Local SEO Complete Guide To Ranking in One Month!

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all right what's up their SEO pros today I'm going to be showing you how to rank locally how to SEO your local website so you can get web design sites like this one ranking or SEO sites ranking or pretty much if you want to rank any local website you're gonna be able do that with this simple system now I'm going to be using my checklist that I have made to achieve these rankings easily in this local SEO checklist we have all the different things I do in order to rank so go ahead and grab that and then let's get started so in the checklist we have a few different things we have our URL paths we have the different things that we're gonna need to set up and I'm just going to take you from step 0 all the way through step 20 and by then you should have a pretty strong site that can rank within about a month this site here I ranked in a month the site over here web designs hanna-barbera I ranked in a month my iPhone repair site I ranked in a month my SEO site all of these different sites have ranked in a month straight out of the sandbox brand new domains no link building affordably each of these sites I've probably spent maybe 300 bucks on and most of sites like the iPhone repair site I actually sold for $3,000 so pretty good ROI you can get on these things if you do it right first thing you got to do is go to HR F's or whatever keyword tool you have I like to use a try so we can see the key or difficulty we're gonna go to keywords Explorer we're gonna start looking at websites or keywords that are local that have low key or difficulty if we want to find a keyword in our area like Colorado Springs let's say I wanted to rank for well I obviously don't wanna rank for SEO because SEO is one of those things where if you rank it nobody really calls you off SEO so you don't want to do that you'd want to do something like web design but we already ranked for that so if we want to make a new local web site we could do Colorado Springs let's try plumbers alright so you can see here's a keyword difficulty of nine which is pretty easy that's about as easy as the web design site was ranked search volume isn't too high actually it's the better term is plumber Colorado Springs so let's go see that and it's even easier with a higher search volume so what we can do is we can take that keyword and we can start setting up our spread so now that I'm smaller and out of the way let's go into the template I'm just gonna look it up on my drive so we're gonna go to the paid SCO template and the paid SEO template the only difference is you get some extra perks like tutorials on how to use it and you get the screaming frog conditional formats which is kind of nice but you can still do this with a free template in order to set this website up we're gonna go straight into phase 3 because the website hasn't been made yet meaning we're just going straight into the keyword research and we're gonna go to keyword Explorer we're gonna start taking some of the keywords the way I grabbed this is I just go to all keyword ideas and I'm gonna go to just include the word plumber or Colorado Springs that way we have local keywords so here we go plumber Colorado Springs and we're gonna grab the keyword difficulty and the volume and we're just gonna put this right in here boom so that's our first keyword and we can start sorting through more when we go and build the rest of our content but right now we just need that for for now once we want to start building out our other pages we can easily just start going like heating and cooling if that's something that's related we can do air conditioning affordable plumbing there could be a page for that so all these different keywords will start pulling in there and that's just going to basically be our related landing pages but now that we have our main keyword we know it's the plumbers pull to the left not to the right we're gonna go to GoDaddy and we're gonna buy our domain now what I like to do is I like to do exact match domains just because they are easier to rank not because the domain is an exact match but because the branding is exact match and meaning when I'd go and do the titles and I set up to Google my business a lot of stuff it's going to exactly match what the domain name is in order to set that up all I do is go to plumber Colorado Springs and just to give you guys an idea we have ranked actually in our rank and rent course if you're not familiar actually have a rank and rent course where I go and do all this stuff live and we actually did this with a local plumbing website in this course right here so we have I actually have ranked a plumbing website before just in case you're wondering alright so plumber Colorado Springs we're gonna grab that see if it's there $395 not really worth it I mean you can buy it if you really think it's gonna be worth it to you but what I'll actually do like for instance the web design site so web design Colorado Springs I just do abbreviations on the letters because you don't really have like I said you don't have to have the exact match for it to rank you can see it just says WD Santa Barbara WD Colorado Springs so we'll probably just do that so we're not the ranked we don't have to buy a three hundred seventy five dollar domain so we'll just do plumber Colorado do I want it which one do I want to abbreviate I think I'll probably just do plumbers Colorado Springs that one's taken let's do plumber Pro something like that so you can just again it doesn't have the exact match as long as you have your keywords in there that's pretty much all that matters so we got plumber Pro Colorado Springs something like that we would add that to the cart we'd check out and then we'd get our hosting um you'd only get your hosting though if you're gonna be doing a wordpress site now most of my sites that I rank locally as you guys probably saw from my last video which if you haven't go check it out it is the Squarespace SEO tutorial I actually ranked most my local websites on Squarespace so this is the Squarespace SEO tutorial I did over here so check that out if you want to see how I set up on my Squarespace websites what I'll do is I'll go over to Squarespace grab the domain that I just got from GoDaddy and you can always buy the domain through Squarespace as well but I like to have my my domains on GoDaddy just because I I just think it's a good place divert domains I don't think it's a good place to have your hosting and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna