Google SEO Local, How to Rank Local Websites

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hello there my name is chris palmer in today's google local seo video i want to walk you through the most important element of ranking your local business website there's one key foundational piece that you need to make sure and it will absolutely poise your website for absolute domination it's the most important foundational element that there is and it's structuring oftentimes i'm going to talk with clients i talk clients every single day every morning also late at night and it's always i go to the site i take a look i keep seeing the same stuff so i want to just walk you through literally the most important thing if i could ever give you the best piece of advice it's what i'm going to cover today please pay close close attention this will help your site you'll be so ahead of everybody else just with this small simple thing i promise you if you just pay attention to this you'll be light years ahead of them all so let's not waste any time let's get it into the video i hope this will help your business i know it will help your business just pay mind all right and let's get into it all right so if you have questions towards the end we'll answer any questions that you have my son and i were playing doctor uh i got these things all over me but with that out of the way let's go ahead and get into the video now let's say that you have a i don't know let's say that you're a decking installation specialist let's just say that okay so we are doing decking installation all right i probably spelled it wrong uh but with that out of the way all right the the only thing that i need to figure out here is what what type of services do they have all right so let's say that you're a decking installation company all right so first and foremost we're gonna do okay let's let's just do it this way we're gonna do decking okay dot com this is the main website all right is our primary website so let's go ahead and beef this up a little bit so you can see it we're gonna we're gonna flow map it out and i want to lay this out for you if i can if you could leave the video after this but we always want to structure this site how people are searching all right so uh i'm gonna go ahead and lay this out i'm not saying that this is a good site but what we're going to do here is we're going to go up to organic research all right better yet keyword magic tool and what we're going to what we're going to search for here is going to be um decking installation i spell that wrong yes okay so decking installation all right now before you get started on any campaign we need to make sure that the structure is proper we're going to structure the website basing off of locations and services okay now depending on where the volume is all right this is what depending on where the volume is the higher competition when you talk to your client or you yourself inside of your business you know where the money is right you know what's most profitable for you so do we want to focus our internal linking and building internal links to our services or are we trying to make the primary locations right because we need to be repeating the same things across our nav navigational menus within our headers within our footers and inside of our sidebars we're going to repeat our most important links and i'm going to cover this um in between either the flow map and also i'm going to draw it out for you all right so let me so i i just i just want you to know this that that's the objective so most times you're going to have a big primary all right so let's say that the primary the biggest primary for this business is decking or deck installation all right so it's deck installation is the number one thing so if it's the home page all right so this is the home page to be honest with you i know that this looks better but i i like to draw it out i have to draw it out okay um it's just a lot easier for me so if the homepage is let's go ahead and let's let's start working this out so this is the home page all right so this is home all right here let's do it this way so it's going to be all right so we know that it's decking all right so off of the decking i'm going to go over so that homepage is going to be optimized for brand name all right so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to type in red here or i'm going to write it okay so let's go up to here i want to make sure you have this this is so important all right stick with me it's going to take me a minute to walk through this i i promise you if you follow my guidelines here i promise that you will have so much better success i guarantee it i guarantee it all right please i i just want you to win you know like i see i see pros messing this up like you know know what i mean i want to make sure that you have it i want you to have a competitive edge all right so home page is going to be brand okay now we're going to talk about okay that's hard to write all right so let's let's do it this way okay so that's going to be brand okay we got to be able to figure this out to make it to make it work good for us so this is going to be brand based okay br a oh wait i can slow this down a n d all right here let's make it this way so this is brand all right so the home page is going to be based on brand all right now that i have it slow b r a n d all right now what we're going to do is we're going to do green so we know that there's going to be two crucial elements all right those crucial elements are going to be service and locations we're not going to talk about any type of filler all right so service and location okay so we have our our home page our service and our location so we're going to have our services but we're not going to name it services okay it's going to be services so we're going to go ahead and keep that and then this right here is going to be locations okay now what i feel is probably better now that i'm looking at this is this just to make it a lot easier for you guys let's do it this way because because nine times out of ten this is how it's going to be so look location okay so it's going to be location and then this right here i was asked to do this for a client so let me map this out for you okay so location services okay this is really prominently for him but this will help you guys all out all right so locations and services so now we have our our location but you never just use location because remember you're gonna have a main location page but that location page nine times out of ten we want it to encompass the keyword near me right okay so near me now the near me page isn't literally going to be in the subfolder structuring we're just going to utilize that so when google comes to the home page to snapshot the header and the footer we have forward slash we have the near me inside of the near me we're going to list all of our categories let me give you an example of what i mean by this okay so when you come over here and i'm going to utilize a well-known guy's blog his name's backlinko i want you to take a look at this so back link co i don't know how to spell it all right i'm not a spelling guy i know how to do seo right people are busting my chops i