Understanding basic routing | Bus, Aux, Sends

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yo-yo is gonna you guys would've on tour in raw form and welcome to another help me to bond raw tutorial and today and this help me Devon wall tutorial I'll be showing you guys or better yet getting you a better understanding of basic routing in any da W no matter what you're using as it is is reference to buses auxes and since no no a lot of you might be saying hey well aren't access sins yes you're kind of right but I'm going to explain to you how to use these techniques as far as how to route your stuff what does it mean and how does it apply to you let's get right to it okay so say for instance you have a singer or rapper comes into your studio and says hey record this vocal you say sure let's press play listen close okay I say great the artist says hey I want to stack that or I want to layer that or let me get another vocal right on top of it I say cool so what do I do I go over make another track and I press record right simple listen close okay cool he just did he or she did a other vocal and says hey let's do that two more times just to make it sound even more for I say okay so what do I do I going over to the da W I create two more tracks and I record two more tracks listen closely okay so now we have a stack vocal we have four vocals on top of each other now how do we affect this or better yet how does routing come into play and how can you use it to make this whole situation a lot better say for instance now you have all four of these tracks and you want to affect them equally you want to be able to affect them in one solid place as opposed to putting the EQ on every last one of those four tracks this is where you would create a bus now what this bus is gonna do is it's like you're picking up the kids from school you have four kids as you have to pick up from school and you pick this one up you pick that one up you pick that one up and you pick that one up or four of them and you put them all in one place where you can basically affect them all at once that's what we're doing so how do you create the bus or how do you create this fader that basically holds all of those signals or basically controls all of those signals one time in one place so this is how we do it and this is for any day aww so what you need to do is you need to move on over to your output you need to tell this fader hey I want you to get on the bus I want you to head on over to this one fader right now so what do you do you going on over here in Pro Tools what I do is I click outputs and basically I'll go to bus okay so for me I want them going with this bus right here this is chorus OD bus and I made sure that when I created this bus or better yet when I saw what place I told it to go I sent it out stereo so when you're creating your buses or when you're sending out your arm signals to a bus it's very good and healthy to put them stereo send them out stereo don't send them out as mono signals best cinema as a stereo signal why is that it's because now what's happening is when you send these signals out if you pan something left or right at least the program can pick up or better yet the routing is picked up when it's in the bus don't get too caught up in that just do it this way I send it out stereo so that it can come into the stereo channel so it doesn't mess up your panning and things like that just keep that in mind okay so I have the chorus OD bus that I have here that I'm sending this out to so I click it boom as you see at the bottom it says chorus OD bus or chorus OD then I go to the other vocal I put it into these same exact bus chorus OD third vocal chords Oh deep etc now what I do is I create the bus I actually create the actual channel or fader that I want it to have all of these signals being affected at once so I move on over here and this is the chorus OD bus right boom just like this now look at the chorus OD bus and watch this on press play look at this chorus OD bus fader right here okay so from here let me tell you what is happening I'm able to control EQ I'm able to compress all of them at once I'm able to put a doubler on them all at once I'm able to affect all of these signals all together one time in one fader and that is why busing is so powerful and you can use it to your advantage even from the simplest form I literally had this as a bus and I can turn this up or down with one fader anytime I want I can control all four of those vocals all that one's powerful that is busing in it's the simplest way I can possibly put it and that's basically taking your outputs of whatever you want to buss out putting them all to one place and then controlling them in that one place so that's basically what you did you would usually just go over here create an aux track as you see right here track new stereo aux and this is basically what you would create and then put the input of this as chorus OD bus so it knows hey what am i looking for what am i listening for hey I want you to be or your name to be chorus OD bus so all the inputs is only for chorus OD bus so that's how you kind of route these things you set the outputs on the signals that you're sending out and then whatever is the fader that you want to listen and control you set the input for that same name and that's how that is done so next thing we'll move on over to is aux boxes or sins now here's where it may be a little bit confusing to some in aux or is short for an auxilary track now the aux works a lot different from the standard audio tracks being that one you don't really record on an aux track as you can see in my pro to session there is no record button and that's how you can kind of identify this might be an aux track so you see right here there is no record button like these how I can make these red and turn these on there is no oak there is no record button on here this is basically used to just control audio or for effects wait for it so basically you create these aux tracks really to one control overall signal are you use them for effects um and I'll explain that this is where the sins come in so let me explain uh send to you and then it'll all come together when I explain that so you can understand the aux a little better so what ascends is is these little things right here so you see these things a short verb long verb doubler 1/4 mixed parallel so what are at least all of these things so this is where the big difference comes in a bus is made or created to