set up your sites you're gonna do create a new site choose your theme it doesn't matter what you choose I use Bedford I think it's called let's see if I can find it not really in here so let's just use this one and Squarespace is super easy to set up again if you haven't seen the Squarespace SEO tutorial I did on YouTube go check it out it shows you exactly how to edit the pages how to add the links how to SEO the pages on how to change the title tags all that kind of stuff once you have all of your pages set up after you watch that Squarespace tutorial it's pretty easier to add in your content in the way you're gonna get your content same way I did it with my Squarespace SEO tutorial you head over to writers access so this is the second thing you're going to do once you have your website going meaning that you have the domain connected it's set up and you have like a couple pages on here you're basically gonna just delete these first pages so delete and then you would just have your home page you know you're just gonna set this up with just like a basic call-to-action I just delete all this content in here so I'll just delete all these columns and I'll just have I'll just start with just the the banner I won't keep all this other stuff on here obviously you want to change your footer but then I'll have something like that with just the you know let's say web design or sorry let's say plumber plumbers Colorado Springs and then call now and then we would have our background image which is pretty easy to do I think you just go to settings I'm not really sure how to change the background image on this theme on my theme you just go press edit and it changes it but you would change the background however it is and then you know obviously that's all you got to start out with you just have the website so then we're gonna do is you can start hiring your gonna start hiring a writer for your content now I pay about $50 per page you can pay whatever you want I would rather pay more and have the job done right the first time then have to pay less and have to get it rewritten twice but it also depends on you know how competitive the area is and if you're just trying to like rank the site and not care about the site long-term then you could go for cheaper but what I'll do is I'll go to place orders writing order form and then I'll start ordering my content so what I'll do is I'll go price per word I'm gonna do a web page we're gonna select the industry so it's gonna be construction and then we're gonna just do 500 words per page that's how many words I do per page and they're gonna start pulling these different pages based off the keyword research that we did now you want to have about you know eight nine ten pages on your website that way you can internally link all these different pages to each other so you can easily rank without worrying about you know building links externally from other websites because a lot of the time when you have all these pages on your website they're all linking internally you're kind of creating your own Authority system inside your own website that you can control so going back to the keyword research you just keep going back through these things one quick way if you don't find a lot of good stuff inside you're all cute Diaz into each rafts is just to go to your competitors so you would type in somebody who's already ranking like so and you start extracting their keywords so like let's say that we look at this website grab their URL we're gonna plug it into our site Explorer and this will just show us all the keywords they're ranking for and then we can just kind of take ideas from each of our competitors so for instance you know 24 hour plumber that would be a page emergency plumbing that would be a page gas line installation that would be a page you get the point so if there's not enough searches in your area like let's say you're in an area where you know there's only like ten searches a month for your main keyword and you're just going for like a key or difficulty one and it's just way too easy to rank then you could just get away with a one-page website our one-page website for Coronado I believe it was Coronado plumber is ranking number two with a free Google Site and no SSL and we're ranking like bringing in traffic in calls because the keyword difficulty is like a 1 so if it's that's the case then you probably be better off just doing that but again it's up to you and it's up to you how you want to actually solve the business do you want to just sawed off the leads do you want it upselling the website what do you want to do and so that's something you need to consider so once you have all your keywords going you're gonna be spending probably again about three or four hundred dollars just getting the content written so we got fifty hundred you know 150 let's say we got maybe four or five hundred dollars worth of content but once you have that that's pretty much all you're paying for b-sides the next thing that you're gonna want to do which is your citations so next thing you're gonna do is you're gonna go over to citation builder pro tape type and chase writer at the end and you'll get this special discount and in here you'll actually get usually about 50 to 100 citations all you need you don't need the two hundred dollar option and what citations are is basically your name your address and your phone number showing up on relevant websites like Yelp Yellow Pages hot frog and then obviously also local citations if there's anything in your area that these people can find our niche citations and they'll also build out your Facebook page all your social media so that way you don't have to go and build all these social profiles they'll just give you all the logins and they'll make sure that all of your citations are already you know in place and that they're consistent in they're all referencing the same exact address same exact website that kind of thing now if you don't have an address let's say you are trying to rank and you don't have an address one of the ways couple options you have option one is you can option one is you can buy a co-working space this is the best way to do it so you just look in your area like let's say we look for Colorado Springs co-working and here we go we got like a co-working space they usually charge like $50 a month and then you get a letter sent there and if you're not there you can just have somebody who works there skip set you know forty the letter that way you can get verified at one of these you know working