don't care back link oh he knows his name so here take a look at this so when you come in here to the blog though i want to i want to talk to you about this so see how he lays this out let's let's zoom this out i want to show you guys something you see how he lays this out this is his blog now this is actually dumb on his part but seo blog it doesn't matter because he has so much authority that's why it's always bad to follow these big guys because they have authority they don't follow the rules right they're not doing what wins because they have so much authority when you get to that level you don't have to do everything like crazy but when you want to win when you're on a tight budget and you're starting out you're building your authority you need to make darn sure that your structure's on point this is wrong he wrote blog who the heck is searching for blog maybe seo blog get what i'm saying so let's let's keep going here but see how he did this this is his blog this is a top level category page okay on this top level category page which is blog these are all different blogs these are all different posts that he has now when you click on one of these it will take you to a page it'll be forward slash whatever the keyword is right he does do this right i'm only using this this is unlocked so he wants me to sign up for his list but see this forward slash keyword promote your blog that's the keyword now let's go back to our example here location is near me you saw brian d wrote blog we're not wasting space we're gonna write near me okay so it's gonna be brand name dot com forward slash near me near me is the placeholder this is the top level category page an internal linking hub that's the only reason we're doing it now when it's when we're looking on the actual website you can write it say locations so your end user knows but when the bot comes i want them to see near me i hope you got this part this is important especially any local market other than brand one of the biggest related search terms for volume and cake near me so i like to get it in there all right so we're gonna have the near me term now on top of that near me what we're gonna do is we're gonna have location one all right and then right underneath that right location two right and so on and so forth we'll do three just uh just for the example location three okay so here we go so we're gonna take this let's line these up right let's make it look good for you okay so location one location two location three all right now the main website is in blue the actual structure is gonna be red okay so it's brand name we have the near me and it's containing our locations now let me go ahead and give you a quick diagram down here of what that would look like so it's going to be what is it home right home forward slash pick a location okay oh houston okay got it great so that's going to be houston all right now this is going to be the example all right so um see here this let's do um so home page dot com forward slash houston all right now i've seen two ways to go about this now remember this is this structure here is on the near me page we have location one location two location three all right now you have a couple of options here all right you can either create another forward slash here okay and then do all of your services okay so what you're what you're really going to be creating is you you'll need to create multiple so it'll be houston forward slash houston forward slash or on this houston page let's let's do a quick example here so on the location pages all right i'm going to need to we'll cover examples in a minute here let me let me get the rest of the structure down so this is going to be and you're going to have it go right to a clean cut page houston okay so this is going to be your houston page is going to be based on your primary so my homepage is based on brand the location page or the top level category page is near me all the location pages are based on your primary keyword so if the big winner is decking installation when i go to that location page it's going to be decking installation houston all right so let's let's expand on these location pages all right so here let me let me let me lay one out so keep that backlinko example in mind here when we go down here and we start creating these all right so let me grab this here let me bring this up here let me explain the rest of this to you so each of the remember we always chase volume right and the reason is that we want to aim up is because when you shoot for the stars when you fall short you actually had a win there right so you always tune the sight up you always go after the big why because then you can bring in all the low-hanging fruit also semantically when you're aiming for the big stuff you're tuning for the big stuff you just start bringing in those low-hanging fruits just by having and building the authority based on the big one when i start building links my citations i'm getting traffic for all that little stuff just happening on the page one time is enough to scoop that up and you can worry about that on month three month four month five as you're starting to add keywords and filling in that keyword gap when you're adding more keywords as google's testing you as your authority builds they test you for keywords right as they're testing you that's when you're adding the words to the page okay but let's let's get this down pat first we want to nail it i want you to know we're going after all the money first that's not what people train but that's that's how i want you to do it all right that's how you're gonna win trust me all right so houston so i don't know who this is people calling me randomly what is my thing off wait is there something wrong with my recording this is on this is on what's going on here we all good yo yo sign commander what's up brother how are you how's cleaning service all right all right so we're all good good let's keep going so going back to the example we're a decking installation company we do secondary services but the big money word is decking installation this is the example that we're doing my clients in this niche i'm not going to say where but this is helping him specifically but it will help you okay now we know that actually i would i would target the deck installation because this is the biggest keyword for your primary service your big service that you told me where the money is is deck installation so that's what we're taking care of so let's go back to our example now so each of these location pages right are going to be are going to be so let's say it's houston right so this is houston okay this is going to be i don't know that would be houston anything that you want in texas okay now on this page it's going to be tuned for houston right you get what i'm saying it's going to be houston deck installation now let me go ahead and draw this out for you so we have our top level category page which is the location page all right like brian dean's now each of these pages are going to look something like this all right so we're going to go ahead and draw this out for you okay let me just do this quick it should snap to size for me okay so i'm going to leave that there now let's talk about our