LIVE: Answering Your SEO & Digital Marketing Questions

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all right i'm still getting set up so sorry about that let's see if i can just turn this light on give me one second guys all right let's see if that works this looks a little bit better it doesn't look great never looks great this camera never looks great all right what's going on guys i am uh finally live i had a small crisis go on that uh my wi-fi wasn't working and it was really frustrating because i said that i was gonna come on at this time and uh i definitely didn't want to miss it because i don't want to obviously say that i'm going to do something and then not do it so i was going to just stream off of my phone but my phone would probably be the worst quality in the world let me know how the quality is on your guys's side i've i've been trying so hard to get this quality to be a little bit better and i even bought this uh cord that my buddy mr reiner recommended and this cord is supposed to connect to my camera that connects to my computer and then guess what my mac doesn't have an hdmi cord so now i have to buy an extension just to try to get better quality on these live streams because lately these live streams qualities have just been absolutely terrible and you guys still watch why do you guys still watch i don't know but i guess it's not all about the quality i guess it's about the content and you said the audio is coming through twice and so that's not good um so let me try to figure that out let me know if you guys are seeing the audio coming in twice because that's not good but as you guys can see i'm definitely not a good live streamer i'm definitely not a good videographer i'm definitely not a good pretty much anything uh so audio is good so that's good to go like can you guys just confirm that my audio is fine so i'm not going crazy trying to fix something that's actually not broken cool awesome how's everybody doing tonight how's everybody doing tonight i had a great day today i had a great weekend i'm the only live streamer that you watch that's wonderful to hear and so tonight i'm going to be talking about a few things uh core update i'm going to be talking about questions that you want answered i'm going to be talking about our new software that's coming out i'm going to be talking about everything that we're doing inside of developmark answering your questions talking about duda talking about money talking about everything that you want to talk about with me and i'm more than open to give you advice so if you have a question please put it down into the comment section i am not going to begin this live stream unless we have a bunch of questions and what's awesome is my desktop is working very very well this time as you can see my quality looks pretty good so ask some questions if you haven't done so below ask me a question about agency ask me a question about money ask me a question about clients ask me a question about service ask me a question about hiring employees ask me any of those questions and i am certainly the person to answer them for you for you to get value and for you to do better next time you go out there and sell your services or do it for your own business so right now it is monday at 7 p.m and guys remember i go live mondays and wednesdays at 7 p.m and i chose okay let me know if you guys can still hear me um looks like my connection like shut off on and on and i was telling you guys that before for some reason my internet shuts off and on it's really really annoying um but keep answering keep asking asking those questions confirm that you can be alive on the screen and i'm going to get into all of your questions and beyond i want to answer your questions i want to go beyond and i want to talk about some of the things that we're doing inside of our agency some of the problems that we're coming across some of the hurdles that we're overcoming and we're gonna get into it tonight so you know last live we talked a lot about agency we got some really good questions we got some really good answers about some of the services that you guys are doing and i was happy to answer that and if you know me i will answer your question pretty in depth i won't leave you hanging i won't leave you with much to consider i'll kind of get to the chase and just really really quickly tell you what it is and from my experience now we do things a little bit differently than probably i wouldn't say most agencies but we do things a little bit differently than some agencies and in that sense we don't outsource a lot of our work we don't source any of our work actually i shouldn't be saying a lot we've thought about it we've been talking about it but ultimately we're really focused in house so let's start and get into some of these comments because i've got some stuff to share with you guys tonight that i think you're going to like and then also i just want to make sure that we're getting to these these comments because you guys are asking some great questions if you have questions please put them below anything about business anything about money and we're going to start with matt and matt says ways to get in contact with potential clients without hounding phone calls or spam emailing that's a really good question nobody likes spam email nobody likes somebody that hounds them just to get a response matt um i would say that you're probably better off doing anything but that and i would put your money where networking is and places that you can actually meet other business owners and start to build relationships with other business owners and generally speaking these are facebook groups these are networks a couple of years ago we had our i'm sorry a couple weeks ago not years ago we had chase reiner on and he said that the best way that he gets clients is he actually uses facebook groups so he builds a facebook group he gets people in that facebook group using traffic from youtube or other places that he's using to generate awareness and then he sells to that facebook group and just engages with it so there's a lot of ways that you can do it without seeming intrusive what you really want to practice there is inbound marketing which is start creating content that you know your viewer is going to appreciate and so then when they start watching you then you can sell and then you can put them into the right direction but for right now matt it's going to be hard to do that if you have no content and so that's kind of the thing is get started with the content what are you waiting for if you start publishing content if you start posting content if you start doing stuff that's people are asking for they're going to start listening to you and then you can kind of control their experience by sending them to whatever your offer is whatever your your business is so you want to really stay away from phone calls and spam emailing i get so mad when i hear it spam and i get spam all the time and i get these spam phone calls and because we record for all of our clients we record everything that they do all the calls that they get and stuff like that we hear spam coming in all the time and it's just it's not effective and we hear these conversations and there's much more effective ways to get clients and spamming them is is one of those things that they're not going to appreciate it's just annoying does it work yeah it could work i know a lot of businesses that love spamming businesses and they do very well even these large corporations they have sales team and the the job of that sales team is to spam a prospect list that they've actually gotten so um you know it can work but i would recommend to you matt to look into other ways that don't involve cold uh sleeping tiger said do you think a one-stop shop for seo facebook ppc ads e-commerce web design would be more favorable than a specialist business um yes and no so when you there's two things that i really really see as concerning there generally speaking agencies that do e-commerce are generally specialized and they're specialized because of so many different reasons one online transactions and marketing online transactions is a lot different than marketing a service related type of business and so generally speaking like we have a friend her name is michela and she owns a company called and they just do uh they just do um seo google ads and facebook ads for e-commerce type businesses it's very hard to take those two and just say like okay these are you know we're gonna target everything you shouldn't be targeting everything you should be some sort of specialization now when you say ecom web design you should be specializing in a type of business not necessarily the service because you can always hire for the service so for example if i say that we specialize in marketing lawyers when i say that i don't mean just facebook just seo just google ads i mean we specialize in the digital marketing experience for those attorneys by doing these methods of getting them to their goals whatever that may be so i wouldn't say that you should specialize in a service particularly because often when somebody buys website design they generally need seo and google ads and vice versa when somebody buys ppc they generally need website design to help that ppc convert into paying uh dollars and if you're in a position to where you're handling that customer's marketing and website design and website management um generally speaking you're going to have a much more higher retainer higher retainer let me know if that answers your question jake goss said get hyphy round three i'm 20 of the way through they ask you answer fantastic my co-founder was like you didn't read that book yet ruan what's some of the ways you implemented that in your sales process um so one of the one of the primary ways that we implemented that into our sales process and just you guys know jake's talking about a book that i recommended in my last live meeting it's called they ask you answer uh it's a book about content marketing and how to build up inbound sales for your agency or your business so you don't have to focus on those cold methods that was mentioned before by matt um i think the best way and the most fastest way to implement that into your agency is to start using uh assignment selling and we've we've implemented that pretty well where we'll get a lead that comes in and we'll send that lead some sort of assignment to watch or just understand and in that assignment are the generally most asked questions inside of my business so if you're an agency people are gonna ask you uh they're only gonna ask you a few things first thing they're gonna ask you is do you have a contract what's your price we tell people price straight up front we don't hide it at all um and then oh and then what are you gonna do do you do seo do you do google ads how do you do those things and so we send them videos before their sales call that actually explains the stuff and we need them prepared on the next meeting with us with having our uh having watched that because if they've inquired that means that they're interested so we've got to make sure that we're not wasting our time on the second sales call talking about things like what platform we use or if we have a contract or if we're gonna do seo or how we do the seo or how we track the calls all of that stuff and so what that video would generally look like is i would take the time like right now and i would just basically create like a small screen recording and my screen recording would basically you know it would look something like uh it would look something like this and i would just basically tell them about your systems and your processes and your services and i would just basically do something like this i would say um okay so here's like a website that we built here's an example um if you notice the website has uh several pages for seo rankings and the different contents that it has we track all the phone calls we write the content for you here's how it measures down to an roi and when you do that and you send that before your second sales meeting you'll actually have a prospect that's much more informed about your product and because they're more informed about your product they'll actually sign up uh less hesitantly because they'll have a chance to actually review what you do so they'll come prepared with better questions and so that's one of the things that we took right away from the ask you answer and there's also a lot of other things during your sales process you know talk about some of the objections that they're going to have and this is critical because a lot of agencies try to hide some of the ejections that they're going to get a lot of businesses they try to hide the objections that they're going to get they try to hide the fact that there's a contract they try to hide the fact that they need to redo the website they try to hide those things until it gets to the last moment and then that business owner has to ask you and that's never productive if you can just overcome objections slightly throughout the entire sales process and say look jake i think that you know your business is great here's our service i do gotta let you know most of our services are 12 month commitments boom right off the bat at the end when you propose your price when you propose your package you don't have to spend time answering some of those questions and it builds confidence within your sales pitch that you are someone that they can trust because you're telling them upfront some of the cons of working with your business not that a contract is necessarily a con but it could be a reason as to why somebody doesn't choose you jake said what was the best 100 purchase you've made in the in your business what was the best 500 investment you've made inside of your business um that's a really really really difficult question because oftentimes 100 purchases i don't even notice but i think and i'm not trying to sound like cool like mr cool guy it's just the truth and so a lot of probably the best hundred dollars that i've ever spent in my life was in edible arrangements and in edible arrangements is what got us our most recent lead and the lead has been a lead that we've been wanting to work with for a very long time and if you guys are not familiar with what edible arrangements are is edible rainbows is basically a fruit basket that you can send to prospects and actually get their attention and so what happened was we had a um we sent an edible arrangements earlier this year and we sent it to a prospect and this is a big client this is somebody that we really want to work with who's going to be perfect for us and they emailed us sunday and asked us to quote their actual website redesign and uh seo campaign so that was exciting because that was only a hundred dollars and we're going to convert a gigantic customer from it and that's a good way to start talking to people if you're not if you're not doing cold calling if you're not doing cold emailing you should be doing some sort of physical mail and physical mail is a really good way to actually get the attention of people and when you send these edible arrangements when you send this big basket of fruit to someone's office all the employees are talking about it all of the employees are talking and they're all going around who you know they're saying who's your secret admirer et cetera and so what i did was at that time was i basically shared a a an email that basically said uh this is in this is in january or so val or february if you guys can see this and i said uh sign pro which is the company that we're going to quote soon is red development is blue this is at the time we were blue we are now changed to magenta we know you're getting leads but wouldn't you like more too we have a team on standby waiting to kick ass for your brand and so then he sends me an email uh he sent me an email literally um you know a couple of uh literally