LOCKED on ONE LUCKY CHUNK With POMNI and JAX! (The Amazing Digital Circus)

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wait a second where am I right now oh my gosh TV man you joined guys this is TV man he's my boyfriend um excuse you he's not your boyfriend in fact he's my husband uh what what I am none of your guys' husbands are you serious right now but wait are we on one lucky chunk this is crazy yeah this is a one chunk uh welcome TV man we got to survive with you I guess if you don't want to survive in this world you have to make sure that you stay away from these two girls yeah I would have messed with them if I were you man they're kind of okay whatever dude I'm just going to start playing this one chunk and wo there's so many cool Lucky Blocks here um um TV man uh maybe we could uh break one together uh okay let's break this one and booah there we go I just got a hero's potion that is so cool T man can I break one with you too uh what what why are you girls being so weird okay I'm going to break this one by myself and booah oh my goodness I just got so many resources dang that was a pretty lucky block my man but uh just by The Bu you know we have to build separate houses right for boys one for girls oh what do you mean separate houses one for boys one for girls I thought we were building like one big house oh why would we do that that's weird man what no Jack remember what we agreed to we were going to do boys versus girls except T man you can be on our side uh what in the what no I want to be on the boys side yes he is on the boy side Miss oh well not for long uh what in the heck is she talking about like I said man crazy uh yeah by the way TV man I got something for you uh what in the heck is this wao is this a creative switcher no way well it says it on it man I mean I don't know what to tell you all right let's activate this thing and Bo there we go now I'm in creative mode this is so cool and I normally wouldn't do this but uh don't fly down there with it you'll die don't ask how I know what do you mean die we're in creative mode I would not jump down there oh no that's really bad oh it just killed him I told him so all right well let's just start building our house because we have to build the best house ever ah I'm back I use my wizard powers to come back all right let's get started on this house my man and by us I mean you cuz you look like you're doing a great job we definitely have to beat those girls though all right let's do that and wait they're literally copying us with the wood okay let's change that hey uh TV man uh can you come over here and help me with something uh what do you need help with what uh I just remind you to be by me um hi uh what in the heck why are you doing this um TV man what are you doing over there come stay here with us uh why would I stay with you guys you you guys are literally girls like what I'm here with the boys what are you talking about boys are so gross and plus we're like literally married oh what are you talking about we are not married oh wow you got married to her already TV man that was quick hey She's mine um what are you talking about don't you have your queen and all that ew uh well uh guys we should probably start building our houses because the creative switcher ends in 10 minutes and then we're going to have to survive this lucky one chunk together in survival oh no that's going to be such a pain TV man can you hurry up and finish the house already dude we're literally working on it I grinding this right now dude because we're going to build the best house ever and wait the girls are literally doing better than us are you serious right now well of course we're going to be trying as hard as we can we have to look good for TV man uh what in the heck why are you trying to look good for me that is so weird oh my gosh those girls are down so bad man well our house is starting to look very good wo it is starting to look really good I'm not going to lie and I'm really happy with this but guys let's keep building it up and wait I should probably put some like defenses in the chest oh yeah do they have any in purple that's my favorite color you know you want purple armor are you serious for right now I don't even think they have purple armor but let's get some diamond armor cuz that's the closest thing to purple good enough oh my that is so awesome oh hey guys uh I was I was wondering if we could uh connect our houses so we can have one giant party uh what in the heck you want to have a party uh I don't know you should asked the other boys uh so Jackson kinger what do you think of my idea oh a party that sounds great as long as you're not invited I I uh um I I just want to see TV man uh come on let me I mean you're looking at him right now aren't you okay but T man could you do me one small favor What bney What In the what do you want could you possibly break up with ratha that way you and I can finally be together what you want me to break up with ratha I'm not even dating her in the first place I'm not dating any of you guys because I am a