Loading the Boat with SHRIMP | Shrimping Catch and Cook

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welcome to my channel outside the levees where the levees end the fun begins I'm Jared cerenay and today I'm going on a commercial shrimping trip in beautiful Saint Bernard Parish St Bernard's Coastal estuaries make it an ideal place to catch shrimp and I'll be going with Kimi serenade a sixth generation commercial fisherman then I'm heading to rebouche's Cafe at Saint Bernard so Chef Rachel can show me how she cooks up her grilled shrimp Benedict now let's get it started Saint Bernard Parish sits in between the City of New Orleans and the salty Waters of the Gulf of Mexico Saint Bernard has a large expanse of wetlands that is habitat for thousands of species of fish and wildlife one of those species is the white shrimp white shrimp season in Louisiana typically starts in August and runs through December commercial fishing for white shrimp has always been a way of life in Saint Bernard and I'm heading out with Kimi sarenay who understands this better than anybody all right y'all we back in beautiful Saint Bernard Parish it is a lovely evening here in October we had a cold front come through a few days ago and we are going shrimping this is a great tradition down here in Saint Bernard that we proud to show y'all and let's hope these shrimp are going to be there what we doing tonight are we going night rigging shrimping at night some people like to go in a day we do it at night uh what is the shrimp tradition mean for you and your family and being from Saint Bernard well shrimp and for me and my family is everything you know it's it's just that's what we always done you know Generations uh I'm a sixth generation commercial fisherman so my kids love my kids been doing it with me since they're little bitty you know my daddy taught me just about everything I know between him and my grandpa so you don't make a lot of money but that's what I like to do he's got his son Morgan with him like I said carrying on that family tradition that's the kind of things you see when you come down here to Saint Bernard our commercial fishing is a big part of what we do we always love to support these guys and the restaurants that support them all right I'm gonna get my butt on the boat hopefully I can be of some help if not I'll just try to stay out the way we waiting for the water to fall can't catch them on you can catch them on a raising tie but they really yeah you know you want to catch them on a fallen tide so you were mostly getting here to hold your spot down I'm holding my spot down and waiting for the current to fall once it falls a lot of these shallow duck ponds this way the shrimp live when it starts falling out they feel that you know got less and less water sometimes they go dry everything sucks out into the deep water into the bias you catch them [Music] foreign [Music] y'all it is just about time to get started we've been waiting for about an hour you know you obviously want to get here and hold your spot down but we're also waiting for that tide to start moving because that's what's going to push the shrimp to us rather than us having to go for a long ways and get them we're just going to kind of sit tight and let the shrimp come to us well we put the rigs down first thing you want to do is put your web your weights down drop your rigs after the rigs are down everything's going good then you can drop your tails the reason you drop your tails last is because if there's any trouble and your Tail's already down you can catch them in a wheel then you're jumping overboard and you got a whole other mess to food now when we pick up we'll pick up the Tails first and then we'll pick the rigs up just for the same reason how long y'all typically leave the rigs down for um sometimes it all depends on how long we'll leave them down for it depends on the shrimp really we'll check you know throughout about an hour longest about an hour uh if the shrimp are really coming I mean we could be picking up every 20 minutes to a half an hour very intricate process of like ropes and cables and winches and we're pulling up so let's go see what we got just take out a little fish out throw them away little catfish and shed friends [Music] Auto big crab oh that's just a little rake we buy the hardware store let's pull them to you [Music] a lot of times when I do I just throw them all in one big pile and then I'll take a little bit at a time clean them foreign pieces push them over to the side I got [Music] right here that's my favorite speckled trophy storm minutes swam sideways foreign just put them up in the front of the boat and uh I won't put them in my big box yet because I don't know if we're gonna catch enough to put in the box and it becomes a pain in the butt to get them out I got a bunch of baskets as my baskets get full then I'll start throwing them into my big box and it's pretty repetitious same thing over and over foreign [Music] I mean obviously we ain't catching a whole lot but sometimes we could crown this thing with shrimp and before you cleaning it you're coming up with more so you could be in a picking box all night you know depending on how slow you are so you got to go quick picking box yeah so like a little drum um a lot of guys pick kind of slow they'll use one hand that's slow you use two just grab through them thank you it's going slow why you think that is well the currents are not falling too hard um it's picking up a little I think as the night goes on it's going to probably get a lot better but I didn't look at the tide range today so I don't know how many tents it's supposed to fall look at this one nah you get used to it I could just grab them quick it's not fun when they get you don't think I don't get bit I do that little bitty catfish will ruin your day you look right there that little thing right there going to your fingernail make you cry for your mama I found us a bunch of them yeah because we we catch a lot and they do well they don't die I mean he's ready to go yeah everything is back yep try to turn them right loose little croaker catfish I work for myself I don't have a boss I don't make a fortune but what I got a lot of is time time is everything I could work when I want you can stay home when I want nobody over my shoulder telling me what to do it's a free life I like about being efficient free you could but I wouldn't want to all right so you love living in Cincinnati Saint Bernard's my home always will be I'm proud to be from Saint Bernard I'm proud to be from delacroix Island would you recommend people come down absolutely come down to Saint Bernard we got the best seafood you can go anywhere else in