Catching Fish in a Trap (CATCH AND COOK)

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all right folks I got me one of them big old wire catfish traps so let's just kind of take a look at it I'll show youall what it is what it's made out of and uh then we'll start setting it up as to how we're going to use it all right so what you have here is the that's the first uh opening of the trap now if you just had that alone your fish could probably get back out but then you have this throat here on the inside of that all this trap was made by my buddy Ryan budro over there in Morgan City um he makes lots of different Nets but you've got your main opening then you have a secondary throat and that's what's going to trap your fish in they're going to go in through that and then as this thing is kind of cinched down you could see they're not going to get back out so they'll be stuck in this trap and then over here is the end of the Trap where you see it's tied got a string coming off of it and then this is where you'll be able to open and empty your trap out like this all right now that trap is ready to be rigged up so now I got to figure out how I'm going to get this thing to set down in the water set down on the bottom without kind of flowing and moving around in the current so see what we can get figured out all right now my trap is a little bit over 2T across here and it's 54 in Long this is actually just a piece of cattle uh panel some people will weld it but it look like he uh he used some clamps to clamp it shut so I'm going to have a bridal come off all right all right at the end of My Bridal just going to put a little Loop here to tie off too all right that's pretty much what I got there all right so now I tied some rope to my Bridal I'm going to go with about 10t out and see what that looks like all right so at about 10t I feel like I'm going to get a good hold we're not going to have too much shift we're not setting in a lot a lot of current I mostly just need something that's going to hold it down to the bottom and hold it in the direction that I want so we're going to go with 10t of rope here now I got to get my weight ready all right I got me a broken piece of cinder block here I like it cuz it's got a little something the Rope can grab on to um all right tied off there now I need to make another one for the other side there is the back weight and as you can see if I kind of put pressure on it it's not really twisting and turning which I think is what you want you want it to keep facing that same direction there's the back end leading out to the front end so there we go so all in all I don't know I'd say about 25 ft the whole assembly is now we got one thing left to do so this will be on the water bottom and I believe we'll be setting in about 6t of water I said this is about 2T high already sinking in the mud a little bit but whatever and then so I'm going to have a rope coming off of here with a buoy so I know exactly where it's at all right now it'll pretty much wrap it up coming off the top that way this will float on top the water and kind of Mark where the this is that so we can get to it also give us hopefully something to pull up on when it's full of catfish so let's get the rest of them set up and get on out there all right y'all I got my catfish traps all loaded up I needed to get some professional trapping advice see I never ran these before these boys set traps for a living they are professional crabbers they're also social media store so go check them out what y'all are on right now Tik Tok Facebook YouTube and and what's it under FV Santa 5 we're going to try to catch some catfish I got these guys they're going to give me some advice we're going to look at some of the best places to put them so this is all an experimentation thank y'all for being here let's go set them out what you think bro oh dude I think we're going to kill them you think we're going to get them yes sir y'all going to have to stay tuned for this this thing's going to be loaded see now down here we primarily focus on saltwater fish crab shrimp but uh catfish just seem to be getting more and more plentiful so we're going to figure out different ways to catch them loading the traps up see y'all got a lot more room to work than I got we we'd be a little tight in my boat it's all right we got a dam pack all right so tell us what y'all doing on a on a normal day what are y'all normally we usually go out run about 600 traps a day wow and I'll I think we leave what about 5:30 uhhuh so this is a late start for y'all yeah so let me show you oh yeah yes indeed and then this is some shad and some mullet but the secret ingredient that's the prize possession right there bullfrogs y'all don't sleep on them them things are going to work dude you want to know why they look at the look at the blood in there right when that run when that runs through the water them catfish are going to go crazy all right so we got several different beats to try now one thing I learned from my buddy Jimmy Hickman who does this for a living is that once those fish get in there they start regurgitating which actually attracts more fish so we just got to get a few in there and get them you know so filled up that they have to relieve themselves a little bit and hopefully we'll catch even more doing that all right y'all we putting the first one out we got the little gumbo of bait here we got crabs that's some fish some bullfrogs they going to like that huh huh what what yeah they going to go crazy there we go oh we got eel too we got eel too oh my goodness Got Sushi in there dang boy we got it all I forgot about the eel we got a little bit of everything that's five star baby that's five star all right keep going wait till this gets tight and we see how that goes bro trap one damn all right so that was net number one how you feeling bro how you feeling about it I think that it's going to be too heavy for us to pick up up you heard it here so that's why you want to make sure you stay tuned and watch the whole thing don't be skipping forward now come on all right that's the bullfrogs people ask me why I don't eat my whole frogs well first of all I like the legs the best second of all I like to use the rest for bait it's really one of the better baits I've ever used all right so the way we do it we set one weight let it get a little tight let the Trap go over [Music] C and then let it tight and then drop and that's it now she's fishing all right and once again please go check these guys out they're actually right here on YouTube so if you want to go see them FV Santa F please go check them out they've got some really good content that speaks a lot about the culture down here and they just have a good time let's be honest you get to see their lifestyle going out working hard on the crab boat and having a good time so please go give these guys a follow you can actually pause my video right now and go look them up they're on Tik Tok and Instagram and right here on YouTube so thank y'all for tuning in we got one more to put out and I'm thinking catfish all right we're going to show y'all what these guys do on a normal day there's the hook uh uhoh oh there they are that's the money makers huh got cash little in there we're going to shake them to the top so they don't need the ba wow no uh-oh uh-oh uhoh uh-oh wait a minute now is that a catfish head yes sir oh bro so we just really catching y'all beat yeah yeah okay all right hey that ain't bad that ain't bad at all just from one day too bad that's the one that's the one all right y'all we over here at Le's place now on a day when these guys aren't running crab traps like today they got lots and lots of work to do but this is this is y'all main boat this is our new one new one okay so it hasn't