Saying YES to CRAZY FAN GIRL for 24 Hours!

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Jax you've been really mean to me lately you know what I kind of have been I'm sorry I think you should make it up to me you think oh what do you mean by that to make it up to me I think you should say yes to me for 24 hours what are you serious right now you're telling me I have to say yes to everything you say no matter what for 24 hours yep absolutely and I'm even gonna make a contract for it too oh my goodness well if that makes you feel better and uh you'll forgive me then okay I'll do it Krista okay here's the contract uh okay uh contact uh uh why did you spell like that Krista I am dyslexic I don't know how to spell oh my goodness okay maybe uh one of the challenges I teach you how to spell because like that Krista there's a problem here um what's the problem you didn't make me able to sign it like uh I literally can't type on it you know what I'll just do it myself okay because uh I don't think you know how to do this I'll do it myself just sign this wait you want to sign this off fine okay see please okay oh wait you actually did it right I know I did oh my God it's okay perfect so I'll just do jacks just like that and I'll do done okay there you go Krista thank you and now that we've done that uh what do you want to do because I am down to do whatever you want and uh I'll just say yes to you no matter what all right I want all of your diamonds uh are you serious right now she wants all my diamonds fine okay let's go to my house I'll get you my diamonds let's go where are the diamonds I'm kidding them I'm getting them okay there's a lot in here just give me a second you have quite the amount of diamonds this is like literally my entire life savings and now you're just uh you're gonna take all of it oh oh my goodness what do you want to do now Krista I wanna get over with this as fast as possible I have an idea follow me uh okay fine let's go let's go this way uh where are we going Crystal I want to make something super special oh you wanna make something special okay wait that's not that bad wait what so where's that gonna happen like you could give me like diamond armor and everything Crystal I'm ready for this wait is this like a portal or something oh wait why is there lava it's a diamond portal if you put your diamonds in here no wait wait wait wait stop there Crystal Crystal they disappear oh did you just burn my entire life savings for fun Krista yes oh my goodness I'm gonna not like these 24 hours okay what do you want me to do now uh I think we should go skydiving you wanna go skydiving I don't like heights Krista this is really not good well you have to say yes to me for 24 hours so you have to fine okay let's go well we climbed this huge mountain I know we've been doing this for so long Krista how high is this song this is really high it's like about 150 blocks and there's a super cool thing right over here ah what does that do crystal it's the skydiving why did you do that Krista I didn't mean to it was an accident oh my goodness okay well uh you said that's the skydiving thing and I guess that'll teleport it somewhere maybe that's right uh but what's this over here Crystal what's this like this dirt block Hut thingy uh Albert Albert oh wait no no no don't attack uh Crystal don't do that hey uh get this guy Krista come on let's get this guy get him Albert's being really mean right now oh come on get him get him get him get him okay let's go Crystal wow wait actually that was kind of fun I might be warming up to you Krista that's so good to know oh okay well I guess we can go up here now I guess we can and uh oh my goodness I really don't like this why are we so high Krista this is the perfect spot to go skydiving oh my goodness okay fine well let me just get whatever oh it's a elytra perfect now we both have an Elijah oh my goodness and you're telling me we have to go all the way down here yeah are you ready oh I I don't know if I'm ready Crystal I I don't know if I want to do this oh oh wait a minute this is actually not that bad Krista I know right this is so much fun see kind of peaceful I see you right up there look at me I see you down there too wait what's this over here come with me come with me there's like a like a city over here this is so fun I do see that oh my God it's okay I'm gonna go for a landing oh wait wait Krista I don't know how to control this I don't know how to control this just don't die oh my goodness this is really not good and oh okay well I took a little bit of damage but I landed safely and uh now we are in a city interesting we are I think I want you to write me a poem Oh you just hit me again oh my goodness and uh you want me to write a poem Krista yes okay fine give me that quilling book so I can uh write you a poem here we go absolutely here take this one okay perfect and then I'm just gonna go in the corner so I can like take a break from you I'll see you later Krista I'll be back okay bye-bye oh oh my goodness finally I'm away for Christian for a little bit okay now it's time to write this beautiful poem and I'm gonna take all my time not really I'm just pretty fast okay here we go we're gonna start off with um roses are red and uh blue is blue that's why Krista is poop oh wait that might be a little uh harsh but I'm gonna go with it okay now we're