a year later and he says hope all is well crazy times i may be looking update our site please review and give me some ideas right and guys this is not you know this is not like a small account i mean this is this is a leader in sign manufacturing and they're right next to us in connecticut so we've been wanting to work with them in some time but this all started with just sending in edible arrangements to their office and also we bought a sign from them so one of my really secret tactical ways on getting clients is actually using client services in my area and this can't happen if you're not doing activity inside of your business if you have a slow business you can't really play around like this right but if i really wanted a massage client as a client for my business my first step wouldn't be to cold call a massage business my first step would be to hire a massage business for our employees one day at the office and then we could start that conversation i was a customer with you here's what i noticed if you want to discuss this more let me know and those businesses they feel bad because you use their service the least that they can do is hear you out with their website and so that's what we do we've done that so many times and it's worked so many times you know it's all about cash flow right it's all about outer equals inner you know what i mean it's all about uh you know everything creates more everything that you do in terms of like motion it comes back to you so the more money we put out to different types of things in different companies the more we get back and i've noticed that with cash flow it's like the spending it's like it's like a virtuous circle you spend it it comes back somehow and so if i were to get a massage client i would go get a massage and to build a relationship wherever it is that i'm getting a massage and slowly the conversation of website design will come up because if they're a good massage therapist they're going to ask you what do you do for work um so but that was probably my best 100 purchase i ever make is actually uh you know purchasing uh edible arrangements for potential prospects or for existing clients it's cheap it's a great way to do it gets you great leads best 500 investment i've ever made was a bouquet of flowers for one of our existing clients where her mother passed and that's probably i i don't know what else is better than that right this is one of our bigger accounts a great client great person um and her mother passed and so we asked their hr department where her address was we wanted to send her a bouquet of flowers we spent the premium to get the flowers and that built the relationship for us and it definitely keeps the relationship fresh so uh best 500 investment i think i've ever made inside of my agency and that's the good thing about agency those investments right there can make the world to you so if you have a hundred dollars to spend try sending edible arrangements to someone's business and trying to get that introduction if you have a hundred bucks to spend try going to use your client service as an excuse to start talking to them i love doing that because i get to try all these different services and as i'm doing that i'm selling actively because you know what happens if you were to go to a chiropractor and they were to adjust your spine and you're talking naturally chiropractors what do you do for a living this okay i build websites i do it for medical and they're gonna i swear to god one time i went to go get a facial first time i go there they asked me to set up a meeting to do their website so once again you've got to have finesse with this you've got to be a little more than who you are you've got to be outgoing you've got to want to see people you've got to be dressed well you've got to really be a go-getter to do that type of stuff use other people's services because look the moment you use a service is the moment you have an excuse to talk to whoever it is that's selling that service and that's how you can start building more relationships we try to do that so much you guys would not believe it and often it turns into leads or it turns into hey client meet this guy he buys for me all the time etc your cash flow needs to be going out and right back in so best 100 purchase ever made was an edible arrangements best 500 was a bouquet of flowers for existing clients uh sleeping tiger said i am thinking of offering a free website and seo to four different industries that i'm passionate about to build my portfolio what do you think about that i'd love to know what the comments section thinks about that um comment down what you think sleeping tigers should do here um basically what they're saying i don't know if it's a he or her basically what you're saying is you're gonna be offering free websites to four different industries that you're passionate about to build your portfolio i would love to see what people think about that because it's one of the things that i hear a lot of people talking about and i hear a lot of uh uh different types of uh feedback on so i think that you know for me i'm gonna give you my answer i think it's a really good idea i think that building up your portfolio is the most important thing that you have we wouldn't have clients unless we had a portfolio and so building up your portfolio if you have a full-time job or that's what you're doing on a full-time basis and you want to build up your portfolio to either freelance or to do agency um absolutely i mean that's what i was doing when i started i wasn't charging these ridiculous fees i've been saying this forever when you're starting out you can't charge ridiculous fees heck you can you can barely charge anything when you're growing that's when you can start charging the fees let me tell you why because time management becomes a thing there becomes a time to where you're busy and you just have to charge more because that's what your time is worth and that's very difficult to do when you start out because you have all the time in the world but as you start growing busier you have all the money in the world but you have no time in the world so naturally your price needs to increase because the time that you're going to take spending on one client is an opportunity cost of working with other clients that pay well and so that's really when you're starting you're you should be following the price index which says lower your rates because you're not experienced as you grow start increasing your rates slowly but i'm going to tell you what's very powerful what's very powerful is if you have a client that's interested in your services and you can show them 15 websites that you've made that's powerful now if you have a client and you're just asking for these outrageous costs that make absolutely no sense that are just justified by your ego that's not going to be very very that's not going to be very sustainable that's not going to last long why are you charging the way you're charging i would love to know what everybody charges for average website inside of the comments or average seo can you guys please comment what your price range is i'm curious to see this because i want to know how much people are charging i want to see that and i think that it's important that we all kind of get a gauge and then we can start doing that and so it looks like it looks like a lot of people are agreeing with you uh sleeping tiger i would get out there and start offering these services for free or at least the cost that it costs you to do business because you have to have money to pay for hosting and some of this other stuff if you had a full-time job if i had a full-time job right now i would be doing okay my internet let me know if you can hear me i'm sorry guys my internet is in and out it's so annoying i don't know why that happens uh but yeah so let's keep going let me know if you guys can hear me because i have no idea if i'm back on here okay sleeping tiger is asking a ton of questions uh he said do you think by having products on your website example fix your iphone as a product using woocommerce how will that impact the search engine results um you know there's really no no definitive answer to that it won't impact e-commerce doesn't really make an impact on how it's going to show up in the search results what i do recommend is that you take your keyword phrase and you research what what type of things google are showing for those different types of keyword phrase so if you have a keyword like fix your iphone and you search that inside of the google search result you need to find out what types of things are ranking for that keyword phrase now i could tell you right now it's gonna be hard to outrank that phrase because you're going up against apple and apple pretty much dominates the whole front page but there's a lot of other big sites that dominate that first search results too so that's not really a good keyword to focus after and if you're trying to rank it as a product it can almost become impossible to do so because google's not showing products for example if i type in fix your iphone inside of the google search results what they're showing is support links they're actually not showing uh products if i type in appliances for sale though if i type in this appliances for sale you can see that google's showing products so that's where your ecommerce page would probably be a good idea to show up in the search results but it's a bad idea to do that if you don't see that because google you're not just going to get google to randomly show you products for that secret search result so you got to do that we got a team culture going thanks jake uh even the offshore guys are still with us hired two more designers last night up to five wow that's that's impressive uh you can pick my brain later i'm here for you frank said greetings from liverpool what do you think about gmb's new texting service will it be a distraction from the customer's website uh i don't think that it will be and the reason why i say that is because we've been seeing a lot of google my business text messages happening and our clients have been really good about responding to them so if you download the google my business app you can actually start you can actually do that conversation for your client inside of the app if you wanted to we recommend that they respond obviously because they know their business far more than we do but when a business when a customer needs more information the google my business may have that information i think that's google my business's ultimate goal is to have so much information on that map listing once it becomes paid which is becoming very soon that eventually you don't have to go to the website that's their goal but in reality that's very unlikely because people still need to go to the website to see more details about a service or a business and google understands that and that's why you can still attach your website to the google my business listing but it shouldn't become a distraction to the website if you're showing up more if you're showing up more what does it matter if a lead comes from google my business or your website unless you're not managing their seo which you should always be managing a customer's seo and that's one of the things that you should really consider it doesn't matter you've really got to figure out if you're if you're managing google my business that's fine it doesn't matter if it's gonna become distraction it's only gonna become a distraction to the website once google makes it premium and maybe they stop listing the website but i can't ever see them doing that because people search google for websites uh saifume i don't know how to say your name i'm sorry said came to your channel for sure it's time to shine yeah i'm right it's time to shine it's so educating and informative okay sleeping tiger said 2101 hey man how are you alessandro asks i'm al from the past lives how are you doing i've saved up to 1 200 in eight months of really hard work i think the best thing i can do at 16 is invest in myself so alessandro by the message that you're giving me right now i assume that you're 16 and you have 1200 dollars saved i'm already extremely impressed with you and you're to get dedication to save money at 16 i didn't have a pot to piss in i didn't even have any money and i had to ask my parents for money and i was still a so that's good that you have that money saved up your best investment it doesn't matter if you're 16 or if you're 50. the best investment in your entire life is to invest and sell in yourself so you're now asking what books or blogs would you advise me to learn with my budget i want to become a real seo in italy thanks again for all the lives you don't have to spend your money to learn seo you really don't you do have to spend your money implementing what you're going to learn from these free resources online so we look at a few different resources one is moz locals seo training so moz has a local seo course that you can take and it's definitely something that um you know that we take out inside of development you can get what's called a certificate um so maz local fco is really nice they have a training program that you can go through and i'll show you kind of what that training looks like right now but basically it's right here so it's moz seo and you can basically get an seo essential certification this would probably be the place that i would start to learn about the seo stuff but if you're going to be doing website stuff i would go to go to university so duda is a website platform that we use and if you just combine these two if you just combine learning how to make a website and learning how to optimize for seo keywords you can start a business just doing that so those two those two resources would be definitely the two that i would check out uh maz local essentials it's very well thought out it's very nice published and then due to university duty university is completely free moz local seo essentials is uh 500 but you do get certifications in both attach those certifications for your linkedin page and then once somebody searches you online and tries to verify your credibility they're actually going to see your certifications under your linkedin page making you more credible and your conversion rates go higher if you don't think that when you offer a service people don't look you up online you're tripping they look you up online so those are the two different resources that i would go into alessandro without spending much of your money if you can spend none of your money that's what i would do initially because having that savings is critical unless you're continuously making it when i started my business i made sure that every single dollar i spent was going to come back and when now i'm kind of just spending money to just test things that are working specific seo things specific advertising things specific freelancing things and now i'm just testing to rapidly start to try to grow but at when i started save onto your money because you're gonna wish you had it for certain things at the age of 16 i was also thinking about um credit cards and i love credit cards because i'm able to do my business like really really nicely categorized with credit cards and i get a bunch of points so save your money man keep growing your cash flow and then eventually start spending your money on teaching yourself and then you can start a nice business by the time you're 18 21. jake said when prioritizing new pages for a local company's website do you go for the areas we serve pages first services second and resources third or in a different order so what basically what jake is asking here okay all right that was bad guys so i i just closed out of the stream yard tab so i probably cut off of live for just a second there um but basically what jake is asking here is um you know when prioritizing a new pages for a local company's website which ones do we generally