single man oh we can fix that come on we could be in relationship it'd be so much fun it's like playing house every day py what in the heck no ew that's so gross why are you even here build your house oh don't hit the cow no I don't care about your cow py go bye you killed my cow well you're lucky I don't cast a spell on you well you know what I guess I will cast a spell on here we go oh what are you doing ow ow what the heck you just struck me with lighting are you serious right now dude a good thing I've been creative or that would have hurt really bad what is your problem that was my electricus Thunder Kiss come on man chill out I know he like brutally murdered your cow and all but it's not that big of a deal we kind of need this guy I needed that cow for our potions that I have to make and if you guys keep killing all of my materials how am I supposed to make all these potions to Keep Us Alive okay dude can you keep your mouth and just help with the the house dude you're really not doing anything would you like me to cast a spell again oh my gosh stop this right now let me build a house in peace you are so annoying dude why are the people from The Amazing digital circus so annoying uh but T man I'm not annoying um yeah I'm definitely not annoying either uh that's very debatable yeah I don't know about that one man uh so ja I have a question how are we even going to get out here dude cuz we are on a one lucky chunk right now get out of here is this guy serious have you seen those crazy chicks ban we're stuck what do you mean we're stuck in here dude you realize we could literally just dig down and probably make it to the bottom but wao that is a lot of flights I'm not going to lie I mean as we can see we can't just fly down there man I don't know what you want to do we're kind of stuck so you better get used to it buddy oh my gosh no there's no way we're going to be stuck here forever I'm going to figure out a way to get out of here I don't know about that man I'm just saying you're as crazy as those chicks if you think we're getting out of here you're right he's crazy well all we need is just a little hope if we have hope we can do anything come on kinger you should know by now there's no reason to have any hope there's just disappointment I guess so uh what in the heck that's the spirit no you need to have a little bit of hope we can actually get out of here dude I know we're designing the house right now dude but have a little bit more hope dude come on man listen here uh TV boy I've been trying to get out of this place for years with none of the help from this crazy old guy you really think if there was a way out we wouldn't have found it uh yeah I mean I guess but like it looks like there's down there have you ever explored down there I mean again I did I don't know who you think you're talking to but it's not as easy as it seems man you don't just Escape uh what in the heck are you talking about dude now I actually want to escape this place no you can't escape never uh what in the heck are you talking about pomy you're acting really weird I mean that chick is pretty crazy but she's right about one thing you're never getting out of here buddy get used to it you know what I'm going to prove to them that we could actually leave this place because I am not going to be stuck here forever that's going to be so sad yeah you go do that buddy oh by the way boys the creative switchers are going to be running out soon uh what in the heck the creative switches are going to be running out soon so that means we need to get all the materials possible so we can actually get out of here how many times do I have to tell this guy you're not getting out yada yada yada oh my gosh you know what dude I'm going to prove you wrong right now okay let's get all the super good resources and materials we need all right well let's grab an enchantment table and enchant all of this to the max level we need an enchantment table and then we need a bookshelf wow I haven't heard all this old magician stuff in a long time this is bringing back good memories like a tear in my eyes oh that's really wholesome but we have no time to waste come on help me enchant stuff let's go I got you man all right let's see let's do this spell for this book all righty all right while you do that magician thing I'm going to put some of this stuff in the chest so we can fill up and get super stack hey uh you guys can't grab resources and stuff that's going to make you too powerful um pomy shut up you can't tell him that uh hello what were you saying you mind repeating it for our friend TV man over here I mean I I guess you can grab some stuff but like not good stuff it's not a good idea like just trust me that girl sounds very suspicious come on man I know they seem suspicious but that's just how women are don't you know with this Power Stone I'm going to create the best weapons known to this Minecraft world you got to remember that spell oh I got it Bippity poppity boo what are you doing dude what did you just spell well here we go I give you the Neptune sword