BIG SHRIMPIN’ part 2 🦐 Commercial Shrimp Boat Ride-Along (Catch and Cook)

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they're stable willing and able where are we going Randall uh on the Parker D with Captain Donnelly today it's a big jump miles you just slide through the hole if you want to it's like sliding them videos I had a big shrimp in part too this is uh starting a lot earlier this is a whole nother left Jay good morning sorry we're late Wayne early we're going big shrimp in part two today in South Carolina David what's your name Buddy Tony good to meet you so we're riding out on the commercial shrimp boat today thanks for having us good morning oh look okay today's our birthday today is my birthday happy birthday Randy officially you ready for us yes what's your name Buddy can you tell me what the plan is today besides catch lots of shrimp we're just gonna drive big Nets right you guys running for something different today us as well it is early but we are headed out there shrimping [Music] Mars excited are you tired yes 11 15 last night here yeah I don't think we got to I didn't go to bed close to midnight this doesn't look like a free man or a Shallow Sport I don't know this is cool Sarah you can teach Nick how to change oil down there too yeah yeah we can stand up I pulled the Pistons out of the Catch-22 engines foreign no there ain't been a real you know but it's fine because rut's pain is good yeah that's what I heard the shrimp prices were up yeah he's been paying us real good we're about to be shrimping here we go miles don't get caught up in this gear yeah really exactly [Music] you get a coach up with how we figure out where we're going thank you [Music] don't want to walk ahead [Music] so we're getting the net set we're just trying to stay out of the way 20 more minutes we put the Nets in shrimp they're ready now though birds are ready foreign a big trip yeah 2.0 I've never seen that before all right hey we could be throwing the cast Nets no sir too cold for that a little Breezy in South Carolina this morning these winds no fun whatsoever foreign foreign we're shrimping now boys got if you get fired from Freeman maybe we can put in your application do you think he'll cut it out here not a chance miles am I gonna get your job on here if you do good today if miles before him throw today this is like his test run maybe he gets dropped by your shrimping the birds the birds are following us [Music] [Music] three hours oh wow three ready Kate ready I hope we get them double check pack in three hours [Music] he said it's boring and I was like not as boring as sword fishing that's boring as hunting I'm hunting is not boring I think it's awesome you ain't been deer hunting with Scotty you think this is boring it's not because it you know it's it's your shooting that makes it boring I need to practice give me a lot of practice can you give us a quick run down we're going we set the Nets we're gonna he said pull for three hours and check them yep what's the name of the boat how long have you been tripping for uh my whole life but I've had my own boat since 94. yeah 94. 94 so that's uh 20 is that 28 years is that right well six plus two it's early 28 28. you think we're gonna Forest golf them today you think it's gonna be stuck it's gonna be tough okay like we didn't work it dropped off so bad but we got a weather change so you know I thought I didn't mind coming to Trump might be in our favor a little bit of the weather change so basically the big planer boards they they go down and pull everything out that's the doors will go down they'll spread and then you have a sled in the middle because we pull two Nets on each side take some opens them up so you got four nuts too okay and how wide is that opening uh it'll be you know you don't get your full spread so you look at it for probably 60 or so for the Fred or whatever you know how many shrimp do we need to break even today [Music] um well we're just gonna make a couple short drags so 167 pounds okay hotels what is a 48 quart like a normal shrimp and rope we're going to cast that it's a 48 quart how much is that weight 50 pounds you can get 50 pounds and at 49 it's like a 48 quart the limit with heads is 48 quarts so what does that equate to entails uh well that would be somewhere around 30. see like those baskets back there if you've got a level basket you can kind of count on 75 pound Tails okay put a level basket to head on it's only going to be about 65 pounds I think I had on right did you pop the heads out here when you get back to the dock miles that might be your drive today [Music] you're trying to pretty much the teachers on the streets so how deep are health is the net touching the bottom oh yeah you want it to get down the bottom and it's going to have a tickling chain in front that bumps the bottom of the other hop up you're going to take that chain how often