Louisiana and get Seafood but you're not going to get it like Saint Bernard Seafood so there's not too much current in the low body where I normally go so um the current will start falling a little further out and then eventually get to where we work so we just we left from there we came into Delica Islands mean by it and uh and we're gonna try right here and you know see what happens they got a few other boats in here so we're going to be competing a little bit but I guess it's worth one try you know just to see it's not too good of a night but we're gonna make the best out of it you know [Music] that's what we're looking for that's a lot better much better I got a few buddies that need some shrimp so I'll probably take some up to them they'll come pick them up tomorrow but the majority of everything I catch goes to the seafood dock so the way the seafood dock determines prices is just by size of your shrimp notice here is probably a 26 30. and if they let me it takes uh so 26 30 it's 26 to 30 shrimp to one pound the lower your number the bigger your shrimp the the more price you get prices haven't been great this year price has been tough this year dude been getting a lot of influx of uh of a lot of imports this year and they flood the market with imported shrimp which drops the price on domestic shrimp so it makes things a little tough so once these shrimp leave the dock they go to a factory I guess they peel them can them all [Music] who knows I'm not I'm not quite sure what the factory does with them you know the thing about down here the fishing industry is huge in Saint Bernard a lot of people I don't think realize how how much the seafood industry drives this small power and down from from me working down here to a woman who's you know a young mother who's a waitress you know without the seafood industry the the trickle down it's a two billion dollar a year industry for this state without us because they would be in trouble change one thing about something what would it be well if I could change one thing about shrimp and I guess um I guess it would be certain people's attitudes toward our industry because a lot of what we get a lot of the things that I hear are like oh things are tough just go get another job but it's it's more than a job it's uh I mean I'm never gonna get rich but this is more than a job it's not just a job it's Who We Are this is a this is my identity so I can't just go get another job you know I mean if you love your job you love where you're from you never work a whole day in your life this ain't work I love it my job but it's kind of like not a job you know all right y'all I'm here at Rebecca's Cafe in Chalmette Louisiana you know most of our places down here have something to do with shrimp in fact all of you you'd be very hard-pressed to walk into a place in Saint Bernard that does not offer some sort of shrimp dish that's how tide and seafood is to our community now Rachel being the creative person she is she's doing something a little bit different than what some of the other places offer and she's going to do a shrimp Benedict I've actually never had that before I can't wait to see how she does it so let's dig in and see my name is Rachel robushi I'm the owner of rubuchi's Cafe I've been in this industry for 15 years and why did you pick Saint Bernard as a place to open up here I I live here I was born and raised all my life I have worked in the City of New Orleans I have worked on cruise ships and traveled all over the United States with it but there's no place like home so what is it you love about here it's different I've been all over the place and and it's it's different it's it's a cross between where we were hundreds of years ago and in modern it's different it's hard to explain unless you've traveled today we're gonna make shrimp Benedicts all right so what we got there we got the English muffin we're gonna cut it in half and toast it off okay so here's where we so now that the water's boiling we drop the eggs in there and it'll actually cook them we're gonna cook it really into like a medium easy like you would do a Friday it's been it's good butter everything's better and better all right so we pre-make potatoes we boil them just like you would a crawfish ball or shrimp boil and we keep them soaking in the juices and the way we season I would shrimp when we do this uh shrimp Benedict is we actually cook the shrimp in the pot with the juices from the potatoes so it'll start picking it up so it'll be Heba a flavor to it but it's not going to be overwhelming it's like that soft spice where you like you can enjoy the spice but also enjoy the shrimp all right so first we lay down the English muffin I'll put the shrimp on I'll go find a spoons in this way I find to move the poach days with having the least amount of issues and then I just kind of decorate it see where they'll stay the eggs seat themselves okay so now we're going to go ahead and put our potatoes on here all right we're gonna kind of just Cascade them down the center of it until we get our hollandaise sauce you made that yourself we didn't make the Hollandaise sauce ourselves a lot of yolks went into this [Music] all right then because we're doing shrimp we do our remoulade uh sauce we got here and then we'll pour it just a little bit of that on there to go with this and there you go you got shrimp Benedicts all right folks and as you all can see Seafood is a big part of what we do here in Saint Bernard everything from our culture to our fishermen to the boats to the docks even the restaurants everyone appreciates it so when you come down to Saint Bernard make sure you come see them here at rebushi's I mean we showing you exactly what it looks like there's no reason for you to not come try it but I gotta try it myself to give it the final seal of approval there we go all right here we go fresh Saint Bernard Paris shrimp shrimp Benedict man oh man I love it because like she said the shrimp aren't over seasoned that English muffin is really good haters very good all right so at this point if you haven't already go ahead and subscribe like the video leave me a comment down below if you have any questions about coming to Saint Bernard the shrimp that you saw are coming to eat down here I also have all the information that you need to come visit these places that we showed you so check that out as well see y'all next time
Channel: Outside the Levees
Views: 261,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catching shrimp, catch and cook, shrimping, louisiana, shrimp boat, commercial shrimping, night rigging
Id: o_LjceaLE00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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