W what is this thing and I also give you this bow as well what in the what this stuff is so good I've never seen anything this good and wait I think you picked up the sword I didn't pick up the sword but I did pick up the bow here you go oh my gosh let me get that bow and wo this thing is so good look at this wo uh ra K just casted another one of his spells and he gave T man a really good item what should we do oh I don't know maybe if you just kept your fat mouth shut we wouldn't have this problem huh well I'm not the one trying to steal someone else's boyfriend yeah I'm not cuz he's my husband uh I'm not any of your guys' husbands are you serious right now girls you're actually so weird jack come here I have something for you what is it as you already know I gave TV man his own weapons now I'm going to create you some weapons oh great I mean my favorite price is free yes it is you Cheapo anyway I'm going to use this power gem to give you your magical weapons so here we go what's that spell um okay okay got it got it bleas go we yes here you go now you got the sword of Poseidon there you go I also made you a bow made from the finest silk in all the land oh that's cool but uh I don't need a bow I already have a gun no trust me this bow is way better than your gun I don't know about that but we'll see anyway who cares about this stupid musty old library let's build the setup already come on it's a boy house we forgot about the gaming setup guys let's build that right now all right coming down all right I see we build it right here this will be the boy only area oh here guys let me help with your setup or whatever you're working on I can add some nice little touches oh yeah that's uh great and all pomy why don't you uh just do that somewhere else oh uh somewhere else in the house uh okay no get out get out get out what are you doing get out uh guys stop fighting seriously okay P's not that bad okay just let her relax he said I'm not that bad You Don't Know Her Like I know her man oh my go she's sighing with me this just so cute okay I didn't mean it like that pomy get out of our house seriously we got to build the best house ever this is boy's only territory but I can would you like me to cast a spell to get her out of here yes do it already please no no no no no uh pleasey any all righty I got you okay okay okay anything but the Spells okay I'm getting out okay bye bye don't let the door hit you wck it wck it can we please turn the creative switch off they're getting way too powerful Hy can you keep your mouth shut don't let them know that we have control over it uh what was that over there I think I heard something about controlling something ladies uh no no it's nothing I was just uh thinking about writing a poem for TV man uh I don't want that anyway all right let's keep building and oh my gosh our roof looks so good and what in the what why is my creative off well my creative's gone too guess we're out of time wait what the oh no my creative's gone what happened huh that's really weird mine's gone too well anyway guys our houses look so good so uh what's next oh don't you know TV man now we're going to stay here forever and ever and ever um by the way would you mind giving me that neptunian sword of yours I kind of need it for our kitchen what no I'm not going to give it to you I'm not going to lie it's mine give it to me now whoa why are you getting so aggressive what the heck don't give her that sword uh ladies what's going on here you're acting weird I mean weirder than usual well it's just cuz TV man's here yeah and I mean pne's just nervous you know yeah yeah I'm just a little nervous is all so uh I don't think I've told you the rules Yet TV man well basically there aren't any rules just don't dig down I think you might regret it why ja why why are you saying don't dig down well you may or may not uh die a horrible death but it's just a maybe I'm actually so confused why they say not to dig down but now I want to dig down even more maybe I should go hide behind here and start digging down hey don't dig down there's nothing at the bottom what are you talking about dude you can literally see right here there's so much stuff down there dude come on let's dig down and get out of here I don't think that's a good idea there's no Hope anyway TV man I'm just an old Wizard and you know I just don't think there's a way out what do you mean there's not a way out of here dude we could literally get out right now but oh I don't have a pickaxe I got to get a pickaxe dude you're insane but I'm in but there really is no hope though if I'm going to be uh honest with you what do you mean there's no hope to get out of here dude oh my gosh you need to have more hope um listen new guy you haven't been here for long trust me there isn't any hope I mean you might have some now but just give it a bit and it'll be all gone just be happy you're here with the boys at least you're not stuck with those freaks over there oh TV man why don't you come over here we're just about to make some food uh no what are you talking about