Local SEO 2019: A Complete Beginners Guide For #1 Rankings (4 Real Examples)

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hey guys my name is Jonathan Henderson and I'm gonna show you guys how I was able to rank my agency website in under three months by creating content and I want to show you guys this step-by-step process on how I create blogs and how I come up with topics because I in this video I'm gonna use completely free tools also I'm going to show you guys that I have a low domain authority I have a low domain rating and I use a brand new website with no expired domains or anything like that because I know that people think that they need tools like oh I need eight reps in order to do keyword research or I need a high domain Authority in order to rank which is not the case so I want to go alleviate all those concerns that you all might have when it comes to ranking your agency website and so first things first this is my homepage as just like Ruan I target my entire state so Georgia SEO is my main keyword for my website and so as you see the design definitely gets a job done and so I also target other locations around Georgia like other cities that are in Georgia and then I have blog posts as well and so I want to show you guys my domain Authority and my domain rating and I want to show you guys my rankings for some of these blog posts that I have in some of these locations too as well so first things first is if you look at my domain rating it is nothing to brag about it's nothing to take home because like I said it's two point three you can buy an expired domain that has a way higher domain rating than two point three and you know it's funny enough I have two clients that have a higher domain rating than myself so yes like I said this is a low domain rating with domain Authority my domain authority is only twelve like I said that's nothing to brag about that's nothing to bring home like I said you guys can do this you know this is not a high domain Authority so now I want to show you guys my rankings so like I said from our homepage I target the keyword georgia SEO so if you type in georgia SEO on google right now i'm the number two reason also if we type in some locations for Alain SEO I'm not ready for that but if I show you guys like Augusta making one of Robins I'll show you I'm ranking for those pages so I live in a city called Warner Robins Georgia so I'm gonna Robins SEO I'll ring for that not only my location paid ranks for that but also my homepage for my agency website ranks for that and I'm gonna show you guys how I was able to get my homepage for this agency website ranked on that without having the keyword we wanna Rob its SEO for this and also I'm on the Google map pack too for this and so that's the thing about it you guys want to start off small when every year don't try to go for these big like these big cities when you're first starting off get that momentum get these smaller rankings first and so like I said making making Georgia is about 30 miles from where I live and so I rank that for number one too in my area and then Augusta SEO I think I'm number two for that nope I'm number one for a gust SEO so number one for a gust SEO as well and so I rank these location pages on my website so I'm gonna show you guys some of my blog post that I've ranked number one or not ranked number one but I ranked on the first page of Google for example you have facebook ads for restaurants restaurant SEO roofing SEO so if we type in restaurant SEO you see I'm ranked number three for that if you type in roofing SEO you see that I ranked number eight for that and if you look at Facebook ads for restaurants you will see that I ranked number 10 for that you know and lucky me I just got that ranking two weeks ago so I'll see what happens in the next upcoming weeks but yes guys so the reason why I think that I was able to rank for these search terms well I shouldn't even say think the reason why I know is because of topical relevancy and Ruan discussed that topical relevancy and a video that he had when he said this content matter for local SEO topical relevancy that's what Google Google that's a big ranking factor for Google and so you want to make your content as relevant as possible for a main thing so whether you are a social media marketing agency whether you are a outbound marketing agency you want to be able to when Google's looking at your website you want them to know that this website is about album marketing this website's about social media marketing this website's about search engine optimization so topical relevance with search engines topical relevance is mainly used in conjunction with backlinks websites that carry similar content are set to have topical relevance backlinks from websites that are topically relevant have more impact on websites position in search results than backlinks from sites that are not related search engines assume that topically relevant links are used to offer users additional information that could be helpful with unrelated links there's a high probability that they have been paid for or included for the purpose of improving a site's position in search results so when it comes to topical relevancy like I said I want to be able to create enough content that when Google looks at my website they say that this is the authority for SEO or that when you create your website you want them to say this is the authority for social media marketing this is the Authority for outbound marketing but the thing is though is that I don't necessarily want to be able to just say SEO that I'm gonna rank for SEO because quite frankly if I was just trying to rank for SEO in general we all know that you know Moz Wikipedia search engine land no patel SEO comm Forbes Google support they all rank for that so how am I going to be able to rank for key terms that are related to SEO and what I do is I break it