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wait a second where am I right now oh hi TV man what are you doing here you should really leave to be honest this guy smells guys guys come on he se's really cool why can't he stay no can you shut up yo yo where am I right now who even are you guys why are you a purple cat and wait I don't know what's going on hey guys uh can we be friends I don't know uh he's kind of cute he's kind of cute can we let him stay what he is not cute he's not that guy no he he's he's cute come on no he looks different look he's got a really big jacket I don't like him what's wrong with you bro I'm TV man from from skimy toilet bro what's your problem man toilet E bro what uh we don't know what um scoobydoo toilet is sorry you know friend you should really get off our Island otherwise I'll have to kill you no no no don't kill me D I'm sorry man I'm sorry then leave come on wait wait wait what's your guys' names though it's it's it's really nice to meet you guys oh that was so rude of us yeah you're right I'm dog day nice to meet you I'm hobby Hopscotch and it is not nice to me you your gross I'm going to hide behind Big Brother for now I'm just a little shy that's a good idea this guy is bad news and uh I'm catnap uh I'm assuming that's your sister but guys come on let's all be friends here seriously I'm from ski to you know I'm going to start breaking this tree so I can get some resources well we are all friends just not with you what are you doing to our tree what are you talking about hey hey don't push me off br oh no we are not looks like we're free now no uhoh uh do you think he's dead oh he's not dead he's right there bro that's too badad oh good are you serious can you guys just leave me alone I'm just going to try to get out of here wait how do I even get out of here though I mean you're the one here when you're not supposed to be I'm just saying yeah this is our one CH come on don't you want to be our friends bro what how am I supposed to leave I keep respawning I mean you can always just not and stay dead yeah yeah do that do that do that no no he seems nice he should be our friend come on no don't you want to be my friend uh yeah sure I guess I mean do you do you like me or like oh I love you you're my my favorite person wao wao hold on hold on a second chill chill go okay everyone let's just not deal with this loser right now and get inside we need to talk yeah I'm with you okay byebye uh I'm really confused right now I don't even know who those people are it looks like that guy's name is catnap and he's like the leader of that like Squad I don't even know what they are dude they're so weird but anyway uh there's a Lucky Block right here so I'm going to use it and here we bro I got nothing from that are you serious right now so um guys let's just get this straight uh I'm in charge here listen to me we are going to kill him okay I am all for that plan I don't know I think he's really cute maybe we should keep him around yeah he could be very useful we don't have to kill him he seems like a nice guy I am the one in charge oh my good goodness he's really scary all right anyway um I'm just going to try to get out of here looks like it's a lucky chunk and I have to go all the way to the bottom but oh my gosh it's so far down are you serious right now come on brother let's just give him a chance did you not just hear me you have to listen to me you have no power here here I'm in charge remember uh but I'm your sister can't you just can't you just give him a chance for me hey guys how we doing please get out of our house you smell hey hey hey I'm sorry man can you guys just be nice to me I just want to it's okay did they hurt you if you have a boo boo I can kiss it better e oh h no just take a look at him he's not that bad he hasn't done anything bad yet I don't care and you know you guys are lucky you're my friends and my sister otherwise I would have killed you oh hey yo this cat crazy y I'm just going to try to get out of here I think I have to dig down all the way and then I'll be able to get out I think all right I'm going to break this Lucky Block right here and oh that's pretty cool bunnies look hoppy it's your family oh well where did it go oh here's one can we keep it yeah let's keep it let's name it wait that's my pet that's my pet no it's mine now get off our what wo wo whoa whoa whoo wo chill bro chill no he's you're the one that's in our house when you're not supposed to be speaking up the whole place my jumped off I'm so sorry ELO how could you say that to my friend oh heck no what are we killing him what are we getting rid of him no we can't kill him he's kind of cute don't worry we'll do it soon no okay based wait why are we going to kill me bro no don't kill me all right seriously guys I was I don't want to kill you oh my gosh you're weird and you're weird and oh no I got to get out of here I just want to be your friend come on don't you want to be our friend hey yo what is wrong with y'all but uh anyway I got a crafting table right here and using this crafting table I'm going to make a pickaxe and it's going to be a wooded pickaxe so I can start mining underground cnpp is literally ruining our one chunk no I'm not don't worry I know I'm literally not I am literally not just remember I'll deal with him later okay um hey friend you know you're not allowed to dig down this is our world bro whatever you want me to do then dude I can't you can push me off die are you serious right now wait wait wait I have an idea what if we well if you