Logic Pro X - Create Vocal Harmonies with Pitchproof | FREE HARMONIZER

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[Music] hey everyone this is music tech help guy in this video I'll show you how to create vocal harmonies using a free plugin called pitch proof from Aegean music so pitch proof is a completely 100% free harmonizer pitch shifter plugin and you can use this on vocals and you can also use this on instruments so in this video I'm gonna take a vocal recording here and I'm gonna harmonize it with just one voice and then I'll show you how to harmonize with multiple voices and sort of build this artificial backing choir if you will behind your voice so whenever I do a video on creating artificial harmonies I usually demonstrate this using melody noir flex pitch and I'm with you guys I really don't like flex flex pitch I use it when I have to for video demonstrations because I can't really assume that everyone has Melodyne and I find that melody n-- is the easiest way to do this but it requires a lot of manual editing and it also requires you to have sort of a background and music theory and understanding scales and intervals and all that stuff so what if you don't have any of that or it maybe just want a quick way to do this with the plug-in well pitch proof is perfect for this so let me play you my example here just it's a simple backing track with some simple vocals on top today is just another chapter for the rest of Allah [Music] I've walked a long road with you by my side is to another million miles with you [Music] okay so just a really simple vocal melody and it's in the key of E flat minor so that's important that you know the key of the song so I've got pitch proof loaded up on my vocal tract here I'll make sure it's active there's a couple controls here first is the pitch the pitch control is how much how wide the interval is for the Harmony so you can choose diatonic second third fourth fifth sixth and seventh you can do unison and you can also do parallel harmonies from one to twelve semitones or half steps above or you can do one to twelve semitones below and then over here you can choose the key to hear in so for me I'm gonna choose D sharp minor which is the same thing as e flat minor and then if you're working in a major key the key to the left is the relative major key you can also play around with the fine-tuning here I'm not gonna mess with that at all for this but I will mess with the wet-dry blend so all the way to the left you'll just hear the dry signal all the way to the right you'll just hear the wet signal or the harmonized signal so let me pull this down to dry let me solo out my vocal track and I'll blend this since you can hear what it sounds like today is just another chapter for the rest of [Music] I've walked a long road with you by my side yes to another in months with you [Music] so pitch proof makes harmonizing really really simple let's try another harmony let's try a perfect well at a perfect fifth but a fifth harmony up is just another [Music] or you can do parallel harmony maybe I want to harmonize up a whole octave I can add a pitch shift of + 12 semitones to this now one of the things you'll notice is the higher up we go the more of that chipmunk quality is sort of imposed on on the pitch shift and that's because the pitch shift with this plugin is not formant corrected and where I'll talk about how to fix that in just a moment this next thing I want to do is I want to separate the harmony I've gone back to a third harmony I want to separate the harmony from the lead vocal so I can have individual control and balance over it panning and otherwise so I'm gonna set the blend to a hundred percent so I'm hearing one hundred percent harmony right now and there's a couple of different ways to do this one you could duplicate the track and have one as your lead vocal one as your harmony but the way I like to do it here is I like to create a send off of my lead vocal track go to an available bus so I'll get a bus to aisle option click on the send amount and then over here on bus two will be my first harmony so I'll say harmony of third and then what I'm gonna do is move the pitch proof plug-in over to that aux track so now we're gonna hear just the dry signal here on the audio channel and just the harmony over here on the aux track today is just another chapter for the rest of Allah the other thing is I can solo this now and just hear the harmony today is just another chapter now let's get rid of that chipmunk equality let's form in to correct the harmony so the easy way to do this in logic without using any third party plugins is to add the vocal transformer plug-in to this and then just pull down the format shift a bit today is just another chapter for the rest of sothe formant shifts the higher you go up the more of that feminine chipmunk quality you get as you pull the format shift down it'll have a deeper sort of more masculine quality to it so it's just a matter of finding a sweet spot with the formant shift now one thing you're probably also noticing is that the vibrato on my voice is kind of making the pitch shift go haywire today is just another chapter oh so there's a little bit of glitchyness with the pitch but you're not always gonna get that out completely with artificial backing vocals but especially doing it this way but what I like to do is I've already tuned the lead vocal and the tunings actually printed into the audio file so I don't necessarily need to tune this