even not touched the water yet wow when do you feel like it'll be ready maybe July June July some just in time for when the crabs maybe pick up yeah right so they got the new boat to work on then what y'all what else y'all normally do on a day like this work on them travs right over here H traps dirty traps yeah so your equipment sits out in the water year round you got to work these look ready huh oh yeah yeah wow what they should look like so what's an example of something y'all have to patch or fix on these right here we cut the whole bottoms off put the whole new top on it oh like I'll show you one over here when they look like this after they done they look like that right that's a that's a before and after right there dang boy oh got some grass on them on the tops of most partment that get rotten out up top where it get oh they rot out yeah they R out oh okay so how old is a trap like this this trap right here is years old only about 3 years old it's already Ro wow y'all we back on the Santa fo got the crew with me again it's been a couple days and we're excited hey I've had it happen where you don't get nothing doing stuff like this so I'm trying to manage my expectations but I'm also really excited I know they are too so let's go check the first one fingers crossed what we well guys the first tra is a noo we got a turtle in there he's a live one we going to see if we can grab him without him biting me he ain't happy with you no he ain't happy at all but we going to we going to catch him release him he's nice and live y'all watch from swim away put him in the water right here go on back buddy go to your hole all right we're coming up on trap number two hopefully this one did better yes sir I'm a my feelings are a little hurt oh dude mine too I at least want about five to 10 in there I know just a little just a something to show us that they here I know all right got a crab got some perch in there we not very good at we got a live crab in there a live crab and three Sid we not too good at this are we I don't think we are look at the colors on that thing mhm all right let them go all we tried we got one more trap left we are not cat fisherman cat she huh I don't know boys I think the bait's too too batish all right there we go now we got The Right Stuff y'all we tried on this job you can never worry about your hands getting a little dirty see I like I like free bait you know what I mean if it's free it's me but you got to go with with the man who builds the net recommends and this is what he recommended loose large pogy in the net he said that's going to get them more than anything going down got to make sure she's long enough get bottom baby come on baby find a bot you can do it come on that's it right there all right we had just enough sometimes you can call me South Cari sometimes not all right now we got two of them back out deeper water more current and nothing but pogy so we're going to go do one more let it sit longer that was another thing Ryan said he said 2 days unless you're really where they want to be give it a little bit longer so that's what we're going to do all right we're getting a trap testing traps after we set the catfish traps we got to test a few crab traps just to see oh goodness look at that big old one in there he ain't little big old Chopper dang boy another Chopper right there uhhuh that's a big one all right y'all one last try we're going back out now those traps have set for about four or 5 days and they've set in some deep water where we know the catfish are fixing the spawn so I think we were just playing around a little bit too shallow water water that they were actually moving out from so let's go see if we got it right this time all right here's trap number one it's had plenty of time to it I'm a little worried it's tangled up down there but try to hope for the best here folks try to hope for the best all right how's it feeling Tate wa to little bit weight to all right right yeah see it's all cockeye we got a few we got a few we lost our weight or did we no no we did all right that's better than nothing oh yeah that's better than nothing boys nice woo all right all right we get our weight up here all right okay let's see to oh Lord they coming up yeah somehow it got loose they got so we might have had more than that guys oh yeah we might have had a lot more than that all right it only kept the big ones in there yeah that's what happened all right well I'm all right sweet okay I mean that El eite right oh yeah will eat that will eat we got one more weight in all right so it wasn't necessarily that it wasn't set right we just had a little something get loose all right some nice blue cast folks heck yeah all right all right trap number two uh-oh uhoh got some weight little bit of weight little bit of weight not not a terrible amount all right let's see all right come on baby all right we're down to the second rope now all right please not be all right we got something in it oh what is that three okay this one they ain't get out of that's one they didn't get out so we still got a lot to learn but we on our way they do have a little hole in it they have a hole Yeah right there where oh oh damn look at that that's where they all went maybe alligators yeah could be I mean we already already got a mess of fish that's not the end of the world by any means so now would just be a matter of tweaking it and trying to get it right but I'll take it all right there's trap number three and we're just doing this recreationally so you know let's say you wanted enough for a fish fry we already set now might have to roll up the SLE Tate said we got to roll up our sleeves baby yep crap all right so what went wrong with that one what went wrong with that one that's the question where could they let's see if we can find a hole something they got out no baa nothing in it no baa nothing yet all right there we go shake your crabs out there we go all right all right folks well we finally got a little bit figured out now it's just a matter of getting even better at it I did go ahead and donate all all those fish aside from a few to Mr Brian a buddy of mine who cooked for law enforcement and stuff like that a lot so he's going to use that it's going to go to good use but I'm going to show y'all how I'm going to cook the ones that I did keep uh all I really am doing is some deep frying so I got my little camp stove set up outside and we're going to drop the catfish fillets them beautiful beautiful catfish I sliced them up small and thin and we're going to drop them into some egg wash then we're going to get from the egg wash into the Italian bread crumbs like that all right so then we're just going to go ahead and drop that's it that's done look how crispy that is Bo on get that over here yes the all right folks I did keep those two crabs that we caught in that one net and then here I've got some Creole mustard with a little bit of cream and so then we're going to kind of combine that Stir It Up good Creole mustard and a little bit of cream then I've got a slice of lemon here so we'll add some lemon juice like so then I'm going to take some of that beautiful crab meat throw that in there there run that crab meat all through that like so I'm going to take that fried catfish and just Ladle that on top beautiful huh look at that all right folks look at that creation now we got to try it that looks too good to be true huh if you haven't already go ahead and give me a subscribe if you want to if you want to see more we appreciate having y'all as always see you on the next next one
Channel: Outside the Levees
Views: 67,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g0RTmfl4i9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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