do you like to run into wrecks and stuff that's what all these different Forks are okay yeah that's a terrible feeling oh yeah oh yeah that's when you match the panic but you're running around but I tell you I've caught some old Schooner anchors and stuff really day back in 1700s and all on the show come on I got one in the front yard and I gave myself yeah those are pretty neat cool yeah can we catch one of those yeah take it home with you on the airplane yeah you can throw it in the frame and bring it to the post shop yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so we're gonna check the Trident that it sounds like first and then in a few hours pull the big nuts a little bit of luck have some shrimp in there see one double jellyfish the birds jelly balls those are jelly balls yeah that's what we catch the bait fish on we didn't get stuck there's a girl over there a flounder yeah we got us a shrimp cocktail we've got as a shrimp cocktail I feel like Forrest Gump when he got his first shrimp we got one what kind of fish is that that yeah right yeah that's what they said oh Scott they got them before the kids hey I got bigger stuff than that all right it's a mini flounder we're checking the TriNet again pull the number two on it 15. 15 shrimp the first time hope it'll be more this time every 15 minutes we're pulling it for now they said maybe later on go 30 minutes but lots of birds fall on us there's some poor perspect there behind us that was so small yeah come on guys you're better now you got it that one's a couple nice ones huh there we go well we got two shrimp cocktails now there you go there's a few more to go are we shrimping in style this is shrimping on a whole nother level I can get used to this we're not on the bay boats needed here this is uh miles just fell down now we'll go and check it again yep y'all have fun I got the seat right here there you go I'll go check them out foreign quick look at that one that's right what are those things called the Mantis or whatever things oh yeah Mansion big man big management yeah okay don't let that thing smack you yeah it's like crazy I got a laser fans right here and they close on it yeah they say that thing's got like more Force than anything and they snap their tails are you happy so far with that amount of shrimp we got is that slow yourself all right it's been slower this year than normal right okay well at least that part's good look at a green in his tail that's pretty he said it's better than the other day at least that part's good check out the colors that shrimp's tail right there oh green all pretty two and a half more hours probably on the big Nets we'll see how we do so we're pulling a small net up one more time here and it's down there we're gonna pull on the big net we've been picking away at him he found an area getting some more shrimp they're big too nice big shrimp and uh clean look good hopefully it'll be a good pull here let's see what happens that's where we're at right now what we got you might as well go down to Blazer Glory how many you got miles and these birds they follow the food because he got a bycatching a little fish they push it out there and the birds get them [Music] Birdman foreign [Music] foreign how's that for full producing [Music] good and then birds are stealing my shrimp oh yeah get out of here bro yeah yeah [Music] they're stealing a shrimp that's a big one foreign [Music] [Music] what's that oh Spanish or King all right so they're D heading them right now taking the heads off and uh put them in the uh crates there you go by size too so we're keeping them 21. 21-25 and that was at 21 25 shrimp per pound of 21 to 25. okay so doing it by size or taking the heads up they want 2125 that means it's 21 24 shrimp one pound they got a couple different baskets out basket there the bigger ones smaller medium ones down there [Music] [Music] [Music] is squid what do you think pretty cool pretty right I got a crab here God you got grab on you the T-shirt how to pop the heads up oh God [Music] that's gonna take too long [Music] doing you just pop all these gloves are too big we got blood action Drone footage my blood pressure is like eight thousands always died it was dying [Music] that's pretty cool huh that's super cool how's the fender it's all right it's a little blood a little blush [Music] as you can see the professionals are really quick at it the new bees are doing decent but they got a long way to go you guys are doing good oh look at that crab on top movies [Music] I just got pooped on again that's twice and I've been pooped over that's where all your shrimp come from if you guys eat shrimp especially up here [Music] the same picture in part two guys this is extra large tripping this is like 10.0 it's way to cool it out oh yeah so we're still working on de-hetting all these shrimp so we're putting the tri net here to see how this area is this