gonna do um the sky is white but that is not night the end all I get is this is a beautiful poem okay Krista I am ready all right here is my beautiful poem and I I spent like an hour on it and uh it's made especially for you okay I'm gonna read it roses are red and blue is blue that's why Krista's poop the sky is white but that is not night the end Jack that's terrible ah why'd you hit me again oh my cause I'm sorry I just I didn't want to write something like crazy like I love you or something you're the worst poem writer ever well what's the next thing I think we should go fight a bunch of monsters together because that's romantic what you wanna oh okay let's go do it Krista all right follow me uh where are we going Crystal I I'm really scared right now we're going in here because there's blue in here uh why did you prepare this Crystal why do you have everything like set up like you planned this or something maybe I did plan this oh my goodness well let me get my gear on and uh I don't have a chest plate uh Krista did you like not get us a chess plate like the most important gear nope I forgot oh my goodness okay I guess we're just gonna go with like zero health bars or whatever okay let's go it's okay there's only a very little zombies here so we can easily win a fight oh where are the the zombies Krista or like whatever we're fighting oh my goodness oh no this is really not gonna be good Crystal how look how many there are this is really dangerous be careful oh wait a minute Crystal I have a plan I have a plan come up with me crystal I'm gonna help you out just go in here so they burn that's a great plan that'll help us out a ton okay now we're just gonna get all these guys uh how's it going Krista I'm almost done with my patch over here it's going great I killed all of mine okay I just gotta keep on going and I'm gonna win actually this is not that bad and you know what Crystal this is actually pretty fun I agree maybe we should do more of this stuff because like uh you know I'm actually having a blast stuff I'm having a blast too maybe you should invite me to the channel or something oh my goodness I don't think you're there yet Krista I think we have to wait on that part okay fine anyways uh there's like a couple zombies over here that will be finished well oh I don't want you to step on that Krista what does that do uh I don't know why is that there I don't know huh interesting well let's just keep on getting these guys and we'll be done and last guy at let's go we did it good job Krista you actually did pretty good back there thank you and now what are we gonna do next because you know what I'm actually looking forward to it it's not that bad right now I think we should still have a nice dinner after a long day of battling oh my goodness are you serious right now Krista I don't want to go to dinner with you uh but look it's night time it's perfect time for this and there's still a lot of time left in this 24 hours so you have to say yes oh okay well uh come with me crystal we can go back to my house I don't want to go in this city where there's like a bunch of people and stuff you're right okay Krista uh I don't really have much furniture or anything so uh where are we gonna eat follow me oh wait why why are we going over here right now Krista don't worry about it then in that Circle why do you want me to go in this ominous Circle right here Krista just do it you have to say yes oh fine yes okay I'll do it uh Crystal why am I creative now so you can make us a good dinner oh my goodness you just like did some magical powers right there I am now in creative and uh I guess we're gonna make like a balcony or something where we can like uh have a nice dinner uh what should we do crystal I have no idea you'll have no idea okay fine I'll take the lead here okay come to me crystal I have a great idea if I just get some ladders just like this and how about we do iron because it looks cooler right you're right and now this will be like our way up just like this and now we are gonna have like a nice spot to have our dinner okay now it's time to use What's called the wand and this wand will let me manipulate blocks just like this are you ready Crystal for this amazing sorceries of me I'm ready okay here we go and uh what color do you want this to be I think you should make it blue because your house is blue uh okay I'm down for that we're just gonna do light blue concrete just like that how's that look Krista that looks absolutely amazing and now we could go up here too and uh now we are gonna build a beautiful like Skyscraper type thingy so just so we don't fall off and die we are gonna get some glass and then you can help me with that too so uh let me just duplicate this and now we are gonna build all around here all right and add some texture to it Krista it'll look better that way come on you gotta go like this and this and this look at that doesn't that look beautiful they call me an expert back in my day if you're so much of an expert then once it look like that oh because it's like a beautiful look you know what I'm talking about it's so ugly it's not even evil look there's two spaces here two spaces here oh my goodness okay you can fix it if you want Krista now I'm gonna get some tables okay you do that and uh what about a coffee table to start off we're just gonna go like this and this will