co-working places and then get verified and then obviously if you want just cancel your membership there number two is just verify your home address and then don't show your home address on Google by besa Phi you want to have it shows a service area which is what I do for a lot of my sites anytime I move somewhere I'd like oh great another place I can rank with my home address because for the most part nobody's going to be looking for your home address on hot frog or something so you can build the citation or you can just build citations just saying oh you have this business is in Colorado Springs and look for citation places that don't require to put your exact address that's sort of up to you but yeah those are like the really the best two options and both of them work great I wouldn't do like the instant verification options people have we actually got our plumber listing removed because if we use an instant verification service which was like a fake you know listing and then also I'm don't use PPO boxes or any that stuff because Google will find out and it's just not gonna work well for you okay so next thing that you're gonna do after you get your pages written and your citations built and your social profiles going is you're gonna want to set up your basic call to actions your flows all that kind of stuff so what I do is I will obviously set up my Google Analytics make sure conversion tracking is enabled so if we go to Google Analytics pretty easy to install on your site if you don't how to do this just look it up honestly I'm not trying to be rude but you know setting up your Google Analytics is really simple you just set up a proper property installed on your website with a tracking info JavaScript and your headers and that's pretty much it one thing that you want to make sure you do no matter what is set up your online and you're offline conversion tracking now what's the notice between online and offline convert dragon online conversion tracking is that if anybody sends you a message through a forum like if anybody went to my contact form and sent me a message I'm gonna show a conversion for that if anybody gave me a call off of a phone number it's going to show a conversion for that now the way you set these two things up is you set up your online in your offline conversion tracking and if you want to know how to set that stuff up go over to YouTube type in chase Reiner online and offline conversion tracking and you will actually find a tutorial that's about 30 to 40 minutes of me showing you how to set this stuff up it's not simple it's not super complicated you just use a platform called call tracking metrics and you just make sure you add redirects on your pages so that anytime somebody contacts you it redirects and now you have a conversion coming in and this is very important because if you don't set up your conversion tracking what will happen is all of your analytics anybody who contacts you or anybody who wants to buy you know wants to buy a service from you if you're trying to sell these leads off if you're trying to sell this business to and somebody after you rank it then you're not gonna be able to show any proof that you were actually able to rank it I mean that you were actually able to bring in leads after ranking it so people don't really care about the ranking as much as they see consistent leads coming in and the only way you're gonna be able to show that is if you set up the conversion tracking so you should do that right away what I do on these websites is obviously the first thing you're gonna see here is I'm gonna be putting a call to action at the top people should not have to scroll down in order to get a quote from you or get in contact with you the first thing people are gonna do when they see your website is they're gonna either click on a button and and you're gonna direct them to where they need to go or they're gonna be kind of search around trying to find your information and you don't want people to have to struggle to get in contact with you so you need to always make sure that on your highest traffic pages that you're offering some sort of free consultation you know something that you can give people for free so that they will want to call and so you can boost your conversion rates up now I don't do anything super crazy on these sites you could see I don't even have a logo for it I just have basic you know services info blog scrolling down you know projects we've worked on which these a lot of these you don't even have to have as real projects you can just say these are projects that we've worked on to kind of just show that you're a real company but for the most part even just having a website with just this call to action like that you can still get away with it you can still rank it obviously you want to probably have about 500 words a text per page as I was telling you because it helps rank the websites higher but if the cure difficulty is really easy then you don't even really need content so titles and meta descriptions what I'll do for these is I always have my main keyword let me just show you all zoom in I always have my main keyword pulled to the left for the homepage so web design Santa Barbara is the keyword that we're going for and then I'll do some sort of qualifier like you know number one website designers in Santa Barbara that's just something that's like a call to action people can click on so all of your titles should have some sort of you know main keyword to the left and then some sort of call to action that's really all your title should be you don't have to put you know your brand name at the end you don't have to like measure your keyword density and put it in your titles just do your main keyword and then add a call to action as long as your click-through rates are above like six percent five or six percent you'll be good to go if you don't know how to look at your click-through rates obviously you're gonna want to set up search console and once you have search console setup you can go and actually see them so if you wanted to see it click-through rate you would go to your website open your report click on the page that you want to see so like a homepage go to your keywords and then you can actually see your click-through rates for these different keywords so you can see I have pretty high click-through rates on my homepage you know lowest one being 2.6 percent but that's for some random thing like Authority hacking the people are just searching like brand related but you can see obviously for you know like my