will be a while that's weird looking huh I know it's a cool looking crab that's awesome right you were heading him as you went oh that's quick he was picking that attention to headphones he picked him up there look at that that's pretty quick hey you're doing good you're getting better getting bigger miles how you doing buddy are you hitting them too yeah yeah yeah not a very good holy moly look at that thing there that is a big shrimp oh my god dude that is insane that's crazy these guys are smokers their baskets are full yeah ours are about not even a quarter but everyone's getting faster we'll say that sir Kate miles today I'm just popping the heads up and you're supposed to be doing it by size but uh we're not that good here so we're just gonna pop their heads up and then uh resize them after that we'll see then probably about two hours two and a half hours you're gonna pull the nest again but basically just popping the heads up I'm trying to watch this guy see how they do it but if you can get it in one shot so you can do it fairly quick a couple different ways to do it when you get this many of it you want to be quick on it so if you can do it like that I guess I got a long way to go though but I'm learning some of these shrimps are huge I mean that's a really nice shrimp right there let's do this I always wanted to see this I feel like we're on the Janae with Forrest gumps [Music] so we're slowly catching up no we're not oh miles you got pooped on buddy a bird pooped on the backyard thing here we're not really catching up for that but we're making progress and we're getting better ourselves so but check this out is that your second password right Charlie was that your second passport s tastes faster well I'll tell you what you're all a lot faster than us you're doing more than us five of us combined look at that shrimp holy moly this big shrimping baby so these are the smaller ones these are the bigger one how's that feel good happy that's a big basket of shrimp okay you're getting faster too right now they're filling up there you go I know miles is playing with jelly balls trying to hit the birds you think you'd be faster if we just stopped doing what we're doing up there no we're not slowing it down too much not at all that's because we're at least we're out there away from you good man if we were back here it would be in your way probably that's right and he said these things live a long time huh these takes to live out of the water for hours and hours all overnight they said watch how fast these heads get picked up as he picks it up it pinches the heads up he's got it down to a science both these guys too [Music] Three Doors Down [Music] Three Doors Down the house with the shrimp popping fish tonight [Music] almost done huh I feel like we helped at least we did I mean between that one and that one it's almost a full basket yeah we didn't we didn't sort them but and that basket right there weighs almost 75 pounds he said 70 to 75 pounds right here full of shrimp and then these are the smaller ones down there there's a poor basket over here too yeah that one there another one over here so they did all that by themselves you know you see the basket basket and a quarter I would say we got to do one full basket between like four of us so yeah we're doing a lot fast enough okay happy birthday what's the biggest drink I think they were living though like two years ago you are doing something that kind of lavender I'll have it to the problem like three years ago you almost done that looked like that the whole way through this has that shrimp that's the bigger than four miles holy moly so they just lifted up the table here and underneath there's the ice box okay we're in the big leagues now boys foreign yes sir [Music] yeah but that one went in the store look at that trick look at that trick you know all the tricks huh I don't know if you guys saw you put the ice on the top and chop it all around there yeah and the ice goes right in through with them we ice down now so we just pulled around another two hours we didn't do another full three hours they were doing the tri net the small net and uh had a really good pull and they had like 41 shrimp in it last time so he thinks we might have gotten right here with a lot more shrimp and a little bit of luck this bullet would be as good as the last one if not better the birds are here riding along we got Pelicans on the bow we got seagulls and gannets whatever they are up here who knows I don't know what type of birds those are but we're we got lots of stuff here we're pulling in the big nets come check it out [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign thank you [Music] get out of here Bird yeah [Music] thank you very much shrimp Nick I know bye bye buddy yeah [Music] look at these shrimp guys big old shrimp baby shrimping [Music] here all right that right there is a big shrimp folks