don't want to die on your own I could always kill you no wait catnap catnap wait I have an idea what if we turn him in into one of us no I'm good I'm I'm a part of scoobydoo toilet one of us one of us make them into our one of our friends we could do that that's like the first smart thing you've said all day no I'm from skib toilet and I would never change that okay why do you think you would have a choice yeah we could just do it against your will I I guys I don't think we should do that we don't really have the supplies to uh T man you should probably you should probably go back down I'll try to I'll try to distract them here's the funny thing dog day nobody was asking you remember dog day I own you no no W uh ser right not anymore not anymore respectfully catnap I don't want to you know join your uh what whatever it's called you know your uh I mean that's fine but then we just have to kill you get me away from you creepos that's a great idea get me away oh no oh are we playing hide and seek don't worry we're going to get you we're going to get you oh no oh no stop stop stop stop stop are you serious right now give me away from you creepos oh are we going on a trip no no no no no no no no away away away oh oh my good goodness I hate these people so much you can't run away forever oh we're not people oh wait where'd he go oh get me away I need a crafting table so I can make a better pickaxe so I can actually mine this lapis lazuli all right stone pickaxe right there and I'm going to mine down get me away from these creepy people oh I can smell that ugly scent somewhere around here it's not that bad hey yo all right let's just go this way come on I'm really scared right now but I'm just going to go this way and maybe I can dig down from here and uh uh uh Hey gu hey guys what's up I knew I smelled him over here no no no you really think you can escape where do I go come on wait join us come on no no no no no stop where do you go well you can go here oh wait get away get away seriously I have a stick I'm going to push you no you can't do anything with that that would only work on dog day you're going to push us how about I push you no no no no are you serious right now where am I oh no uh guys guys hello help me there TV man it's okay you're going to be in there for now you're going to be safe and sound I'll take care of you uh no that's weird get me out of here now wait wait wait uh you're probably Angy right maybe you need something to eat here don't feed him that's our food but guys where did t wait you put T man in the cage what's going on uh I I got to do something really quick bye why is TV man in the cage what do you mean what's going on he was trying to escape and you don't you didn't want him here you could have just let him Escape you can't leave on his own he either has to die or become one of us it's that's simple do you not understand yeah I uh uh I perfectly understand but uh what's the point like uh he says a TV man we we don't need to make another let me out stop your yapping man oh my gosh let me out green guy or whatever your name is wow that's disrespectful we should not give him any more food what I I don't know what your name is I forget it's hoppy Hopscotch for your information maybe we need to experiment on your mind so you can remember just do a little bit of deception stop stop stop stop stop get me out of here yeah the screwdriver he hey didn't didn't you have something to do with your sister like like in a couple of minutes that you should probably go attend to oh you're right but just by the way if you let him out you know what'll happen right oh no get me out of here yeah of course K yes of course perfect let me out please please green and orange guy wait what's your name again oh ow that kind of hurt but my name's dog d oh yeah you're the nice one hey dog day I'm TV man I think we already met but of course you definitely should not be talking to that weird TV thing what do you mean TV thing excuse me that's not my name my name is TV M TV man there's no difference well I think he would be a great addition to our little like team or just like have a great addition to our friends but I don't think we need to you know follow what catnap says we'll have to change him for that he does not fit in hey yo wait what cookies what where did I get cookie wait who who's under there wait I I can break this what oh perfect I can get out oh uh no oh did you like the cookies no no no no no no get away from me no no no no no I I I don't like you respectfully like I like you as a friend you know you're cool but you're kind of creepy I'm not creepy I just want to be your best friend forever oh give me away oh oh no uh where did he go oh no oh no oh no oh oh guys he must have escaped somewhere oh I got to go got to find nap what's up oh no I got to go I just saw catnap flying oh my good goodness I think catnaps using hacks or something he looks crazy right now oh my good goodness I got to keep going oh no oh where are we going wait what what are you talk what are you oh no oh no I got to use this right now uh hey Mr catnap how you doing man hope you're well oh I'm doing good but where do you think you're going nowhere I'm not going anywhere I'm going uh I'm going somewhere else that's not near you uh or any of your creepy friends oh that's too bad cuz cuz I think you belong back in your cage uh no no no no no no no please please please don't make me do this oh wait what's it oh no uhoh oh sorry I I got L get me away what do I do I don't know what to do right now oh no no no where