10 Hip Hop Vocal FX in REAL TIME | Vocal Bender

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[Applause] [Music] what's up everybody i'm david hey everybody and i'm rubble son and together we all girls and son we got this track that we've been working on we do we need to hit it up with a few vocals and also plug it a bit see what kind of sounds we can come up with yeah we're going to lace it up today with vocal bender though vocal vent is a real-time pitch informant shifting plug-in okay i mean you can do all types of pitch changing vocal manipulation transformation effects and we're gonna put all that and your vocals gonna be dope okay now i heard you say this is live so we're not gonna be waiting till after i lock the vocals on the track you're actually gonna be running it with me that's right we're gonna do it live on the spot in the take jake we're doing right now today along the way we're gonna drop 10 vocal effects for you guys at home with vocal bender so make sure you stick around for all of those before we get into that make sure you guys take half a second to hit that subscribe button and ring that bell to keep up with the latest news tips tricks and more from waste audio let's take it from the leads okay top of the first verse boom while you do that i'm gonna play with vocal bender and see if we can get a deep vocal pitch kind of effect whitey stressin for show we getting more cash rocket ready to go the plug got the gas cut the brick on the load the team caught the math star shot of the dark and now i see my breath sparked a match in the dream i'm feeling notion heavy static the scene [Music] you know i got this little line in the beginning like start from the drop you know i got this little thing going on the beginning let's see if we can do some chop and screw on that and see how we can make it real ill in the beginning [Music] i got an idea what's that let's do a nice stack on it okay but this time make me sound heavier you know what i mean put some weight on me man check this out yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's exactly yeah [Music] so again we're making the vocals thicker we're doubling it up thickening it up yeah instead of making you sound heavier this time let's make you sound younger okay what do you say i'm down for that i can't do nothing about the gray hairs though but why you gotta make jokes yo can we work on it all right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah go go go go go go go go we're not in the moving on the lollipop guild man let's bring it down a bit how's that there we go now i see my path sparked the match in the dream i'm feeling no shame heavy static the scene is [Music] i like this vocal bender man let's try to do something else with it all right what you got i got this little melodic part okay that's like right at the end of the first verse and it goes into the hook let me put a tune on real quick slide through the blah blah and octane triple double stance that's a good thing so i got vocal bender going slide to the black blue and octane triple double stacks is a good thing crying for the racks of the true game put the world on my back that's facts [Music] i got an idea now we're gonna take this and we're gonna harmonize this i'm ready for that check this out let's go i got vocal bender here on this first harmony track all right and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna drop it to f sharp two all right it's gonna flatten it let me hear you one yo i sound like a robot that's crazy and then vocal bend is going to do all the work slide through the blindfold triple double stance that's a good thing grind for the racks it's [Music] we're gonna do it one more time all right make it even sweeter open up a new track okay this time i'm gonna flatten it to c sharp two all right same thing with the sequence yeah it's that robot then we're just gonna vary it a little bit since we're in c sharp two and not f sharp all right i'm good [Music] let's do some like future kind of young thug james blake kind of vibe on the app libs man all right what i want you to do is riff a little bit with it okay let me hear you whoo whoa we using auto-tune bro thank you i hope so okay help me out there you go all right now with vocal mender i'm gonna do some pitch shifting while you do the ad-libs all right and let's rock let's see let's rock it out all right [Music] so what you just did that last year yeah check it out yeah i'm gonna take that chop it up and then we're gonna put vocal bender on top and create a nice vocal chop sequence i'm just gonna copy that and basically what i'm looking to do is mimic this flute line right here check this out you're gonna let it ride yeah it's gonna go up right on top [Music] just like that gotcha all right cool so that's all chopped up yeah by yourself we get this when we put vocal bender on all right watch the vocal chop now we're mixing the original signal okay all right and we get this start from the drop start from the drop i want to know if you can make it the pitch like go lower and lower and lower in progression like stall from the drop straw from the drop scroll from the drop so i'm gonna do is open a vocal bender and this is where the mods come into play all right i've got those on the pitch and form it i'm gonna open up the extended view and on mod one we got this lfo it's sloping down so what it's gonna do is this drop start from the drop drop start from the drop drops just like that just like that though and for those dubs you drop in there uh-huh we're going to keep it declining just like that from the drop drop start from the drop drop start from the drop drop start from the top got the balls you know i got another drop in there yup like in the second verse where i say beat need to drop right here check this out got the balls on lock beat need to drop on that word drop yeah i need for us to go out of space like in the far beyond okay what i'm gonna do is on this drop okay i'm gonna put h delay drop drop drop drop drop drop drop all right and then after that after the age delay we're going to drop vocal bender okay and similar effect to the previous example this time let's draw in a little custom shade let's let's make a happy little mountain right there there we go it's a happy mountain happy slopes and then we throw it on the bus all right got one more idea give me some humming all right first with the waves tune um our box and then we're gonna grime it out with the main distortion [Music] i like that last thing is vocal bender [Music] yeah i like that [Music] so i'm good we knocked out 10 but are you good feel good i love what we did man let's work on the arrangement the mix a little bit let's do that together all right and then we're going to hear everything back sound good plan let's get to it spark matching the dream i'm [Music] [Music] that's a good [Music] there you go yeah i managed to pull off 10 effects with vocal bender i had a lot of fun doing this though i know i enjoyed myself i hope that you all enjoyed yourself watching us do all of this indeed one thing i can say about this plug that i really liked about it is how we went from inspiration to creation smoothly like how there was no hiccups no latency or anything no hold ups definitely until next time guys thank you for watching black orders for hard targets i'm sending flame black market that pump product my pockets change i push profit injects sonic into your brain stealing off in a spin my knuckles [Music] good
Channel: Waves Audio
Views: 238,589
Rating: 4.9768219 out of 5
Keywords: waves audio, waves plugins, waves vocal bender, vocal bender, hip hop vocal effects, hip hop vocal fx, how to use vocal bender, barrows and sun, vocal FX, vocal FX plugin, vocal pitch plugin, vocal plugin, vocal effects, vocal effects plugin, best pitch shifting plugin for vocals, pitched vocal effect, pitch shifting vocals, pitched vocal, rap pitched vocals, trap pitched vocals, pitch shifted delay, chop and screw effect, creative vocal effects, deep vocal effect
Id: 8t-YSdKF5Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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