UNLOCKING SONAR TITAN in Skibidi Toilet Tower Defense

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ghost skiy Tower Defense just released brand new sonar units and they're overpowered sunny and I have over 200,000 gems and we're going to see if this is enough to unlock the brand new sonar Titan he's a Godly and is extremely rare so please wish us good luck down in the comments below melon we both have 100,000 gems and today we're going to try and unlock the brand new sonar Titan let's do this thing Sunny I'll be okay with a sonar woman though she's pretty rare yeah yeah that'd be a sweet Mythic to unlock as well but I gots to get The Godly goats comment down below to wish us good luck we need your help yes and now I shall open nine crates please wait it said Quest completed that means I probably got something come on come on oh never mind I got trash bro the quest was probably just to open up a crate that's so annoying bro I thought I got the sonar woman nah I only got microphone man's and the camcorder man and I bet you got the same junk I did sunny but don't worry melon we will get this Godly Titan if we just open enough crates with a combined 200,000 gems we can pull this off I Believe in Us Sunny come on no I just missed the sonar woman I want to check and see if I have a luck booster I can activate something like that might help yes use super luck for 1 hour and now open the crates I don't think it changes my odds but whatever I feel good yep still got a whole lot of nothing same here but melon if we keep opening these crates it's only a matter of time until we acquire The Godly please I'm hitting it with a robot dance for good luck no it was right there please skibby toilet Gods bless me with one awesome unlock no way I got the sodar Titan are you kidding me The Godly yeah bro I actually got him I actually got him no way melon you're the goat that is is awesome let's see what he does sonar Titan he does 40,000 damage every 3 seconds and bro he has a tracking ability this boosts units range that's awesome the damage sounds kind of trash for Godly but the extra range boost actually sounds nice yeah dude this guy is awesome I can't wait to level him up now I just need that sonar woman yeah and I need anything cuz I'm only getting garbage bro you're not going to believe it I got the sonar woman too melan you're such a lucky duck all I get is this trash I can't believe you unlocked both of the ultra rare units yep and now I get to chill out while you keep opening these crates Sunny let me know when you get something melon not cool you're not going to help you could open more for me ah fine fine I'll help thank you we have all of these gems for a reason bro how many godlies can we get with 200,000 gems true we're going to be here for a while son yeah and then we're going to have the strongest Towers in the game totally worth it oh my goodness sunny I got another sonar woman bro all I get is garbage how are you this lucky that's awesome it's okay all we need is another Godly and then we're good true true maybe I can unlock one thing for us stop oh there were so many godlies wait dude I got two godlies in one opening no there's no way you actually just got that I didn't even notice it cuz it never made a cool sound effect I actually she got two of them what bro there's no way we're actually so lucky yo screenshot this and posted on Tik Tok What are the odds of pulling two of these in one crate that's insane but I need the sonar woman now sunny I could just give you the extra one that I have oh you have two of them okay yeah that's probably a good idea here let me cancel this opening hurry up hurry up hurry up exit and I accept your trade deal here you go where's my extra sonar woman check it out melon a two for one special that's absolutely crazy Sunny hey because I feel bad for you I want to make sure you get something really nice in your squad oh my good I don't want whatever you're about to give me what I never told you what it was I don't want it oh my goodness you're so annoying what dude it's a rare unit I don't want it thanks for the sonar woman let's go and now it's time to remove the plague doctor and the infected Titan drill man and replace them with these brand new units sonar Titan and sonar woman and I'll put an acid gunner in my squad just in case for the early games bro I don't understand your obsession with the acid Gunner he's awesome sa Sunny that's why I think you like him cuz it looks like he's farting on all the toilets with that green goo bro what other unit are you going to use for the early game bazooka man cuz he's the only one who goes on those extra platforms where you can't summon other units okay buddy and what happens when you go on a map where it doesn't have those ledges then you lose that's why I use the acid Gunner whatever just make your squad and let's get into battle and for my last unit I shall choose this guy leprechaun cameraman well played melon and now where should we head to are you thinking cameraman base or the scorching desert I'm thinking we head over to the scorching desert Sunny let's go time to team up and Destroy some skibbies vote for insane mode it's time to take these done toilets out Sunny that's absolutely right and the first step to that is a sonner woman wait you're right she's actually way way stronger than the acid Gunner let's go vote to skip wave yes and please wait hold on I need to make my money and let's go a I missed out on some guap that's okay son our woman will clean up melon can you place one down as well maybe at the spawn area here uh I don't have have enough money Sunny well when you have 250 Buck kookis could you do that I'll think about it I'll think about it all right that would be much appreciated oh no dude you let two toilets through what is wrong with you I didn't let anything through it's cuz I didn't have help okay that's it I'll Place one of my Sonar wom's right here take these turlet out yeah these turlet turds as long as you soften them up I should be able to finish them all right then let's speed things up a little bit melon you're crazy bro it makes no difference I know it's cool got him just in time for an extra 50 bucks I need maximum goop here leveling to two which does 450 damage a little bit quicker on the attack speed and bumps up the attack range bro you got to make yours level two it is level two Sunny oh nicely done never mind my bad my bad vote to skip I'm going put Autos skip on for now what could possibly go wrong probably a lot of things big upgrades on the Shoney money and pay me let's go yes all of my money maker now make me $250 a wave exact Amo same here and I'm broke I invested all of my cash so hopefully we don't die we'll be fine bro don't worry about it ooh cash money now I think it's wise for me to upgrade the sonar woman one more time and then invest in money that does sound pretty