Our Alaska Log Cabin // Building Frame Walls // Plumbing // Natural Gas // Electrical

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foreign Montana Haven if you're new to this Channel I want to welcome you to our family we the reason we're called Montana Haven is we have a home in Montana and just recently we moved to here to Alaska and we're building our cabin here in Alaska and what we're going to be doing today is we're working on our interior walls in this video we hope that you'll enjoy our family as we build this Log Cabin together and just the many things on this channel that we do do together as a family so welcome [Music] [Music] oh foreign okay beautiful write it down a little bit do you repeat that you know imagine let's make sure it's exactly 38 all right Dylan foreign [Music] well we just got a screw Jack put in here if you remember watching the subfloor go in we've actually got a a whole bunch of uh boards like that support post and underneath in the subfloor and then we just put a screw Jack in here and this is going to be just to kind of help support this big truss right here and all the weight of the roof so we just got that installed we got this frame wall right here installed now and you might notice something a little bit different about this if you look here you can see that I've got uh two two by fours right here in this wall with the space in between and what that does is I've got uh I used a two by six uh plate on the bottom and I used two two by fours offset and the reason I did that is so that this is a soundproof wall now sound travels right through boards like you would not believe it just you can hear someone whisper on the other side of the wall so uh what this does is it creates a barrier so that you don't get any noise going through the wall I did this in my house in Montana and it does help so these boards right here are not connected with the boards the studs on the other side right there and then um so the sheetrock will be screwed onto that side and the sheetrock will be screwed on that side so the air gap here and then we'll insulate in between with some uh uh fiberglass insulation for sound proofing and that's going to help uh with the sound between the bedroom and the living room area to kind of give us a little bit more uh quiet space in there so that's where we're going there and then we got to continue to get these other walls put in right now all right we've got our wall slots cut on both sides this side of the beam as well as over there and now we're gonna put our wall together we gotta build it in two pieces because we can't lift it all up into one piece [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay here's some bonus footage for you [Music] foreign are doing some foraging here in our burn barrel I'm going to try to weld this together [Music] I don't think it's ah not happening [Music] all right then [Music] okay what we're doing here is uh again putting the screw right in here this screw has a smooth shank so I'm screwing it all the way up into here into the smooth shank and as this settles it's got to slide down and keep the wall rigid so we'll level it now it's in place the threads there uh [Applause] [Music] we're gonna frame up this kitchen wall right here next but in order for me to do that I have to first cut out my window so that's what I'm going to do right now foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ER when I make a couple passes rather than just taking one big chunk out of it you can see that foam is holding it together it's totally totally solid even though it was raining at work one thing I'm really a stickler about is I do not like to see any saw cuts up into the wood or down because that just means you were an amateur uh chainsaw man or a woman and you work careful enough because those you can see those later now I even still do it sometimes but I try to be really cautious when I cut up or cut down because later when we trim them out you'll see why there are any marks there you'll see it later Okay so we've got this kitchen wall framed up and this is where my cabinets will be attached we're going to slide this back up against the log wall um and what I did right now is I I slid the cap these uh this wall all the way against my log wall and I actually want to recess it a little bit into the log wall so that it just gives us more space in the house so I actually made Marks here and we're gonna I'm gonna make some soft Cuts then we're gonna chisel it out so that we can slide the wall back into the log wall give us a little bit more space in the kitchen foreign [Applause] [Music] on this long wall all the way up there I think it caught up two sides so that's going to take a while to do that and the laser set up ready to go [Music] [Music] foreign well recount what we got done so far today is uh we're just getting ready to put this wall up but it is quitting time as you can see by the lights that we've got so that's the wall between the bedroom and the bathroom right there we got everything laid out here on the floor with the chalk lines and so we've got the kitchen that we got done got that all knocked out there we've got that wall all those walls done over there and of course this wall here so now tomorrow we're gonna just work on this bedroom and bathroom and get that all done and then we're going to move here over here to the guest bathroom area but it's a time to call it a night well this morning we're heading to work in the old base known as the RV our motorhome and our home for all summer um we're actually taking out to our property now in parking for the winter we got a big tarp to cover it uh we had taken it to our rental to get everything moved out of it it's been sitting there for a few days so now we're taking it back out or taking it out uh to our property there and uh storing it for the winter so hopefully we'd like to keep it and maybe next summer we can use it to go around and do some traveling I think it definitely needs work like needs to do brakes and stuff like that but it'll be fine and we'll get it get it fixed up in the spring um so we're gonna work