brand name chase Reiner click-through rates 39% and if we look at something like a local SEO checklist or just the SEO checklist we can see the SEO checklist has like a nine percent click-through rate so it's pretty good alright so that's what you're gonna want to do for your title tag again all of your title tags so every single piece of content that you get written you're gonna have the keyword Heating and Cooling Colorado Springs or affordable plumbing Colorado Springs and then you'd have your call to action which would be something like quick and easy or something like that right so that people are more enticed to click that's the secret to title tags meta descriptions the only thing I do because Google usually dynamically pulls your meta description anyways I'll just pull like the first paragraph so I'll just copy this put it in the meta description and that's all I do I don't do like again any sort of keyword density I don't worry about that stuff because I just I know Google's gonna pull this stuff anyways and as long as my click-through rates are high that's all I care about going back to the web design site if we go to the other pages what you're gonna find is the one thing that I really focus on with these other pages is when I'm trying to rank my homepage or I'm trying to rank these pages I'm going to be trying to internally link to the most important pages high up on the page as much as possible so I in almost every service page locally I'm gonna go our local web design Santa Barbara professional copywriters or here at web design Santa Barbara I'm gonna keep taking the keywords of trying to rank for and I'm gonna point it back to the home page and what that does is the more links we have going back to the home page even if they're just on our own website it's going to make that home page more authoritative it's gonna make it rank easier and then what I'll sometimes do as well is I'll link externally to other websites so I can just you know add relevancy as long as I'm not linking to competitor websites you can you know obviously add external links to your content so as far as the contact page goes you know pretty simple I just want to make sure on my website that I'm including my name address phone number on my contact page as well as in my footer so it's you know my citations are on every single page places that I'm located out I'll do a google map in bed and that's pretty much it the only other really big thing to rake locally that you really need to find out for your own businesses is your review generation strategy so a lot of the reasons why I'm able to rank like reason why I have so many reviews for this business is because I set up a review generation strategy that works really well now this is the secret to local SEO if you can do this and you just do reviews like you're gonna win that's all it is you don't even have to have a website you just have to have a Google my business and do this one review generation strategy so here's the secret sauce right here step one target national content so a good example of this is this tutorial if you're watching this tutorial right now you know that I'm targeting nationally I'm targeting anybody who's going to be wanting to learn about local SEO now what I do is I give away some sort of resource like let's say I want to give away an SEO audit checklist or a local SEO checklist now first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm gonna send this over to watch somebody clicks on a link right I use many chat and I'll talk to you about this in a second but what I do let me actually enlarge this what I'll actually do is I will take my SEO to check this after I send it to somebody I'll send it I'll set like a one-day delay and then I will send an email or however I get people to opt in and I'll say could you leave me a review about the local SEO I teach for the local SEO template and if I had a local SEO company here in Colorado Springs let's say it's called local SEO pro or something then people are gonna go leave a review saying hey this guy really knows his local SEO stuff and now I'm going to be ranking better locally same thing as if I take took this same approach let's say I was targeting national content about you know how to fix your toilet or something and I offered a free step-by-step system where they just download the checklist and it's like a printout that they can go and fix the toilet a day later I'm gonna ask them to leave a review on the you know on me as a plumber it's not that difficult right because these people are like oh yeah this guy really knows his stuff he helped me with this checklist it's still a review about your business you're still helping people so you don't necessarily have to be paid in order for people to leave your review and this is how I rank a lot of my local websites because of this system if you can just do this one thing for your websites you're gonna see that like pretty much all of your websites gonna rank locally because you're gonna be the only one using the system targeting national content and then repurposing that into a review generation strategy for your client now if you want to be able to do this you can actually set this up with robots and if you want the templates for the robots that I already have set up for this I would go encourage you to go check out chase writer comm forward slash relationship building automation there's dashes in between that by the way and what this program teaches you is it teaches you how to actually not only go in Auto message people for this type of stuff but actually grab all of their data so I actually have created a system where I can actually take somebody's email and I can grab all of their information off LinkedIn and Facebook and I can get a whole user profile built around them with their phone number where they live what kind of business they're at what kind of income they have and so on and I can literally just export these templates into another person's account and you can use these in your businesses right away and you can actually learn how to create these relationships and these review generation strategies which are tremendously valuable so I would definitely go check that out if you have a second again all of these steps are in the local SEO checklist here we'll see you guys next time and until we do happy s you see you later bye
Channel: Chase Reiner
Views: 18,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ew4zlCLy7Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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