look at first there's three types of pages that he's saying here uh the first page is called an areas we serve page and if you guys aren't familiar with what in areas we serve pages is it's basically a page that shows you where that company services the business so i'll show you an example really quickly what this looks like on a live site so this is a live site right now that we're working on called superior cleaning and there's a tab called service areas pages now when you work with a new client generally they're going to have something that looks like this and they're going to have it kind of already built out and yes we do prioritize this but we also prioritize the services first and the reason why we prioritize the services first is because those usually are the ones that have the highest page value so if you go to something like fcm rush and you search a url inside of the url thing so let's say that i searched uh you know let's say i searched our most recent client signature smiles that we just got off the phone with today after a wonderful first meeting uh if you if you search this right here um you know sem rush is going to tell you the actual top pages of this actual site and so those top pages are definitely the things that we prioritize first and the reason why we do that is because if that page is already getting traffic then what we would do is is we would want to move that page over first and actually prioritize it because that page is getting the most traffic we wouldn't want to prioritize pages that are not getting any traffic because those pages aren't going to cause a large result in the search results and so that's why we do that right so um we we make sure that that that's prioritized but you know it really depends on the page uh authority and the quality and how much that page's traffic is getting that's how we'll prioritize um so with that being said let me go to the next question it looks like i lost a lot of comments that's weird um captain indy what's going on man says do you think what do you think about what do you do you think core update was about cls i'm not sure what you mean by cls can you please describe that lead gen is still a good business yeah i mean legion is always going to be a good business because businesses always need consistent ways of going into the right direction the right trajectory um and so lead generation is not going to be a good business when google tries to automate everything and provide leads to customers and manage their customer relationships and do all that but that's never going to happen because google so folks i mean i could never say it's never going to happen right anything can happen but google is so focused on their core product which is their search engine and so because of that they're not going to touch this agency space now if you guys are on our last live you remember that i mentioned that zillow is actually do becoming a real estate brokerage so that would be like if google became an seo agency at that point lead generation might not be a good business but as of right now if you can set up a website you can do on on on page seo and you can run google ads lead generation is always going to be a good type of business because it's one of those things that is never going to go away because people need money right people need to make more money that said i know you don't like outsourcing but right now i outsource my keyword research site structure competitive research and website development after i have content for 100 euro that's really cheap and and and there's nothing wrong with outsourcing you know the only reason i know outsource is because i like having more control over the customer experience and having that control really allows me to a sell better but it also allows me to manage the customer just a lot better and i don't like outsourcing because most people use wordpress and i'm not the best at wordpress and i like being able to change my client's sites at the middle of the night without having to ask anybody if i have to that's just me if you're a type of person that's really good at outsourcing you should absolutely do that especially with the new tax structure coming into the u.s when joe biden gets elected so um that's one of those things that you should definitely look out for too because payroll tax income tax uh medicaid tax health tax all of that stuff's gonna increase and it's going to be i don't know how it's going to be people are saying things i don't know exactly how it's going to be but it's going to impact the way that you hire and the way that you're taxed so i would absolutely say that outsourcing is it can be worth it for you for us it's not worth it for us because we like controlling that customer experience just a lot better trimble said if you had started your agency over with no experience which i did i did not have any experience when i started would you take the time to learn seo so you fulfill your service yourself or outsource so you can smart building your business asap okay this is the question that is like the golden goose okay and the reason why i say this is because learning the seo yourself and fulfilling the seo service so your customer is happy is building your business building your business is not trying to get more customers and i'm gonna say this because a lot of people think about it the wrong way building your business is providing a better service than your competitors it is not getting more customers than your competitor now a lot of you are saying okay well sales i need income i need i need leads i need this you're not going to get those leads if you don't perform a good service you're going to end up feeling like a con artist trying to sell more people dreams that you've never made happen and when you can sell people your results and one customer at a time doesn't have to be too fast that's how you grow your business the results in your agency is how you grow your business it is not about how many things you can start focusing on how many leads you can start working et cetera would develop marketing growing if we had no leads right now absolutely not would develop be growing if we had no service right now absolutely not i would rather have the service and my existing clients than take on new clients any day the reason is it's much more expensive to get a new client than it is to keep an existing client and if you're not the expert at seo if you're not the expert at what your company is doing it's going to be very difficult for you to try to scale that's why i recommend learning that stuff by hand learn all of it to be honest with you it's really not that hard learning seo is not that hard it's not rocket science you're not going to the moon you're not going to mars what you're doing is you're writing title tags and so with that being said if as long as you know basic language you should be able to perform seo pretty well if you use basic website builder like we do and that's why we use it is because we don't have to have all this crazy expertise we can lower our prices give more value to our customers because guess what our customer does not care if they're paying one thousand dollars they're getting ex back they don't care what platform they on they just care that we're going in the right direction and they're getting leads and sales and paying us off on a monthly basis starting my agency over with no experience i would go from learning the service again getting becoming an expert at the service and then scaling slowly like a slug you don't want to try to send it you don't want to try to focus on sales when you have just a few customers get those customers to succeed and i promise you you're going to have a much easier time selling new customers because let me tell you it is really hard when somebody calls any one of your references and they give them bad feedback you're not getting the client it's really hard when you're selling somebody and they search you online and there's nothing but bad things about your business it is really hard that when you are in a sales presentation you can't show that person anything positive that you've done before focus on the service focus on learning how to do the service and then scale slowly getting a few customers at a time do not try to think that you're jeff bezos and you could just start scaling like crazy slow slow slow if you can grow it slowly you're going to have a much better retention how many clients you get from your own seo that's a good question um to be honest with you i don't track that um i do check youtube i do track referrals which are my two top sources so to answer your question not a lot i've gotten some of my best clients in seo to believe believe it or not we've gotten a 4 500 a month account from seo a 3 000 a month account from seo 1500 a month account seo um so it works we just don't invest in it right now because of opportunity cost um we're not focusing on the marketing of the business right now um specifically because we're focusing on the the development of the products and services and also the employee development i need to make sure that every single employee on that staff is strong and that they can hold themselves and then they can get the company to progress so i'm not focusing on the acquisition right now but if i could seo would be one of the driving factors because people love reading about seo online so if your site can show up for these keyword phrases you're gonna win but that that doesn't mean you're gonna win all the time that doesn't mean you could just write a piece of article talking about how to rank your google my business and get leads your site has to have the components it is so hard to try to fake a business it's so hard if you're an agency right now and you're not getting conversions from your website it's probably because you don't have a good business and to have a good business you need good clients and to have good clients you need good employees and to have good employees you need good leadership and direction and people can sense that the moment they go to your website so if you're if you're not there yet start by getting better at delivering the service because if you can get better at delivering the service that seo is going to work we can't work with businesses that don't have good service it just doesn't work none of your marketing will work unless your services jam packed jam-packed meaning your service is so damn consistent people are going to pay for it for years not every client sees that type of result guys this is not a situation where every single client loves us right a lot of them do a lot of them don't but that type of balance is healthy right and they say the moment you get a client is the moment you lose a client which is true right i mean it's just the truth and if you never worked with the client you would never lose them if you never gained them you would never lose them so focus on that service and then your seo from your website can work i'm guessing because you asked me how many clients you get from your own seo you're wondering if you should use seo for client generation for your business 99 clicks and you should if you have the internal stuff locked down first we still dozens of websites on our dozens of projects dozens of portfolio dozens of reviews dozens of good cut recommendations and we still don't feel like we're ready to start advertising our business it's not a department that we're looking into right now this year 2021 we're going to be looking into internal video content strengthening our client base client base not we're gonna go market like a bunch of crazy people and try to get a bunch of clients we already have clients how do we grow them once we grow them we can grow ourselves right that's the thing about it and we're by no means at a first few clients that by no means we still care heavily about the production of each and every single one of our clients kyle says more technical question kyle says all my pages are do follow but i'm getting this no index to text it detected in robots meta tag error 26 pages are affected kyle i'm guessing you're talking about uh google search console um you know all of your pages are do follow but i'm getting this no index detected in robots meta tag so you've got to check if your pages are no indexed that might be why what website builder are you using i would have to kind of note so you can navigate towards it if your pages are set to no index that basically means google can't crawl them and they're not searchable on the web that's a common issue that we see and if you're if you if you index those sites and and and and and do that you should have get that error to go away once again the way that we do business is we redevelop the site so generally speaking we're not working with a lot of these small search console issues that we typically see content wider than screen text too small those different types of things slow pages we don't really get those with our clients because we rebuild the site the way that we have our process laid out um and so with that being said i probably need to know what type of builder that you're using so i can guide you a little bit better but unfortunately right now i can't guide you much um so let's see matt says i sell only websites at the moment but looking to sell ongoing seo and facebook and google ads after christmas yeah it's a good idea i mean i think that you should have the website as the base local chamber of commerce is blocked from my office i'll network that way man you should have joined that a while ago what is the best way to scrape google my business what do you mean by scrape um i don't know what you mean i am new five sites in and trying to figure out client management currently i am purchasing the domain and hosting i feel like this should be in customer's name and info i am five i am new five sites in and trying to figure out client management currently i'm purchasing the domain and hosting i feel like this should be customers name and info um some agencies some agencies do that for the client um we don't we try not to because there's a bill with it um but if you want to do that for your client you want to offer them complete domain management complete hosting management complete website management charge for that right i mean you can charge for that and just let them know that they own it a lot of agency clients are not going to want to work with you if they know that they don't own anything that they're doing and so with that being said there's nothing wrong with that justin you've just got to make the expectation clear with the client that you're the one that's handling all of that and that's really good because that puts you in a position i don't want to save power because we're really our goal with these clients that we're working with is not to overpower them that's just cheesy manipulative and like a little kid we're not a little kid we're grown men and women right um uh grown men and women and we're not little kids we don't want to hold people's domain hostages if you're even thinking like that you've really got to get some help it's not about that it's about making that client succeed it's not about hosting their domain and trying to help them captive and i don't know if that's what you're talking about but if you are it's completely okay to manage your clients domain and hosting yes you can have them do it but if you're doing it you have more control and you're giving them more perceived value for the services that they're offering and so with that being said it would be very important for you to charge for that too because you don't want to set up a website one time and then have a bill every year that you're not expecting because you're managing their stuff you want to charge accordingly so maybe add that into your monthly cost or maybe add that into your yearly cost however you're structuring your pricing once again everyone if you're watching this video