down so SEO is a parent topic that is what my website is about then I break that down into on-page SEO which is a subcategory of SEO and also technical SEO is a subcategory of SEO which is what I want my website to be about you know I want to be topically relevant on SEO so that when Google looks at my website they're like this guy right here is Authority if he has a depth of content on SEO so therefore we will prioritize here website for search queries so since I broke down SEO into on-page SEO in ten questi we know that title tags keywords and meta descriptions all involve on-page SEO so like I said I further broke down on page SEO into title tags keywords meta descriptions and there's other things that involve on-page SEO but even with that I further broke it down even further to where with title tags I can come up with blog topics as such as ten tips on optimizing your title tags for SEO or does keyword placement matter on title tags those are blog topics and that's simply because I broke down SEO into subcategories and then with those subcategories I broke them down even further into other relevant you know categories such as title tags keywords and meta descriptions and so even with technical SEO I broke that down side speeding involves technical SEO so even with that I can come up with blog topics such as ten ways to increase your website speed why image optimization effects website speed or even four or four errors how to create a compelling 404 page that converts users so with that being said that's alright that's all ready 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 blog topics that I have and regress to SEO so when you guys are starting out you guys want to be able to break down your categories and your subcategories like this so that you can find keyword ideas and blog topics that you might want to write about and so in my own digital marketing agency right now I mainly sell local SEO to local businesses so therefore just point being let's target a keyword phrase that involves local SEO since that is what I mainly do in my SEO agency so right now I'm going to show you guys my blog process so if I want to drive more traffic if I want to drive more traffic inside getting rankings for local SEO the first thing that I would do is I'd find keyword ideas for local SEO and the first place I go to is ubersuggest so uber suggests ubersuggest is new Patel's 3 tool I'd buy that you guys all utilize this tool and so the first thing that I would do is I type in local SEO and the reason why I like using this tool is because not only does it tell me the search volume the SEO difficulty and the paid difficulty and the cost per click but new actually tells me it's easy to rank for now but not seriousness the reason why I use ubers address is because it gives me keyword ideas and so with these keyword idea is not only does it do that but it shows me the search engine results page for that keyword so let's take a look at it so local SEO if I look at it right now Moz Moz bright local hrs you know search engine journal all this set for local SEO which as you see it aligns up so right now if I'm trying to get keyword ideas I can simply look at these right here because like I said he goes by the volume the cost per click that paid difficulty and how difficult it would be on organic search and so it goes off a factor between 1 and 100 with 100 being the most difficult and one being the easiest so therefore I'd go down here and I just look at some of these things like you know some of these local SEO New York oh look at that shout out to Rouen for ranking for New York SEO but as you guys can see this gives me and I an idea of things look look what I see oh how to difficulty of 8 that is a keyword that is a keyword that week maybe kotaki it's a good idea to target but I want to show you guys one of my favorite ways on how I come up with keyword suggestions or keyword ideas so my blog process like I said I use uber suggests for that reason but I have a plugin called keywords everywhere and this is a money tool i buy that you guys all get this so here it is keywords everywhere it's a plugin that you can install on Chrome or Firefox and what this essentially does is that when you use Google search for example if I was searching local SEO it tells me the volume the cost per click and the competition of a keyword but not only that it gives me related keyword topics and it also has people also search for and I have a bevy of other you know topics that I might be able to consider for what I want to write about with local SEO to drive more traffic to my website so therefore guys for the sake of time I'm going to show you why I love this tool so much is because the related keywords and so as you guys can see you know local SEO services look ico strategy how to do local SEO one that's standing out to me is benefits of local SEO and the reason why I say that is because it has a cost per click of 0 and the reason why I want to cost per click a zero is because most like with a cost per click as you see with local SEO services it has a sales intent behind it so therefore there's going to be paid ads above the fold and all that and so you'll be competing with paid ads and then usually when users are searching for that they have a they have a sales intent right now guys we're only trying to drive traffic and we're only trying to rank for these key terms so that maybe when somebody's looking up benefits of local SEO and we rank we rank on that page you know as a matter of fact let me bring that up and we rank on the first page for that maybe they give us back room or maybe they'll give us a backlink so that our website can be more authoritative or maybe we'll get more traffic from that that's all we're worried about right now guys we're worried about getting that momentum with rankings and so that's the first thing that so that's what I do right there and