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[Music] this is lulia in northern sweden it's about 150 kilometers from the arctic circle and not far from the border with finland we said i'm here well tonight i am taking the sj sleeper train from here at lulea central station all the way down to stockholm the capital city of sweden don't you just love places like this where the trains are all lined up at the side of where you walk feels very kind of old-fashioned i love it that you it's not all fenced off and things like you get elsewhere in the world i've got a train there i don't know what it is but it's very smart and classy doesn't it [Music] this is me top train line top line here the train is going to take me down to stockholm central with stops in bowdoin umayo sunsval and uppsala the sj night train from platform one see this one very cool train slightly soviet looking now i'm in wagon 23 on tonight's train it was a food car or something cause i'm absolutely starving i'm not eating all day this train's bloody huge this keeps going on right now 16. oh my god there's like a massive rabbit down there might be a bit blurry because i've zoomed into six times i would be the bloody last wagon on the entire train that mine cabin is in but this is the software i don't know whether what that means but i think it's a first class ticket that i've got so let's see what it's like when the letters on [Music] okay here we go [Music] here we go right key so i forgot about how snoke and night trains sleeper trains usually are on this not massive bye-bye so on the move out of lulu 13 hours this train is going to take us to get down to stockholm and the flights that i've just took from stockholm this afternoon up to lulu took an hour and 40 minutes and it's gonna take 13 to get back down including a night here um laying in bed it's quite crazy to think i've just flown over that distance in such a short period of time the room then let's have a look around if i can do it without falling over well it's not too bad it's similar to all the sleeper trains i've been on you've got the top bunk up here that pulls down then you've got the bottom bunk there with seats little table thing here in the middle i'm struggling to find power at the moment um so if i see something i'm looking around i don't know what this means type of personal our top personnel that's means trained person and then press for something else i don't know i'm not going to touch them might get me in trouble um light switch there there's a light up there you've got other buttons at the top the same thing at the bottom little cubby hole bits there for pillows and bedding i don't know what's in there you'll see on the camera but i can't see up there as well for me [Music] and we've got down here there is the bathroom [Music] let me open this have a look in here where's the light switch what's on the outside here and it's not too bad so it's similar to the caledonian sleeper layout actually that was on there's a toilet sink uh oh there's some juice up there yes or water latin and there's a shower is there a shower it's a hair dryer oh there's a shower right in front of my face oh okay so that's a little bit interesting we'll have to see how that goes uh later on in the journey then we've got i got myself in the mirror um power there is power um climate logging that's air conditioning i think temperature sets and things like that there's a key holder just there i've no idea what's in here um there's not a door or anything but you've got like a magazine um all about the swedish railways ladders for you and then nice window at the end here the blind pops down it's going to be important tonight the blackout blind because here in sweden at this time of year we're in late may and it's 24-hour daylight and up here we get midnight sun and the sun doesn't set as we go further south it will still not be getting dark at all overnight so it's going to be light throughout this journey so the blackout blinds are pretty much essential although that does mean that um whatever time i wake up i can get some good views of the scenery outside as we go down part of the reason for doing this really under the midnight sun we get to have a good view of the swedish countryside of the entire length of sweden pretty much then there's a little um pop-down seating thing there not too bad not too shabby really so this is the first class um compartment here on the sj night train and it's relatively decent you know i'm quite happy with it as it is um there is apparently a buffet car when i'm starving i'm gonna see i'm gonna have a look whether they are running those at the moment i'm not sure i will try and find out sofa stop tonight bowdoin which is actually slightly further north than um it kind of goes north for a bit and then we backtrack and go back south towards stockholm bowdoin is where on the northbound train the train splits here into two uh one half goes up to norvik in norway where one of the places i flew through on the video road trip if you remember from last year and the other half goes up to lulea and it's the same on the on the way back down south normally the trains merge the train from novik and the train from newly emerged here at bowdoin and go down to stockholm as one at the minute because of everything that's going on there is no novic section because norway ain't letting anybody in so there's no point running a novic section so i don't know what they're going to do here i think because maybe they're just going to swap ends with a train and then pull us back that way down towards stock so we've left bowdoin now and we're now heading south the train's going the other way and there's like snow and things on the ground it's quite crazy we're end of may and we've seen snow some spectacular scenery though out this window um it's now 11 o'clock at night and still pretty sunny i mean look at this lake here look frozen over you know i've been thinking sweden is essentially just a massive center parks it's got the forests and the trails and lakes that just go on and on and on forever it's just missing an aquasana and an overpriced sunglasses [Music] shop