i would love to know how you structure your pricing so we can kind of compare and if you haven't done so make sure you ask a question and make sure you put in how much you're charging for your service i would love to know kind of the average here benjamin said what's happening i don't know what's the average budget slash quote for national seo campaigns first of all shannon what is good my boy it's been a long time it's been a long time since we talked i know that you're doing great i know that you're doing some other stuff out there which is awesome um i think the average budget for a national seo campaign would probably be like 3 000 a month and that would probably involve consistently writing content about national keyword phrases and you can implement the processes of they ask you answer for your clients and you can basically get the departments inside of that business to write the content for you based on your seo strategy and that's something that they cover more inside of they ask you answer we don't do a lot of local seo in fact i don't know if we do any i think we do all local but if you read the ask you answer it's a really good strategy on doing a national seo campaign but also creating an inbound lead structure that's going to get you more leads and sales online and so to get the average budget i would probably say three thousand dollars a month i might be wrong on that because we don't do a lot of national but i know that that's what we would quote a national company to work with us on seo uh dip out hey bro what's good coding face cool man uh dust justin said let's talk pricing do you sell maintenance does your website include setting up google tag manager and google analytics if someone doesn't want seo i still want to charge maintenance but struggle how to price it yeah i mean well i'll tell you why because you're pricing it the wrong way and i know you wanted to hear that you definitely did not want to hear that you were you were pre you were pricing it the wrong way but you are i mean i'm going to show you exactly how you're going to price this stuff guys because to a client first of all do you want to know how we price things at development comment below inside of the thing and let me know if you even want to know how we price it because i'm going to go really deep right now i'm going to go really in depth right now and i need to know if you guys want to know this justin asked a really good question i'm going to break down how we price this stuff and it's really the wording that you use justin uh maintenance no client sees value in that some do some say okay you know what that looks good this value looks great um but i'm gonna show you how to kind of use that and basically get it to you know make it sense for your clients so i'm gonna show you exactly how we price things so i'm gonna share my screen here so this is a um this is a a aww app i stole this from alex becker if you guys know alex becker i stole this tool from him he uses this tool all the time and since we're talking about signature smiles let's just talk about them because this is a customer that we recently started working with and what i'm going to do is i'm also going to open up the actual uh billing account so you can see that we're verifying this i'm not just some random person talking on youtube i'm going to show you what we actually charge this customer and how much value they get out of our services um and then i'm also going to show you one of our monthly report examples so you can kind of see exactly how we go through this pretty much entire process and i think you guys are going to be thoroughly surprised about this process and if you want to see it once again just make sure you comment down below and i'm going to go through the entire thing so um i'm going to bring you through everything that we do for our monthly cost at development so there is a um there's a few things that we use so the first thing that we do is we start with the actual and let me just get this payment for you guys you can see so this is a client right now that we're charging one thousand dollars on a monthly basis to manage a few of their things i'm gonna talk about a few of those things are right now um and i'm gonna show you really quickly so this is a client we're or a thousand dollars a month right so here's here's our billing um this recently just hit on on here okay and you know you can't see any of the the payment information so i i get that and so you can see it's a thousand dollars a month now let's talk about what we're doing here so when we built the website from scratch they were using a different website so our products really fall down into three basic buckets the first one is called website design so this one right here includes pretty much anything that has to do with the redesign the site map the uh written text okay the uh seo optimization and i i call this at launch i say at launch because this is something that you're gonna do at launch and then i'm gonna talk about how to do this on an ongoing basis and then obviously the website chat that we had right so this is generally one-time fee so for this customer specifically this was a one-time fee of 2500 so if you guys are looking at that website right now that i'm sharing with you inside of this video i'll share it inside of the links here just so you guys can have it it's signature smile ct um that's the website that i'm talking about right now if you want to go check it out so that's a that website was 2 500 now look every website's different we charge different things for pretty much every single website but generally speaking all of them start at uh 2500 maybe a little less if they are um you know if there's less scope of work so this client was 2500 bucks that's our first bucket this is usually a one-time fee so i just want to make this very clear this is one time one-time fee uh 2500 bucks now with that being said there's also um you know there's also a a second box right so now that we've charged them this one-time fee there is this ongoing monthly charge so this is ongoing and this ongoing basically talks about what we're going to do on a consistent basis for this client after the website goes live and so in between this time frame right here in between this time frame it's generally about six weeks so we're generally launching websites within six weeks right and so this price right here ongoing can range anywhere from five hundred dollars for a town with let's say less uh than 100 000 population right or a thousand dollars plus with a town that's let's say more 100k population so generally speaking what these ongoing services we call them we call these monthly marketing services so um this right here is called monthly marketing services okay and what that means is right here what we'll do is we'll do listings management we'll do maintenance okay we'll do ongoing local seo you guys should watch my previous video if you're curious on how i do that i'm on our ongoing local seo in a way that's actually going to get results for your clients we do call tracking chat service and uh analytics reporting um you know we use a tool uh we use a tool called fcmrush to do our analytics right now where we send out a monthly pdf report that looks like this scheduled to the client or we use my new favorite tool where customers can actually log in and see all of their analytics data inside of here if you guys are interested in signing up for it is free right now we are beta testing it go in there if you're doing any type of reporting for your clients and then we'll also do um you know account management here so everything that you're doing right now could should be priced in a way that it's included and it's a process after you've actually done the basic work and so then there's one more fee right so this is not it there's three buckets that we generally work in there's a last fee and this fee right here is called paid advertising and so paid advertising their budget their budget right here is generally anywhere from let's say 1 000 to i don't know 10 000 right so there's three buckets inside of here and what this does right here what paid advertising includes is in inside of that inside of that price before that i've listed this includes management of ads okay management of ads this includes uh management of landing pages and guys this is critical to understand because if you already have the website built out like this and you have a page page for implants and you already made the website guess what you already have the landing page you don't need more landing pages you don't need click funnel software you don't need lead pages you don't need uh you don't need go high level you don't need all of these different tools that are going to be done just by you building a website that's the beauty in getting this first capture moment with that client this moment right here you can accomplish so much by just redoing the website and so at this point we have the management of the landing pages and then we have the call tracking obviously the call tracking solution etc so let's let's look at this realistically and how this actually is broken down so let's talk about the one time okay the one-time cost of the actual service so that's what you're looking at physically here so our team goes in and they basically create a website for this business usually based off of their goals or the last websites that they've had done recently and then what our team will do is we'll come up with a site map that's going to show all of the different links here that that client you know has pages for and then we're going to move over that text that if possible and write new text so for example for this client um cost of dental implants wasn't a specific page when they came over to us so our writers went in and created a page that targeted this keyword because our seo thought that cost of dental implants uh in manchester was an important keyword for this client to rank for based on their goals and you can see that that page is ranking inside of the cost page and so because of that we write a lot of text content on our clients websites to ensure we're covering all of their keyword phrases for the keywords they're trying to rank for now once that's done then we can start using paid advertising so paid advertising is wonderful because if somebody types in dental implants manchester and i'm probably really cash so i'm not going to see the ad you know they don't just show up inside of the google organic results they actually start to show up inside of the ad results as well and the beauty of this is when you're working with these types of clients and they're paying for this service on this monthly basis you know they're paying 500 to 1 000 a month let's say an average client you're doing all this stuff as long as you're doing this content the right way as long as you're sending out this information the right way that means this client every single every single day they're getting an email from developmark that basically says new lead from website right so it'll say uh developmark and then it would say here's who it's sending to and then it would say new lead from website and so that's one of the things that the client's getting on a consistent basis every single day and so for them paying that 1 000 we just got off the phone with this client and he said that the last seo agency that he worked with compared to us absolutely robbed him because they weren't following this process that we're showing you right now in this live video and you really got to get this down if you want to be anywhere successful inside of your business doing this agency model that customer needs to have all this stuff coming in and so what i'm going to show you is if i were to erase this now you kind of understand our pricing model here now that i'm going to erase this this information really what the ongoing service is is this really with ongoing services it looks like this right you use splashdash which is the tool that we're working on right now our agency analytics tool and oh that's a really big border let me do let me do this um so you use uh splash dash this is really weird let me try to erase this um you use splashdash to basically uh report all this stuff to them so you know this is where their website is and this is what we really try to follow with our clients because it works it's been working and so this is their website and so on their website you're managing this website inside of gouda or inside of any content management system that you think is great that website is built for conversions it has a form it has a phone number at the top it has the logo it has the navigation it has a nice hero shot here and it has you know some text content so let's say uh local dentist near me and then it has you know a bunch of text below and it's a website bill for conversions and so these conversions you need to have several different marketing sources to actually get to the client to the goal one is obviously google another can be facebook another can be let's say maps and if you're working on all this stuff for your client they're all going to the same source and that client is being reported on a daily basis when a new form comes in when a new call comes in when anything comes in and it goes into right into one place that they can log in and see that they had 26 leads that month 23 chats and 23 form fills and the average dollar cost per lead was 88 and they paid a total of a thousand dollars let's say it's just an example now you're having client retention this is how you can control your clients experience using paid traffic sending it to your website because you want to do seo you don't just want to do paid traffic to a landing page it's not very effective and then you want to report it inside of a tool like splashdash that's actually going to be able to allow you to do that without having to send the client manual pdf reports in near future and that's why we like this obviously because it all updates in here automatically with the integration that your agency already uses so you can see you can integrate your google analytics you can integrate your type form you can integrate callrail tick-tock google search console google my business and put all of this analytics information into one platform so that client keeps getting these notifications on a daily basis that's how you want to scale this because when you send them a monthly report that looks like this that monthly report is going to tell them your first month with developmark you got 48 leads you spent 4 000 right this is including advertising costs because we were using the three different types of things here and so you really really really got to have that because your client needs to know exactly how much you're working for them and how much it's working overall so pricing really ranges pricing really starts at like 1500 i would say is our lowest our highest might be 15k um but medium is usually like 2 500 to 6 500 generally is our upfront cost monthly cost depends on how much we're doing for that client but generally it's like a thousand a month to three thousand dollars per month that's the sweet spot guys we found that 1500 really is a really good sweet spot a lot of clients will be happy paying for fifteen hundred dollars but ultimately it's it's a very good place to be especially if you want to start growing what's up paul yeah the edible arrangements are pure magic paul works at developmark great great great person does a lot of great work thanks for joining i'm paul stewart said love that you do this for your community no stewart we love you we still gotta talk because you sent over some work and we were able to close that work uh coding phase yeah i know that company i know you too coding phase uh stuart said are you are you promoting these case studies that you do for your clients right now we aren't um right now we're not doing any promotion of case studies just because we're