ah that one there might even be bigger oh yeah [Music] you're getting fired on your first day hey birds back off the birds are trying to fly with their shrimp oh now we're talking right there that's awesome [Music] pop the head off [Music] come on Randall is that a good pull yeah decent yeah what do you think Randy that's pretty cool pretty cool to see it's definitely a different experience today we've never done this before right oh first time doing this one [Music] that's what it's all about you know that's right this has been a part of the local [Music] country oh yeah a lot of work you're hanging you got that right you ain't kidding bye bye buddy [Music] be free miles do you think you got being a shrimper in your future career maybe maybe well you're doing decent now so you guys are doing a lot faster sir what do you think pretty cool yeah the guys are gonna de-head all these shrimp we're gonna help them a little bit and we're heading back to the dock so a little bit of an earlier day they would have kept fishing but uh they kind of want to take a higher spots but I appreciate that a big thank you to everyone on board especially Kat we'll uh see you guys on the way there which one of you Birds pooped on me almost back in so we're coming back in Inlet here you guys are making quick work back here that basket there's 80 full is the smaller shrimp down here we're getting a little better up here I mean we got a long way to go to you guys but five or six they got smaller baskets five or six of us is doing about half of what one of you guys do so they're looking at the shrimp and you know they're keeping the head facing weights they can pop them up there they happen so fast to move them around I mean it's hard to it how much you're gonna get in your hands about 10 total you think five and five well twelve thirteen you got big hands huh there's some discarding some bycatch but that's just part of shrimping the birds love it though you can hear the birds going crazy [Music] that's a minute shrimp right here guys they're bad news and dangerous gotta be careful with these things they could smack you and hurt you clean up crew Randy you know it somebody gotta be good at something oh he's steaming up he's bumping her up guys there you guys blowing out the motor there what do you think top speed is on here I know I don't know yeah I don't know whatever they go to clean a net you might want to come up because they'll be slinging jelly everywhere no tell Randy to stay back there Scott stay in the back when I clean the nest this is really cool that's what it's called what was this the chains tickle the ticklers right so it hits the bottom and gets the shrimp jumping that's it got it got the house now if one of us want to get a job on here who's got the best shot who who worked the best out of us the little guy where's miles at all right miles where he's high for us he's the one right it's like miles would be the best candidate if uh one of us gonna get a job on here sir are these chairs more comfortable than mine yes a nice chair hey thank you for taking us out here it was fun cool to see a unique experience he drives the boat like how I drive it my foot yeah how many times you think we got a couple hundred or not oh yeah well we had a I'll take this out as 160 on the first one and then I don't even know what what it is right okay good well you don't think it's bored as an eagle right there uh an eagle oh yeah there's an eagle over there look there's an eagle over here guys the bald eagle guys so uh you've been doing it for how long 15 years it's like 15 years what's the best day ever the best day ever The Best Day Ever is when we get to offload and then about an hour later I'm gonna get a text and I look at my phone and David's gonna say your text ready payday baby yeah it's the most pounds [Music] we had a couple 40 basket drags so you're talking maybe 26 2700 pounds for the drag that's for the drags just like yeah yeah yeah so you know were you able to get out here tomorrow and it's here you know I never know great trumpet big shrimping baby big shrimping if you like what you saw so far in this video drop a thumbs up we had a ball with these guys pretty fun we want to try to get more views on the other shrimp video so thank you guys for watching that one big shrimp and part two needs more views we got this we got it especially since we got more shrimp Joe we don't even show up yeah I mean come on you got girls this time we got girls girls yeah we definitely need more of them God and Miles was here too and Scott yeah you weren't even there last time I was entertained I was trying to I got a deer hunt you know we had to kind of pull it together last minute this year that's right we got uh somebody did it oh yeah oh yeah we're sleeping right now [Music] great good good we have an awesome attention good to meet you it was a fun day [Music] shut up [Music] you wanna put some ice in between there [Music] [Music] that's what I want oh boy [Music] thank you guys so much for taking us along with you too appreciate itself [Music] weeding good tonight so that wraps up the shrimp and Expedition we're gonna see you guys back at the house here cooking tonight we're having a big shrimp feast and you can get these fresh River from Carolina seafood retail market and it's right up here so if you guys are ever down here in McClellanville I don't know if I'm saying 100 right but if you're down there you guys want to eat some of these fresh shrimp off these boats here come check it out there Carolina seafood retail market right there they got all sorts of stuff in there fish clams shrimp crabs you name it they got it scallops I see that we're about to have shrimp burgers Paul can be your Wes tonight but we hope you're having fun on our bachelor party but anyhow Stephen Just Whipped up some shrimp burgers I'm gonna let them kind of tell you what's in them then we got 10 patties made here we uh pulled all the shells off the shrimp there in the back of Scott's truck and there's a lot of shrimp in that cooler now what all was in the shrimp burgers there Steven oh you got pureed shrimp we also have to chop some just to get a little more texture right and then it's breadcrumbs parmesan cheese a little bit of spices like Old Bay smoked paprika there's egg in there too right yeah there's two eggs two eggs in the batch so it's about we say three pounds of shrimp four pounds of shrimp four pounds yeah it's gonna be yummy a couple of them have jalapenos we're gonna try to burn Scott's mouth yeah you can see the green jalapenos and a couple of them there what'd you think of the experience there pretty cool pretty cool I was I've lived in the Carolinas for a long time and see media shrimp boats on the water I've never been on one that was really cool to see how how it all worked Wasabi was hot it Wasabi's hot it was hot would you eat the Wahoo yeah yes it was a little warm on the day it's Randy's birthday yeah Randy Happy Birthday Thank you thank you Arnie McCabe we're sending you a hat good to meet you there hopefully we'll see you down in the keys one day if you ever make it there the shrimp burgers are done and they look and smell really good you guys Bubba Gump would be proud brought to you by the Parker D yep thank you Parker D for taking us out there for the experience those look really good there you guys we got some venison backstrap on the Traeger over here too check that out we're gonna have ourselves a feast tonight miles how's the burger it's pretty good pretty good really good what do you think of the burger Kate I love it I think it might be his best one yet Steven's pretty well known for making shrimp burgers lately yeah he has uh he stepped his game out best way she got jambalaya crawfish pie yo mama you got a little shrimp burger there everybody's happy got a bad Saturday huh the fresh shrimp make all the difference yeah there's some pretty shrimp out there too oh very nice we're doing good stuff Randy good stuff really good stuff pretty good you approved thumbs up perfect the back strap's almost done we got shrimp burgers everyone's inside eating them they got the music going though so I stepped outside here to talk to you guys and tell you what I thought of it it looks really good the last one I had was up here a year ago that Paul made that was pretty good too we got one more tonight try kind of like Sarah said tastes like a burger but with shrimp a really good something different to do we got a bunch of boiled trim we got backs trap we got Wahoo appetizer and uh we had a pretty good trip out here so it's pretty cool and pretty fun really enjoy something different you know something unique so we really appreciate them taking us on the Parker D and hopefully we got to do it again one day I'm gonna go back inside you guys and hang out with everyone but I hope you enjoyed that video hit that like button make sure to subscribe if you want any merch head to the website that wraps it up but we'll see you all next time and uh stay tuned we got more videos coming your way they ain't gonna make it are they they're not gonna make the cut
Channel: StanzFam
Views: 516,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StanzFam, Stanczyk, nick stanczyk, Florida Keys, Fishing, Freeman boats, freeman boatworks, bud n mary's marina, sword fish, capt nick stanczyk, freeman catamaran, islamorada fishing, traeger grill, swordfish, swordfishing, stanz, stanz fishing, fishing in islamorada, 42 Freeman, Freeman 42, shrimping, south carolina, mcclellanville, commercial shrimping, shrimp boat, trawl net, shrimp burger, how to catch shrimp, parker d, white shrimp, horseshoe crab, nets, netting shrimp
Id: _Ueeex7So6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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