so now with our blog processes or with that blog process with keywords everywhere now I want to qualify that keyword so now the keyword that we're going to use for its benefits of local SEO like I said has a search volume of 140 a cost per click of 0 and a competition of 11 on a scale to 1 to 100 with 100 being the hardest and 1 being the easiest and so like I said the first thing that I do with that as soon as I qualify for it is I'm going to show you guys i use the Moz bar which is going to be a game changer for you guys because the Moz bar is a plugin it's a free plugin that you guys can use in order to see the domain authority of a search engine results page so for example as you guys can see let me get off local SEO now as you guys can see for benefits of local SEO which is where I found it in related keywords and look we even got more keywords than that we can target why local SEO is so important you know how to do local SEO there's giving us ideas off the bat but the thing is though is that with the benefits of LoCascio what I use is I use a Moz barn which keywords everywhere will be right here and the Moz plugin will be right here and so when I use a mods plug-in it tells me the domain authority of all the websites that are on this page and why that is so important is because you don't want to have a keyword and then every keyword on there has a domain Authority of like 70 plus or every website on that search engine results page has a domain authority of 90 plus for example find the type and local SEO again you see that every page on here has a DA of 90 domain Authority of 90 domain authority of 62 domain Authority of 74 domain authority of ninety domain authority of 53 domain authority of 91 what the hell I don't know what I pages aunt his on this for local SEO but yes as you can see that would be very hard to compete with but if you look on here for the benefits of local SEO and we're qualifying it and we use a Moz bar tool as I see anything that has a domain Authority under 40 it's something that you can compete with if you have a lower domain Authority such as me which mine is 12 so like I said domain 62 domain authority of 33 domain Authority of 41 domain authority of 33 50 120 20 to 34 42 so right now I'm liking this so right now I think that I can compete for benefits of local SEO right now just simply off the domain authority of all these websites because like I said there's a domain a third of 20 on here of 22 33 33 so it's not bad at all so after I do that what I do is I use ubersuggest and I use uber suggest once again to find out the difficulty and all that so benefits of local SEO and right there tells me the search volume the SEO difficulty that paid difficulty and the cost per click and look even know tells me that's all that's what I need is no telling me that I have an eighty percent chance of breaking into the top 20 thanks new so like I said and gives me search engine results page we already looked at it it's the same but you guys are probably wondering well right here keywords everywhere and let me let me get off the smallest thing right here keywords everywhere it said that it had a monthly search volume of 140 and you know it says the cost per click was zero in the competitions 11 but see the reason why this search volume differs from the search volume on keywords everywhere is because I'm doing it by the country so I'm doing it by how many people search for benefits of local SEO the search volume of that in the United States so for example if I was to do Australia let's see what the search volume of benefits low cost of local SEO would be in Australia it has a search volume of 10 and so SEO difficulty of 19 pay difficulty of 44 and cost quick of 0 so as you guys see or let's do a New Zealand you know they speak English as well out there or no you know what let's do India so India in their country I have a search volume of 30 SEO difficulty of 8 pay difficulty of 9 kospi of 0 so as you guys can see just goes by country in the search volume in a country but the thing that I like about keywords everywhere is that they get their metrics straight from the horse's mouth which is Google so if you're going Google Keyword planner and we were to type in benefits of local SEO you see if the value is 140 the cost per click is 0 and the competition is 11 and the reason being is Google takes in all factors google keywords or keywords everywhere as well they take in all search volume from all the countries combined so if you were to combine all these countries that is what that is what the search volume would be for benefits of local SEO but just for today most of the time we'll do the United States but like I said we're just trying to get rankings whether it's in India all that kind of stuff we just want to drive that traffic and get those rankings so as we see I qualified that by now for benefit of local SEO like I said the SEO difficulty the search volume is pretty good SEO difficulties not bad we just want to get the momentum rolling guys so this definitely keywords that you'd want to target so now that we did uber suggest what I do is I use word counter and the thing about what counter is is so now that I'm on this page simply what I do is I literally count the words that are on I count the I count how many words each website has on their page so for example bright local right here I will go into site where counter which is right here guys webpage word counter word counter dotnet you guys can just plug in this right here and you see how many words that a page has and the reason why I look up how many words that page has is because one of the ranking factors on google is how long your content is long-form content you don't want to write thin content on your website so therefore I wanna if I want to outrank this competitor I want to write more content than they did so I at least know I need to write at least 3,000 