wise Sunny although it wasn't I should have done the money first then the sonar woman cuz I just missed out of 250 bucks it's fine Sunny look we're cleaning up these toilets my guy in the front's only level two true and things are starting to go really fast on double speed Auto skip yeah I'm liking it there we go then they enter the level three sonar Zone and get wait why' these little guys go through uh okay sunny we got to be more careful I got my guy to level three yeah slow it down melon slow it down I need you to chill I just need to get one more money maker to level five and then Sunny I'm going to deploy the Titan yeah are you what if I do it first well it's too late cuz I have to the Titan nice how much more damage does this do instead of the sonar woman I don't know but it seems to stun the toilets every time that's crazy hold on Sunny Sunny don't let that toilet through it's too late it's going through it's not going to kill us we're going to be fine o can you stop these toilets yeah just in time oh no oh my goodness Sunny why do you do these things to me I upgraded a lot is that enough please tell me that's enough is it enough bro you literally clapped them awesome so sunny and now I've got this guy at level three he does 15,000 damage a clap clapping upgrade level two clap bro this is nuts cuz it's an AOE slap bro I've got him at level four this guy is melting them let's go I got mine to level three in the front bro but the thing is the next upgrade doubles his damage but it also increases his cool down by a second I'm going to sell off these backliners and reinvest over here in more money excellent my money is now max level I should do the same I suppose I'm ready for the late game now melon I have maximized my money as well and then I shall maximize my Sonar woman to be safe but first I'll level up this guy cuz he's doing all the work out here slap 20,000 every 2 seconds dude that guy is nuts hold on he needs back up wait you can only place two sonar Titans down oh no hold on I'm placing him here I don't think it's a problem sunny I think it's oh yeah it's definitely a problem oh no we might actually lose it's okay though the sonar woman's also really strong 6,000 damage every 0.4 seconds dude that is 15,000 damage a second in an AOE so she's really strong yeah I guess so we should be able to take down insane mode and there we go max level on this sonar in the front boom I maxed out mine as well Sunny nice work then I'm going to put a sonar woman here and begin to max level this unit I wish our sonar Titan was level five that way we could show off his ability true that be nice we are ranking up pretty quickly though I maxed out my Sonar Titan in the middle just because well played I'm getting more sonar women to max level because that's a lot of DPS and we'll go with one more here surround them and smelt the toilets excellent coverage beautiful trer now then it's time for me to put at least one of these boys right about let's say here and upgrade that might have been a mistake my placement but it's fine you'll still do a lot of damage wa what is this toilet sunny it's huge it's gigantic the rocket laser and we're only on Wave 30 wait I think we have him permanently stunned yeah that was insane and now I have a Max Level upgraded Titan clockman so even more DPS let's go dude we're teaming up I'm going to sell this unit off in the back don't need it and I think I'm going to just chill for a bit I'm going to put another oh my goodness game stop doing that so annoying put another upgraded clock right here max level excellent look at that coverage perfect AOE and then I can still put one more sonar Titan I'm going to put it right here and max level this out there we go melon my squad is completed bro it is over for these toilets they're never pushing through oh no the Astro toilet might though yeah you just had to go and say it they'll never get through and then it's an astro toilet a plane toilet and a giant rocket laser but actually yeah we killed them all yeah we're actually chilling dude I don't know why I panicked yeah melon keep your composure bro don't ever do that again yeah I'm sorry sunny and if anything goes wrong I've got tons of money so we really don't have to worry nice just remember if the toilets pass through you need to change it from two times speed to one time speed and place your Towers nah I'm good okay that's that's not good also Mel you know when you were roasting me earlier saying my bazooka what if he can't get summoned in look at him perfect placement bro that placement is terrible can you put them on this pyramid though oh let me try let me try n that would have been cool but nah dang it it's time for me to spam all of these sonar women's yeah well then I'm going to spam this guy bro these toilets are not making it through check out the Army oh I'm at unit limit how do you check your unit limit again I don't know he just told me I was at unit limit well let me see if I can put another sonar woman and another one and another one how am I not at unit limit how many did you spawn there we go now I'm at unit limit and I think I'm going to get rid of all my scientists no need for them anymore melan we need to be careful it's wave 47 it's starting to go crazy dude we're chilling bro there's no way they can get past the Army okay I'm going to sell off my money makers I have $200,000 I don't need these I need more damage yep I'm at Absolute unit limit now Sunny more deeps and I'm also at the truest of unit limits That's All She Wrote and sunny I'm going to turn it on normal speed for the last and final wave let's go I want to see what the final boss is going to look like same here is he going to be stronger final wave is here Sunny Astro toilets are going down same for the scientists now where's this Gman fella I haven't seen Gman yet I'm curious if he's going to be crazy strong or if we're just going to stun him and melt him only time will tell how much time good amount of time I'm pretty sure units are summoning and instantly dying yeah I think so Sunny where's the boss only bosses can get through on Wave 50 there's some Astro toilets okay they're actually getting through a little bit wo those are big boys they're all wait that was it where was the boss that was so easy bro I think those were all the bosses and we melted every single one they made it like 2 feet bro we are too goated no the sonar Titan is way too goated yeah it's safe to say this Wombo Combo of units is really strong that might have been the easiest we've beaten Insane Mode ever you know what else should be insane Sunny if the viewers press that like button and subscribe to get CED
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 315,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OdE1Lf9PXOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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