about dude I'm not going to go over there oh no P's right there I got to go hide oh TV man come on come have dinner with us don't be so scared we don't bite oh no I don't want to have dinner with you ew come on it's turning night time anyway plus you got to recharge your energy oh wait a second you guys forgot the bedroom what are you doing I guess we're just going to have to play video games online or something like that oh no wait is there something scary about The Night Time Jack oh something scary I mean just a little bit you'll see you'll see but what in the what are they talking about okay wizard I'm not going to lie all I need is a pickaxe and we can get out of here well you're going to need a lot more than that but I think I can whip up something for you uh well I'm already going to make a pickaxe right now yeah but your pickaxe is not going to be that good let me do it I got you hey TV man it's ready for you what is ready for me oh the pickaxe oh my gosh thank you so much dude all right all right here we go this is going to be the best pickaxe you ever had in your entire existence just to let you know I've been here for over 500 years with this blue jar of flame I am going to make the best diamond pickaxe uh what the heck are you guys doing up here uh ja we're doing nothing uh dud just don't say anything Kaz all right here you go uh what the what uh dude not in front of Jack why would you do that hey dude is that a pickaxe uh yeah but it's it's just so I can like start like mining like this house over here so I get some res resources or something like that okay I got to go yeah I don't believe you but do whatever you want just keep it away from me man just don't man just don't oh I hate TV man out for a Midnight's stroll uh well you probably should get some sleep it's getting really late we have some extra bedrooms if you want to Bunk with us uh what in the heck no uh I'm not going to lie I'm just going to uh chill and you know relax look at the stars and stuff oh uh do you mind if I join you ah what in the heck no I I I don't want that to be honest I'm just I'm just ring alone okay go away hey it's always nice to have some company get away from TV man don't tell me what to do old wizard be gone hey pomy what are you doing up so late get back on your side I oh uh uh hi ja uh I um I was Wizard come on Wizard let's go come on breathing in the night air uh oh you want to look at these roses I planted they're really pretty and um wow ja yeah you go do whatever with your roses or whatever I'm going to go check out what the boys are doing hopefully we can start gaming soon all right wizard man dude we have no time to waste come on let's go and get dig out there's no hope TV man I'm too old to be going through all this but I really want to get out of here here but there is no way out what do you mean there's no way out dude when was the last time you were down here well the last time I went down there was was probably about 100 years ago when my friend died oh man I really do miss him Merlin huh where could those boys be they I hope they aren't doing something they shouldn't something I told them not to do but uh I'll just go check the girls house surely they're there yeah there's no way they would do something like that after I specifically told them not to oh no do you hear that I think he's looking for us all right dude let's keep digging down I'm really scared right now this is getting really scary what did I think that we should have done was uh rather come down here during the day because W there they are the creatures of the night are down here what the heck is that ew ew oh my gosh it's so scary oh gosh oh no this is really scary okay don't worry magician I'll fight him off and oh my gosh I just killed him that thing is so gross and oh no there's more help me gave me man these are the least scariest creatures here there's more up ahead no no there's more but dude don't worry we got this okay let's keep going down I don't think we got this there's just no hope left in me oh my gosh and wo what in the what is this and oh my gosh wo wo I never been this far down here in all my days as a wizard wow it's so dark oh look it's an emergency button maybe if I click it maybe the people on the surface can help me uh no no do not tell them about this uh no that was bad uh why is the emergency button going off that means somebody has to be be down there there's no way it could be the boys after I told them not to go down there oh no uh they're down there everyone go storm them we have to get down there we can't let them escape this is all your fault pomy huh what do you mean not Escape I thought there wasn't a way to escape I I um it's nothing Jax Rea just um is sleep deprived oh no uh what are we going to do we must fight oh no ow they're really powerful too I'm going to die oh no I need help wiard it's all right our friends will help us oh what do you mean our friends are going to help us are you serious right what the what these silverfish are so gross and stinky with my Divine sword I show obliterate them oh no