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ah Leo where are we right now oh wait Crystal who are you oh my gosh Jax I'm a huge fan of your channel do you want to play Minecraft with me what or we're stuck in a box I don't want to be here who are you oh wait I just realized I already said that oh I want to get out of here I'm stuck in here with you just made best friends forever please okay well I think the only thing we could do Krista is defeat the Ender Dragon so I could get away from you but why do you want to get away from me oh my goodness I think we need to get an achievement yes I got an achievement and now if I do this and now I get some more if we expand this and make a crafting table we can expand this border Crystal oh okay let's do that okay we'll do this and come back look it oh it's expanded now whoa it's it's like the bigger now we can walk around now we have some room and you can like get away from me hey do you want a flower oh my gosh I don't want a flower Crystal okay can you just take that I can we just like uh finish this this really fast please oh why we should take our time oh my goodness come on okay here's all what you do go get that wood right there like what you're doing right now and I'm gonna get some Stone okay okay after this can become best friends oh my goodness maybe if we defeat the Ender Dragon we will okay yay okay okay now give me some wood what's the magic word I said please already now the magic word is I'll be your best friend forever no no no no no no no no no no no no no I said please don't just give me that win I don't wanna be here I gave you some wood but I will say it's kind of nice having a fan like this yeah I watch all of your videos oh my goodness okay and then why did you get an ax I'd mined a tree to get this oh my goodness okay here's the plan we are gonna start by getting a bunch of iron okay and once we got that iron we have to just dig down until we find stuff okay and then eventually we will go to the nether oh I extend the board again are you proud of me well you did how did you do that don't pickaxe oh my goodness okay well that is a great thing and uh now I'm gonna go climb up so I can get an ax we're gonna become best friends after this I already know oh you keep on saying that stop it why because I just wanna go with my friend Leo okay I don't want to be here I'm better than Leo you're gonna Place him with me oh my goodness and now we're just gonna get all this and I'm getting so much wood right now okay I'm looking for iron oh you are okay that's good that's good and now we're just gonna go all the way down just like this and also I should probably just make a little staircase that way we don't take any fall damage so I'll just go like this oh you're so nice oh no no it's not for you it's not for you I'm just doing that because it's good for me okay you sure I think you like me oh my goodness and you stole my crafting table did I oh my goodness now I gotta make a new one so we do this and now I'm so sorry this having still become best friends wait a minute I have an idea since Krista likes me so much I can ask for anything and she'll give it to me I'm guessing uh hey Crystal is there anything you could give me like anything at all that's cool oh yeah I have so many cool things I'll give them to you here oh yes I do it would work uh I know what this uh this is weird uh I don't want that either Flynn oh I'll take a flint I'll take a flint that's good that's good a flower oh my goodness are you kidding me I gotta go throw this away okay let me put it right there okay and now let me just make myself an ax just like that now that we've done that let me just store my inventory real quick and there we go and now it is time to get some iron with Krista yay we can get iron together oh my goodness and uh we're getting close to something Krista uh I think so I hear something oh wait we're on a different block now okay we're actually making decent progress right now let's see let's see okay let's keep going hey by the way if we beat the other dragon can I be a part of the channel oh my goodness no Krista this is a one-time thing I'm never know how I got here because I'm so cool and I should be a part of the channel oh my goodness wait do you hear that I hear lava look it's amethyst oh okay but we can't even reach there oh you almost killed me crystal what the heck oh I'm sorry wait look there's a structure here wait a minute is this the end portal wait maybe it is we must have gone so lucky that is crazy but what do we do now we need to expand this border Crystal I need some help I'm not that good at these types of Minecraft challenges I'm mainly good at like build challenges and like most secure houses that's what I do normally oh well it's okay because I'm a really good Minecraft player they could use in your channel oh my goodness stop saying that but I have an idea you keep on doing this and I'm gonna go back up and see if I can like get anything else because it appears that the Border has like you know expanded a little bit yeah wait maybe if you kill a monster the Border will expand more because you can get Monster Hunter wait maybe you're right maybe it's night time let me go check I'll see you later Krista all right be back soon my goodness finally I'm away from that Krista she was kind of getting him on my nerves but now it's time to go up and uh let's see if we can get anything on