about a half a day then we got to run into town and grab a whole bunch of all our Electrical Plumbing and natural gas supplies we have a friend coming up next week uh and then we're going to be gone over the weekend we're actually going to go Caribou hunting so which is why we came to Alaska to enjoy Alaska so even though the house is pressing uh hunting and fishing and family time is more fresh so we're going to be doing that so we're gonna do that this afternoon get all our supplies so when we get back from Cowboy hunting he's coming and then we can get right on it and uh get all the hopefully the electrical all the plumbing and all the natural gas run so that's gonna be a big project but he's gonna be here about three four days so hopefully we can get get that all knocked out so but this morning we're going to be working on some more framing as well okay there are the old base sets right there we got her backed in there beside our trailer and covered for the winter she'll sit there until the spring I guess okay we're finally got our uh top plate it's real tricky to do these angles uh up here but anyways we got got the top plate on we basically put a block up against the ceiling then we screwed our top plate to the block and so we can just get all our studs in there and then then we'll fasten the top plate to the grill so that I can settle down it'll take out our little Gap pieces so that is kind of complicated but that's how we're doing it everything's got to settle around here that one makes it hard sometimes remembering that [Music] [Music] okay time for a quick walk through what we got done today starting to look more and more like a house uh we basically only had a half a day to work in here and work on the framing because this afternoon we had to go to town and here's all our supplies all the electrical and plumbing uh because my friend Mike if you uh remember Mike uh taking us to Liberty University that's the same mic he's going to come up and help us Plumb get all our tubs in do all the wiring help us out with all that he was a master plumber and electrician and so he had me get all the stuff so we did all that this afternoon and so what we did get done though is we got done in here so this is going to be the I'm standing in the master bedroom and that's going to be the master bath right in there and the master closet so there is our wall going clear up to the top they're like 14 foot long and so I still have to build my tub wall back in here so the tub is going to go in here I have to build a wall around there and the toilet will be back in this corner and we'll put a ceiling on there so we can do a little bit of storage and I don't have to build a wall all the way up to the top so that is the status on that so again uh this is going to be all we're going to get done this week because we are going to go Caribou hunting and I do hope that we're going to be able to get a caribou it's going to be a lot of fun it'll be myself and the boys and then Michael and his son Kendall and his and his daughter Christy so all three of all six of us are going and we're gonna have a lot of fun so when we get back this house will still be here and we're going to start Plumbing uh start around the electrical and finishing the framing when we get back next week foreign [Music] got going on here is we're back from Caribou hunting uh we were gone the last few days and uh we had a wonderful time watched for a video of that hunt coming out a little bit later and so now we're back and we have our good friend Mike from back uh in litty Montana where we come from our neighbor he's here to help us uh do all the plumbing and electrical and running the natural gas lines the next couple days so that's what we're doing right now the boys are helping them do that I pretty much spent the day today just uh cutting wall slots for my trim we did get this this is the master bathroom this will be where the vanity is going right here and then the tub will be going in behind this wall in this area here and I think what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put an archway in right here the reason I have that going across is to stiffen this up I want to tile that and I don't that wall I just felt was going to be too floppy so I tied it in across the top I think we'll make a nice Arch I think that'll look good and then there's all these wall slots over here that we did got a bunch going out here so yeah it takes a while to do all these that's for my trim to go in behind so working on that and let's go downstairs and see what the guys are doing downstairs I think they're just about done with the plumbing down here which is pretty awesome what do you think Mike looks good Mike's doing a great job oh yeah look at that I haven't even seen it yet oh you're missing a piece there Mike I don't think that's gonna work like this okay looking good I like it I like it well this morning we're just working on framing and of course there's more work on the plumbing a tub installed over here getting all the plumbing in so happy to have Mike here to help out it's pretty cool so what we'll end up doing is what are you up to Wyatt Wyatt is burning all the scrap wood outside there and the cardboard and stuff and Ethan's helping me frame we're working on this wall over here it's kind of complicated because [Music] it's such a tall wall but laser sure make it nice really amazing okay we're working on the building the wall for the bathtub right back here so that's what we're working on right now [Music] all right we're on our final tall wall here first thing we got to do is put those spacers in there put our top plate up screw it to the ceiling so it stays there then we got to take measurements and then later take those screws out so we got the wall on the other side there'll be like a hall in between there and now all the bathroom framing is done the tub will go tub shower will go right in this area here the vanity will be on this right hand side and then kind of hard to see behind this ladder I still have to put a little closet wall in here uh right in this corner and then the toilet will go right