fight the MS oh this one's really gross and they smell so bad they smell like pom's hair oh no come on fight these spiders I got you oh no and wait a second I think I see them up there they're literally here help us please I'm running out of spells no they're not supposed to know oh my gosh that's so awkward I can't believe you why are you trying to leave yeah you heard her why are you even trying to leave I already told you so many times there's no way out uh well uh there actually is a way uh uh oops I said too much um pomy why would you tell them that I I'm sorry uh I forget what I said all right well anyway uh are we going to go back up to the surface or what uh yeah we are okay well I'm not goodbye wait where you going don't leave you can't leave come on man how many times do I have to tell you you can't leave just go back up anyways don't you see how dangerous it is I mean there's like all those nasty bugs and it's dark you don't want to go down there man come on just go back up to the top and we can have some quality time just us boys I think there's a way out of here I don't know but I can feel it in my old man bone yep the crazy old man thinks there's a way out so there definitely has to be but you know what I'm kind of bored might as well better than being with the girls let's go boys um we already told you you can't leave you're not supposed to leave all right we'll stop you with these Lucky Blocks then oh oh no what's going on they're spamming all the lucky black Z this is bad they're going to be a bad one everyone leave go oh no wa take this lucky bow of Destiny no no lucky blocks are not good come on we got to leave you're shooting at me you idiot oh no go everyone run down oh my bad my bad wow I didn't even know you could make it down this far man this is crazy yeah this is literally so weird I've never seen anything like this before Oh my gosh they're actually trying to leave T man don't go don't you love me oh my gosh these crazy chicks are still following us you know maybe we should go up to the top this isn't seeming like a good idea I mean they're right there would you rather just go up there and having the deal with them or would you rather try to get out of here come on guys you know we have the best town here come on TV man you don't have to leave uh why are you talking to me I I I don't even know you guys that well I got to get out of here bye TV man I'm going to use a spell hurry up and get out of range what in the heck are you going to do TV man step back I'm I'm going to use my ultra love potion to make them fall desperately in love with with me you're that desperate huh what are you even talking about dude yeah that's really weird oh you better watch out I'm I'm about to use it oh my God fall in love with me and the last one to fall desperately in love with me is PNE wait no hi TV man uh what in the heck uh I don't think that worked oh there you are TV man you better come back home with us I don't know if I can control myself for much longer uh magician I don't think you did the right one I got to go down and get out of here and what in the what is this sorry I used the wrong spell I'm back TV man king are you idiot now they're even more obsessed with this loser no offense man well I'm sorry I just haven't had a girlfriend in a long time wait a second is this Kane oh my gosh it is Kane what in the heck who's Kane oh he was some loser who kind of like took control of all of our lives I'm pretty sure he died of like ligma or something I don't care about any of that TV man come on home with us Oh no I got to go everyone running what in the what is this oh no is this a maze all right and wait wo this this is so scary oh no where are we supposed to go this is so terrifying oh no she's right there come on TV man don't run we're going to get you oh no I got to break this lucky block and Booyah I got some golden apples Oh no I got to go where do I go oh gosh where are we supposed to go good job keeping them distracted though TV man keep it up oh no Po's right there I got to go where are you boys at come back TV man you can't run from our love I don't know but I'm scared of this place oh no the girls are right there ah you can do this TV man oh uh by the way TV man maybe you should break these Lucky Blocks uh they're chasing you after all I don't really want to do all right let's break these in boo wo I got a chest with all this good stuff let me grab that oh my gosh there's more break this one and a what the heck just happened oh my goodness and wao what is happening I'm on fire there you are oh no guys everyone break all the lucky blocks look for them and wait there's one right there and wo there's chickens come on break all of them and there's a diamond hoe as well oh my gosh a diamond hoe thank you for this present TV man oh no I didn't give you any presents and what in the heck is this what is going on wao is it burning what is happening wet they found the way out what are we going to do no TV man don't leave us boys come on let's get out of here um are we sure we should keep going down