the top of the earth okay and uh I'm hearing some rain maybe that's a good sign and uh wait let's see it's over here and we go up no there's creepers oh my goodness that was so scary oh my goodness I'm gonna go back down that was so scary I almost just died hopefully Krista has gotten some stuff now hey Chris the how's it going oh I just got iron that expanded the Border oh my goodness okay let me go over here and yes thank you for expanding the Border I've expanded even more because I got an iron pickaxe let's go see I'm really good at Minecraft I should be able to join you oh my goodness maybe if we defeat the Ender Dragon like I said okay what if I find diamonds ah it's not gonna change my answer Krista diamonds look oh wait that's actually really cool and uh but what do we need now because we have to go to the nether because right there is the end portal I'm really clever so I know what to do firstly look if you make diamond boots with our diamonds it gets another achievement here I'll give you the diamond boots oh that's very kind uh can you give me everything that you get yeah sure here's my iron pickaxe my stone ax oh nice it's actually amazing okay I think that's enough that's enough that's enough okay you could just take this okay perfect now I'm kidded thank you for that no worries anything for you watch if I also make iron boots that's another achievement oh my goodness wait wait you can keep on doing that I'm just gonna take a nap okay you could just uh do whatever you're doing it just keep on expanding the Border okay anything for you I'll do it all and then you can find me to the channel after we can make videos together this is nice I'm just relaxing here and I don't have to do anything oh if I go to the stronghold I can get another achievement oh I just got I've gone to the stronghold oh my goodness wait she did I got the achievement and uh good job Chris I'm Gonna Keep on taking my nap we can work this out together and make a really cool video uh I think I'm okay oh okay I'll uh keep mining then hopefully we get something to help us yeah yeah you just keep on doing all that that's amazing oh I just killed the silverfish which made it bigger wait oh nice job oh no there's silverfish attacking me please save me okay I'm coming I'm gonna go I'm Gonna Save you where are you I'm hiding in a room yes one and these these are stuck in the wall okay I got it these are so easy there you go my hero oh no they're attacking me oh shoot wait we have to destroy that thing there's so many oh yeah you're right wait I have an idea look what's your idea I got lava oh nice nice no oh my goodness Krista just died but I guess I can get all of her stuff I don't feel that bad and wow she actually had a lot of stuff here hey Krista how are you doing did you respond yeah I blew up twice oh my goodness that is crazy I see a island in the sky wait what do you mean got another trees no way wait I'm gonna come to you okay wait I found a water bucket a chest up here let me place the water for you okay and I'm coming up and uh wait where are you Krista I'm at all the time oh shoot there's mobs on me I have to take this carefully okay I'm up here and I'm building up I don't think they can get me now I'm sick oh no they're attacking me okay well uh Chris so you have to deal with them on your own but they're two okay fine I'll help I hope I'll help I'm coming and coming nice I got one I got the other you're my hero thank you for saving me oh yeah you're welcome oh oh I think I just accidentally murdered uh Crystal I'm sorry about that it's okay actions happen all the time oh my goodness you're so forgiving okay and what's up here wait look there's a chest over here wait where where I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming whoa oh raw pork chop and there's some gold nuggets I'm gonna get the cake because I'm really hungry can I have a piece oh yeah you're gonna have the leftovers you know there you go Krista thanks okay and now what's up here wait look there's another chest over here we just didn't get out of it oh shoot okay come on oh I can't reach it and uh now it's time to uh do another achievement wait can we get some water do you have like a bucket wait I have a bucket here take this take this the lava will be there and if I do this I got an achievement oh dang it wait I have an idea though if you go back we're gonna go portal and then you can go to the nether oh wait you're right let's do that right now and maybe we're down there we should discuss me joining your channel oh you've kind of asked that like a lot of times and my answer still hasn't changed are you sure I think I should get in I'm really good uh yeah but I just don't think uh you would fit in my channel that's all are you sure yeah I'm like 100 sure I don't have a doubt in my mind Krista oh I see a chest over here wait where are you I'm in the stronghold okay let me go let me go wait look in the chest this is Obsidian Oh shoot that's actually so convenient okay and do you know how to build a like a portal because I don't really know how to do that yeah I know how to build a portal I'm really good at Minecraft okay I do this and this and this is this this oh okay nice nice this looks very professional I don't know what you're doing and then like this oh nice and then wait look I have a Flint now all we need is uh like iron right and I have one iron okay perfect perfect let's go okay