do you think you're going H you want to get back in your cage uh how are you flying oh my goody goodness I'm scared what do you mean this is my world I don't know what to do come on just join us just go back in your cage don't get me away from these weirdos I don't know what to do please some help me arms do help me I'm I'm trying I don't it's really hard to work around catap like overpower building we need to find a way to get him distracted by something uh I don't know what to do catnap uh uh wait what's that over there what is that there's something in the cage I think there's another skib toy guy oh it's speaker man speaker man dude what's up you really expect me to believe that wait cameraman too okay I'll play along oh I wonder if they're in there shoot hey what you do to Big Brother you really thought that would work get me away I think this the only way I can get out here let's go under ground somebody grab him oh no oh no no no no there is no way for you to escape you might as well give up like everyone else no no no no no no I'm not giving up I'm not giving up I'm getting away from you weirdos no she's right there no wait I want to hang out please no I don't want to hang out with you any of you besides the orange guy he's pretty cool I'm cool too oh no give me will where am I oh gosh why is you ever going here with me where even am I you go I will go yeah these challenges aren't for you I think you need to head back up no no no ow ow oh my good goodness where am I oh hey got oh oh no it's dark and no get me out of this cage and oh no welcome back get me out of it well it looks like my creative switch is about to run out of battery so I think we're just going to have to make this a more permanent place for you okay well now that you're in this cage I want all of your belongings everything no no no put the gun away please Mr Mr uh that's Mrs Hoy hop Scot I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't know you guys I'm sorry okay okay take all my stuff fine good stuff okay just take everything please just let me go I don't like being a hostage please please please I mean maybe we can use him to get more materials this seems pretty efficient he's our little servant no yeah no no stop make it stop oh you know what I just came up with a great idea we could you know like let him go or you could stop talking dog day oh I have better idea how about that yeah I agree or I can make you stop talking I would listen to him doct day catnap getss very angry and he's scared when he's Angy okay I I'm sorry catnap let me go please please oh well I think it's lights out don't worry T man I'll come up with something it's lights out so um good I nothing I was just telling T man how he's never going to leave right it better have been nothing yeah yeah yeah uh just hold on tight T man I hate you TV thing bro why you so mean to me anyway I got to figure out a way to get out of here come on there's got to be something I can get out oh no this is so scary though I hate hate it here all right everyone so just remember our creative switch ran out and we need to wait to recharge it so he might be able to escape so any one of you happens to help him he will regret it oh don't worry I not I'm not I'm not doing anything yes yes of course yeah I'm hungry can we get something to eat please no oh okay maybe we should just watch him in that cage like stand guard watch him while he's sleeping that's a little weird oh that could be fun but he has nothing he took his entire inventory so there's no really no possible way for him to go did you say something dog I don't remember asking for your input yeah but you everybody must be tired so but what I'm sorry that's good cuz if you aren't I'll make you sorry you know he should have the first shift so we could just go do something else wait you should calm down okay there's nothing to worry about he'll never Escape right how about you don't tell me what to do okay you're mean I guess we could just watch him in shifts I suppos wait a minute is that Huggy wuggy where take this invisible man that's so weird I Huggy wugi was right around this corner maybe I think he went downward where is he I want to get my hands on him I want to get his autograph yeah I need to teach him a lesson and never come around in my territory ever again you need to lose some weight okay okay I'm following you I'm following you okay oh no I'm really scared right now where do I go oh oh catnaps right there okay let's go this way uh uh okay uh oh Mr guy what's up what's your name dog day oh yeah dog day oh you got it right that that that makes me happy but uh we got to wait for catnap for now but we need to keep moving he's definitely going to he's definitely going to notice you're going to be gone so oh he's he's going to kill me got to get rid of the evidence got to get rid of the evidence you got a point there okay uh dog day let's follow me uh okay uh wait I don't have a pickaxe now do you have another pickaxe yes of course but it's not as good got the stone one you serious right now I got a stone pickaxe brother that's not good enough oh gosh it's not going to be fast as long as we can keep going down the further down we go the further away we get from catnap is catnap like really evil and stuff is he scary yes he's he kind of the reason why I am what I am I was I used to be I used to be something else but now I'm just a stupid dog oh my goody goodness that guy's insane bro but okay let's go to this challenge right here he said we can't go to the challenges but I'm going anyway okay