Aux, Bus, and Send Tracks! (Made SIMPLE)

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if you have not been utilizing buses or sins because it's just too complex too confusing too overwhelming it feels like you're having to learn a foreign language i get it and this video is about to change your life one of the concepts that really made me feel like an audio engineer crazy enough was the concept of buses specifically a vocal bus just kind of gave me that extra boost of confidence i felt like a true audio engineer whenever i figured out exactly what was happening how to utilize it how to incorporate it into my own personal workflow and buses and send tracks are a part of 100 of every single one of my sessions to this day so this video is really going to be broken down into three main parts we're gonna first cover aux tracks then we're gonna dive into buses and then we're gonna dive into sins what we're gonna do is we're gonna explain exactly what they are and number two we're gonna explain how i actually incorporate them and how you can incorporate them into your own personal workflow whenever you're working within your sessions so that's enough of me talking on the screen i want to pull up pro tools so i can actually kind of guide you let's go so now that we're in pro tools we can really kind of start to dive into exactly what these uh what the aux track is what the bus tracks are what the send tracks are how to incorporate them into your own personal workflow as a mix engineer i commonly see sessions that come in like this literally all of the plugins are over here on every single track we're gonna fix that by utilizing everything that we're gonna learn today none of this is going to matter if your pro tools screen does not look like how mine looks if it doesn't it's probably gonna look something like this maybe and how we're gonna fix that is we're going to go over here and we are going to select inserts a through e inserts f through j that's basically going to be your plugins and i like to go ahead and i like to have both of those and then we do want to have the i o so how i got there just this little icon right here select those things you may want to add comments too but for the sake of this video you definitely want to do inserts a through e inserts f through j sends a and e s sends f and j and you definitely want your i o up as well so as you can see over here in this specific session without a bus without an aux track there's a bunch of plug-ins you know one two three four five 32 total plug-ins that we've got running right now which is not convenient at all and is probably waxing your cpu right now so what we're going to do is we're going to fix that by utilizing some aux tracks so point number one what is an aux track basically what an aux track is going to be is it's going to be a central location where you will be taking a bunch of audio tracks and routing them into one single stereo track aka your aux track its main function is to become a destination to route your audio tracks through and hang tight i promise this is going to make sense here in a sec because we're actually going to go ahead and make an aux track aka auxiliary track for our vocal bus so what we're going to do is we're going to create a new track a new aux track i'm going to go shift command end if you're on a mac i believe it's ctrl shift n that's going to be your shortcut if you're on a windows and what we're going to create is we're going to create one stereo aux input samples what we're going to title this this is actually going to be a bus for us so this is ultimately going to become our vocal bus so what we just created is an aux track which we're going to utilize as a bus so this is actually going to lead us right into point number two which is breaking down our bus tracks so a bus track is actually a type of auxiliary track it is an auxiliary track what we need to do is we need to help our guy our cpu and we need to make it a little bit more effective for us because right now you know say we need to make an adjustment for the eq on these vocals and we need to you know turn up the high end a little bit the way that we've got it routed without the vocal buss is man we've got to come down here and drag it to every single one that's come on man you're doing too much and your cpu don't like you we're going to take every single one of these audio tracks and we're going to route them out into our vocal buss and the way that pro tools has it set up is this top one is going to be your input and the bottom one is going to be your output we want to control all of our vocals in one central location so what's going to happen is we're going to route like i said we're going to route out into our vocal bus so the first thing that we need to do is we need to have some kind of input for our vocal bus so what we're going to do is we're going to come up here to where it says no input we're going to go bus we're going to let's just go to bus one and two and i'll personally like to rename these so it's a little bit easier to see we're going to rename this to vocal bus so now that we've got our vocal bus set up we're going to highlight all these audio tracks and this is just a quick little thing that you can utilize too so if you want to change multiple outputs or inputs you just want to come over here and select all of your audio tracks that you want to adjust the inputs and outputs for you hold down shift and option and what we need to do is we need to go we're going to go out into a bus into our vocal bus right so we go bam bam click and we're holding down shift and option so it changed all of them so now anything that i put on this vocal bus is now going to affect all of these vocals so check this out so here's where we are right now [Music] ain't no telling where i'm even at great sound but too complex too much stuff going on over here we need to make it a lot more simple so what we're going to do is instead of having all these plugins and inserts on these you know every single track we're going to conveniently shift all of these plugins to our vocal bus so i'm going to quickly do that and move all these plug-ins up and the way that i'm doing that right now i'm holding shift and option and just moving these up to copy these settings i'm going to normally keep the auto-tune on the actual audio track personal preference it's going to get you a better sound if you do it that way so now we've got all of these inserts on our vocal bus we can conveniently remove all of these plug-ins just get rid of all of them so check out what we just did we can now control all of these audio tracks conveniently in one central location so check this out i'll play it [Music] so you see what's happening there and that is the power of utilizing a bus track there's multiple benefits of utilizing these bus tracks one the cpu usage you're not having to pull up 30 plug-ins now we've narrowed down the plug-ins you had 32 now we've got seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 45 we literally trimmed our plugins in half so our cpu is thinking us right now it's a better session organization it's a lot easier to just say if you adjusted the compressor on this track well now you've