be careful and don't know this is gonna be scary isn't it oh no we're being attacked oh we're being attacked oh no wait should we Retreat what do we do we might have to retreat let's go oh no that's okay it was an achievement at least oh no oh my kid is still trying to shoot at me oh my goodness I think it got me what it killed me they got me two okay I'm going down and there's a creepy right there this is intense this is so intense now I'm going all the way down just like this and uh wait did you survive Krista I didn't no well we did teleport back so our stuff should be there still and oh my goodness there's a skeleton on me I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go and I am here and uh oh my goodness there is a pigment here but uh Krista most of our stuff is gone it burned in the lava no no wait oh my goodness I thought it would burn got him get him get him get him get and uh wait can we break this oh no we can't anyways we have to figure out a plan to get blaze rod from the nether so we could go to the end and I can get away from you oh wait did I say that out loud you don't want to get away from me oh I I didn't mean that I didn't mean that uh okay I do have some of the things I saw my water bucket so if I put it over here wait where did you get that diamond pickaxe I was saving in case he dies oh my goodness and then we can keep mining this and what do we need this for Krista yeah I saved some extra stuff in case we died and in that chest there was a book no way really oh that's actually very convenient and uh I'm gonna go up to the top since the border is expanded let me know if you need me okay wait there's a there's a skeleton Kristoff okay I'll help you you're just standing still helping Crystal sorry I was crafting I got it oh my goodness good job Crystal okay wait I got a bow and arrow from it you know what that means and what does that mean I mean if we shoot the bow then we get an achievement oh achievement uh you kind of just uh there's an arrow in my hand in my enema oh wait there's a lot of arrows on me right now and wait wait remember that piglet oh I don't think you should shoot that at me it's okay I don't have to shoot this one at you another achievement oh let's go if we use those diamonds I got earlier with this obsidian that we got and this book I found in the chest and he placed on a crafting table please called bang and then we can make an enchantment table oh which gives us another achievement no first you have to use it oh what oh shoot okay uh wow you go ahead and use it I haven't go up okay okay and I can enchant my pickaxe and extend it more and now we're gonna go right up here and oh finally I was kind of getting tired of being around Cruiser that much wow she's actually kind of annoying but anyways we're gonna go all the way up here and once we're up here we're gonna see if we can open that chest that was behind the barrier okay and now we're up here and let's see if we can find that chest anywhere it should be somewhere over here and yes and uh oh my goodness finally some food that is amazing and then I got a diamond and there we go and is there anything else I unlock let's see and uh now I think I should should go up there because Krista mentioned like there's stuff being up there or something so let's go up there while I eat my carrots hey Jack what's up Krista I got us a bed oh you got a bed I I don't really want a bed Krista yeah but we can sleep in it for another achievement uh I don't know if I want to do that Krista why not well if I have to and it'll help us I'll do it but yeah and wait Crystal I just found a chest at the very top how did you not see this I'm sorry oh my goodness let's see what's in it and wait it's two blaze rods can we use these Krista oh yeah we can use them to open the end photo oh my goodness let's go and wait what's up there wait you have to expand the Border Crystal there is another chest at the very top I didn't even see that till now oh it's okay I have an idea to expand it a bit more okay okay you gotta do that and while you do that I gotta get some blocks so I can build up there so we're gonna go all the way down here and now uh can you give me a pickaxe or some block so I can build up please okay here's a pickaxe and look if I plant this we get another achievement nice nice nice and now let me just get all these blocks so I have enough to build up to that nether Island over there and right now I got 22 which is not that bad and I'm gonna get like 64 or something what are you doing right now Krista uh I'm trying to figure out how to get another achievement okay well you keep on doing that because you seem to be the pro at this game yeah that's why I should you know maybe join the channel and help you out yeah that's like the thousandth time you said that and uh you know I think I might change my mind really no oh oh my goodness that might have been a little too hard I probably shouldn't have said it that mean but sorry Krista uh it's okay I'm not sad oh wow you you sound like really sad you're kind of like staring at me very ominously yeah it's okay oh you're yeah you're you're still staring at me that was very creepy okay now I could go up here and wow there is actually an amazing Sunset up here really you want to see it together oh no I I didn't I didn't mean it like that I was just mentioning the sunset I don't want to see it with you oh what about Leo Leo uh no