let's grab some of this we got some of that iron boots iron leggings oh are you okay oh I'm good just hurt my legs a little bit wait what is this place what is this place I don't know it looked very purple so it's probably KET probably built this or something oh my goody goodness this place is so scary but I hope to survive here this place is honestly terrifying wait I just now realized something we can't go any further down we only have a stone pickaxe and the floor is made of reinforced stuff no what are we going to do do we have to like complete a challenge here what do we have to do maybe one sec it gave us armor I hear I hear digging I don't know why you're here digging but uh come on let's we need to find a way to activate this challenge soon or something we need to get we need to keep going down dog day what are we going to do dude we got to activate this somehow I I don't know there has to be like a button a lever a switch some where just keep looking around dog day dog day be careful oh no oh no okay uh hide hide hide just stay right there how did he get here so quickly so um guys I couldn't help but notice that he escaped his cage neither of you had anything to do with that right I don't have anything to do with it but dog day's been awfully absent along with TV man hasn't he he has hasn't he it's always him I'll have to put him in his place when I catch him later maybe he's around here somewhere maybe we should look around always check I want to find T man soon so I can just love him forever and ever hey yo what are we going to do oh no I don't even want to think about what K's going to do to me if he gets his hands on me it's to a hiding spot somewhere wait wait is there a hiding spot somewhere come on wait why is there a window right here what is this what is this oh my good goodness dog day come in here there's like an invisible door how how did you do that he right there okay hi hide hide I think this is fine I almost just walked into the void make sure you don't fall okay it's fine it's fine it's fine are you down here come out come out where whever you are just be quiet be quiet where are you dog day too bad dog day isn't here he has like incredible sense of smell you should come out now and make things easier on yourselves otherwise you're not going to like it when I find you oh no dude I'm so scared right now where could they be meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow they're not here anywhere maybe we should go back up to the surface maybe they're back up there well they have to be they couldn't have gotten this far down without getting through the challenge so I guess we'll just head back up yeah you're right okay let's go come on just leave already please leave leave please leave oh my God wait did you guys hear something sorry I was beatboxing can you shut up and we can just leave okay that was way too close I'm not going to lie but we should probably activate this challenge so we can move forward in this I I just need to double check make sure okay I don't see though I think we're good I think we could finally finally that was so scary I'm not going to lie oh you're telling me Oh no telling what they were going to do whenever they get their hands on us let's look for a lever or a switch or something come on I got to find that button somewhere dog day where is it I don't know but well actually I think I don't I I find well I know now yeah it's right here I just saw it all right let's activate this what is it going to do though I don't know but let's just hope it's nothing bad I don't think it's going to be anything bad right oh no did you guys did you not see that look look down wait what oh no wait are those real catnaps wait wait wait hold on oh no they're chasing me oh gosh wait they don't hurt right ow ow ow ow bro they definitely hurt they definitely hurt are you serious right now come on fight these catnaps wait there's so many spawning wa wait we have to be quiet we don't want catnap like the real catap to actually like realize that we're like fighting his NPCs or whatever they are how are we supposed to be quiet we're fighting enemies it's not like we can just like quietly murder them no I know but dude what are we supposed to do I don't know at this part H what's that sound I thought I heard something oh no no no we need fight them just fight them it's fine I think we're fine all right yeah let's just be quiet let's silently kill these guys okay boom boom boom Oh there's no more left uh there's I think there's actually a couple more uhoh there is a couple more are you serious right now what do we do oh just be quiet that everything right is that everything we're good right yeah I think so I think so how do we get down oh no shush dude you're being too loud I'm sorry it scared me just seeing K's face is terrifying not let alone like eight of them wait can we die from these guys like actually probably they're big and scary and then if we die we to go all the way back up to the surface and like deal with them again and be trapped in the cage I'm sure you're going to be cage too not going to case me this is going to straight up kill me oh no are you serious Ria are they going to torture you too probably I'm pretty sure catnap has a way to stop respawning from happening no way oh my goody goodness and oh wait it opened up and wait there's a diamond pickaxe right here this is perfect we can start mining down yes yes yes please let's get out of here I I don't want to be here any longer than I have to me too all right let's go come on dog D let's