got to drag it down to every single track you don't want to do that you want to do it in one central location which is going to be your bus track and in our case our vocal bus and i personally like to color code things i normally like to have my vocal bust red it's a personal thing you know you can you can copy that if you want to hey and real quick before we actually dive into covering the sauce of using the centrax which is one of the main reasons why you've clicked here on the video if you've already been receiving some value and things have started to feel a little bit more simple for you go ahead and hit that subscribe button this is one of the many training videos that are coming soon and i want to make sure that you get all the tips all the tricks all the hacks all the gems jewels all that stuff to give you that complete confidence on your pursuit of becoming an incredible audio engineer so now let's go ahead and dive into point number three which is going to be our send and return tracks i know we've kind of talked more so about these send tracks but you can't have a send track without a return track that's going to be super simple here in a couple seconds just take my word i promise what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and create a send track just kind of follow along here you know if you're if you've got your session pulled up you can go ahead and create this and then we'll walk through exactly how we're going to utilize it this is going to look very similar to what we actually did to create our vocal bus but we're going to make a new track shift command in and in this scenario we're going to make a reverb send so right now it looks identical to how we created the vocal buss right which can sometimes be confusing but they are utilized to do different things they kind of work the same kind of not let's walk through exactly what we're going to utilize this send track for so as you can see you've got our sends over here we're going to be sending a duplicate signal and the way that we're going to do it in this specific scenario we're going to send out a signal on our vocal bus from this vocal bus we're going to send a duplicate audio signal into our return track well the first thing that we need to do pretty similar to our vocal bus that we created we need to make a central location to send our send track to we're going to go down here to bus again we're going to go to bus 3 and 4 and we're going to rename this thing reverb so what we have just created is we've created a return track for our send i typically don't like to have my reverb on my vocal bus you just don't have complete creative control when you do it that way so what we're going to do is we're actually going to remove it and in this scenario we're going we have created a reverb send and how we're going to route things we're going to go over here to our sends and we're going to go here bus we're going to send it out to our reverb return track and this is going to pop up for you and you just want to set this up to zero you do that by clicking option and just click and what we're going to do is we are going to add the reverb that we had originally to the sin track so what we have just done with the send track the way that we had it before we had the reverb up here and say you know you really like the reverb but there's just too much low end in the reverb and you want to kind of take that out what would have happened if we would have added that eq up here that would have actually eq these physical vocals compared to now you've got a little bit more creative control so anything that you add down here is just affecting the reverb say you want you know a reverb with a little bit of flange well now it's only going to be affecting your reverbs uh return track or send track so what i normally like to do here is i will uh i'll keep this uh you know in this scenario we're using the reverb we'll keep it 100 wet and what you can do here with your on your return track is you'll just kind of dial it back and blend it to taste so check this out don't bring it [Music] so as you can see that's a lot more convenient to just to kind of have ultimate creative control within your sessions with the bus track what we've done is we've provided a central location to add our insert so that we can quickly and effectively you know adjust your audio tracks and different things like that with the sin track what you're doing is you're sending out a duplicate signal out into a return track which is going to be in this scenario is going to be reverb which ultimately gives us the most amount of creative control within our sessions so another very common sin that i do want to kind of mention here is parallel compression we can create one more new stereo aux track and we're going to say parallel compression we are going to walk through the same thing in this scenario let's just do bus five and six add your parallel compressor of choice the 1176 by waves audio and basically that's how you would do it that's how you would create your parallel compression so you send out a duplicate signal of this wherever you add your send track to into your return track and you always want to set your sends to unity and i like to kind of blend mine to taste over here using the fader there that's how i do all of my scent tracks and let's play what we've got now see they woke up and i was already gone in the space scoop ain't no telling where i'm but hey if you're newer to audio engineering or you really want to make sure that you're grasping everything that you need to know in pro tools without skipping steps like i did if you want to prevent that i've recently just released a brand new in-depth 60 minute video training record radio ready vocals and pro tools today it's a 60 minute in-depth training of my exact pro tools workflow and frameworks man there's templates pdf guides basically every single thing that i wish that i had whenever i first got started that would have saved me years of wasted time heartaches frustrations overwhelms what i've done is i've linked that down in the description if that sounds like it would be relevant to where you are in your journey and i think that you're going to be blown away by the knowledge that you'll walk away with within that 60 minutes hopefully this wasn't too complex and hopefully this really simplified it and helped you realize that you are well on your way to becoming a great audio engineer but hey i'm checking out that wraps up this video i'll catch you very soon but until then i'm getting out of here peace [Music] you
Channel: MyAudioAcademy
Views: 19,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aux tracks, bus tracks, send tracks, aux, how to use aux tracks in pro tools, how to use bus tracks, how to use send tracks, how to use send tracks In pro tools, pro tools, pro tools tutorial, pro tools for beginners 2022, vocal bus, vocal bus pro tools, pro tools tips and tricks, how to mix vocals in pro tools for beginners, mixing tips pro tools, pro tools mixing tips, how to create bus track pro tools, bus track pro tools, send track pro tools
Id: 1cbqHJExpI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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