services all right so we have our service pages all right so services when we're thinking about services we need to take into consideration okay well where is the where is the volume because we're going to show services right but really it's going to be something that's a little bit broader so what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at this and we need to figure out so um so our services are going to be well whatever the volume is so if there's composite if there's wood or i don't know that much about this but you know your services it's wherever the biggest volume is that's how we're going to tune so you're going to list your services much like this so it's going to be services okay so it's going to be service 1 right we're going to say service 2 okay and we're going to say service 3 okay now we'll go down here and let me make this prettier for you all right all right now again we're going to do the same exact thing now why are we doing this because i want a placeholder i want a top level page where all the links are going that's going to be targeting the biggest keyword when you're looking at these pages where they just spin them up and they don't have any idea what they're doing what pages rank the tag pages right why because they're just mass creating these pages and that's where all the internal linking goes and that's where all the keyword variations are so we're creating this with for ourselves all right so on the service pages what we're gonna look is like decking services is is that where the big volume is um deck services i i don't know you know i'm looking um how about the word decking let's look up decking and see what it what it talks about all right so just deck all right whatever it is so composite decking okay so composite decking that's probably i know that that's your one of the bigger sellers and i know that's something that you want so when i create this page for my services my top one that everything else is linking off from and everything is listing on um so we have our services page we're going to say that this is going to be composite okay which is probably how it would go about doing this so this is going to be composite composite decking now why would i do that okay because when we spoke i know that that's your biggest seller asides from the decking installation your number one piece is the composite it also has the most volume and the highest potential so when i'm creating all of my services my top level page when they click on it it's going to say services but inside of that services tab i want to have my composite decking i want to have my i don't know whatever whatever else right composite service 2 service 3 service 4 all right so this will be whatever service okay and then whatever service whatever service okay now inside of the service pages all right no we're gonna still have let me come up here let me let me write this out for you so you're still going to have your you know you're about okay you're still gonna have your contact right contact you're gonna still have your you know i don't know portfolio right support right we want to be able to add in these uh trust signal pages right we we want to have those so here let's let's go ahead and move this over let's make sure it stays pretty so give me this lasso okay here we can just move these up and it should be fine okay okay all right so you have your about your contact and your port now this is important everything that you just created okay other than the home page all right you're gonna have your image you don't ever just put home you keep your image as an image link all right so but what we're going to do is we're going to take this okay and we're going to duplicate it okay now everything that we just had up here let me see how we can do this here um copy okay control v all right perfect now let's take this bring it down here okay now this is the footer so everything that we just repeated up top we also repeat down bottom all right so this is our header this is important okay so we're gonna have our header here let's zoom out so this is the head okay so h is this this is the footer and then depending on volume okay depending on volume depending on what's most important to your brand business your service to you what makes the most money what's the most important is it ranking those top level locations right is that where most of your volume comes from is that where the money's at or is it primarily focusing on the services what i like to do is this so we have this footer here it's down bottom it's very small it repeats exactly what's in the header google puts weight on what's in the header what's on the footer right and then the next best place to put stuff is within your heading tags and then body text right right so what i like to do is i like to create a secondary okay a secondary footer that's either going to repeat what's most important to you so is it these top level locales or is it these services so what i would do is because i want it to be on the home page and i want it to ride on all of the pages okay so if it's services stack your services here if it's your locations stack your locations here it can be small you can make it pretty you can make a grid you can do it any way you want but i need another repeat of what's most important to you okay now what we're going to talk about is the location and the service pages so right now we have three instances which blends into the site which looks natural now we're internally linking to all the pages that matter in the header and footer site-wide and we've also put a secondary bar with our most important services or locations in a secondary footer it looks like a footer because your actual footer is so small right because we're pointing them to where the money's at right what's most important we want this to be most prominent on the pages so now let's talk about these service and location pages how i set these up and how i want you to set them up this is going to be very crucial very important okay i hope you guys are enjoying this all right so now this is going to be our locations tab this is going to be our services tab okay now on the page if we take a look over here at brian dean's example let me go ahead and point this out one last time take a look at this structure see how he's laying out each of the blog posts inside of us a little square you could do it in a square you could do it long you could do it in a grid style any way you want but this is the format that i want you to follow okay now when you go to these pages i want you to take a look all right i'm just using this as an example because he has pretty sites right now i really like how he does this okay i've seen this numerous times on most of his this is his page he's listening what's most important throughout the article now if we take a look here let's see if he has it okay he's using blog spam technique very smart i'd like you to read the i'd like take just copy and paste just what's inside of the blog comments and go and see the go check the densities and see what's going on absolutely wonderful strategy um he's not doing it on this page but that's perfectly fine let's come back over here and i want to point something out so now this