right so it's now midnight still pretty light outside but it's time for bed so let's see if we can figure out how to put this bottom bed down the top bunk quite easy it looks latches and then pulls forward like this the bottom one looks like a little bit of magic so i'm guessing firstly we put that up there very scandinavian ikea esque um pillows we're going to need those so that's those i've noticed as well look that there's duvet already on the bed and these things i'm going to pull these out i think lift oh there we go they click up like that to give you a nice wide bed voila a couple of pillows at the far end and you can choose to have your bed either way like on many sleeper trees you can choose to either have your head at this end or at that end i actually like my head near the window because i can just like peek behind the curtain and film and stuff um and i also prefer that i know a lot of people like the um that's about to fall off there i know a lot of people who come on trains like to put the top bunk down and use the like the top bunk to sleep on the bottom it to sit on personally i don't like that because if you see the time this comes down i can do this by the time this comes down the top bunk it has a little net look that you can stop yourself falling out of bed but the top bunk doesn't get a view out of the window and for me i quite like that so i'm going to sleep on the bottom tonight so let's clip that up so i don't get a head hit on the head with it overnight there we go beds made up i'm gonna hit the hay so time for bed oh it's actually pretty comfy and there's like loads of room as well really spacious actually um compared to a lot of other sleeper trains i've been on does suffer from that whole thing of when you go around a corner you slide from head to toe and then when you slow down you kind of roll towards the edge of the bed which is a bit frustrating i do prefer it when you like lean lengthways but um hey it's not too bad it's pretty comfortable nonetheless i'm gonna try and get some sleep and i'll see you in the morning good night morning um we're about an hour out of stockholm now it's 20 past eight in the morning it's a beautiful day still outside as we continue our role through the world's biggest center parks down towards stockholm i've slept really well we stopped a couple of times um i woke up a few times when we were like bouncing around a bit but for the most part it's been a really smooth night so yeah quite refreshed now i'm gonna jump in the shower in a minute and start getting ready for the day so they've just come on and announced that we are running approximately an hour and 20 minutes late um i don't know where we've picked that delay up somewhere overnight presumably um so we've got a little bit more time than we thought we had i wish i would have known i would have had an extra hour in bed but never mind um let's kind of wander around the train and see what we can [Music] find [Music] a train [Applause] feels like some sort of action film you know where you um jump from one train carriage to another or just give a nice wave to the guy [Applause] yeah we started off our journey here [Applause] and right now we're about here between marvel and observer [Music] um [Applause] yes i i have some in my room actually but oh yeah can i take one of these is that all right thank you i will take water actually keep me going for a bit so i didn't realize we were late thank you very much all right breakfast time in smackdown's area i think it means a swedish meal from my knowledge of norwegian at least which i speak a little norwegian so and it's very similar languages so let's see what we have we have another bottle of water that's the breakfast you get included in first class in a minute you also get cobb roll back batch whatever you call it and wherever you live in the uk and because i don't know because um she realized i was doing a youtube video she's also given me an apple cinnamon and a is it a danish pastry if you're in sweden swedish pastry okay this is like a smorgasbord which is a scandinavian meal platter type thing of like ham and cheese and stuff like that but it's like a smorgasbord for breakfast we have i'm not a fan of swedish bread i might not have that we have sparta cheese we have fruit muesli and we have what's this and then we've got ham and tomato and apple juice applesauce has like a sweetie if it looks measure nice oh and by the way can i just say swedish people are absolutely lovely honestly i i've been here now for four days filming and i haven't met a single swedish person that wasn't incredibly friendly and lovely to speak to it is it's lovely it really is so thank you sweden for being such a lovely people and having such beautiful center parksy scenery um my ride on the sj night train cost me 161 pounds or about 203 us dollars this works out at a cost of about 29 pence a mile which considering a hotel in sweden is about the same price i didn't think was bad value for money at all i'd like to say a big thanks to surf shark for sponsoring this video by now i don't think i need to tell you how much a vpn product helps to protect your data when you travel in the world connecting to public wi-fi in the most remote regions using a vpn also lets you catch up on entertainment from your home country wherever you are in the world for me it's great to be able to watch netflix shows from home while i'm in asia i'm never gonna financially recover from this or watch live tv from the uk while i'm sitting at an airport in canada with surfshot you can browse the web just like you sat in your living room there's also countries out there that sense your internet access or even block websites such as facebook but with surfshop you just click on the connect button and you're online on 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Channel: Noel Philips
Views: 240,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noel philips, inflight video, sj sleeper train, sj night train, sweden night train, swedish night train, train vlog
Id: Cp2e5d_1wNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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