so focused on the actual service itself we're not doing any marketing stuff right now um we will be doing marketing in the next year or so um but right now our focus is not doing in the case studies it's actually just getting our clients more results uh alan alentino said what are some first basic steps for a non-profit website attracting donors i'm a complete newbie um so you know it's funny that you say that because we actually had a um a recent non-profit account sign up and um one of the biggest things that you want to do is is the google grants and i don't know if you're the person that we said that last time in our last grant or our last meeting but there's a really good google grants option for nonprofits that will actually give you google advertising money to spend but then there's also a really good article that sem rush wrote that talks about nonprofit for charities so i just linked that and so you can check that out i'm probably not the best person to give you an answer on that just because we don't do a lot of non-profit but i would definitely say to get started with your normal seo process as well as the google ads budget that's a happy ending yes it is thanks codingphase how much time do you take to generate leads with ppc for your clients so kevin wants to know how long it would take from when you turn on ppc to when you actually get clients for your client your customer and uh it's generally pretty quick i would say probably like a day or so but google's algorithm really it's it's a learning machine so a lot of the times when you turn on a google ad it says eligible learning it'll start learning and this is why i recommend if you're going to be doing google ads when you set up a new account you start by actually doing manual bidding and you set your bid low and the reason why you want to do that is because you don't want to pay too much for a click when you don't even aren't even getting conversions and so once you're doing that and you start getting a lot of conversion data coming into your platform then you want to scale to manual cpc and you want to actually do automated bidding that's going to get you more leads consistently so you set your bid low and get more clicks for less dollars and use broad phrase match and that's going to allow you to target the right keyword phrases for the search results so i'm going to show you an example of what i'm talking about right now so this is just an example so right now we're doing manual bidding for this client here as you can see um so this is uh this is one of our clients that we work with raise auto if you've seen my tutorial you've actually probably seen us doing work with them and so um this is their ad right so they have an ad on google they have a number one search result ranking they have a number one search organic ranking this is why i'm trying to tell you control it all because everything that has to do with this client's digital presence is up to us all of the google and website stuff so if somebody clicks here and inquires that's our lead if somebody goes here and inquires that's our lead if somebody goes here and inquires that's our lead and so they're getting notified of this but most importantly inside of the actual ad account um what's going to happen is if you're working with a client that you're doing like manual bidding for let's say and you're starting to get conversions that are coming in through the site i'll show you a great example of this so this is ct moving in storage and so in the last let's say all time you know their cost per conversion is 134 dollars inside of google ads and generally speaking if they're budget if it's 134 dollars in their budgets 200 a day they'll probably get two leads a day from google ads and so that's really good because a moving client can be anywhere from 250 to thousands of dollars but you don't want to do manual cpc you don't want to do automated bidding inside of google ads until you have this data because right now we have uh we have here 207 conversions and so inside of our campaigns we are now running our manual cpc because we're getting a conversion rate of seven to eleven percent and if you just do the math and you have 134 dollars to spend you can start getting leads in the day and so that's a little expensive but the leads are very quality so i wouldn't say that it's a you know you can't get leads in a day with google ads you certainly can you've just got to know what you're doing and as long as you set up your keywords to be plus keyword plus keyword and then you basically bid the right way you should be able to get leads if you have a landing page that says exactly what you're doing for example if i were to click on this landing page for our client here raise auto inc it's probably going to go to their actual page so if i click this right here you know what's this page experience going to be like okay well it's going to go to their website their website is beautifully designed it has the conversion factors that we're looking for this likely will convert if advertisers are looking for this or if if uh visitors are looking for the service and this is another great example guys this is a website and client that we're managing the entire presence for them for one thousand dollars a month thomas goodwin is saying that's one thousand dollars once covers google ads yes that covers google ads and that's the value of having internal employees because you're not paying these subcontractor fees for everything that you do it's all inclusive and you're really putting your customer through a process i hope that answers your question coding phase yeah round is the man bro i learned so much from him and still learning a lot from him thanks cody fraser i appreciate you bro i know we met in person billy ray in the house uh pablo said hi everyone thanks for the cool content question is there a way to make a new google my business yeah there is there's definitely a way to make a new google my business um i don't know what you mean by that if you want to register google my business you can easily just go to a page that has you literally register for google my business uh everyone can code and have talent but marketing and seo is vital in actually using your talent for the bag bruh trippin and and you're right i mean it it it it takes a lot of talent to code and um you know it's it's one of those things that you know it's just really where your skill sets at you got to get creative for marketing um so let me go through here uh matt said build a portfolio one client that you do a kick-ass job for yes sir uh what would you recommend selling during covet time that's a good question and it's so funny because a while ago when coping was happening i made a youtube video talking about our strategy with covid and it worked we're still in business and we're doing well and so this was a video that i recorded quite some time ago and it was about covid and it was so funny because it was so accurate we did the right things and we stayed in business the right way and so when you look at my channel you can actually go back and see a business and my strategy's never changed you can go here and you can see i posted a video that said your business will likely suffer from cobit 19 which was definitely not a extremely uh you know uh uh motivating topic but my recommendation would be to sell anything i mean you could literally sell anything you could covet 19 right now didn't do anything to our business it actually increased our business and so you know that's one of the things that you've got to really understand digital marketing right now is becoming so popular because people are starting to actually consider uh using it because of coping 19 they understand how important it is when people are searching in their home and they're bored you know their phone usage has gone up facebook usage went up like 43 and so you can sell anything there's nothing that you can't sell on top of here because everything is up for grabs every type of business upper grabs so that is uh that is a good point justin doyle said i did my first two sites free third rate discontinued that's great uh average seo for me is 500 bucks he's in pamana and that is awesome and uh yeah i know that's great that's great to hear our average price we have a lot of 500 a month clients that's awesome 27.50 monthly for seo that's a lot matt that's a lot or are you talking about for the build out of your website why are there two dislikes round is awesome oh thank you so much thank you so much uh we have but we do have some big clients on 1k per month and that's so funny uh because captain indy you know 1 000 per month is a lot in panama and i can understand that um most people will tell you here in the us that that's not much but once again they're probably not doing things the right way they're probably getting clients for a few days and then losing them immediately um that's usually what happens when you try to charge those ridiculous amounts not back them up stuart's saying 5k for our specialty niche stuart is that a month or is that one time that's that's a good amount that's a healthy amount um you're very niche so that does make sense 2.4k to for us clients nice most of my clients are paying me one thousand dollar a month for seo they range from 1k to 2.5 k that's really good to know lariss i like to hear that um you know and i'm curious larry what are you doing for that 1 000 per month for the seo service i'd love to know and then what's the difference of what you're doing from 1 000 to 2 500. i think that that's a good question that a lot of people ask is they want to know the differentiators between charging 1k and charging 2.5 k and so i can you if you could just comment list i know you have some really good experience so if you could just help us out by just helping us to differentiate what's the difference there for us usually it's population and blogging and all of this other seo stuff that we do but for you it might be something different uh perfect yep website seo one month google ads yep that's what i figured coding face ad what's the best place to find good copywriters right now i am right now i'm just right now got a designer and two other developments working with me but need a copywriter it depends what type of copy that you're you're you're writing joe um if you're writing content for a copy for a client's website outsource it to a place called verblio and if you're writing content for your own website i recommend you writing it because you're the expert in your business and nothing's going to come off at like that you know inside of your business verbally is a really good place to get content written because it's very professional so the website's right here it's called and basically this is what we use to outsource our content and our written text information for our clients and it's really nice because they have a pricing page and you can kind of dictate you can kind of play around with what that pricing is going to be so if you want to build a they try to get you to a monthly plan just because they want ongoing content marketers but if you have someone that's like a thousand words and four articles you're gonna pay 500 bucks for and so if you have two thousand words you're gonna pay 1500 bucks for it so it's certainly expensive i mean it's not the cheapest four articles at 300 at 300 words is 139. but i can vouch for you that this is by far the best content website i've ever seen differentiates themselves so much more it's specifically english writers so if you're looking for english content this is by far the best platform that i've ever seen um woohoo when rowan and chris palmer post on the same day thanks jen i appreciate that i need copywriters too check out verbleo i charge around 100 for landing pages and 300 for websites but that's pretty low rate i'm looking forward to charge 250 for landing pages and 1 000 for a website that's a really good price that's a really good price um you know if i was a small business owner and you were 16 years old and you came up to me and offered me a website and you told me 300 bucks i might be that type of guy to just be like yeah let's give this guy a shot it's going to be 300 bucks so be it um let's absolutely do that and and i think that that's a really good rate especially for the age that you're at stuart ruan hooked me up thank you appreciate that do you have a training on how to start an agency i do just search my name on google uh codingphase is saying i'm charging 2k to 15k depending on how long the project takes joe i'd like to know your time frames um because that's an interesting way to differentiate the actual price because at developmark we try to stick with one time frame but our websites are most likely way more dumbed down and simple than your websites because you're actually doing maybe some custom development where we do very little custom development and so i'd like to know how does that range i mean what do you mean by that if you're saying a site that needs more custom development is going to cost 15k that absolutely makes more sense but for a site that's gonna be very basic you're saying it's gonna be 2k i'd like to know what changes that time frame hey chat what are you guys charging for woocommerce if you guys can answer justin when he start where you're charging for woocommerce i really don't know if if people are using woocommerce i don't do any e-commerce we have a few ecommerce clients but it's not something that we do on a consistent basis so um if you could just help them out that would be amazing um let's see thanks stuart uh core update had to do with cls i still don't know what that means uh codingfist says i would try to jump on shopify instead of woocommerce more people are switching from magento and wordpress to shopify yeah i mean shopify is is by far the best platform to use for this type of stuff um it's definitely the most advanced one it's definitely the most well-funded one so there's a lot better features um but once again i wouldn't really be expert on that go check guys go check out codingphase's youtube channel uh after this video or during this video whatever you want to do um he teaches really good stuff specifically in the website development realm and especially it has to do with shopify specifically go check out my boy coding phase um he's definitely one of the the people that i listen to when it comes to anything that has to do with development especially when it comes with anything else to do with e-commerce because that type of stuff i have no idea about i have some really good friends very good friends very good friends that do ecommerce but i don't do any of it so if you want to go check that out go to coding phase uh codingphase he recommends verbalio that's what they use looking into it yes verbally was great and please guys go use verblio because i'm really good friends with the owner and they do some really good stuff and i wouldn't even if i wasn't friends with the owner i wouldn't use it all right i would still use it uh so let me see any questions in here you guys are just kind of chatting here maybe i'm not getting to the questions uh content shift layout shift first page rank yes we don't have to worry about that because the content layout shift you really should be educated as to what's gonna work and what's not every page has the standard web elements that are gonna make it a good page it needs clear header information it needs clear call to action information it needs clear textual information it needs clear visuals it needs clear loading speed those are the types of things that we're already doing at developmark and if you use the duda platform the due to builder i can assure you it's going to have a lot to do with your page speed which catches captivity i think you're using right i think you're using duda um and so those are the things that we're not really worried about um the things that we are worried about is paid traffic