buddy and also R.I.P teefs I feel like I should mention that he had a cockney accent like rock does in the comics I think my name Shelby thieves seeing Rockets lost though gives us a new perspective on this line my wife and childhood everybody's got dead people this is also why he pushes people away in volume two and you push away anyone who's willing to put up with you cause just a little bit of love reminds you how big and empty that hole inside you actually is mantis is carrying around a pinwheel lawn decoration and we saw her affinity for lawn decorations in the holiday special [Music] but I guess that's what it's here for so the high evolutionaries base is shaped like a pyramid because he sets himself up as a kind of God to these people the Eye of Providence on top of a pyramid on the dollar bill is supposed to represent the eye of God or is it hello later he even says that he had to step in and do God's job better than God could and the movie ends with a battle between the head of a dead God and the Temple of a false god and believe me we're going to cover all that in our deeper meaning explained video Peter calls him a cross between Skeletor and RoboCop because he wears a lot of purple like Skeletor does and the high evolutionary stretched face skin looks like RoboCop without his mask on so the high evolutionary detonates the planet because he only sees others as assets or things just as gradually across all these movies the Guardians have learned that there's more to life than making money and getting ahead they have learned to recognize the humanity in one another and most importantly they've learned to take joy in each other's Perfections mantis calls this out directly later on and she tells nebula to stop finding things that are wrong with people and that they love Drax because he's a big dumb idiot that's when you why would I put my finger finger up what then they find children locked in cages now these were supposed to be the next stage of the high evolutionaries experiments one of the kids joins the team by the end of the movie and her name is Phi Lavelle in the comics she is a genetically engineered combination of the original Captain Marvel Marvel and elysius who is an eternal from Titan much like Thanos so philavel is a highly Advanced genetic experiment that did join the Guardians of the Galaxy for a time and the comics just like she does in the movie also a bunch of kids in cages kind of similar to all those dead kid skeletons in volume two there's like a lot a child murder in these movies a bit yeah yeah then we get to the heartbreaking death of rocket excuse me well rocket did Flatline for a while and he meets Lila now we talked about this pretty extensively in our Indian explained video but I thought Lila was implying that Rocket's Destiny was being Guided by a higher being in our vid we speculated that this could be he who remains Kank or maybe the one who sits above the table check out that full video for more the Guardians contact nowhere where a few Supporting Cast members are having a card game we got Cosmo Howard the Duck and the broker the broker of course is played by Christopher Fairbanks ooloff and Andor and he was this guy in Batman you I'm Batman and Cosmo is still upset that crackle called her never mind so Gamora saves Rocket's life after seeing how much he means to the others and Drax shows off his best dad dance moves that we've seen since Hopper and stranger things [Music] there's also a funny moment where they try to communicate with philavel through the bars which seemed like a callback to this tell me you guys have a refrigerator somewhere with a bunch of seven human toes so then things really amp up Crag one and Cosmo transport nowhere to the pyramid turns out that nowhere's eyes are also cannons maybe that was something that they added or maybe the celestials could always shoot lasers from their eyes and maybe the Cannons are powered by that same spinal fluid that the collector was mining on nowhere in volume one in the third act we find out why mantis has become such a key part of this team her superpower is basically empathy the ability to relate to or feel another's emotions telepaths no thoughts empaths feelings and the Guardians arcs over three movies has been to learn how to empathize with others mantis uses this power to tame the obelisks remember the Guardians fought one of these multi-dimensional monsters in volume 2 but mantis was not in that fight if she had been then she would have just empathized with them the fight would have been over the high evolutionaries weird spider goo troops break into nowhere skull and then craglin has to finally step up and use the arrow he sees a vision of Michael Rooker as yandu repeating the words that he told Peter I don't use my head to fly the arrow I use my arm now this inspired Peter to remember all the happy times in his life and what he had to fight for but cragland wasn't there at that moment so either Peter told him about this or yondu told cragland the same thing in the past or this was yondu's actual ghost could have been Buddy and in another full circle moment Cosmo saves cracklin's life and he calls her a good dog it was just virtue signaling okay so in the first movie after the Guardians decide to fight Ronan together they all share a slow motion walk a visual expression of their new unity and in this movie when Gamora finally decides to fight with them they reenact an even bigger slow motion walk it's the Counterpoint to the opening titles of this film which was about the Guardians being broken but now this slow motion walk is about them coming together the walk is set to No Sleep till