one anymore but what you can do is tune your harmony track so what you can do is you can put logics pitch correction plug-in either before or after the pitch proof plug-in you'll get two different results just use the one that sounds best and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put this on a minor scale go to the key of D sharp minor so even though I'm pitch shifting this up a third I'm still in the key of E flat or D sharp minor the key remains the same because the harmony is a diatonic harmony it's a harmony within the scale so I can still tune to this root key and I'm gonna pull the response time down a bit I'll stick this on locus it's still sort of a low harmony and let's see what this sounds like today is just another chapter for the rest of Allah [Music] it's usually where the fab rato is where it'll start to sound a little a little glitchy let's try putting this before pitch proof and see how that works today is just another chapter for the rest of oh now another thing you can do with your harmonies to sort of hide some of the artifacting is add an EQ after pitch proof and a vocal transformer and typically what I do at this EQ is I band past the signal so that all of the unnecessary lows are removed and some of the unnecessary highs are removed as well today is just another chapter for the rest of LA I don't want my really high consonant material to overlap and over resonate with the lead vocal but likewise I don't want my low frequencies to over resonate with the the vocal either so most of the actual audible content that you're gonna blend in with the lead vocals going to be in the mid-range today is just another chapter for the rest of [Music] I've walked a long road with you by my side is to another million miles with you [Music] so there you go I've created a really simple harmony of a third above a diatonic third above without having to even touch flex pitch whatsoever so the great thing about this is you can actually duplicate this same process and create multiple harmonies so let's create another bus so I'll create this on bus 3 option click on the send amount just gonna copy over all of my plugins on to this new aux track this one instead of painting it left I'm going to paint it right a bit to give it a bit of a spread and I'm gonna call this one harmony fifth and I'll go into the pitch proof plug-in and I'll just change the harmony from a third up to a fifth so here's our new harmony [Music] still a little glitchy Sonning let's go into the vocal transformer and pull down the foreman even more today is just another chapter for the rest of Allah and I'll pull out even more of the low end for this high harmony I've walked a long road with you by my side is to another million miles with you [Music] cool so now I have the lead vocal a harmony up a third and a harmony up a fifth let's add one more let's go crazy I'll add this to bus for option-click I'm gonna call this harmony 8ve for octave a little pretty far down in the mix and once again I'm gonna copy over all of these plugins and on this one I'm gonna change this from a diatonic harmony to up full octave plus 12 and let's see what this one sounds like just by itself and I'll just the format shift on listen as well I've walked a long road with you by my side here's to another million miles with you [Music] and lastly I have this send on bus one off of the lead vocal going to just a reverb track over here so I'm gonna send my harmonies to the same reverb as the lead vocal this will help smooth out the harmonies a bit as well today is just another chapter for the rest of our lines now if you're doing this for a full song this is just two phrases here but if you did this for a whole song one of the things you could do is you could go through the mix and you could automate up or down these harmonies at whatever point you want so if you want a harmony of a little bit of a third at one point you can automate this aux track up a bit and then pull it back down and then maybe add another point you wanted a third and fifth you could automate them both up then automate them both back down and the same goes for the octave so you could go through the song and automate these different points so you don't have to have harmony everywhere you could just have it on certain points today is just another chapter for the rest of [Music] I've walked a long road with you by my side is to another million miles with you [Music] and there you go that's how you can use pitch proof and all stock logic plugins to quickly create artificial backing harmonies and Logic Pro 10 I'll leave a link in the video description below where you can download pitch proof I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please leave it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel to see more content like this you can also check me out on social media on Facebook Twitter Instagram and if you'd like to make a monthly contribution to the channel you can also check me out at patreon.com ford slash music tech help guy thanks for the support and thanks for watching
Channel: MusicTechHelpGuy
Views: 259,481
Rating: 4.9270768 out of 5
Keywords: logic pro x, logic, logic x, studio, logic studio, pitch, harmonizer, vocal harmony, vocal harmonizer, vocal harmonies, pitchproof, free plugin, free vocal harmonizer, free vocal harmonies, musictechhelpguy, music tech help guy
Id: VL8n8-AtvDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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