just keep digging down come on come on come on man do we have an axe or something I wish they gave us an axe no we don't have an axe but dude do we need more do we like need more time or what are we doing are we fine like are there anyone is there anyone here uh I see you doct what faster dig faster faster I'm going fast I'm going fast I'm going fast come on go go come on there's got to be something down here drop me some blocks drop me some blocks I clogged the way back back from here that right there hey You' blocked me in oh no I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry okay I'm just keep diing down hey guys oh hey catnap hey C too what's going on man uh I hope you're doing well crazy Phantom New Year you're doing well W hide hide hide hide hide okay get somewh just go right here it's fine I know you're in here oh no how are we supposed to find dog day when he's orange and this Rim is all orange I don't know um you can always just blow it all up oh yeah uh oh I don't know about that one I mean what if we die too well I won't okay well I'm your sister and I kind of don't want to die can you blend in with the care just stand right here stand right here about what I want yeah right there you're perfect you stand right there and you you blend in perfect yeah won't be able to see path why are you so mean maybe we should look around I have an idea oh no I left something at the top of the uh uh one chunk I need to go grab that it's the only way we can leave oh my gosh do you guys hear that he's such an idiot for being that loud well you heard him I guess we all have to go back up to the top dog that was so smart oh that's so much walking don't don't don't get relax too relax yet how much more stuff do we have to do until we can actually get out of here though oh it looks like there's like only one more thing to do seems to be some kind of blue and red room and some weird obsidian room left and we could go home oh my good goodness yeah you're actually cool dude like why are you helping me right now because this place is not good I I I don't know just it used to be fun like it used to be fun but then catnap started changing and started becoming what he is now it's not fun I just want to go home okay I think the coast is clear uh okay I guess if if they come back let's just run back here cuz that worked pretty well okay ew This water's so gross what is this bro I don't want to think about it let's just look around see if there's a way out oh what's this find the key it says wait we have to find a key somewhere where in the where would that probably in here I would hope if it's somewhere else ra other than here then we're kind of we're kind of we're it's not going to be good it's not going to be good let's just look around for a key uh let's uh where would if if I were a key where would I be oh I'm so good at rhyming oh boy we're almost at the surface I can't wait to find them I'm going to exterminate both of them I'm so done oh that's too kind it'll have to be a lot lot worse oh no yeah I'm all about that let's do it this why I want to leave I oh no no let's just look around look around please where is it wait a minute T man look look right there oh my good goodness wait there's actually a key right there let's go grab it come on oh it's on the other side oh no oh okay no there's a path over here we're fine we're fine I grabbed it I grabbed it all right let's go get the key E I stepped in that water and it made me all slow and stuff are you serious right now what is that is that is it honey or something whatever I don't care let's just leave let's just leave come on we need to get out of here as quick as possible I don't want to lose another friend want him just like my friend bobby bear hug he was such a who bobby bear hug who who was that one of my closest friends well was whenever until cadap got to are you talking about catnap got to him what do you mean yeah catnap he killed my best friend wait what what wait it was it was bear hug right her uh-huh she's gone and that's just going to happen to me it's probably going to happen to both of us if we deny catnap that's why we can't get near catnapped again if he gets his hand on us we're done for it oh my goody goodness are you serious right now well maybe bear hog isn't dead you never know right no I I I I'm pretty sure I saw her die with my own eyes wait what in the what it it's Bedrock right here what is that what we can't dig down anymore dude it looks like it's SC how how are we supposed to continue okay maybe there's a a gap somewhere or something yeah maybe I'm going to start digging this way maybe oh no I really feel bad for your friend though like did she actually like how'd she die I don't want to talk about it it was so hor it was so horrific all right wait there's a room right here oh my good go who is that who the heck are you Bobby bear hug is that you wait dog day oh my gosh it's been so long how are the others not good I I don't who are you oh I'm bobby bear hug I love you too the moon and back uh we were just talking about how you died oh well I wish I would have died at this point I've been stuck here for so long how I I could have swor I saw you die I thought I would have died too but I've just been tra here are you guys trying to escape as well uh yeah but I don't know why I'm here I'm from skibby toilet if you know what skib toil is it's like this really cool series with like enemies and like you know cameraman speaker man oh oh okay um well no I have not heard of that but it sounds cool it's really nice to