Brooklyn by the Beastie Boys a badass Jam about the Beastie Boys touring and straight up taking care of business like the Guardians are about to do in their hallway fight now the hallway fight is edited to look like a one-take shot with a lot of CGI Transit in between and this is just like so great with so many callbacks like how rocket is firing from groot's shoulder like in the Kiln Escape afterwards Groot spares Adam and says that everybody deserves a second chance just like how all the Guardians were criminals or Misfits at some point now at first they're only going to go back and save the higher life forms but rocket internally questions this at one point he and his friends would have been considered lower life forms so kind of like Pee-wee Herman he just keeps going back in to save more animals now the moment he sees that he was indeed once a raccoon makes him finally reconcile with his past trauma and he Embraces his name from the comics Rocket Raccoon this is the inverse of how the high evolutionary and system Cohen rocket by his number designation and it seems inspired by Javert and Les Mis who always call John Valjean by his prisoner number yes 24601 after the Guardians take down the high evolutionary Gamora peels off his face and I can't believe they can show that in the PG-13 movie and me neither but then again you know what this was 3D [Music] that's disgusting Peter then goes back for the Zune that yondu left him and then he almost dies like yondu in the vacuum of space turns out though that you can't survive in space for 90 seconds and this is also a call back to Peter nearly dying inside Space gas in volume one and when Adam saves Peter they strike the exact same pose as God touching Adam to give life in the Sistine Chapel bringing this full circle with Rocket's origin these are both moments where characters are given a chance at new life this is also like Peter going back for his Walkman after he broke out of the Kiln now when he's safe he asks if that looked cool which is a call back to a few things like when Groot flew the ship into the orgoscope and when mantis wrote the Obelisk but all of these are kind of callbacks to this you look like is he cool hell yeah so then the Guardians decide to go their separate ways Gamora goes back to the ravagers and Peter accepts that his Gamora is gone forever so he decides to return to Earth mantis also goes off on her own and by the way mantis is such a great weird character in the comics with this whole thing where she gives birth to space Jesus and marries Tony Dalton's character from Hawkeye we're going to talk about her way more in a new video we also think that she's got a big role to play in the Multiverse Saga that we're going to cover in a future video so rocket is made leader of the Guardians or the captain calling back to this gag in Infinity War let me just ask the captain Oh wait a second it's me afterwards they all give Peter the ravager salute nebula decides to stay on nowhere to build a civilization after spending most of her life destroying civilizations as part of thanos's Army and the really strange part of this is when Groot says I love you guys yeah the citizen to speak people well I don't think so because none of the other Guardians like react to him saying this what I think happens here is that the audience can Now understand group because we have been on this journey together with him and we have learned to empathize eyes with these characters we are one of the Guardians ourselves and we can finally speak Groot and Peter leaves his Zune for Rocket riding on an Alf poster that he actually went back for the Zune to give it to his friend because he knew how much this music meant to him and then there's a dance party on nowhere a call back to the first movie which ended with the dance off to save the universe and then with Baby Groot dancing Peter goes to see his grandpa Jason and in the comics his father was not ego he was a space Monarch called Jason of spartax now we covered the Indian amposed credit scenes in our ending explained video but I'm going to mention that Adam joins the team like he does in the comics and the movie ends with come and get your love bookending the entire Trilogy in the first movie this song was a promise that Peter was going to find love and in this movie we see that promise fulfilled there's also a call back to Kevin Bacon's abduction in the holiday special in the final newspaper headline here and guys that's our video it's a long one so thanks for watching this far keep it subscribed here for more Guardians content and I can't wait to keep talking to you guys about this movie and just a reminder everybody to take the hassle out of eating healthy give factor a try head to factor 75 dot com and use my promo code screen Crush 40 to get 40 off your first Factor box but we want to hear from all of you about this what did you think of Guardians 3 let me know down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy foreign [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 829,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guardians of the galaxy 3 breakdown, screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, Guardians of teh galaxy 3 breakdown, guardians of teh galaxy 3 breakdown, guardians of the galaxy 3 breakdown new rockstars, guardians of the galaxy 3 breakdown reaction, screencrush star wars, guardians of the galaxy 3 trailer breakdown, guardians of the galaxy vol 3 trailer breakdown, guardians of the galaxy 3 new trailer breakdown, adam warlock
Id: m-lYtodYMLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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