words in order to rank on this first page on Google at least 3,000 words right now so like I said for the sake of time guys I'm not going to go over every one of these pages but like I said we can go to digital shift media right now and this is a service page so you know what I'm actually not gonna get how many words are on this page because this is a good this is a good standing right now this is a good thing to have because if a service page can rank right now for this term then you definitely can rank them as well for this by creating pod content because you're not going to outrank this service page by simply writing more content than them that they have on this and they have on this page so we'll go to the next result thing it's like I said guys that's all I literally do is I literally will just count the words that are on this web page right now or on this search engine results page of all my competitors so I see 858 words right now that's how many this has so I'll do two more guys I'll be two more so let's do life marketing life marketing shout-out to them they are a competitor of mine in Atlanta but they are a good digital marketing agency definitely it's like I said I plug it into here so as we see guys bright locals still has I need at least write three thousand words and as you see there's a 1684 we're still good the three thousand comes in place if we write three thousand words we can probably rank above them so I'll do one more guys boo boo boo boo boo boo boo let's go here look at this guy's this even should give you even more confidence a 404 page that has no content on it is ranking on the top 10 right now is running on the first page for this search term right now so as we said guys for the sake of time I'm not gonna count every single one of these URLs right now but licious let's just say that right now to rank right here I need to write at least 3,000 words so now that I'm qualified with that the next step that I do is I create an outline and I want to show you guys my personal Frankenstein method and you guys probably what the hell is a Frankenstein method well let me show you because whenever you're running content on here you want to write something that's different you don't want to just write the same exact thing that somebody else has like I don't want to write the top five benefits of local SEO and just write something write something that's similar to this I don't want to do that I want to write something that is unique to users but also at the same time I'm gonna write something I want to write content that is actually working on these pages as well so what I do when I'm analyzing these pages when I'm using my Frankenstein method is is I pull up a brand new word document with a keyword benefits of local SEO and so the first thing that I do on that is I'll go and I'll see what I'll see what the content of what they're talking about and what they cover so they see so they cover what is local SEO I think that is something we need to cover as well obviously people know the benefits of local SEO they probably want to know what is localized you know like I said I just jot down a lot of ideas guys so what is local search what our local SERPs you know what is Google my business all that kind of stuff so what are citations how do I rank well in search what are the main SEO services five SEO key services but fit BAM right here this is something that I would write down so I'll probably want to write local local SEO search search says I cannot we can say the word right now guys I'm so sorry but right now what I would probably do is I probably add statistics or local search stats on to my blog post because like I said I'm using the Frankenstein method right now I'm just jotting down ideas so what is local SEO I want to cover that in there but also I might want to have local SEO stats on there because that's what bright local did you know as you can see mobile internet as you see they they use infographics so that's probably wanted to use as well I want to write down right now I need an infographic and I'm gonna use this in parentheses because I might be able to get infographics that are basically essentially on local SEO stats and guys the thing about it is you guys don't need to be able to create your own not to get off hand right now off topic but I am but you guys don't need to create your own infographics for example if you guys look at one of my local pages and I'm ranking number one on Google for right now is I use infographics that aren't mine look at this Bron media right now this isn't this is I just use their I should use their infographic you know I used code me writes infographic for Google's industry benchmarks for speed you guys don't have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to your infographics you guys can also hire somebody on Fiverr or you can just simply copy that copy that infographic and use it for yourself as long as you source where you got it from and so like I said right here I look at that so now let me go to the next result now I'll go to the next result and let's just say top five benefits of local SEO I'll go here and I see look again what does local SEO I'm glad I wrote that down because I need to cover that probably the top five benefits of local SEO so now I probably need to write something that pertains to you know benefits of local SEO we need to list that out so let's just say I'm probably right ten benefits of local SEO I need to have a list so obviously to make my content unique because look bright local didn't have a list of benefits so now let's just say I'll do like two more guys because I'm not gonna try to bore you here but this is what I do for the Frankenstein method I literally just take different ideas so what are the benefits of local SEO by Bart media so these guys is basically their 14 benefits of local SEO so yeah I definitely probably want to cover like I've