becoming way more important and i mean it's not really a word we're not really worried about anything i don't really think there's anything we're worried about right now which is good i'm worried about nothing but uh if you just follow the basic web guidelines of how to make a website you shouldn't have to worry about content shift layout uh uh viral video channel said ron where do you see yourself in five years just as a business owner uh being at age 30 plus do you invest and plan on buying a home so i actually just bought my parents condo my parents are from brazil and they actually came here when i was like four years old because they wanted me to have a better education and so i bought their condos so they can cash out and they can move to brazil and use that money for retirement because right now in brazil the dollar is four dollars what it is here so if you have one dollar in the u.s it's four dollars in brazil so the money the dollar is really healthy right now so they want to make sure that they take that out there and so in five years i see myself in a few different places um one is i see myself in a company that has leaders that can manage development full-time i'm still contemplating what i want to do with my life further than developmark and developmark is one of those things that it's my full-time job and that's how i see it i don't really see it as i mean it is my career but i don't see it as the ultimate end game if you would say i think it is going to always be my company and i think it always going to be something that i'm doing on a full-time basis because i love data science i love seo i love digital marketing all of that stuff but uh for me it's like outside of that in five years you know i may potentially get into something like politics um i may potentially look into becoming an astronaut i may potentially look into some of these more higher outside of seo things that i've always wanted to do in my life that i've never had the money to do but now that i have the money it's like i could do a lot of different things i'm not necessarily involved and interested in real estate only because the money that i make in real estate is not is not it's not anything compared to what i make in my business and real estate i'm not really around for sitting around for 20 years to make money i don't have time i don't have 20 years to live i need to make money now and so the money that i place inside of development that i place inside of my business the money that i place inside of my personal development is where i want to make money now don't get me wrong i have a perfect credit score and a lot of income to show for it and so at that time you have a lot of credit like i got approved for a 600 000 mortgage my first application and am i going to use all that money no i don't need all that money but i will use it to buy a condo every single year if i could rent it out and use a property management company that's all close to each other sure but is it my focus no it's definitely not my focus do i want to buy a house yeah of course i want to buy a house but i'm not going to buy a house until i uh you know absolutely know what i want i've noticed one thing in my life that changes a lot is what i want and so i i'm not going to jump into something if i know i'm going to change that now in my 30s yeah sure i'm definitely going to want to have a house because i like having space i like to cook i like to have a dog but i i don't think it's something that it's in my mind right now especially not real estate as a business primarily because if i put in 10 grand into the development it's going to make 180. if i put 10 grand into real estate i've got to wait 10 years to get my 10 grand back you know to me that's just not an attractive model and i think it's such an old-school way of making money that like is just old you know what i mean when i think of real estate i think of like old ways of making money for me because i'm i'm this like tech you know tech entrepreneur i like tech i like learning seo i like digital marketing i like advertising i like relationships but i know there's a lot of people that make a lot of money in real estate right they do but there's a reason people are on youtube and there's a reason that people are doing so many other things instead of real estate because it's a very stressful career so for me i'd rather focus on my business put my money there rather than do real estate investing i know it's a very shiny object and people really really want to try it out but for me i'm more interested in growing my business and growing wealth so in five years i'm looking to have a company that has you know potentially a hundred employees um you know thousands of clients uh i have my free time to invest in political things that i want to do um other sciency things that i want to do and so it's it's one of those things that you could certainly do uh and and and i i appreciate that question because i've i've been thinking a lot more about what is run mourinho going to be like when he's 40 what does that look like and kind of what i'm seeing right now is in some type of political role running development trying to go to space uh neuro jack said i'm trying to start an agency at 33 years old i built websites as seo and when i was younger h has nothing to do with it in fact the older you are probably the better it can play to your strength and um because you have more experience and uh when you're young it's easy to just like go out there and try to get it that's very easy to do so like don't you don't don't let people criticize you don't feel like you're too old i mean you're 33 dude that's that's nothing i mean the fact that you're saying it like i'm trying to start an agency at 33 makes me feel like you're saying age is an objection for you to starting the business of your dreams it's not an objection i mean people start businesses very late right i mean people start businesses when they're really really really old so um it has nothing to do with it in fact think and grow rich says men accomplish the most in their lives in their 40s in their 40s okay so you have time my friend you have a lot of time you're a very young soul don't let that be a a thing for you to actually uh stop your stuff there uh did you take college courses for digital marketing it is a must no i mean it's not a must i didn't go to college a lot of my staff didn't go to college i mean probably like 30 of them didn't go to college you don't have to you don't have to take college courses is it going to help yeah of course it's going to help and uh you know this is a conversation that you can always have with yourself as if you want to go back to school and uh if it's important to you if you think it's important to you go back but i'll tell you right now it's not something that i'm gonna do you're copying chase martin please say something constructive in the live chat or get the hell out hi ron you shared two websites to learn seo web design please because you should there could you share them again um hola i put them inside of the actual comments section uh actually just what do you think the core update was about according to client rankings you have seen in the past day we haven't seen any large fluctuations happening in our client rankings in the last couple days and so you know it's one of those things where if you see a change great but this is a just a normal ranking algorithm change that google makes on a monthly basis a quarterly basis i wouldn't worry about it too much i would more so start worrying about core web vitals once again if you're using duda you shouldn't have a lot of issues with core web vitals and that's the beauty of redoing the website guys we can't work in a website where there's a bunch of search console errors and we don't know how to use the builder that's ridiculous that just sounds extremely stressful i probably wouldn't be doing this business if that's how i had to do it redo the website in duda it is the best advice i can give you in starting your business we do it in duda we do we do it in wix we do it in webflow we do it in wordpress whatever you're doing redoing the site is going to allow you to avoid a lot of these different types of stuff these are gold nuggets thank you a perfect balance of speed and quality thank you thank you thank you thank you uh danilo said how do you target a specific city without the name of the city in the keyword web design for austin texas without putting in austin in the keyword phrase that's a really good question so danilo was asking if somebody searches for just web design in a city how can you get your website to show up without having to do any type of uh keyword uh uh phrase like austin and really that comes down to authority and authority is one of those things that you need to either uh build some backlinks for or just basically uh you know have authority so this is what he's talking about right now and i might be a little bit cached because um you know i've been searching this google keyword phrase like like crazy so i typed in auto body shop and basically what he's saying was instead of me putting the extension waterbury ct how can you get the site to show up inside of the organic search results without having that and it really comes down to the authority that you're having on your website if your site has more authority it's going to show up without that keyword modifier because if you have that keyword modifier inside of here um you're likely going to rank so this is i have no keyword modifier just auto body shop i have google ads here which you can see is a very nice thing and this is why you should use site extensions um i could make a google ads tutorial video i've been getting really good at it and then you can see the organic listing the map listing really just comes down to authority it's definitely doable website design you're competing against a lot bigger fish and so with that being said it gets really difficult to try to rank that stuff compared to um you know just ranking like auto body shop but to do that danilo you need more authority so compare your site with the first result and see what your authority is because if your authority is somewhere near them you should be ranking for that keyword phrase if your authority is nowhere near them you can't rank for that keyword phrase and this is why we recommend using scm rush to actually see those authorities and do some of those types of things tragic said you use godaddy for websites tragic are you talking to me or you're asking a question are you just saying a comment we don't use godaddy for websites uh roger said i was wondering if it's possible to rank high key d words with a newly formed website absolutely it is and remember guys keyword difficulty is just some bs metric that a lot of these seo tool companies use to try to give you more value to understand what they're using but let me tell you something alls it is is the first top 10 search results uh you know and and then they create a score called keyword difficulty and that keyword difficulty is based off of the domain authority the keyword that's ranking on that url and then they come up with a formula to say how hard it is to rank for that actual keyword many times it's wrong many times i've seen situations where it tells me the kd is 90 and we rank for the keyword phrase in a couple weeks just because we're targeting that keyword phrase and this is why i recommend you use the formula inside of they ask you answer because you're going to be targeting keywords that you didn't even know existed inside of these different tools like cost of dental implants right great keyword phrase you're literally targeting somebody that's searching the cost and so those are the different types of keywords you should be targeting you shouldn't be targeting these highly broad kd phrases now don't get me wrong when we rebuild websites we do target some really really expensive high key keyword difficulties to rank for just because obviously that's there's no other way around it you can't make a website that's just targeting a bunch of long tail keyword phrases you do have to have a website that's targeting big broad terms and then you need a website that's targeting some of these niche smaller keyword phrases to get ultimate rankings uh nat said do you have more than 21 modules in your new course i've stopped i've had i've made 18 sales really easy but i've stopped to do a good job i could easily solve 100 a year but want to focus on service yeah we have way more than that um inside of there you can definitely uh go in there and check it out if you want uh but focus on servicing your clients i'm glad to hear that matt i'm glad to hear that shift inside of your head from chasing clients actually starting to service them emailed your company multiple times you don't even reply cowboy uh yeah i mean so what have you emailed us about um you know unfortunately i i i can't just like talk to people because you know i have to manage my staff and i have to do this other stuff and dean i'm sorry but it looks like you have a uk website and development does not do international i wish we did i can tell you somebody that doesn't that does uk that's in the uk that's a good friend of mine but we generally don't do uk plus also if you want to get in contact with us you'd have to go through the development content or contact page on side of our website so i apologize for that dean never use godaddy i can completely agree with sarah sarah said i think i'm in love with ruan sarah i think i'm in love with you too don't worry godaddy has good services in my opinion they do i mean look go daddy website builders or godaddy website builders i mean it's not something that's like going to save your life it's not something that's going to rank your site's higher it's every website builder is exactly the same it's just it really comes down to the actual person driving the actual website builder that's like saying a ferrari is a bad car to drift because you don't know how to drift right and so you've got to really put a good driver behind the wheel to actually get good results out of it and so it same thing with website builders it's one of those things where everybody has their preferences i know people that have agencies that use godaddy and there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with that will i kick your ass if we're going to compete with each other yeah there's but but you can use godaddy uh new york jack said how do you recommend getting your first customer what hosting web build do you recommend to use website building use duda dot co i want stable as digital marketing agency can you tell me how can i get my first client um that's a it's a loaded question i mean a lot of people want to know how to get their first client and there's so many people that have done different ways of getting their first client like for me i asked a friend and for chase reiner who's on this chat i think you know used facebook group and he used youtube to do it and some people use physical mail and some people use gifts and some people use family and some people use friends i can't really tell you the best way to get your first client because it's a really difficult time inside of your life to actually do that and so to get your first client you've really got to make sure that you know it that's the hardest way that's the hardest part of your business and careers ever is going to be getting your first client but when you get waiting when you get to the first client it's going to be very easy to keep scouting matt said do you think it's a good idea to offer a storage pick and pack service or business partners business along with a local directory website that lists local products and local services rather than putting too much effort into google ads and seo i don't know what you mean by that i'm sorry man i wish i did um 76 for desktop version i don't know what that means roger it's mainly