Logic Pro X: Sends, Buss & Aux (Beginners guide)

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sends buses auxes what are they how to use them so I'm just going to show you my process of using sends buses and auxes and how it will help you with your mixes and your logic pro workflow shout out packbat907 for the video idea your input and support is appreciated so first off we're going to talk about send so once you click on sends you're going to see a whole list of buses so all you're doing is sending a signal or a group of signals on a bus on a journey to the olds channel so we're going to click last one that's our send now that's created an all's Channel now the reason why you do this is because on that watch now I can treat all those vocals or specific group of instruments or drums or whatever it is in one place rather than individually putting plugins on each inserting plugins on each Channel which is going to kill CPU so if you're struggling for CPU then this is an ideal way to to save some CPU so with that all Channel we're going to call that Reverb no let's go with Reverb I'm going to put a Reverb on that or whatever effects you want to put in there so now that you've put everything on a bus you can treat all your vocals as if it was in one space so if you've got a Reverb and it's a whole Reverb all your sounds are going to be in that Hall and this will make this will help to glue your whole mix all the vocals your instruments your drums you can send a tiny piece or as much as you want to that particular Reverb or whatever effects that you're using on that bus on that August Channel so bus one we're going to send all the vocals to reverb to the Reverb aux Channel you can choose how much you want to send simply by just turning a dial let's hear it yeah I'm pretty but I'm like that I don't double put the Dukes up I tell them apologies let's try this second verse here yeah I'm pretty but I'm like no Shorty's house are they playing with he said he want to back what about you want to get it Gotta Get It in Blood yeah I'm pretty but I'm like that I don't double put the Dukes up I'll tell them bring my dukes up so you can just use the dial to add as much signal that you want to that particular Reverb and that's using sense so to make things clear you've got your sense that you're gonna send your signal to and you're using the buses to send the signal to the old channels so you've got your send which you put on a bus which is you've whatever advice you choose so choose bus number one and then it's going to create a new channel automatically but if you wanted to change it it's going to be so if you want to change it it's going to be at the top here choose your bus and whatever buset you want to put it on and that bus is going to be controlled by this old Channel fader so I hope that makes sense if it doesn't just drop me a comment or hit me up and install and I'll break it down for you the other way that you can use or that I use buses is is by putting all these vocals or whatever it is onto the bus so we're gonna choose I'm gonna highlight all our vocals I'm gonna go to stereo app because if you notice at the moment is just this fader here we don't wanna travel that so on the stereo app we're going to choose bus two and bus two is going to come up with a new all Channel here and this we can have that as maybe a vocal bus and on that now I'm not always Channel we can process the vocals or whatever it is all in one place you can put your EQ on there yeah I'm pretty but I'm like yeah I'm pretty but I'm like that I don't double we can we can compress all of the vocals on there if we wanted it to just gel and sand as one yeah I'm pretty but I'm like that I don't double put the Dukes up I'll tell him bring my dukes up cause I'm gonna leave it with something I thought that you better ask about me I've been nicer than I ever ever ever ever so let me just show you and break down how I use sentence buses and auxes in my mixes so I've got this mix here okay so my main vocals I've got a bit of processing going on there but the majority of the main vocals are going to an auxiliary Channel which is bus 14 so my main output for all these channels go to bus 14. and on bus 14 I can do all my processing to make it all gel and sand Sanders one on the vocals just I'm just gonna concentrate the vocals so in the vocals you can see I've got different scents on these scents I've got the P mix which is like an overall parallel mix for the mix and then I've got width for the vocals some Reverb so I will just put some Reverb on there that's bus number two and bus number five will be some delays which is an echo boy and then um bus number one is some uad Reverb and then I can I can send as much signal to them different effects units is a one and I can control it from here I can make that Unity again again that's 19.1 so I can just turn up the Reverb completely [Music] take it off [Music] got one chance and then you're gonna go but then you listen to it in context and then you know how much to to put in it so then on that auxiliary Channel I can do more processing if I if I need to or you can if you want you can also control it by the actual fader so if I was to turn all those actors Unity gain where you want to go and I want to turn it down [Music] and I don't know you got one chance and then you're gonna go you can do that so that is let me tell you about 19. we're gonna say that anyway so I just play it with the music [Music] [Music] so sends buses and alls they're all they're all linked best thing to do is just jump in logic try it out for yourself practice you'll get used to it help me to push this video out to more people who need to see this I know I say it all the time but it really does help my channel and if you've already subscribed just know that I appreciate you 100 and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: KC Sounds
Views: 3,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logic pro x, Logic Pro X, Audio routing, Mixing techniques, Audio effects, Music production, Audio engineering, Sends and busses, Understanding Aux tracks, Audio routing techniques, Aux send effects, sends busses auxes in logic pro, Logic Pro x tutorial for beginners, Sends Auxes Busses, Logic Pro X beginner tutorial, understand routing in logic pro, how to route in logic pro, routing made easy in Logic Pro, Understanding Sends Busses & Auxes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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