in there that little hole there [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right assistant foreign [Music] we are literally just finishing up the framing Ethan's putting the last boards on and we are done framing awesome got this tub installed I'm gonna help Mike uh on the plug now and start pulling an electrical [Music] all the framing's done in here awesome awesome awesome kind of hard to see what's going on I know a lot of walls everywhere there's a closet right there that we built this is the guest upstairs bathroom and a closet back there okay Wyatt's getting everything set up here he's got the sandwiches warmed up for us and got lunch already on this little homemade table of him and Avalon made looks good Wyatt got the sandwich is heated up all right nice all right good deal waiting for the others here okay we are gonna try to pull this big wire out through that conduit right down there out to our meter base here we go I gotta go out and Pull the Rope there's our rope coming out of the meter base and our house is all the way over there so we're gonna pull it through conduit in the ground so first we when we installed a conduit we had a tiny little rope then we pulled this bigger rope the little rope through with this bigger rope now we're pulling the wire through with this rope right here I'm just taking out the slack right now that's why it's going so easy it's going to go pretty hard once we actually get the wire going okay I think we must be getting close to the end here okay I think that's about it I feel some resistance there wait to let them holler at me on our first attempt to pull it through didn't work our wire was too are open the wire together was too fat so now we're redoing it see if we can make it actually fit into the conduit it wouldn't get get in the conduit okay you want me to go out and pull on it now again yeah try it first huh yeah maybe you want to crawl down the whole wide and see if they go through yeah wow now tell him to try it again yeah okay all right get behind me okay come over here we're getting it one of y'all over there let's go get behind me wow wow man this Bowl's heart foreign [Music] [Music] ouch I know okay I didn't get that on video but we uh actually had to use the excavator to pull the rest of the way through it was just too hard to pull so we got it through now which is awesome getting all our electrical in we've got pretty much all our boxes uh set everywhere and we're running our wires and getting our plumbing done we've already run a bunch of wires um but still a lot more to do we've got our ice maker box down here we've got our getting our washing machine box set up over there uh we've got a pot filler which this is a little high we're gonna have to move it down but there's a pot filler for the stove I think Priscilla's gonna like that so we're moving along here all right we're still going to town here it's getting late all hands on deck here Ethan's drilling vent holes up here then we got another gentleman right here David is helping out and uh he's helped me pull wired he's uh another YouTuber that came by and he's got a channel called Rutherford roamings go check it out he does a lot of hiking with his dog and his wife and so uh he's helped me pull wires so we're gonna have some pizza here soon and continue working probably kind of late okay we are back again Mike actually did not leave and he's here a little bit longer we're going to work a little bit to finish this up today and we're basically just wrapping up a few things on the electrical the plumbing and actually the electrical's a little bit more to do yet but the Plumbing's almost done the natural gas lines are almost run so we got a couple hours and then he'll be done so he can head for home so that's what we're working on today it's a beautiful sunny afternoon here and it's uh the leaves are really changing quickly already most most of them are already off the trees but there's Blue Sky which is so nice so I don't have an exterior Outlet on this little porch and I really want to have one here so I'm simply just gonna cut one in here we go cut right in the logs first things first I marked it off I took this and just held it on there and marked it and I'm just going to cut it in [Applause] come on [Applause] what's nice about this little saw here is I can actually cut sideways [Music] foreign take my hammer a lot of times you can break it right out of there foreign there we go there's a piece I chilled it out a little bit yet now I've got my um box cut out now I'm going to take this drill bit I'm going to try to drill down into my subfloor uh to my Rafters down there we'll see what happens here Ethan's pulling wires Mike's finishing up the plumbing got a lot of wires run and Justin is helping run gas piping here if I put this end on okay Ethan's Drilling the holes for these exterior porch lights and I'm gonna cut them right here we're gonna put those in so that they inset and then the porch light is going to sit right on them okay Ethan got it got this thing all burnt now and it's just a board it's on one of our deck boards that we took drilled a hole in it and that's pretty much where it's going to sit right there I'll sand this down to burn that and their light fixture is gonna just gonna go sit right on there so that's how it's gonna work well what day is today babe first day of school yes it is they want to be up there sitting when Mom comes in they're so excited all right now finally it has arrived we have eaten breakfast and Chloe's got her hair done pretty and Avalon and Priscilla is getting ready to get out the books the teaching has begun oh the joy of first days of school there's nothing quite like the first day of school where you have fresh new books and Wyatt he will oh yeah you will not need a tablet you will write in here that's right okay you know what would be a really good hunt is if we had a prayer before we got started with school this morning so we're going to pray I think just bless this school year and bless the children that they can learn bless Priscilla that she can teach well so Lord we just thank you Lord