is just one of the location pages you're gonna have three or five or ten however many locations you have your primary prime primary location page though is the near me that's the top level category page when they click on any of your locations tabs okay these are your locations tabs we're gonna have this you're gonna have your money pages so you're gonna have your location one you're gonna have your location two you're gonna have your location three right so that's the example that we're doing and then remember you're gonna have again you're gonna have your header you're gonna have your footer and then you're going to have your secondary either going to all of your services or all of your locations i've even seen guys i don't do it i've seen others stack both in very high competition niches you know aka maybe casino right you'll see triple stacks now this is the most important step this is your locations i'm listing my all my locations which goes to forward slash straight to the location right but on here this is the most important part okay here go back here on the locations pages this is my service service this is a sidebar that lists my services okay so i'm on the near me page which is listing all my locations on this page is listing all of my locations so forward slash houston but in a sidebar i'm listing all of my services okay and this is the near me page now when i go to this page here the location page the actual location page i'm doing the same exact thing so here let me give you a quick example of what i mean by this so this is the houston page so at first i did the near me so this right here was the near me this was the example of the near me okay so it was home page near me this is the first location page so let me go ahead and lay this out for you all right so this is what i mean by structuring all right this is most proper well this will be good for you and this is how i do it okay now on this page here again we're going to have our header okay we're going to have our footer we're going to have our secondary most prominent so these are locales the locals are going to list the services and or you can have your other locations that's fine but have a secondary site-wide secondary footer it's in the bottom you can make it small again grid whatever you want now this is a primary page this is going to be our houston page so the first example was this near me the second example is the houston page now we have our header our footer our secondary at the bottom we have our main content which is going to be for decking installation houston that's what we're tuning for but on that page in the sidebar so again this is going to be dec this is going to be houston plus the main primary keyword okay that's what we're tuning up for and on this sidebar here okay so remember this the primary so what we're targeting then is going to be decking houston so decking installation houston install houston or it could be houston decking install whatever is best i i didn't check volumes but whatever the best volume or best cpc or best from your data is that's what we're tuning for and each location is different we might need to set it up and structure it a little bit differently based on volumes based on competition based on what we need right each serp each keyword is different right you can't just do site-wide the same the only thing that's going to be the same is the structuring so header footer secondary and in the sidebar we're tuning for the decking installation houston or houston decking installation whatever is better but in the sidebar i'm listing all my other services got it so now let's talk about the service pages okay so on the service pages it's much the same but now in the services we're only talking about the services why because that has the volume why because it's semantically correct why because when google comes and does the snapshot of the site we want them to see our brand we want them to see the location the near me it lists all of the locations on the near me page it's near me in houston near me here near me there near me here and then on each of those pages i'm talking about all my services i do this service i do that service i'm in houston i do this service i do that service right and then when i'm on the service pages i have my services but it's my number one is the primary placeholder remember composite decking is the biggest that's my biggest seller that's my best seller that's what my placeholder is when i come into the pages i have service 1 service 2 service 3 service 4 and when i set up this page what am i doing well i have my header i have my footer i have my secondary right but this time because it's on the services we're going to swap it so if over here i did my services as a secondary right i'm doubling up from my location pages this time i'm doubling up on the locate on the service pages like if i did location to service on the service i'm doing location so i do my header my footer my secondary footer and then in the sidebar again i list all of my locations you see what i'm saying but no matter what the urls are always short concise and keyword centralized and focused highest volumes first i'm always tuning for the biggest keyword because that way all the small stuff will come in i know that's not most people say oh shoot for the long tail man f that it's gonna take me the same amount of time the same amount of money right i might get some little quick wins but it's going to take me the same amount of time to get those wins but now my page is already tuned i don't need to come back and mess around i can then come in once i launch my pages i could check in search console i could check in se ranking i could check in my tools figure out what google's testing me for then add those words to the page you see what i'm saying and we're already tuned up so as i'm building links what am i building links for secondary keywords right that's it bro that's it brother that's how it's done i hope that helps you i hope that helps you i hope that helps you your business we want to get the maximum amount of internal links to the pages that are most important we need to show prominence to google on what's most important what's important the locations for the primary keyword and the services that we offer right right my name is chris palmer if you have any questions about how to rank local websites on google and other search engines feel free go ahead and ask me in the comments below i always look forward to seeing you in the next google seo how to rank local websites video have a wonderful day
Views: 1,303
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Keywords: google local, local google, google local seo, seo local, local seo, local google seo, SEO google, Google SEO, Google search engine optimization, local google search engine optimization, local websites, local website, rank local websites, rank local website, how to rank local websites, how to rank websites, how to rank local website, how to rank local website in google, how to rank local website on google, rank local website on google, rank website on google, rank on google
Id: cxHMEJ7vXuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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