meet you yeah bobby bear hug my best friend is one of the good ones she hasn't been a victim of catnapp weird Mind Tricks remember you know the bunny obviously the I I can't remember the bunny's name I'm too stressed the bunny poppy yeah yeah hoppy Hopscotch she are you okay dude you're like hyperventilated sorry it's just I'm so good to see my best friend I'm it's amazing but hoppy used to be just like both of us he used to be sane he used to be on our side but the green one wait she's like creepy like she's like so annoying too her voice pisses me off oh well she wasn't always like that well yeah kab did something to her and I don't know what I don't did he put like an evil spell on her I wouldn't be surpris catnap is type type of person do that but okay I'm glad that I'm glad to see okay but we still need to get out of here catnaps on our tail oh okay he's still around that's that's great I guess yeah it's so much fun but let's just look around as suppos do you've been here in this like room for a while right do you know how to get out I mean I have a hunch on how to get out but it's too scary for me if I activate the challenge I'm probably going to die have you tried using all this armor there's armor oh bro what have you been doing this whole are you serious ring out all right anyway let's grab this armor I've been hyperventilating wa this armor is so good what in the what this is crazy bro there's no way we're not going to be able to beat the Mobs with this all right let's grab this chest right here and oh my goody goodness yo this stuff is awesome bro and wo enchanted golden apples and a super good bow and a crazy sword wo that's crazy I I'm really scared I don't know about this what what if catnip finds us no we have to do it we have to we have to save everyone man just I just hope this mob room isn't super scary wait do we need to be quiet again I have no idea probably we should probably be quiet I think they're up at the surface uh wait kab's I know katab is smart he's he's probably been back like going back down he probably found up my bluff earlier I don't know what to do wait wait we need we need to activate the challenge I forgot uh uh bear do you know if there's like a lever somewhere a lever lever uh I'm not sure let me uh okay nope not there not there um let's find that lever come on oh it looks like dog they tricked us he thinks he's so clever we'll see how clever he is when I make him scream later wait where is he though oh he's down you idiot we need to keep digging okay oh guys they're looking for us we need to find that lever right now so we can activate this challenge where's that lever find it find it how do I know you guys aren't under under catnaps control no we're not we are not I promise you that because we would be I don't I don't know just trust us do you trust me right I'm activating it come on yeah trust me I'm not I'm not like that I'm from skibby toilet I don't even know like who you guys are I just met everyone here I'm just confused as you are wait what oh that's not um wait what the is that me what in the why are there clones of you are you serious right now oh I meant to accidentally kill you he probably cloned you oh the Bun's here oh there's also hoppy here are you serious right now yo why are they so creepy looking I guess they never got a clone of me since I let oh never mind I spoke too soon okay bro that's crazy I'm not going to lie bro there are a ton of clones wait a minute where' my armor go wait what it Just DE equit my armor wait what I don't have armor either oh no I'm getting really weak are you serious right now oh no I actually got to be careful that I might actually die cuz I don't have armor no no no no no ow ow ow ow ow there so many of them these areful going to survive that the end do thereare if this the end do day I just want to say you're my best friend no no no don't worry I won't let us die wait oh wait we got him wait what we did it no oh no that was too easy something's wrong I mean it's good to always be on your guard uh oh wait the door's open oh the door did open what the what no no no no this is too easy this is way too easy I'm scared yeah this seems like a trap or something oh oh she just fell down are you serious right now should we go down there wa what's this I guess I suppose there's only one way come on woohoo and oh no guys looks like this is the area to get out we can get out beautiful Freedom's finally going to be ours I can't wait I know there's something ground there something this wait a minute no no I knew it I knew I knew it was too easy wait wait what what what what do you mean something's wrong you're everything's wrong I knew that last room was too easy this was all trap t man I'm going to hide behind you really quick oh you think you really thought you could Escape you really thought you could disobey me I am going to enjoy killing all of you uh what guys that's don't no T you're supposed to hide the uh that um oh oh whoops oh there's no bear here there's no uh red bear TV man I don't know what to do sorry is that red thing bobby bear hug wait what how is that alive excuse me I'm a she thank you very much how's that thing alive that's what I said how are you alive huh how are you alive with your stupid looking ears and your annoying voice you're right her voice is really annoying wow you know at first I thought you were all my friends and that's why I kept you around but it really isn't worth it I think I should just kill you all instead wait what what are you talking about all like you mean all oh he