I mean we might just fall from the bottom to be honest there's no way out no why would there be all these challenges if there was no way out dude come on there's got to be a way I don't know for fun I guess there's no way you boys went down there that's a very big mistake well jck um I think we're getting close to the end here uh you're joking right how do you even know there's no way there's probably 20 more floors I'm a wizard and a wizard knows you guys just need to come home now it's getting way too dangerous especially you TV man how could we ever protect you oh no get away from me p and what what are those things are those Enderman what do they look like Bud why is that one white you guys are going to end up dying if you don't come back home with us just saying oh no I'm really scared but we got to get back home come on guys home man this is our home what are you even talking about what do you mean dude have you ever seen the real Minecraft world it's so beautiful there's trees have you ever seen a tree yeah duh not like real ones though but like you know on screens and stuff but that's basically the same thing dude trees are so cool I'm not going to lie but let's just fight these monsters I love trees it's been forever since I've seen a tree but there's no way I'll be able to see one that's the spirit if you don't want to come home we're going to have to put matters into our own hands oh no we got to go everyone run dig down ah why the heck was that what was that wa oh no what's going on what's going on everyone go out to the bottom oh no this is really bad what the heck is happening I have no idea this is really scary oh no the mobs are getting really dangerous fight them fight them like I said there's no way to leave TV man stop resisting and come back home with us yeah stop trying to leave there's no way out what in the what is this and wo are those portals everyone get over here everyone get over here and hide I'm coming guys there's nothing here just come back um as I'm sure you guys can see there is a way out but you're not allowed to leave so I don't know why you guys thought there wasn't a way out there's clearly portals but we're not going to let you go through them you'll have to to fight us if you want to leave but TV man you know you love us just come back home oh you're so weird and need you don't even know this guy what are we chopped liver there has been a way out these girls have been controlling us this whole time well uh yeah uh duh obviously I knew that I've been trying to tell you guys that whole time what do you mean you've been trying to tell us dude you're the one who was so against it I knew there was a way out but now we need to fight them well uh just by the way uh I may have put down some cages down while they weren't looking so uh you might want to watch out for those guys all right girls well we definitely aren't going to try and leave we'll go back up to the service just kidding run go everyone go hide go W oh no rocket not here I'll help you uhoh what are you doing you idiot hey at least I wasn't the first one to get caught I can't believe this right now I don't want TV man to go please TV man stay with us don't worry pomy they don't even know that only one of these portals work so they have a 25% chance of getting out let us out of here first please TV man oh why would I let you out wait a minute TV man wait I'm getting the vision it's it's about your future what are you talking about my future dude do you know which one's the right portal so we can leave the only thing I see is blue you see blue does that mean it's this one right here that could be it I mean I guess we can trust the wizard not like we have any other options all right let's go come on oh my gosh oh I'm back at the surface no way oh it's finally a tree wow finally we're back on the surface hey it's been 5,000 years since I've seen trees wait is this water real water woohoo well TV man I got to hand it to you if it wasn't for you my master plan to escape never would have worked oh no problem dude I knew we could get out of there TV man if it wasn't for you I would have to stop pursuing my dreams of being the most powerful wizard of them all thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I'll see you guys in the next video tomorrow subscribe yeah subscribe guys subscribe everybody click a video up on screen let's go see you guys later
Channel: Block Buddies
Views: 1,319,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skibidi, speakerman, cameraman, speaker man, skyblock, oneblock, skibidi toilet, camera man boss, block buddies, glitch skibidi, tv man, skibidi supreme, boss, skibidi boss, skibidi bop bop yes yes, toilet in ohio, skibidi meme, gmod animation, skibidi toilet vs cameramen, tvmen, bop bop, toilet, titan tv man, mecha tv man, tv women, skbidi, crazy fan girl, fan girl, tv woman, speaker woman, camera woman, skibidi girls, titan speakerman, tv family, titan camera man
Id: j1jP6us0p8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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