because they don't have a clue uh you can't ask for credit card from client yep you can do that that's what we do uh what is the best way to transfer site from wordpress to duda without losing rankings um that's a really good question sunny and it's certainly a question that we like to answer a lot of times so today we had a client in choir and they were very worried about losing their seo rankings from their existing customer if they transfer over and so you know with that the most important thing that you want to consider is if you're going to keep the actual url structure the same or if you're going to keep the url structure different and so with the url structure being the same you want to make sure that those pages are ranking well so i'll show you an example um so if i were to redo a website this is generally what our seo does so i'm going to show you a website that kind of start we started talking to today called brown roofing and so this is one of my friends she works there and so like for example this service page right here you can see the url is roof repair emergency roof repair so if if we searched emergency room repair i don't know wherever they're located and their actual page ranked on the top of the search results which it does we are not going to change these urls or these title tags we're going to keep them exactly the same so our our agency needs to understand what's ranking already and what's not and then we can determine and make the site map of the actual project that we're going to build because if something's ranking and we move stuff over and it starts losing all of this seo result we're going to be in trouble and the client's not going to be happy even though the client might not know there's a very big chance that the client might actually not know but there's also a big chance that we're going to lose seo ranking and internally that's going to hurt us so i would say the first the biggest thing to not lose client ranking is to actually make sure that you're moving over the search results the right way and the way to do that is to create a site map ahead of time and plan out your seo project very similar to how your plan your your seo campaign and that's using a site map seeing what pages are ranking moving over the the site map carefully strategically moving over all the text content etc so that you don't lose any search result rankings good day from australia what's up james enjoyed your interview with ryan stewart thank you so much yeah that was a good interview ryan's ryan's a really good friend of mine um ryan you know he was one of the big players when i started my agency that was one of the people that i watched a lot if you guys haven't gone checked out ryan stewart definitely go check him out he has an amazing program called the blueprint training i signed up for it i got a lot of value out of it our team's gotten a lot of value out of it so thanks for joining us james i appreciate you uh andrew said i'm in charge of 140 seo accounts they are paying from 1 000 uh 1 000 to 2.5 k um that's awesome so uh the company you're doing that for that's nice right 140 accounts times one thousand dollars that's a good place that's where we want to be uh andrew said what does 1k a month seo get you what don't you provide of course please share pricing oh my god we're still at the pricing and there's so many comments inside of here guys thank you so much for adding all these comments i would love to talk about that was the pricing section good for anybody did everybody get a lot of value of that uh and then james said break down your onboarding process that's something that i can certainly do uh tragic said please leave this video up uh marco said uh how are you able to make questions everybody asks that guys everybody wants to know the secret tool on how i can get these questions to show up on my screen and you know one day i'm gonna have a camera that has hd and you're gonna see me clearly like my normal videos but for live you're gonna have to do it the really crappy quality i'm sorry about that marco asks how are you having develo mark in the lead emails phone calls or website submissions wow man go to splash dash dot io i'm gonna say it again splash dash dot io if you wanna learn how to retain a customer using reporting sign up for the free beta on there and i can promise you you're going to keep your customers longer more effectively and you're never going to lose them but marco to give you an answer we have systems like duda call rail splash dash all this stuff doing this every time something is considered a conversion it emails that customer the conversion email and it says new lead from developmark and you can set that up very easily with basic web forms with basic call tracking services with basic things along those lines if you want but splashdash is going to do all that information for you it's going to show it's going to do all that heavy lifting for you that you want to do now with that being said um you know there's a lot of different things that we do too so i'll show you an example so i was talking last time if you're doing call tracking for your clients which i definitely recommend you should be doing some sort of call tracking for your clients but this is another example of what we're talking about here um uh for some reason i can't see this it's only showing me rogers texas green plumbing but having that subject line say this was a lead from your agency ultimately your client knows and they start seeing it every single day so they know the money that they're paying you is working and the money that they're paying you is going to keep their bills paid so having that inside of your from as development you just got a new website lead here's the lead details is very important most people like a bunch of idiots and i'm sorry if i'm calling you an idiot and if you're doing this but you have to be called an idiot if you're doing this you can't just have form message or website message make it say your agency website message that's what we do and and we've actually asked customers about this how they feel about it a lot of them love it a lot of them really like it because it allows them to basically um you know it it allows them to basically know that what we're doing is working so we do this with a lot of different clients like i'll show you another example this is a client that we do in the plastics industry in the in the custom plastic ejection molding you know this is like an example so um you know the subject line let me give you a better example here uh the subject line will say uh you know the the website name you know and then it'll say new website lead it'll say it came from developmark and then it'll have the lead details inside of here this lead specifically is for a form submission and so that's how that looks if it was a call it would show you the call data and that's how i that would look and so you really want to have that set up so you can retain your clients thomas said how long does it take to rank your business usually depends on your business you know it depends on the keywords that you're targeting uh it depends on what you're trying to do it depends on who you're competing with there's a lot of factors that have to do that sarah yes we charged 2 500 bucks for that entire website you just saw um i don't does that mean it's a little does that mean it's a lot i'd love to know where you think that range is compared to what you've seen inside of your marketplace if that's considered a little lot i know some agencies like to charge a lot more we often get criticism on how little we charge but ultimately it's a process that works for us so it works for us let's just keep it going paul said 16 viewers but only 16 likes hit the thumbs up guys please hit the thumbs up what's wrong with y'all uh justin said for website contracts do you make essentory mandatory for first 12 months seo is included in everything that we sell and oh i just realized i'm sharing my screen seo is is included in literally everything that we sell and um the reason for that is because you know when we're building the website you might as well do the seo and when you're building the website you might as well set it up for ppc and you might as well set up the conversion tracking and you might as well set up the analytics and it really gives you a lot more control with that digital campaign because it allows you to integrate all the different things that you're going to be using for that actual campaign so yes generally speaking there is a 12-month commitment with a lot of the things that we're doing and that's why sometimes we charge so little upfront because we know that the lifetime value of that customer is going to be a lot more than us trying to price gouge ten thousand dollars to make a website and so that's not reasonable ten thousand dollars for a local website generally is not reasonable unless you're doing a lot of work that is extra like e-commerce or you're doing this large development build out or you're doing this type of stuff generally speaking you want to put your content you want to put your clients into agreements if you have to a lot of our clients are month-to-month commitments and they don't say a word and uh they like that but if they were in agreements a lot of them are in agreement and those that aren't agreements really don't have any complaints as long as you're doing the service right um so you can charge what you could do whatever and we've recently had a client that wants us to commit them to a 24-month agreement and that's important because we know that our service is working and if they're going to go to into a 24-month agreement they are going to obviously uh trust us and they want to go move forward with us so thomas goodwin said um thomas government said that's a thousand a month covers google ads how much do you charge for google and facebook you demand you use fiverr thomas you demand too a thousand a month covers our entire retainer which means our entire retainer to manage the website to run the google ads to do the seo locally etc that's the beauty of having a team at scale is the team all they combine their efforts to one account and the client gets a lot more value than just the thousand dollars that they're spending okay what is a good starting budget for google ads for a new business uh thomas what type of business are you um i'd like to know what type of business you are because that's a different question like for obviously for a personal injury firm that's going to be more expensive than a painting business so you've really got to get clear on what what do you mean by that what type of google ads are you running what type of business are you and then we can determine your cost per click and what that cost per click looks like and then you should run ads and test to see how much it takes to get a conversion uh kim said difference between working with local service business business versus ecommerce any pros and cons do you currently work with ecom clients um no we don't work with any ecommerce clients we refer them all out to a company called cake commerce if you're doing e-commerce you should check them out because they're definitely an agency to follow and they specifically do ecommerce we don't do any commerce we've we take them on we have e-commerce websites that we manage um but it's something that's not in our expertise so we don't sell it one of the most frustrating things is selling something and then having to figure out how to do it we just try to avoid that as much as possible unless it's within our wheelhouse but generally speaking e-commerce sites require a specific set of skills you really have to understand how to do the email marketing because that's critical you should probably become a shopify partner if you're going to be doing ecommerce websites and you should probably niche in it because it's a lot different than working with local and for an agency let's say it's really it's really difficult to have an e-commerce section of your business and then the local section of your business it's really hard to do that and there's a lot of companies that have grown very largely from actually just doing one section so don't try to do everything try to keep it up divvied i don't even know gigantic agencies that don't even do both they stick with one i know agencies that do both and they don't grow as much as the other ones that stick with one type of business model so if you're interested in e-commerce definitely do it but just know you shouldn't do local at that point stick to e-commerce uh thomas is asking this 100 times andrew said the difference between a 1 000 a month client and a 2.5 k month client is that uh for 1k client we mainly just work on on page such as internally link creating more content related to that page optimize so you're saying so so andrew i'd like more clarification on that so you're saying uh for one thousand dollar a month you're doing on page and for 2.5 k you're actually adding content is that what you're saying or are you saying for one thousand dollars a month you are adding content and for 2.5 k you're doing off page seo i'd love to get more clear on that and exactly what you mean by that um and so uh he says for 2.5 k clients we do nearly the same merc but more for their web pages even twice as much as the 1k before so he's basically saying that for 2.5 k they do twice the same work more for their web pages i'm i'm still not clear and that's the thing about seo is it's one of those things where it's very very unclear so that's why you're best off pricing based off of population because you're going to have to do more to rank something in like dallas than you are to do something that's going to rank in like your local town in your area and so andrew i'd like to get more clarification on that mr b said rouen from south florida big fan i'm a big fan of you uh what software method do you use to manage a campaign efficiently as it goes from development to content to design and so on we use basecamp um to do this and i know that there's a lot of different tools that you can use to use this and we're probably not the most intuitive agency to ask this but we use basecamp because it's one of those things base camp with a combination of slack and a combination of zoom calls the communication has to be really really fluid with this and we have a process that we keep the same time so nick just said use notion um nick is nick is a commenter a loyal commenter that comes onto our live chats pretty frequently and he said use a platform called notion i've never heard of that so i'm certainly going to check that out if it can help us with our production process but right now we're using manual uh communication and our team knows and so that that's one of the things guys if you're building out these extremely um if you're if you're building out one of these extremely uh difficult websites each and every single time then what you got to do is you've got to really streamline that process you can't have this extremely difficult website build every single time you've got to streamline it so we generally don't have to manage campaigns a lot they're the same thing over and over again the same process over and over again so it's one of those things where you really want to get clear on what you're selling what your process is and then you're not going to have so much time from development to content to design we have a system and process built in that when a client comes in we know what we're doing for each and every single one of their clients our workflow is very tight but that workflow couldn't be made possible without physical communication with our team and one of the things that development that we follow is um too much communication is is there's no such thing there's no such thing as too much communication and i know a lot of people do a lot of things automated they outsource a lot of things and they do things a lot smarter than