this morning Father for your goodness over us Lord we bless this school year we bless the children and we just thank you Lord so much for this place this safe place that they can go to school here at home and we just asked part of your Holy Spirit to just lead and guide and teach each one of us and help them with their studies and teaching in Jesus name amen amen all right clay let me see your book so exciting learning with numbers okay first grade in Avalon what have you got grade six or math arithmetic that's what we always call it was arithmetic when I was in uh third grade somebody asked me if I had math that day I said no I didn't know what math was because we always said arithmetic and Wyatt you've got a nice clean arithmetic book as well okay all right have a good day okay so we decided to clean out the garage this morning because it was an absolute mess still from moving in here so now we're gonna surprise Brazil and see what she thinks that was a surprise I'm excited oh wow babe this is amazing it looks so much better slightly organized so now we have got all our windows and our front door right here so we strap strapping them up then we're going to take them to the house there you go foreign foreign up day clean up the garage white got our windows and now we're gonna haul these scraps to the dump we burned all the paper in this burn barrel in any wood Chuckles and now all this stuff here we're going to haul off to the dump so we just got to clean up and we're gonna have some company tonight so get ready for that as well all that metal banding was pretty much what came with the logs when we brought the logs up that and some Lumber and the second load of logs as well all right I just covered my excavator there for the winter I don't think I'll be needing it and while I was doing that I had the boys um clean out this palette right here this was all full of stain and chinking and varnish that we brought up from Meadowlark log homes okay I'm back from the dump and we hooked up the side by side in the little trailer that we borrowed and we piled all our Caribou antlers that we found on this hunting trip that's you're gonna see the video soon coming up now we're going to take this side by side and park it at the uh rental where we're at and then we have to go pick up a couch we found a used couch on like a Marketplace Facebook Marketplace gonna go load that up okay we just went and got this used recliner and uh uh couch and now we're gonna try to wrestle it upstairs somehow this is gonna be a real challenge going up that steep stairway but we'll figure it out somehow yeah now we got a place to sit actually and kick back a little bit that'll be nice we're having company for dinner and there was no place to sit so we finally broke down and bought something okay we're taking it out what are you making love I'm just gonna I'm just doing a quick charcuterie board here for tonight it's fun just to finally celebrate a little yes wow this looks amazing this is the best fruit we've had in a while I think we got this far struggling to get it up up here one two three one two three go careful yeah I'll let it go down oh doggy there we go clean it all wow is it good ladies all right there's what's left of Priscilla's charcuterie board just look at that awesome view this morning we're we're taking the side by side back uh to its rightful owner unfortunately it's not up but just look at that beautiful view oh it's a beautiful day today and the snow is coming down the mountains and it's so pretty good news we're pulling up to our drive and there is NSTAR which is the natural gas line company so there looks like they're getting ready to put that in sweet well it's time to get started on these windows this is gonna be my first cut of these logs and in this particular two front windows here they're not high enough I guess at Meadowlark there was uh must have been a little goof up or something I have to cut this top log out so that's something I have to do extra so here we go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] 's done everybody likes to do things a little bit different I like to make three cuts and for me I could just get it more accurate if I do my first cut just really concentrate on getting it straight and then my second cut I go about two thirds of the way through the Final Cut I go all the way through if you have a saw cut there your your chain naturally wants to follow the same Groove if you just go all the way through the first time A lot of times it wants to go back and forth a little bit anyways for me it does so it looks pretty straight yep so I think we're good we're gonna cut the other side foreign [Music] we will have a beautiful view now I made it higher I could have cut down a little bit instead of up but I decided cutting up is going to allow a little bit more sunshine to come in so that's good now we got some sun coming through there okay well the boys are just finishing up the some electrical stuff while I cut out the windows in preparation for they're gonna start sanding the the uh logs there that I cut out so I think that's pretty much gonna do it for this video and the next video You're Gonna See Me cutting out all the windows getting that ready so if you like what we're doing here stay tuned I can't wait to see you on the next video God bless you guys and thanks for watching Remember to like subscribe and share this video If you think the content's great hopefully you enjoy our family content I know it's not just the log home building it's kind of our life it's our family up here in Alaska we hope you enjoy it and again thanks for watching and God bless we'll see you on the next video [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Montana Haven - Alaska Edition
Views: 386,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alaska log cabin, Alaska log home, Log home, Log cabin, Alaska, Montana Haven, Simple living Alaska, Somers in Alaska, Myself reliance, My self reliance, Meadowlark Log Homes, Amish Meadows
Id: LQxn5Ark_Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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