already coronated right now I definitely want to cover ten but I definitely wanna cover you know the benefits of local SEO and list those out and as you see these guys use graphics and definitely as I said I want images and I want infographics so that's perfect you know we want so what is working on here already is infographics and images and all that which you want which is why I'm writing this stuff down right now so now let's just do one more that's the full form and I think right there let's not do that so now in terms of intro to local SEO what is so classy oh look they are all covered what is local SEO so how can i boost my local SEO ratings perfect right here how to boost local SEO which is basically let me work that differently let's put how to execute local SEO because as you see right here they put Ghana additional reviews reply to reviews use Google+ utilize social media you know cuz they say you know name address phone number of consistency so they so they're giving you steps on how you can boost your local SEO ratings on those other websites on here these you know they only listed out the top five benefits the other website the bar organization they only listed out the 14 benefits they didn't tell you how you could actually increase your SEO so you know what that's perfect then we're writing something unique because now ten ways or ten ways you know what never mind ten ways to boost local SEO so that's another thing that I can write about so now what is local SEO I can have local SEO stats with infographics so yeah guys this is what I use for my Frankenstein method guys I literally just take what's on these pages and I just combined what they have on there cuz you know how Frankenstein he's made up of several different parts and so now that I have what I want to write about which is you know and like I said guys I'm this is just for time since what I usually do is I go further in depth on this and I see but like just at face value right now like I said this is what go through my mind whenever I'm creating content on my website so like I said this is these are right here topics that I found from all different sources on the first page that I'm ranking on Google cuz like I said number one I don't want to reinvent the wheel on what's already ranking and what sorry ranking is a lot of them have images infographics and they list out the benefits but also I'm making this unique because I'm telling them how they can execute it and I'm also including infographics and I want to look I want to list out local SEO stats so that's making my content unique from the others because I'm combining all their approaches into one so now that I've hammer my Frankenstein approach right now now guys what I will say is after I'm done devising a writing and outline using the Frankenstein method I would choose to either else what's the content or write it myself so the first let's say that I want to ask first the content you got to create a detailed outline so for the sake of time guys I'm going to show you guys a content outline that I've created already which is roofing SEO so I outsource this completely and so the thing about it guys is that when you are outsourcing your content to somebody else - right make sure you're writing detailed outlines such as this you know like what is SEO and then I tell them explain what SEO is why you need refresh CEO you know so when I was making this roofing SEO template and outsourcing that I was giving whoever gonna write this explicit instructions on what to write like you explained write everything SEO or explaining why roofing companies EE SEO since I showing up first on Google search will increase the leads and sales because it will be easier to find online like as you see guys I went into detail about that you know define your roofing SEO strategy and keywords and so that's a major pro tip guys when you're creating these outlines you guys can also use keywords everywhere to find these topics you know to find these other heading topics so what I mean by that is this so for example benefits of local SEO I might want to include local search SEO I might want to include why local SEO is important in my document right here so what does local SEO so let you know what why is local SEO important those are things that I want to cover those are things I don't want to cover in my outline I don't want the writer to cover these things but like I said for the sake of time I'm gonna show you guys a previous outline that I've already had and so you guys want to be able to mix up and scramble some of these other keywords that I just that she may be targeting like roofing SEO when I type that in it gave me other ideas such as optimizing your roofing website for conversions all I did guys like I said when I created this outline was as I looked at the first page of roofing SEO and I combined all of the good things and each of those articles into one resource that's all I did that is all I did and then literally I made an outline on how I want this you know it's pretty optimized site navigation explaining how I'm making your site easy to navigate by not having any broken links 404 errors blah blah blah so you guys need to have a structured outline like this so now once you create a structured outline because the thing about it guys is that if you don't create a structured outline and you don't give your writers whoever you're outsourcing it to a lot of detail what ends up happening is is that you end up sitting you end up you know tasking a writer with something it's not it's not up to par it's not what you like and then you end up getting it back and you have to send it back to them back and forth and that can take time and I don't have time like that not only do I have to work on my own website but I have to work on my clients website I don't have time to keep sitting back you know outlines in and research topics and all that