control some signal overall so it's made to control a group of signals overall you're controlling a group of things overall what a sin is doing is it allows you to send a variable amount of signal to an aux at any time what does that mean it's like this say for instance I want to create a send to the aux or to the reverb instead of sending out a full blast signal at zero to the reverb I can send a variable signal I can send a signal of negative 10 dB I can choose how much signal I want to go to that bus as opposed to being stuck to a place of hey this is how loud my signal is so when it gets there that's how loud is gonna be know instead I say well I'm gonna create a sin to the aux where it says hey I want it to be my no my signal is this loud but send it out this loud that's what the sinned is doing so when I create a sin and that's why we're using it for effects so I'm creating a send to my short verb aux now you can see right here I have my sinned at 19 at negative nineteen point six feeding the aux track of this short reverb as you see right here it says short verb now here's my short verb long story short all I'm doing is creating a copy of that signal and sending that copy out to the short verb aux track and that's what makes it so super powerful so once again aux track and this all track all is doing is really controlling signal but what I'm doing is I'm using this as a send and the send is sending out a copy of my signal to the aux track or any effects that I have so all do is for my effects tracks are I use aux tracks anytime I'm using effects but basically time-based effects like reverb delays I'm using aux tracks because now it gives me the functionality of using sins where I can choose how much volume I want to hit those places so sometimes you say hey make that reverb louder give me more reverb it's turning up the send all you're doing is telling that aux track hey I'm giving you more signals so come sound louder get louder and that's basically what is happening in the simplest way I can possibly put it so that's basically what I always do so basically what I do is I go here bus I scroll all the way down to my effects and I see short verb here and I said okay cool short verb once again you see it in stereo most of my busses are in stereo for reasons of its a stereo signal when it comes out of that reverb out what the reverb to be staring you don't want a mono reverb with your vocal um maybe you do stylistic reasons but commonly you would want it in stereo so buss short verb click it boom now short verb right here comes up I say okay I want negative 19.6 DB to come out of this send into the aux track I go over to the aux track now only negative 19.6 DB of that particular copy of that signal is going to feed this box track and that's basically how that goes and that goes for the long verb the half delay you can choose how much the more you crank it the more it's gonna be there so for instance I'll mess with this and I'm gonna exaggerate this fourth delay so basically what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go to my sins I'm gonna click this bus I want it to go to the fourth delay so I go all the way down I see fourth delay stereo I click it boom once I click that it shows me two aux track now I'm gonna turn it all the way down for now and I'm gonna crank it and let you see what happens watch closely now you see as I turned it up the delay got louder so what was happening let's scroll all the way on over to our fourth delay track so you can see exactly what's happening so I press play and I'll turn it up look at the fourth delay track as I turn this up so all that's happening is I'm just creep this send is just giving it more signal when I turn it up so basically the send is saying hey fourth delay I'm gonna give you some more signal turn it up now the fourth delay is louder because I'm sending a louder signal to the fourth delay and that's what this send is doing so basically when it comes to busses sins and auxes they're really all related to each other just a certain way to use it so remember just to be clear just to wrap it up when you're using the busses to go to another aux track so I'm bussing a bunch of audio signals out to one bus track all you're doing is you're controlling overall signal through one place you're controlling four five ten signals in one place in unison so it's easier for you to control when you're using an aux track that is the bus track that you're usually use it you're usually using an aux track as the bus basically the aux track aka the bus is saying hey what signal do you want me to listen to give me all the signals and that's what you're singing all the signals to you're sending it to that aux tracks because you're not looking to record on this track you're looking to just listen and control signals so that's where that aux track becomes something you're busing it out to the aux track then you have the sins and all the sins are is it's saying hey I only want to send a certain amount of that signal out to an aux track and basically that's where you get that control with a send and that's how all three of these things have that relationship now if that may be a little confusing to you by all means that's why we have a video you can press pause for one and go back but that is the most detailed way that I can probably give to you as far as understanding how the routing and things of that nature work I hope this was helpful make sure you comment like subscribe if you guys have any as questions or concerns email me at help me Devon at gmail you can also check us out at help me Devon dot info for any of our templates or anything of that nature as far as super goodies drum kits and things like that make sure you follow us at help me Devon on Instagram and uh make sure you comment like subscribe that's always important and this is the road to 100k subscribers I want to say that one more time appreciate you guys and we're getting there and I'm super proud of the channel and so thankful for you guys and uh till next time you guys
Channel: Help Me Devvon
Views: 159,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mixing, audio, sends, tutorial, recording, music, pro tools, aux, busses, mastering, reverb, music production, bus, recording studio, vocals, sound, tips, tricks, tracks, buss, effects, daw, mixing tips, logic pro x, mixing vocals, logic pro
Id: U3sxFrL0jjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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