would kill me wo wo oh okay he's Inky he's Inky uh what the what bro are you Ser hey hey guys don't chase me uh Mr catnap we can work this out some way or another dude come on don't be weird don't worry once I kill you we can all finish this and I'll have to start all over make new friends no no no um no one wants to be your psychopath option is to fight come on come on hoppy this isn't you this isn't you hoppy yeah hoppy you know you remember all the time rep played you've changed don't let him control you no let me control you think about what'll happen if you disobey think about what's going to happen to them after I'm through with them do you want that to happen to you too think about what's going to happen to you you said you were going to kill me too I thought we were chill dog I mean cat well you thought wrong and anyway it doesn't matter what's one more friend to kill oh gosh no one die no one die everyone be careful I'm with you guys now this guy is so weird Hey fat nap wait really are we friends now now yeah you still smell bad get over here you really think you can take me you guys four there's a lot of us and one of you ow ow ow ow okay this feels targeted wait how's he shooting that fast Oh no just take them out use all of our ow no dog day it's okay I'll help you oh come on kill him go oh no you guys really think you can kill me with those you know I'm Invincible right like the TV show what you know you're also ugly you're not Invincible loser you're not watch wait he might actually be Invincible we I would have died if that was me maybe we can do something else take him out take him out just keep hitting him hit him wait a minute it's not going to work guys you'll all die eventually hit him into the corner hit him into the corner can we just stop playing this stupid game and you can all just die already you know you can't beat me I'm not really interested in dying right now I'm done with your stupid mind gam C guys he might actually be Invincible I think he is I don't know how we're going to be able to kill him that's what I said that's what I said you're not invincible you are not him nobody's Invincible inv it doesn't seem like you're doing any damage to me though well you haven't killed any of us either so who's hold on a second dog day um there's a trap right here you just you just said there was a trap earlier right okay guys can you help with me I've got it I'm sorry I'm sorry guys everyone get him over here get him over here I mean someone said something about it earlier but it's actually a trap what's this no no don't step in that we more like more like fat come get over here oh no don't don't get me there oh oh oh my gosh yeah it's tra now yeah that's right what is this uhhuh it's a cage it's to contain you you furry ball this won't hold me forever you can't keep me in here forever I'll get out eventually and then it'll be even worse when I eventually find you you're never getting out of that I'm not letting you out yeah get out try to get out buddy huh get out yeah come on show us you can think that but just do wait I'm telling you to let me out otherwise I'll make it last even longer while I slowly kill you you're not going to be a to kill us in there he's bluffing yeah yeah I don't I don't believe it anymore never if you're so powerful get out of the cage now exactly oh you'll regret this you will regret this loser sure you're never going to be able to hurt me or any of my friends ever again are you sure about that wait uh you actually chopped up boo good he was annoying he always ordered me around he was really mean stuff oh can we go now I I was just kind of can he even help us in the fight against him what are you doing complaining right now you just sat up there while we had to fight him it's fine we still ended up trapping him look at him look at that just ST stand there staring L ELO Elbo you guys are the losers you still can't escape that's reinforced glass oh no wait he's right oh guess what guess what I'm not actually your sister stupid what well you are technically my brother I'm going to disown you cuz you're you're a poopy head wow wow wow sorry foul language I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry well I don't really feel bad it's catnap so guys how are we going to get out of here what are we doing oh yeah that's the part we little just like step over step over right over there uh let me just uh wait wait what why are you doing that yeah I just got guns uh I guess that works you guys aren't going to be able to escape me forever even if you leave now I will find you and I will kill you okay go everyone go come on let's leave get out of here okay s it thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I'll see you guys in the next video tomorrow hit subscribe make sure you subscribe yes subscribe subscribe everyone subscribe for no more catnap thank goodness subscribe everybody
Channel: Block Buddies
Views: 134,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skibidi, speakerman, speaker man, skyblock, oneblock, skibidi toilet, camera man boss, block buddies, glitch skibidi, tv man, skibidi boss, skibidi bop bop yes yes, skibidi meme, tvmen, bop bop, skbidi, crazy fan girl, fan girl, tv woman, speaker woman, camera woman, skibidi girls, titan speakerman, tv family, titan camera man, pomni, kaufmo, jax, caine, amazing digital circus, ragatha, zoobie, bubble, gangle, pomni and jax, the amazing digital circus
Id: I74eAdELlUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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