and I don't have time to do that so therefore if I create a once if I create one outline that covers everything not only will I get an article that I like but it will only take one time for me to do this which saves me a ton of time guys so like in my blog process right now so the next step is I find an outsourcer and I qualify right now so guys I'm going to show you guys some of the places that I've used to outsource my content and how to qualify writers so what agents I've used them I actually use them for that roofing SEO post this I actually used them when I was creating that roofing SEO post and I sent them that outline and it got done to how I liked it there's also crowd content right now let me log onto this right now because I'm going to show you guys so so that you guys can see crowd content but yeah crowd content though guys like I said this is a good website to use as well content runner this is I've used it I've used all of these websites when it comes to outsourcing my writing material or when it comes to outsourcing my blog post and so right now for example when it comes to qualifying writers let's just use crowd content right now so let me log in again and as you guys can see how qualified writers for this if I wanted them to write about an SEO topic that I had I would literally just put in local SEO right here and as I said look I see oh it's going to give me writers that are experienced with local SEO and you just want to click on people's profiles and all that for example let's just click on hers and they'll show me because these are based off of who's written local SEO before so as you see she has a category sample she has a sample of her writing make sure you guys are doing excuse me I'm sorry about that guys make sure you guys are doing your due diligence whenever you're looking for these writers like make sure that you're doing your due diligence because you want somebody that when you tell them and you give them explicit instructions in your outline on what to write you want them to be able to know that like okay then we go back to the outline you want them to know that like okay they know why they at least know why SEO is important to a roofer they at least know why they don't have to exactly know why are they they at least know about you know link building they at least have somewhat idea about that you know they've written about it in the past and as you can see she's written about marketing before so you guys want to be able to go ahead and in prospect use people like that and the same thing with content runner the same thing with word agents you guys want to be able to prospect like that when you guys are creating your content so now that i've outsourced that if i chose not to write myself i'll show you guys a template of how i wrote it myself because like i said I went over how you do it if you outsource because the next step would be after outsourcing it would be to create the and optimized for SEO but right now if I chose not to outsource that content and I chose to write it myself this is what I would look like guys so the restaurant SEO I wrote this post myself all by myself and so like I said you know restaurant SEO what is restaurant SEO the same format guys they said I'm just filling in the blanks and if I use a Frankenstein method again you know what let me actually show you guys again just a hammer this point in on the on the Frankenstein method so determine so determine your restaurant SEO strategy in keywords right so right now I brought restaurant keywords restaurant niche keywords brand related keywords right you know where I got that from guys I literally got that by using the Frankenstein methane I'm not gonna try to reinvent the wheel guys but also at the same time I want to make my content unique and you can make it unique by just combining all of them so right now present your journal as you can see right here Frankenstein method high level restaurant terms niche specific restaurant term or niche specific terms brand terms you know what I did guys I just worded it in a different way I just said restaurant niche keywords instead of niche keywords I wrote a broad restaurant keywords and I wrote brand related keywords and I literally got that idea from search engine journal and so like you guys are doing right here like I said I'm crank content right here and I'm just going through guys and like I said you will simply just have to write it yourself and what I will talk about why I linked out to I'll talk about my how I linked out and my internal linking strategy in just a minute when we're SEO optimizing these posts so now so now if I were to myself or I chose to outsource it let's just say that now I create the post and optimized for SEO so now let's say that the contents written let's say that I wrote it myself or they say that I outsource it and I got that content back now so now we want to SEO optimize it and this is is the money key thing right here guys when you want to be able to rank not only your blog post but you want to rank for those local key terms and searches and all that so right now are going to WordPress and the thing about it guys is I highly recommend you guys use WordPress in order to in order for your SEO efforts and all that because WordPress is SEO optimized already I love I love WordPress so the thing is is that right here I would type in my keyword and the reason why I type in my keyword right here is because it creates that permalink with the keyword at the end benefits of local SEO and so I want to make I want to make this URL structure as simple as possible guys I want to make it as simple as possible as you guys see they have restaurant SEO tips they made it simple for my own restaurant SEO post I make the URL structure simple guys restaurant SEO that's it so right here just type in the keywords that you're targeting which are which we're targeting benefits of