be like a nice little spot that we could just like stay here how about that Krista I think uh Krista did you just fall no I didn't yes you did I saw you this is supposed to be fall proof that's the reason we did this Crystal oh my goodness I'm so sorry let me fix this right now exactly oh you like it better how's it looking how's it looking I think it looks great so far beautiful beautiful and then uh we're also gonna get this and we're gonna go just like this are you seeing this this is like a second table that we can like you know we have variations if that makes sense and uh now uh we'll just get some chairs and then like we can eat steak or something I'll cook it especially for you Krista ah thank you Jack so first we are just gonna get some chairs just like this and uh what color shirt you want I have some really big chairs Krista I want a pink chair a pink uh let's see uh this is the closest to Pink Crystal so I'll just do this one how do you like it I like it a lot why are there so many chairs though uh because we're gonna have company later okay who is our company we're gonna invite the Alberts over okay I hate the album oh my goodness he's a strong word Chris I used to use that on you and now you don't do it I seriously don't like the Albers well you don't have a choice because uh I said so but you have to say yes please the Alberts are so fun no I strongly dislike the Albert I'm removing all the other chairs and uh wait why are you doing this oh you'll need the chairs because the Alberts aren't coming fine okay wait let me just I'll remodel this a little bit I'll help you out here Krista okay okay and now I guess we'll have to get rid of these because you know you just want two tables apparently that's right and now that we've done that we got our two tables here and Dot we are just gonna have our purple chairs just like this and now uh you could just go sit in your chair real quick carista okay I am gonna cook up a really special meal for you I'll be right back okay finally I'm away from Krista for a little bit and actually you know what it's not even that bad I'm not even like uh stressed about it or anything I was having a pretty decent time and now we are just gonna go get some steak up here I think there's something my chest and uh yeah there's my steak okay this was made personally for Krista oh my goodness I took so much time to make this even though I just found it in my chest and it's probably a couple days old or something oh my goodness but she doesn't know that and now Krista it is time to uh eat together like you uh you've been wanting awesome I can't wait for this day okay so here's your half and then I have my half you took my hat oh my goodness oh that was really aggressive Crystal why'd you have to yell like that sorry I like my steak a lot oh my goodness okay wait I'm sorry about that I won't let that happen again okay Krista okay and now uh I guess we're just gonna eat our food how do you like the food Crystal I I made it a long time ago and it tastes really good doesn't it I'm gonna be really honest Jacks it tastes like it's a couple of days old oh my goodness how does she know it's not a couple days old Crystal uh it's not it's definitely not are you lying oh am I oh shoot can I lie am I allowed to lie I think I am because I have to say yes so no I'm not lying Krista fine whatever you say okay Chris uh Are we almost done like I think that's the sunrise over there yeah the sun's about to come up so quickly follow me oh my goodness finally I'll be done soon okay I'm looking forward to this uh what are we gonna do next Krista let's go to the field uh why are we going to the fields Krista because I want to watch the sunrise with you and relax in the field oh my goodness that is so uh like is that I think that's cringe Krista but is this good right over here oh I'm sorry I'm sorry you have like these really like mean outbursts oh my goodness you gotta work on that Krista come over here no this is the dirt Crystal now let's do over here you're right jack I have a present for you oh what is that present uh is that a flower yes it is oh my goodness a red tulip oh my goodness okay uh are We Done Yet Krista I think this is the perfect time for a kiss oh oh I gotta go why are you doing that Chris I don't want to do that that is way over the top do not do that Krista do not make me kiss you you have to say yes though oh this is gonna be really bad oh no uh I was just gonna go like this uh oh what's going on yeah oh my goodness oh oh I guess we're gonna have to do it I'm gonna throw up that was the perfect oh my goodness if you like this video be sure to subscribe and click another video that you see on screen right now because you're gonna love it just as much oh yeah you know what I'll let that slide yeah you can do the outro with me because you know I'm kind of warming up to you Krista does that mean I can join the channel oh maybe one day bye guys
Channel: Jax
Views: 4,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, jax, Crazy fan girl minecraft, minecraft crazy fan girl, crazy fan girl, Saying YES to CRAZY FAN GIRL for 24 Hours!, Stuck On ONE BLOCK With CRAZY FAN GIRL!, Saying YES to Zoey for 24 Hours!, LOCKED on AIR KILLS YOU With CRAZY FAN GIRL!
Id: szVFRpKyBv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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