we do probably um but we still get really good results and we're comfortable with the way that we're doing it right now and to learn something new for us would just be too much so i would say this would be i would say continuously focus on using something like what what nick mentioned inside of here but nothing beats communication with your clients nothing beats communication with your team and nothing beats having a systemized process that you're going to use over and over and over again with the same type of client what's up chase what do you recommend for short marketing videos um i don't know i don't really know that question i answer that question uh how long does it usually take thomas it can be instant i've seen that you asked this question like 10 times it could be instant um you know it really depends uh captain said i'm using duda that's awesome six months thomas said which is good ryan any gmb updates and do you use an agency account for gmb management um so yeah i mean that's a really good question that ryan's asking he's basically asking if he should use his google my business as an agency account for management and absolutely you should and i'm going to tell you why because if you're trying to do any type of reporting for your clients in any tool whether you use which i highly recommend you guys go check out you can use a free site inside of there it doesn't cost you anything to use and it's one of those things where you're going to be able to implement that type of stuff if you use that you're going to be able to report to your clients your google my business profile your google analytics profile your google my business your google search console all inside of one monthly report and so that's why it's important to set up one g suite account for your analytics tools that you're going to be using from google so for us as an example when we do monthly reporting we use our accounts at developmark email as our uh that's the email that has all of our gmb accesses under it so if you log into our accounts at developemail which you obviously don't have access to but if you did you can scroll and go through hundreds of google my business accounts and so whenever we do reporting our reporting tools dot io go check it out it's beta testing right now you should definitely go check it out it's free to use um but that's pulling data from one email account and it's easier to do reporting that way so we definitely use that and also if you're ever going to build internal tools inside of your agency you're going to need to have uh apis and so the more accounts that you can have under these google my businesses the more apis that you're going to have and so you know with that being said it's really really important that you do that i can help you flip houses thomas i know you're in construction i know you get excited about that stuff but i am having way too much fun doing digital marketing to stress my life my life over flipping houses uh what would happen if you rank if you don't rank the client's website the seo is so slow for the client how can we prove the leads getting rapidly um benjamin that's where you have to use something like google ads or google local service ads and those types of things if you if you can if you're in a niche that can do local service ads use local service ads that that will get the phone ringing as soon as possible uh coding phase two thousand dollars for a landscaping website with a basic page like about home contact etc that's awesome uh you can use your real estate to offset your taxes 40k i know that that's good uh local business versus e-commerce pros and cons i don't know necessarily what you mean i guess what you're saying is if you're targeting those two different types of businesses which one should you generally go after i like local business because i'm not an expert at e-commerce but i will say the pros of e-commerce some of the reasons as to why i would consider selling e-commerce websites is the return on investment is clearly displayed on the website now when you do uh i just saw a funny a funny comment uh but when you when you uh when you do e-commerce marketing you can actually see the the sales that are happening on their platform in the analytics account that's very nice if you're working with a local client that's using a crm and you can tie back the leads that you're generating on their website to their crm you can also see this data so there's pros and cons to both you can do for both have pros and cons one of the biggest things about e-commerce though is you can physically see the sales of your client inside of that actual thing uh alan said i use divi and i'm thinking of transferring to do it as recommended what are some reasons that i should transfer thanks um alan i'd love to see one of your websites i can't really give you advice if i don't know what type of level you're at um i will tell you that one of the benefits of duda is the agency management platform and so for me it's really important that we have all of our client sites under one agency management platform because it makes our team a hundred thousand times more effective than other agencies and that makes us a competitive advantage because we're more responsive we can build websites faster we don't have to train people because we usually hire people that already kind of know duda and so that that that's very important andrew said even though i work at a digital marketing agency i want to start my own digital marketing agency that focuses on construction companies um that's really interesting so um andrew why construction companies i'd love to know codyface at 5k for a custom shopify ecommerce site 10 to 15k for a custom application like an app that tracks employees schedules inventory management system or an online store that has 10 000 products yeah see we we we never charge that much for websites but that's because we're working with more local businesses that would would laugh at me if i told them 15k uh what should i tell my son to major in college he's 17. uh major whatever he loves that's probably the most important thing inside of there how do you sell and build ppc to clients that's such a good question generally when clients come to us they may already be doing some sort of google ads management but clients are recommending us or are coming to us because they're having us recommend products and services to them and how they can overall accomplish their goal so as long as you're seen as the consultant and you're not seen as like the sales person if you recommend google ads they're going to do it but ultimately you want to recommend a budget you want to recommend okay here's how what it's going to cost to work with our company it's going to be two thousand dollars a month one thousand dollars is gonna go to google ads one thousand dollars is gonna go to management services and then kind of go from there and so from there you can actually say a way that we're gonna do this is for google ads now how do we build ppc is a really good question most companies make the mistake of billing ppc on the customer's credit card most companies actually bill the client directly the invoice and the actual uh cost of the google ads to give you an example a client spending three thousand dollars a month with us on google ads our retainer is one thousand dollars we're gonna build that client four thousand dollars one invoice and the reason why we do that that way and that's gold for those of you that are watching for those of you that don't know agencies do that we do that and the reason why we do that is because when that client has to switch credit cards and the ads stop you're messing up the entire google ads algorithm and you want to keep that algorithm going as much as you can because to have manual and automated bidding setup you want that ads account just attracting leads as much as possible so we don't want that ad account to turn off at all and i'm going to tell you one of the biggest nightmares that we found when it comes to actually getting these ad accounts set back up again because when you go in and use pause and add account and you try to change billing information now the ad account's suspended and you have a client that doesn't have ads running for two weeks and they get pissed and that's why you need to bill your client for the google ads campaign and make that agreed upon because if you start updating stuff in google ads and it suspends the account and your ad your clients don't have ads running you may lose that client that's happened to us and it hurt and the clients have accomplished to spend they didn't know why and they needed to get it going so they chose a different company now you could recreate a new ad account create new campaigns and do all that work but we just had that account restored could have all been prevented if we just created the ad account had our own credit card set up for that account build a client once do you recommend buying backlinks thomas goodwin says yeah i mean sure i mean why not i mean buying backlinks is if you're doing your own site that's fine if you're doing client sites don't ever do that it's a really bad idea to buy backlinks for your client sites because this is one of the things that is very difficult to actually create a process and a system for and when you penalize the site you're going to lose all your confidence which has happened to i'm sure a lot of seo people are here justin doyle said how can i get started call tracking for clients callrail best solution uh and i see roger wakefield in the chat what's going on roger how are you uh roger said you are a rockstar website designer and seo guru oh thanks it's more of my team i'm just the guru uh i really enjoy working with you we really enjoy working with you too roger if you guys haven't go check out roger wakefield's channel he's got a nice premium plumbing channel and he goes live on mondays and i love hopping in there and talking crap and uh and throwing some donations towards him to for people to go leave him reviews on his google my business by the way tell me if that's genius right so uh my buddy roger who's live in the chat and justin i'll get to your question just a second um he's got a good following so roger has 250 000 subscribers and every time he goes live on youtube i'll actually go in there and host the contest and i'll say if roger gets 100 reviews during this live i'll donate 500 to his channel and the last time we did it we got like six or seven but the time before we did it we got like 30. so it definitely wasn't the best executionable time but it was one it was one of those things where it was definitely a unique way of doing it do you have a master sheet of backlinks if you do utilize it for a new client or do you start all over i know a lot of agencies that do this they'll actually have like templated backlinks that they can get for like almost every single client we used to do that but we found that our sites rank just because we're starting to work with brands and instead of working with businesses that literally just need leads as soon as possible when you start working with brands and you start working with people that have authority inside of their business you don't need to do much backlinks and andrew was commenting here before i really need to know if that 2.5 k he's building backlinks because most agencies will say that they're building backlinks but all they're doing is going on to and just buying backlinks for their client sites and there's nothing wrong with that if that's your strategy but what i will tell you is it is not a consistent strategy to grow your business because when you start to hire employees and you start to have employees under you hi paying for backlinks is not a suitable strategy that's why we're going more into the site structure the content marketing the google ads so we don't have to mess with the backlinks because it's just not something that's scalable and we try to not have all these different contractor fees for everything that we do we try to have very little fees the only fees that we pay for right now our expenses are rent payroll uh some software's that we use a lot of the software that use is sponsored um so that's nice so we don't pay for a lot of the sas that we use and pretty soon we're coming out with a tool called and that tool is gonna take care of a lot of our reporting and so back to kind of what you were asking here how can i get started on callrail uh well i mean callrail is one of those things that um if you if you had to get started on it i would get started as soon as possible uh so i'll kind of show you exactly how we do tracking inside of callrail so um inside of our callrail account um you know you can see that in the last 30 days um for the companies that we managed there were about 2451 phone calls so the way that callrail works and i'll kind of show you exactly how it works using this little tool here um the way that callrail works is very intuitive so um actually what happens is uh you have your phone number right so let's say let's say that your phone number is uh uh 203 um you know five five five five five five five if this is your client's number right and i'm just gonna give you a quick introduction how this works if this is your client's number um you know that's the number the tracking number let's say is um let's say it is you know 203 666 666 right and so every time somebody calls this tracking number it forwards to the client's track actual phone number now callrail offers a really nice tool for this it's called dynamics swap dynamic insertion and so what dynamic insertion allows you to do which you can see right here javascript is it allows you to change the phone number on the website when you load that page let me show you an example so if i go to bbb notice how the phone number here just changed if you guys saw that let me know if you saw that the phone number will actually change based on how you got to that actual website and so when you when you look at the tracking inside of here it'll actually tell you the different sources that people are finding this website so for example over here you can see that um you know this was a call the call was three minutes and three seconds and if i played this call uh callrail tagged this as a lead and this lead said that they are looking for the location of this practice which we we set up as an actual conversion metric and so that's an easy way that you can track and see those calls use callrail because it's going to be one of those things that are going to allow you to keep your customer for longer and they're also going to be more happy with your service so guys um it is late i um i appreciate you guys hopping on i am tired it has been two hours um once again i go live on monday and wednesday nights at 7 00 p.m if you guys have not done so make sure you like subscribe and hit the notification bell so you get notified when i go live on these days um and a really good tip for you guys i wasn't able to get to all the questions i'm tired i have to make dinner still it's nine o'clock and a really good tip is get on the live early ask your questions early because that's how i do it i go inside of chronological order and trust me there are so many comments in here that i want to answer like this one is so good dude versus wix i'm definitely going to talk about that let's next meeting um but you you really gotta want you know guys if you put in this information i thank everybody for watching put in your comments early when i set the schedule to go live and i'm sure that i can get on to that and then uh you know we're gonna hop off of this call here today and i'll see you guys later thank you so much for joining guys and uh we'll talk to you soon
Channel: Ruan M. Marinho
Views: 2,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bm7Cd9-_Im8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 30sec (6870 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.