local SEO then now guys I highly advise that you use a plug-in Yoast SEO as it is a free plugin that you can use on your WordPress website that makes it easy to optimize their title tags and your meta descriptions and so right now the reason that I came up with this title tag is like I said guys I kind of pre did this beforehand but the reason why I came up with this title tag in the first place is because I think about user intent so that's what you guys need to think about as well so you guys need to think about who's searching for these terms right now and how am I going to get them to click on my result so the first things first is I always put my keyword at the leftmost side because when Google crawls your website and they try to see what your website's about right here they call left to right so right here left to right so the bin so benefits of local SEO is right there in my Meta Description benefits of local SEO benefits of local SEO and the reason why I chose the benefits of local SEO and how to execute it for small businesses is because then rewrite that then we say we're gonna go over that we did or ten ways to boost ten ways to boost local SEO so we're telling businesses how they can execute local SEO we're also telling them the benefits of it so the thing about this is that what the user intent is that I know people that are looking up the benefits of local SEO are either going to be other SEO such as myself that are trying to find out you know what you know ideas from local SEO campaigns whatever maybe or it's going to be maybe small businesses that got pitched to about local SEO and they're like okay then what is the question so let me see the benefits of local SEO and how it can work for my business and so small businesses may look that up because they might not have any idea of what local SEO is and how it can benefit their business so that's why I want to implement that and my title tag because not only you gotta do it for user intent but I did it as well because we wrote about we wrote about the benefits of local SEO and how to execute it for small businesses and so the Meta Description is no different I literally just put the benefits of local SEO and how small businesses can use it to increase their online presence on search engines such as Google it satisfies both those user intents so that's what I do though so for the sake of time and I know I keep saying that guys but on my blog process after I create the URL structure and after I create optimized the title tags in Meta Description I create the heading tag structure and I'm going to just use a blog post that I've already done already guys to show you guys what I mean by that and so for example restaurant SEO so by now guys your content once it's written it should just be on here now so now the only thing that you'd have to do once your contents written is you just have to add images and you would also have to structure your heading tags and so like I said I'm talking rush on SEO my title tag happens to be or my my key word happens to be my h1 tag as well which is restaurant SEO so that's my heading 1 tag your heading 1 tag should be specifically on what your topic is about so if we're doing benefits of local SEO that's exactly what our heading tag would be benefits of local SEO so right then after that what is restaurant SEO determine your restaurant SEO strategy and keywords these are all heading to tags right here guys like I said I'm not gonna go in-depth about that because I know Rouen goes in-depth about that kind of stuff but yeah guys you know restaurant niche keywords I basically just devised my heading tags so that they show up properly and all that in one pro tip as well is that when you guys look at my blog post then the reason why heading tags are so important is because when you go my restaurant SEO post what do they do they use my heading they use my heading tags as a table of contents and I advise that you guys all use table of contents on your blog posts because when somebody is reading it it makes for a better user experience because if they want to know something specific like local SEO for restaurants they automatically go there right there so they're not like they don't get intimidated by this long-form content and they're like when the hell does this blog post end you know they can go to the specific part that they want to which increases my user experience which is why I think I ranked number 3 on theirs because people are on this page for a while whenever they're on here so when that plugin you know what I might as well show you guys that plug-in that plug-in guys right there is easy table of contents right there guys you can add that plug-in right there onto your blog post and it's easy to add guys it's easy to add but back to the post with the heading tag so yeah guys I advise that you use heading tags for that so once I have my heading tags in order once I have my heading tags on order guys as you guys see right here that's when I do the external linking create external and internal linking structure that's when I create the external and internal linking structure so with that being said guys is that you always want to link out to relevant incredible resources on your blog post and so right here I linked out to bright local I linked up to search engine people I think out Tomas you know because if I do that I'm giving my blog post more credibility because Google's like you know what these are credible websites that are probably gonna help the user and I always I don't know why I always like to mention Google as well in my blog post I just like to do that cuz I'm like maybe Google will go ahead and power attach my website because I'm promoting the website on my own blog post shout out to my boy Roo on like I said I link back to him for his local SEO campaign but ya guys so with the external links and you guys are external linking your