I would probably just this year I was just mentioning it that's all I just gave chicken season the bread wait a minute I can open the chest now good job Krista and let's see what I get and come bang and I got what Crystal there is so much good stuff in here wait really can have some yeah yeah I'm gonna bring it all down there's ender pearls golden nuggets so re-wither skeleton skulls and nether right scrap there's so much goodies I just gave the pigland some gold and it extend the border of it let's go and now I'm down here and uh what do you need I'm gonna give you everything because it looks like you know what you're doing okay let's do it I'm gonna give you this and this and this add dog tell me what else you need that's kind of all I have right now okay oh the Ender Pros are useful oh that's good and uh by the way since you know you're the pro when are we going to the nether I want to go to the end we don't need to go to the end the island had everything we needed unless wait we need blaze rods still oh I got those two here go okay thank you and then we turn those into that wait so you're telling me we don't even need to go to the nether we can go straight to the end Chris stuff yeah oh that's amazing look at achievement we're gonna get come on there you go where'd you go I'm looking at the achievements right now and it looks like we're actually getting a lot but I don't even know wait you spot up with her what did you do crystal go down here quick we have to get to that photo quickly oh my goodness okay let's go let's go wait where is it it's over here come on Krista oh no it's angry it's gonna come towards us I'm chilling down here I don't know about you you have to go down quick oh I am absolutely chilling I'm not I'm gonna die if we don't go down faster that sucks Krista oh is this all you care about me that much oh yeah well I kind of just met there's a creeper on me he's chasing me oh my goodness okay okay oh my goodness that was wait where did you come from that's weird okay okay we have just enough achievements okay and here I'll let you put the Eyes in oh okay perfect thank you and now we'll go like this and uh also what I was trying to say is uh it's not that I don't care about you it's just uh this is the first time I've met you you know what I mean oh that's true I guess oh hey you should have punch me in oh no I wasn't trying to punch you in okay and now we are in ending and Krista okay watch this let's go together then quickly what the heck what are you doing Crystal I'm speed bridging oh my goodness I think this crazy fan girl is a pro at Minecraft I don't know what she just did but now we're gonna go up here and come on come on come on and uh oh she's still going she hasn't messed up okay wait what did but it works here what why are they here and uh are you kidding me there are siren heads instead of enderman's that is super scary this end is so weird what did you do this is like a corrupt end or something because all of these Endermans are siren heads they are not normal Endermans oh no they do so much damage I'm gonna build up and Krista I'll let you do the work okay okay I just burnt some of them oh my goodness I'm just gonna watch you and then there's like two dwarfs right under me they're just kind of looking at me oh wait I'm getting hit Kristoff I died I'm coming back though don't worry oh my goodness okay right now I'm currently chilling and uh wait you're back Crystal yeah I'm back okay I know the way we can kill them Dragon really fast I'm gonna be honest even though I think you're awesome you're not that good at Minecraft oh my goodness what are you talking about I'm so good at the build challenges and stuff that's easy stuff no but I always win against Leo and Mikey I've watched your videos you know and all of them oh my goodness and uh what are you doing now I'm kind of just waiting I want to see some action okay then you can watch me okay okay I'm gonna run for my life because all of these dwarves are on me this is terrifying I am ready I'm ready where are you Krista I'm gonna waiting for it to go down go away from the middle or it won't go down it'll get scared of you okay okay I'm I'm over here after build up right over here it's purging it's purging let's see it let's see it Krista okay wait it's actually getting wait it's half Health good job Krista keep on doing what you're doing thank you you cheering me on it's helping me a lot oh my goodness it's so low one more time Krista and we did it actually I guess you did it but let's go since I helped you win the Ender Dragon can we go on a date get dinner oh I think I'm good wait but maybe I have a better idea come with me Krista okay wait is this our date it might be just go right on the edge of this end okay I'm on my way I can't wait is there a surprise for me there is go look go look like bye Felicia oh no wait but my name is Krista uh yeah I was just saying that as a joke let's go if you like this video be sure to subscribe yeah and like the video on the screen right now wait a minute uh Krista why are you doing the outro with me because I don't see any Leos around here oh my goodness bye guys
Channel: Jax
Views: 14,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, LOCKED on ONE BLOCK With CRAZY FAN GIRL!, jax, mikey, jaxandmikey, fan girl
Id: OG29zTzZ8lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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