content I know Rulon already goes over this he goes over this in his blog topics and this is why I learned this from our learned it from you on you want to link out to those credible resources so now that we got that done guys I'm gonna show you the internal linking structure that I always use in order to rank for these key terms right so at the end of every single post I have what is my homepage my homepage is keyword is Georgia SEO guys and I have not built a single backlink with Georgia SEO literally the reason why I ran for Georgian SEO is because my internal linking structure which I'm gonna show you guys right now so after every single blog post right now I link out with Georgia SEO agency that links back to my home page because the reason for that guys is for this and I'm gonna show you guys I'm gonna show you guys a visual example of this so I'll just go to some of my blog posts right now every single blog post that I have right now woofing SEO let's go to that every single blog post that I have guys right now they all link back to Georgia SEO agency right here they link back to the home page of that because the reason being is when I get backlinks to these to these blog posts which I have guys people since I ranked on the first page people out reach me at least once a week looking for me to link out to them so I do get links to these put to these blog posts so the thing about that guys I'm gonna show you this the what I use is I use a reverse silo structure so I call this cleaning like you know people clean the dirty money I clean my backlinks guys I know that was corny but I clean my backlinks guys and so what I mean by that is I have my backlinks right here they go to my content asset which is so I'll get my backlink and let's just say my content Essen is restaurant SEO right they say that my content asset is restaurant SEO then I will link out to that content or I'll link out to my home page because of that content asset that's getting all those backlinks to it so all the backlinks this content asset is essentially cleaning out and spreading around my authority around my home page so like I said it's like a 360 kind of thing because I'll show you guys so I'll get the backlinks I get the content asset and I'll link it back to my home page with Georgia SEO agency you know because it's driving that link juice to the home page but what I drop my home page as well on my home page I actually internal link to my blog post on there as well so as you see restaurant SEO roofer SEO since I get backlinks to these to these resources right here I internal link these on my home page as well so that I give an ever bigger boost and spread on that I like to internal link out to those blog assets as well as you guys can see the home page the category page but we don't need these two right well at least we don't at least I don't need them from my agency but as I said that is literally what I do guys the backlinks to the content asset to the Paige so I make sure that every content asset that I have has an anchor text for what I'm trying to rank for from our homepage which is Georgia SEO agency and you guys are probably wondering how I did that for my location pages well even for my location pages guys the pro tip on location pages and why I ranked for them as well is the depth of my content but like I said since my home page has so many bad things going to it because of that internal linking structure that link juice that I get from my home page I carry that authority over to my location pages as well guys because I linked out to my location pages like why choose better Bistro media's or Augusta SEO agency so right here I'll link out to Georgia SEO agency and it's not because I'm trying to build backlinks to my location page no the reason why is because I want the link juice from my home page on Georgia SEO agency I want those I want that link juice to spread to this location page so I hope that makes sense guys that's how you need to structure your content you need a structured content in the reverse and reverse silo guys shout out to my boy Nathan gotcha right here that dude I advise you guys look at a lot of his content but yes guys I want to conclude the video with that though is that you want to be able to use a reverse silo content structure and be able to create content assets that rank on Google using that you don't need a high domain Authority you don't need a high domain rating that's a simple process on how you do it create infographics like I said you don't have to reinvent the wheel with the infographics you can easily get somebody else's and source them out but you guys want to be able to just create content like we've gone ruins website right now that's why he wants to make his website topically relevant so with that being said like they have a lot of blog post he has a lot of blog post on that so Google is looking at our pages like these pages are topically relevant so yeah guys that's that's ended I hope you guys got something out into this video and that's how I was able to rank my agency website for the terms Georgia SEO and the location pages and how I was able to basically create content that ranks on Google
Channel: Ruan M. Marinho
Views: 12,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: local seo, local seo 2018, local seo tips, local seo 2019, local seo in 2018 tutorial, beginners guide to local seo, beginners guide to seo 2018, beginners guide to seo, local search engine optimization, local seo tutorial 2019, local seo for beginners in 2019, seo for beginners 2019, ruan, ruan marinho, jonathon henderson, local seo tips and tricks, brian dean, neil patel, nathan gotch, source wave, marketing, backlinks, off page seo, on page seo 2019
Id: Pw40BwC7CO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 52sec (3112 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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